HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1987 - 05/28 - RegularPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
® MAY 28, 1987
Commissioners Present:
Ken Browning, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
Carolyn Latimer
Charles Lee
Commissioners Absent:
Dan Contreras
John Garcia
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sally Leeper, Secretary
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order by
Chairman Browning at 7:31 p.m. at the City Council Chambers,
Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes April 9, 1987 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of April 9, 1987, Regular meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Latimer, the Commission voted
5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of
April 9, 1987, as submitted. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Jackie M. Radke
(Agenda Item III)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Jackie M. Radke,
Wallace Kemp, Four -T Partnership, Triple -T Partnership,
and Jupiter/Allen Joint Venture to change the zoning on
33.60 acres form "R-2" Residential to "PD" Planned
Development to include Community Facilities, Garden
Office with limited retail, and Multi -family uses.
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE TWO
® Public Hearing
Jackie M. Radke (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
"The property is located in the following surveys
and abstracts:
Situated in the State of Texas, County of Collin,
being a part of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract
No. 708 and a part of the George W. Ford Survey,
Abstract No. 328, being a portion of the 241.5
acre parcel described and conveyed by deed recorded
in Volume 321, Page 165, of the Collin County Deed
Situated in the State of Texas, and County of
Collin, being a part of the William Perrin Survey,
Abstract No. 708;
further described as being east of State Highway 5, west
of Jupiter Road, and north of the Oak Hill Addition."
Mr, J. T. Dunkin, Dallas, Texas, presented the proposal to the
Commission. He stated that this site is shown on the land use
plan as residential. The location is just north of a residential
subdivision. He discussed the surrounding zoning.
Mr. Dunkin stated that the owners feel the garden office tracts
would be compatible to the Light Industrial zoning to the west.
The Multi -family district would be in accordance with the Multi-
family district in the Zoning Ordinance. They are asking for a
50 -foot front yard set back in Tract 4, Garden Office. They have
also indicated a 10 -foot landscape strip in the front yard area
on Tract 4. Similar standards are proposed for Tract 3.
Additionally, they are asking for limited retail uses in Tract 3.
The offices proposed would be for professional, administrative
type tenants. The request is for a maximum height of two stories.
They are showing a collector street as an extension of Prestige
The Community Facilities tract is in accordance with the Zoning
Chairman Browning opened the public hearing.
Julie Hill, 547 White Oak, discussed the change
from existing R-2 to a planned development. She
questioned what would happen to the two easements
north of White Oak, and whether they would be
included in the planned development. She expressed
numerous concerns regarding the Community Facilities
and Multi -family districts, and the use of the north
Public Hearing
Jackie M. Radke (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
alley of White Oak within the planned development.
She requested a brick screen with steel reinforcements.
Tom Keener stated the 30 -foot easement (15 -foot TP&L
and 15 -foot owned by a private individual) is not a part
of this request. City ordinances will not allow ingress
or egress into the planned development from a residential
alley. He further advised that any site plan in a planned
development requires a public hearing.
Mr. Dunkin discussed the uses allowed in a Community
Facilities district.
Commissioner Armand stated that the open space in the
Community Facilities district would not be used to
fulfill open space requirements in the Multi -family district.
Chairman Browning advised that the R-2 zoning on this
property was a standard holding pattern for property
when this property was annexed into the city.
Dan Fusco, 500 White Oak, stated this should remain a
residential neighborhood.
David Lance, 533 White Oak, discussed the traffic problems
in the area.
Tom Keener stated the through street through the
proposed development would be a 60 -foot collector street.
Gary Yost, Barton-Aschman Associates, traffic consultant,
stated the traffic access will be from a 60 -foot
collector street which should absorb some of the east/west
traffic between Jupiter and Greenville out of the residential
neighborhood. The level of service will be held at a
level C.
Ken Taylor, 532 White Oak, discussed the police problems
with multi -family in the city.
Tom Keener stated this request is for 18 units per acre,
which is similar to the Wildwood Village Apartment complex
at Jupiter and Chaparral.
Bill Daily, 503
White Oak, stated he was under
impression when
he purchased his property that
property to the
north would remain residential
Laura Tibodeau,
5451 Independence Parkway, discussed
availability of
the major thoroughfares on each
side of
this property and
how they lend the property to
the type
of development being proposed.
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE FOUR
Public Hearing
Jackie M. Radke (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
Jean Brown, 509 White Oak, discussed the fact that
residential in this neighborhood does not face Hwy. 5.
She stated she had not received a public hearing letter.
She had purchased the property in September, 1986.
Staff later responded by advising Mrs. Brown that a
letter had been sent to the previous owner at 509
White Oak according to the tax office records researched
at this time.
Steve Carroll, 530 White Oak, stated his concerns were
with the 50 -foot front yard variance being requested,
and other considerations being requested by the proponent.
Roxanne Seipp, 525 White Oak, stated she is opposed to
this proposal. She mentioned the possible problem of
dumpsters being in view from her back yard.
James Hilton, 521 White Oak, discussed the fact that
he was opposed to the previous proposal on the property.
Chairman Browning closed the public hearing.
Mr. Dunkin responded to questions raised during the public
hearing. The previous request was for multi -family, office
and retail. He discussed the fact that two thoroughfares
adjacent to the property, and one nearby to the south (Bethany)
lend themselves to this type of planned development. He stated
that this property does not lend itself to single family, or it
would have been developed by now, because there is more land
available that does not have this thoroughfare situation.
He feels the proposal represents the best use of the property.
Mr. Dunkin stated the proponent is aware of the ownership of
the two easements to the south of this property. He stated
they would be willing to work with the homeowners as to the
type of screening to be used and other issues that have been
mentioned tonight.
Chairman Browning stated he did not feel the development would
necessarily detract from the property values in Oak Hill.
Commissioner Armand discussed the subject of tax revenue on
this property. He stated he has many questions and would
suggest a workshop be held on this proposal.
Chairman Browning suggested a group of neighbors work with
Mr. Dunkin's group and bring some suggestions to a workshop
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE FIVE
Public Hearing
Jackie M. Radke (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
Commissioner Karlsruher stated she did not care for the plan.
Her concern is with the property to the east and feels that
this proposal is too much of a variance to the Comprehensive
Commissioner Lee stated he was comfortable that this property
will not develop as single family, but feels this proposal is
too much of a variance to the Comprehensive Plan. He suggested
the developer and the homeowners should cooperate with each
other to work out some of the problems.
Commissioner Latimer stated she agreed that this property will
be a long time developing as single family, and suggests that
the developer and homeowners meet together to discuss their
Chairman Browning stated that it is important for the property
owners to work with the developers to give them an opportunity
to voice their opinions and desires.
Commissioner Armand mentioned the following concerns:
1. Garden Office should be one story.
2. Right-of-way dedication on Hwy. 5 and Jupiter should
be included in the proposal.
3. Front yards should be 100 feet in Garden Office tracts.
9. Retail uses.
Four homeowners volunteered to work with Mr. Dunkin on this
proposal. Staff recommended the action be tabled until
a specific date.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Lee, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to table the proposal until proponent is ready
to appear before the Commission. The motion carried.
Staff suggested that a specific date should be set so that the
adjacent property owners will be aware of the date.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Lee, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to rescind the previous motion. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Lee and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 5 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to table this agenda item until the first meeting
in July, at which time it will be placed on the agenda.
The motion carried.
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE SIX
Public Hearing
Paragon Group (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Paragon Group
to amend "PD" Planned Development No. 3 to amend Tract
D to allow truck storage with site plan approval, on
3.7 acres in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No.
708, further described as being located in the Allen
Business Centre Addition to the City of Allen, north
of Bethany Drive and west of S.H. 5."
Mr. Bob Cutliff, Paragon Group, 7557 Rambler Road, Dallas, Texas,
presented the request to the Commission. Proponent is requesting
site plan approval on Tract D (southeast quadrant) for parking
facilities. The facilities will be used by Texas Star Trucking
Corporation for parking of trailers that are in a transient mode.
The parking is not for permanent storage or a truck stop.
Mr. Steve Hughes, Paragon Group, further described the improve-
ments being requested. The paving will be 750 feet south of the
residential development, and 500 feet north of Bethany Drive.
There will be 12,900 square feet of paving which will meet City
of Allen standards.
Chairman Browning questioned the difference between the last
request and this proposal. Mr. Petty stated the proposal was
previously on Tract B, with a long drive to the rear of the lot.
This configuration is different from the previous one. Chairman
Browning questioned why the proposal has been moved to Tract D,
and Mr. Cutliff stated it would be more directly adjacent to the
user's lease space.
Mr. Gengis Nazim, 8 Prestige Circle, Allen, discussed his
company's decision to locate in Allen, the number of employees
that live in Allen, and the maintenance of the trucks owned
by the company. He stated that their trucks are maintained in
Garland and no freight is stored in Allen. He stated that at
this time the drivers are parking on Prestige Circle. He stated
that he understood there was no ordinance against parking the
equipment on the street. There is no movement of freight, no
maintenance, and no fuel at the site.
Chairman Browning asked if the provision of truck parking
had been a condition of the lease. Mr. Nazim stated a condition
of the lease was that Paragon provide them a certain number
of parking spaces. The decision not to build the first time
when this request was approved was that of Paragon Group.
Public Hearing
Paragon Group (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Browning questioned staff as to an ordinance regarding
parking the trucks on the street. Mr. Petty stated that the
City Traffic Code does prevent parking of this type of equipment
on city streets and alleys. Chairman Browning asked if this
ordinance has ever been enforced? Mr. Nazim stated that it
has not been enforced.
Commissioner Latimer stated that the equipment has been an
eyesore to drivers on Bethany Drive.
Mr. Cutliff stated he had questioned whether there was an
ordinance prohibiting the parking and he was told that it was
OK as long as the street was wide enough. Mr. Hughes later
called the City and was informed by Mr. Petty that there was a
traffic code ordinance against this type of parking.
Chairman Browning questioned the plans for screening this
area. Mr. Hughes stated they are proposing a six to eight foot
living screen.
Mr. Keener stated that a screen is not a part of this proposal.
Mr. Hughes stated that if one is required, they are proposing a
six to eight foot living screen.
Commissioner Lee questioned the number of tractor trailers
the facility will handle. Mr. Nazim stated four, or possibly
eight. The agreement is for four, but they would like to
have eight. Mr. Nazim discussed the company's plans for growth.
Mr. Petty stated the request only applies to Tract D, and
shows four spaces only; and further expansion would require
site plan approval.
Chairman Browning opened the public hearing.
Vern LaHart, President, DLM, stated he opposes this
plan. He presented pictures taken at the location
of this proposal. He emphasized the temporary nature
of the parking area proposed.
Mr. James Barringer, 715 Circle Cove, driver for
Texas Star Express, discussed the need for a place
to park the trucks. He stated that all equipment
such as these in question are over the load limit
for the City of Allen streets.
Mrs. Evelyn Peabody, 309 Willow Creek Circle, stated
that Allen streets are not made for trucks to turn
on. She has noticed the trucks running over the curbs.
Public Hearing
Paragon Group (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Eric Nazim, 1223 NW 18th, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, questioned the reason behind allowing a
company to locate in the city, and then not
allow them to park their equipment. He stated
that the plan is temporary because the company
is growing, but it is not a bad plan. This is a
parking lot, and not a truck stop.
Mr. Phillip Dennis, 206 Willow Creek Circle,
discussed the original proposal. He stated
the present proposal requests fewer parking
spaces than the original request. He discussed
the subject of City taxes, and the traffic
requirements of Bethany Drive between Hwy. 75
and Jupiter, and further to the east. He stated
that the spaces proposed for four trucks is
insufficient as the company already has as many
as 10 trucks parking on the street at any given
time. fie stated his family has heard the trucks
as late as 10:00 p.m.
Mr. John Smith, 217 Willow Creek Circle, spoke
against the request and mentioned the noise problem.
Mr. Pete Peabody, 309 Willow Creek Circle,
discussed the noise caused by the trucks. He
added that he feels the truck storage will keep
the rest of the property from developing. He
questioned whether this change was truly needed
or just a convenience to the owner.
Jan Haga, 500 Willow Oak, stated that she was the
wife of an employee at Texas Star Express, and
spoke in favor of the request because they would
like to continue to live in Allen.
Chairman Browning closed the public hearing
Chairman Browning stated that the previous request was for a
proposed use, all information was speculative, and a decision
was made at that time based on the information given to the
Commission. He abstained from that decision because he felt
at that time that he had a conflict of interest, but has been
advised by the City Attorney that he does not have a legal
conflict of interest.
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE NINE
Public Hearing
Paragon Group (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Petty discussed the difference between a truck storage or
truck parking lot as a principal use and as an accessory use.
The proposal tonight is for a truck parking lot as a principal
use. If this is incorporated into the existing site plan
for Paragon's building, it would be as an accessory use and
would be allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. He added that the
proposal tonight is unclear as to the planned number of parking
spaces. The certificate of occupancy that was issued for Texm
Star Express is for office use only. He further advised the
proponents of the need for good planning, and that the proposal
needs to show the number of spaces they need. This proposal
shows four spaces only, and if there is a change later, it will
require an additional public hearing and a new site plan
Staff recommended that the Commission ascertain what is
actually being proposed before any action is taken.
Chairman Browning asked if there is an alternative to this
proposal that would be better for the proponents. Mr. Petty
stated he had discussed with Mr. Hughes of Paragon the
possibility of a facility that would be an extension of the
parking lot on Tract C with an amendment to that site plan,
which would incorporate truck parking as an accessory use to
the existing building. He further emphasized that the Light
Industrial tract will have truck traffic, but the key is in
the planning for this traffic. He recommended to the proponents
a plan that would incorporate the parking lot into the existing
facility as an amendment to the site plan.
Mr. Cutliff apologized for the confusion in the number of
parking spaces being requested. Paragon's intention was to
extend Tract C to allow parking of the trucks, but the turning
radius would not be sufficient.
He requested to withdraw the proposal and attempt to come up
with a better plan. He stated they will come back after they
solve the problems mentioned this evening.
Mr. Petty stated staff would be happy to work with the proponent.
Commissioner Armand suggested that enough parking spaces be
planned for and a proper screen be proposed from Bethany
and Willow Creek Estates.
There was a question raised as to the legality of parking
on the street.
MAY 28, 1987 PAGE TEN
Public Hearing
Paragon Group (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and seconded
by Commissioner Lee, the Commission voted 5 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to allow the proponent to withdraw
his request. The motion carried.
Chairman Browning gave the following suggestions to the
1. Number of parking spaces should be shown on the plan.
2. Screening should be detailed.
3. The illegal street parking is a problem.
Mr. Nazim was of the impression that this was legal parking
as he understood Prestige Circle was not a public street.
Mr. Cutliff repeated that he was not told that parking was
illegal, but rather that it was OK so long as circulation
was assured, and then later he was told that the parking is
not permitted on the public streets.
Chairman Browning read into the record a letter received
from Billie Long and Mr. Marvin Shelley, and indicated
another had been received from the First National Bank in
opposition to the proposal. A letter from Mr. LaHart of DLM
was also received. These letters are made apart of the file.
Mr. Hughes questioned the screening that the Commission would
request. Mr. LaHart stated the screening used at DLM is brick
and the height of the trucks. It was discussed that a living
screen would not help the noise problem.
Other Business: (Agenda Item V)
Mr. Keener advised the Commission that the Stacy Home Place
request will appear on the next agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Latimer and a second
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 5 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the May 28, 1987, meeting
of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:50 p.m.
The motion carried.
MAY 28, 1987
These minutes approved this /I day of
e B own' Chairman
ileen Karlsruher, Secretary