HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1987 - 07/23 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JULY 23, 1987
Commissioners Present:
Ken Browning, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice -Chairman
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
John Garcia
Dan Contreras
Commissioners Absent:
Carolyn Latimer
Charles Lee
City Staff Present:
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Becky Burgamy, Secretary
The Allen Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at
7:30 p.m. by Chairman Browning at the Allen Municipal Annex,
City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Tabled Item
Approve Minutes May 14, 1987
Joint Workshop Session (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Tabled Item: Approval of minutes of May 14, 1987,
Joint Workshop Session."
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to remove the
agenda item from the table. The Commission voted
5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED and the motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Karlsruher and a
second by Commissioner Contreras, the Commission
voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes
of May 14, 1987, Joint Workshop Session. The
Lmotion carried.
JULY 23, 1987 PAGE TWO
Approve Minutes
July 9, 1987
(Agenda Item III)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of July 9, 1987, Regular meeting."
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and a
second by Commissioner Karlsruher to approve the
minutes of July 9, 1987.
Discussion was held regarding the need to indicate a minority
finding representing the views of the Commissioners that voted
against the Radke-Tibodeau proposal. No action was taken on
the motion.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a
second, Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED
to approve the minutes of July 9, 1987, with
the addition of a minority finding in regard to
the Radke-Tibodeau proposal to indicate that the
proposal deviates from the Comprehensive Plan in
excess of 10 percent. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Cushman & Wakefield (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Cushman and
Wakefield for an amendment to Planned Development
No. 30 by changing the use regulations to allow a
church by Specific Use Permit in Building B of the
existing Greenridge Office Center."
Chairman Browning opened the public hearing. With no one wishing
to speak for or against this proposal, Chairman Browning closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Tom Keener stated that the use and area regulations are the
same as are currently in existence, and allow only for office
uses in Building A and office and restaurant uses in Building B.
The applicant is proposing to amend the ordinance to allow a
church by Specific Use Permit in Building B. Mr. Keener pointed
out that if the Commission decides to recommend amendment of the
Planned Development to allow a church by Specific Use Permit,
that would mean that any church can go there by SUP.
Public Hearing
Cushman & Wakefield (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
He stated that the first priority would be to determine the highest
and best use of the property and whether that would include allowing
a church by Specific Use Permit. The site plan has been submitted
for this facility by the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Keener
stressed the importance of remembering that, if voted affirmatively,
this property would remain zoned for a church with SUP.
Commissioner Armand stated that it is his understanding the First
Presbyterian Church desires to be there approximately one year.
He would like to see the SUP granted with a stipulation that if
another church does want to go in there, they will have to apply
and meet with the Commission at that time and request another SUP.
Chairman Browning feels that since the building is vacant, it would
be better for it to be leased than to remain empty.
Bill Roberge, 607 Ashby Place, expressed an opinion that the
Commission place a time limit on the amendment.
Mr. Keener stated that it is possible for the Commission to establish
a time limit on the SUP, but they could not place a time limit on
the amendment to the Planned Development.
At this point, Chairman Browning recognized Mr. Charles Lawrence
of 821 Green Brook as a representative of the First Presbyterian
Mr. Lawrence stated that they will probably occupy Greenridge
Office Center from 12 to 18 months.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 5 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to approve the amendment of Planned
Development No. 30 to allow a church by Specific Use
Permit in Building B. The motion carried.
Public Hearing
Cushman & Wakefield for
First Presbyterian Church
(Agenda Item V)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Cushman and
Wakefield for a Specific Use Permit with site plan
approval in Building B of the Greenridge Office Center
on behalf of the First Presbyterian Church."
Public Hearing
Cushman & Wakefield for
First Presbyterian Church (Cont.) (Agenda Item V)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second by
Commissioner Karlsruher, the Commission voted 5 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to approve a Specific Use Permit for a
church with the stipulation that the SUP expire with
the tenancy of the First Presbyterian Church or in
two years, whichever comes first. The motion carried.
1. There was no opposition to this proposal.
2. This is a specific use of a temporary nature in lieu
of a permanent use in a vacant building.
Preliminary/Final Plat
Ford Park and Ford Park School (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Consider preliminary/final plat approval for Ford
Park and Ford Park School."
Mr. Keener presented this plat to the Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Armand and a second
by Commissioner Contreras, the Commission voted
5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary/final
plat for Ford Park and Ford Park School. The motion
Schedule of Uses (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Browning read the agenda item into the record as
"Review Schedule of Uses."
Chairman Browning asked staff what action was necessary and what
changes the City Council had made. Mr. Keener pointed out that
most of the changes are in the industrial and commercial areas.
The second major change has to do with commercial uses, particularly
in light commercial and corridor commercial. There are a total of
60 changes.
Schedule of Uses (Cont.)
(Agenda Item VII)
There was general discussion regarding the changes on the
Schedule of Uses, such as day care, heliport, helistop, tool
rental, light tool rental, local retail and the industrial
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Contreras, the Commission voted 5
FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Schedule of Uses
reconciled against the tapes of the City Council
meeting. The motion carried.
Other Business:
Staff advised that there are no items for the next agenda at
this time.
Mr. Bill Roberge, 607 Ashby, requested to appear before the
Commission representing Cottonwood Bend Homeowners Association
to relay concern regarding a lack of school crossing guards at
Boyd Elementary School. There was discussion regarding criteria
to be met and options available, such as using sixth graders
for crossing guards and letter to the newspaper and Dr. Davenport.
Mr. Keener pointed out that in many states the cities and school
districts overlap, but that in Texas they are two separate
entities. Commissioner Armand stated that he would like to
follow this through and recommended that Mr. Roberge make an
appointment with Dr. Davenport. Chairman Browning indicated
that he was to see Dr. Davenport soon and would discuss the
issue with him.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second
by Commissioner Armand, the Commission voted 5 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 23, 1987, regular
meeting at 8:30 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved this /'3 day of (2(�
1987. ef
Brow ng, Chairman Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary