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ORDINANCE NO. 3813-3-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ALLEN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ZONING REGULATIONS AND ZONING MAP, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, BY AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 142 ("PD-142") ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 3732-2-20 RELATING TO SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENCES (PATIO HOMES) AND SCREENING ALONG RIDGEVIEW DRIVE; PROVIDING FOR A CONFLICTS RESOLUTION CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Allen, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of the City of Allen, Texas, have given the requisite noti ces by publication and otherwise , and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally and to all persons interested and sit uated in the affected area, and in the vicinity thereof, and in the exercise of its legislative discretion, have concluded that Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map of the City of Allen, Texas , as previously amended, should be amended . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The A ll en Land Development Code Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map, of the City of Allen, Texas , as amended , is hereby further amended by amending as fo llo ws the use and development regulations of Planned Development District No . 142 ("PD-l 42")("the PD-142 Regulations") as set forth in Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 3732-2-20 ("the PD-142 Ordinance"): A. Section 1 "Planned Development Structure", Subsection D "Residential Development Standards," Paragraph 2 "Single-Family Detached Residences (Pa tio Homes)" of the PD-142 R egulat ions is amended to read in its entirety as fo ll ows: 2. Single-Family Detached Residences (Patio Homes) a . No more than one hundred fifty (150) single fami ly detached residential units constructed as patio homes may be constructed on the Property. b. Single-family detached residential units shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan -Single-Family attac hed h ereto as Appendix 10 and incorporated herein by reference (the "Concept Plan Single-Family"), which , to the extent of any differences , shal l be contro llin g over the Concept Plan (Appendix 3) with respect to the portion of the Property wit hin the boundaries shown on the Concept Plan -Single-Family. c . Single-family detached residential units must be constructed in accordance wit h the following standards : 1. Each dwelling unit must be constructed on an individually-platted lot. 11. Minimum Lot Area: 1,800 square feet 111. Minimum Lot Width: 25 feet (if an interior lot); 30 feet (if a corner lot) 1v . Minimum Lot Depth: 60 feet v. Maximum Height: three (3) stories, not to exceed forty-five ( 45) feet total height v1. Front Yard Setbacks : Not less than 80% of the building face shall be located not le ss than 10 feet from the fro nt property line . If easements are located along the street frontage to a depth that makes it impossible to comply with the preceding sentence, then not less than 75% of the building face shall be located along the boundary of the easement opposite the street frontage. v11. Side Yard Setback : No s id e yard setback is requ ir ed; provided , however, dwelling units shall be not less than three (3) feet apart. A property maintenance easement not less than three feet (3.0 ') wide must be dedicated between buildings to a ll ow for property owner maintenance. Such maintenance easement may overlap the common lot line between adjacent lots as lon g as the minimum three-foot (3 .0 ') width is maintained. vm . Minimum Rear Yard Setback: (a) The distance from the garage door face to the leading edge of pavement for the travel lane of the a ll ey or mews street must be (i) between three (3) feet and five (5) feet or (ii) more than twenty (20) feet (i.e. garage doors cannot be constructed such that the setback from the edge of said pavement is greater than five (5) feet and less than twenty (20) feet); and (b) The rear wall of a second and/or third story of a dwelling unit may extend a maximum of 2.5 feet into the rear yard setback. 1x . Maximum Lot Coverage: 80% x . Each dwelling unit must be constructed with a garage with no fewer than two parking b ays. Garage entrances are allowed only from a mews street or alley (i.e ., shall be rear-entry only). Enclosing the garage by construction of an externa l stationary wall in place of garage door(s) is prohibited. x1. Front-yard fencing may be in sta lled on a lot subject to the following: (a) Fencing s ha ll not exceed four ( 4) feet in height; (b) The Fencing mu st be constructed of ornamental metal materials ; and ( c) Such fencing must be developed in general conformance with the Neighborhood Sections attached hereto as Appendix 11 and incorporated herein by reference (the "Neighborhood Sections"). B. Section 2 "Site and Lot Standards," Subsection J "Screening Adjacent to Ridgeview Drive" of the PD- 142 Regulations is amended to read in its entirety as follows: Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 2 J. SCREENING ADJACENT TO RIDGEVIEW DRIVE 1. A screening buffer s hall be in sta lled a lon g the portions of the Property adjacent to Ridgeview Drive consisting of a land scape screening buffer that complies with the following: a. One (1) evergreen shade tree must be planted for each thirty (30) feet or portion thereof of the lot 's frontage along Ridgeview Drive s ubject to th e fo ll owing: 1. Such evergreen shade tree(s) must be pl anted at a location on the lot between the main building constructed on the lot and Ridgeview Drive ; 11. A minimum of 50% of s uch evergreen shade trees must have a trunk diameter at the time of pl anting not le ss than s ix (6) caliper inches m eas ure d at s ix (6) in c he s above the root ball ; a nd lit. The remaining evergreen shade tree(s) must have a trunk diameter at the time of planting not less than four ( 4) ca lip er inches measured at six (6) inches above the root ball ; b . One (1) ornamental tree must be planted for each evergreen shade tree required to be planted on the lot on which such shade tree(s) is /are planted at a location on the lot between the main building constructed on the lot and Ridgeview Drive; c . One (1) evergreen shrub with a height at the time of planning of not less than 36-inches measured from the top of the root ball shall be planted for every four ( 4) feet or portion thereof of the lot's fro ntage along Ridgeview Dri ve. The fi nal location of the plantings for sa id shrub s shall be determined at the time of Landscape Plan approval ; provided , however, said shrubs sha ll not be planted in a continuous row in order to provide for variabi lity in design; and d . No more that thirty-three percent (33 %) of the screening buffer area may be turf. 2. A metal fence with m asonry columns may be incorporated into the screening buffer d escribed in Section 2.J.1. above, s ubj ect to the follow ing: a. The fence s hall be not less th an six feet (6 .0 ') nor greater than eight feet (8 .0 ') in heig ht ; b. The fence shall be constructed of an ornamental metal material with masonry support columns at not greater than one hundred (100) foot spacing except as ap proved by the Director of Engineering or designee as necessary to avoid conflicts with utilities , drainage fe atures, or other public fac iliti es; and c . The fence must be installed between the main building constructed on the lot a nd Rid gev iew Drive. 3. The screen in g required by this Section 2.J s hall be installed a long the entire length of th e Property adjacent to Rid geview Drive. If the election is made to include the fence Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 3 described in Section 2.J.2, above, the fence must be installed along the fu ll length of Ridgeview Drive along with the landscape buffer. 4 . Installation of the screening buffer required by this Section 2.J. must be completed prior to issuance of a bui lding pem1it for any dwelling unit on any lot except for a dwelling unit constructed for use as a model home. C. "Appendix 5: Street Sections" and Appendix 7 "Ridgev iew Drive Conceptual Landscape Plan" of the PD-142 Regulations are amended in their entirety to read as set forth in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B," respectively, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference . D. The PD-142 Regulations are amended by adding Appendix 10 titled "Concept Plan -Single-Family" and Appendix 11 titled "Neighborhood Section" to read as set forth in Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "D," respectively, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3. To the extent of any irreconcilab le conflict with the provisions of the Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Allen governing the use and development of the Property and wh ich are not expressly amended by this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance sha ll be controlling. SECTION 4 . Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or sect ion of this Ordinance, or of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations , as amended hereby, be adj ud ged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same sha ll not affect the va li dity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. An offense committed before the effective date of this Ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Allen Land Development Code Zoning Regulations, as amended , in effect when the offense was committed , and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 6 . Any person, fim1 or corporation vio lating any of the provisions or terms of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in A ll en Land Development Code Zoning Regulations of the City of Al len, as previously a m ended , and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2 ,000) for each offense. SECTION 7. This Ordinance sha ll take effect immediate ly from and after it s passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Allen, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF MARCH 2021. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTES T: Pe ~~,q~EY S helley B. George, CITY SECRETARY (k bl:2 /24/2 1: 120754) Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 4 I. Prim ary Str ee t ~ 0 a: E'WOE SCB\'1'.J( ,; 0 a: ~ 0 " J i f i' I I j s l !I' 11!' 10' S:?'R!:J'N EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIX 5 STREET SECTIONS (amended) ll!' Si / 7"FAAA."OUC fiJ:WH i ~Jr\ 7°'l !m W.+Ju. \\\lERL!J,E ST'OmM SEWER - PR IMA RY ST REET TYP. 'A' -TY PICA L 62' F-F PAV EM ENT SECT IO TWO MO VI NG LANESfTWO HEAD-IN PARKI NG LA ES .. J 7"· J/;00 PBI •,;: 'I\'. B."nS O 12" O .G E.W ?E NCTOCO •,•/\TE:;:JJNE s~ 2B C:iRE LAUE ------- ,. r sa, J 11!' -Ir LIIE ST•.311.12Sl w ec.AAC<: FER CHY S PECS . iK Mimi HVORATED U li.'5 Y W EJ GH Wlll/UI ~ C ACTIOO PROCTOGI DEN PR IMARY ST RE ET TY P . 'C' -TYPICAL 42' F-F PAV E ME T S ECTI ON TWO MOV I G L.AN ESfTWO PAR ALL EL LA NES 1i: =!RELAHE l !I' =-'Ir--,::...> ~~ ----. ;-.:;eQQPSICI. "C" J l _,BARS '-12"0 .CE 'N i'E NCTCOG STOA>! SEWE SAlllTAR Y SE\l,,ER PRIM RY STR EE T TY P. 'E' • TYPICAL 54 ' F-F PAVEMEN T S ECTION TWO MOV I G LANES/O NE ANGL ED PAR KING L D.,NE/ONE PARALL EL PARKING LA E Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 5 :is• :.F 13' ,..._ 7"-lllOOPSICtASS"C" J I ~ a 1~ 0.C..E..W ERl~OOG 8-roRVJs.E\\5' n · TAA'.EL LmE EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIX 5 STREET SECTIONS (amended} 6' 2'" ____ .......,,.=:--:7"'"' P R IMARY STR EE T T Y P. 'G' -T Y P ICAL 26' F-F PAV EME NT SECT I O TVVO MO VI G LAN ES 2 . Seco nd ary St ree t 6'WDE8£la\' ;;. 0 a! 111' 5' .. 7" l&10 CLASS 'C"- W.';;4 e..a.: tl"'O..C "".\\' PeR NC COO ,..,p 13' TR:\\,:: L~E 1-r Fl'F£1aOlJC CFtOI~ I SEG O DA RY ST R EET TYP . 'B' -TYPICAL 44 ' F-F PAV EM EN T S ECT IO N TWO MOVI NG LAN ES/O N E H EAD -IN PARK ING LA E Ordinance No. 3813-3-21 , Page 6 6' EXHIBIT II A" APPENDIX 5 STREET SECTIONS (amended) .Ctf F IR~ LANc -----; 10'0R 8' 6' 13' TRAVEL LAN E 54'0 R 52'ROW 34'F-F 13' TRAVEL LAN E 7" PARABOUC CROWN I!/' P.>\RAUEL PARK ING 1D'OR B' (5 t:~~~~";l.;,rr,-.-.~ ,·~ ~~~,Ji~~~~=~;3;~~~~~~,.,.,.,.-,,.....,-;;:=~=,.,,, ;.,..,,,;.,.. ~..,,., --14 . ,__ , r-3tJOO PSI CLASS -C-j J W,Yl1 BARS C 12" O.C.E.W PER NCTCOO STORM SEWER s· LIMc STABlllZED SUBGRAOEc PER Cfl'Y SPECS. (6% ~ UM HYDRATED ME BY WEIGH1) MIN MUM 95% COMPAC PROC'IOFI DENSITY SECONDARY STREET TYP. 'D' -TYPICAL 34' F-F PAVEMENT SECTION TWO MOVING LANES/ONE PARALLEL PARKING LANE 10' 2' 8' PARALLEL PARl<J f'lG 3U' FIRE LA NE 50'ROW 30' F-F 14 ' t TRAVEL LANE , PARA OL IC CROWN r-38 00 PSI CLASS ·c· -j W/#4 8 @ 12" O.C .E W PERNCTCOG ST ORM SEWER 10· 2' 6' 6"W I OE:S !:WALX 6" I S1 A.8 S OO RA O PE:R CJTY SP CS. (6% r. I MU HYORAl ED A 6 WEICH ) M N 1UM 9S'll. COMP ACTION PROC OR DE NS PUBLIC STREET TYP . 'F'-TYP IC AL 30' F-F PAVEMENT SECTION RESIDENTIAL/ONE MOVING LANE/TWO PARKING LANES .. S. Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 7 UJ > w 0:: z 0 ::; s:: I g; UJ a: > In. UJ (9 i 0 0:: 5' 8' WATER LINE 50' ROW 40' F-F 12' TRAVEL LANE 12' TRAVEL LANE EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIXS STREET SECTIONS (amended) 5' 8' SANITARY SEWER SINGLE FAMILY PUBLIC STREET SECTION WITH DOUBLE PARKING (50 ' ROW ) 28' PROP LIN E TO ROW 39' ROW 2' 32'F-F 5' 12' TRAVEL LANE 12' TRAVEL LANE 8' PAR~AY LANDSCAPE BUFFER %,-1/,,½,1///1/, S' SIDEWAL K I r -3600 PSI CLASS ·c· 6" LIME ST ABILIZED SUBGRADE PER STORM SEWER REINFORCED CONCRETE C ITY SPECS. (6% MIN. HYDRATED PAVEMENT WITH 6" MONOLITHIC LIME BY WEIGHT) MIN 95% CURB (#4 BARS @ 12" O .C .E.W.) COMPACTION PROCTOR DENSITY WATER LINE SANITARY SEWER SINGLE FAMILY PUBLIC STREET SECTION WITH SINGLE PARKING (39' ROW ) 12" TRAVE L LANE •·· ....... . -Gt .. _, WATERLI E~ c· -3600 PSI CLASS ·c· ~:o3 BARS g 1 OC E W PER NCTCOG 24 " FI RE LANE 24' F-F 12" TRAVEL LANE ,tr DEPRE SSION STORM SEWER j l 6" UM STAB I SUBCAADc PER CITY SPECS (6'11, MINIMUM HYDRATED LIME e v WEICHT) MINIMUM 9>'11, COM PACT ION pROCl OR DcNSO Y SANITARY SEWER SECO NDARY STREE T TYP . 'H' -TY PICAL 24 ' F-F PAVEM EN T SE CTIO N RE SIDE TIAL/TWO MOVING LA NES Ord in ance No. 3813-3-21, Page 8 3 . Mews St ree t Jl_'" ' I..' ~ - WATERLI E ~ 6"-3000 PSI ClASS -c · J W , BARS @ 1 "O.C.E.W PER NC COO 16'ROW 12·E-E 6' rlJ D EPRESSION EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIX 5 STREET SECTIONS (amended) ti" STABI D SUB GRAD E: PER CITY SPEC S. (6% INIMU M H YDRATED LI EBY W EIGHT) I I M 95¾ COM PAC l ION pROClOR DE NSIT Y STO M S EWER J SAN IT Y SEWER MEWS ST REET -TYP ICAL 12' E-E PAV EMENT S ECT ION RESIDENT IAUO E MO VI G LAN E N .T .S . 2,· /u.Ll:Y u· 11-!A\>l:L LANI,. 1 12' I HAVH LAM, I I SI N GLE FAMILY PUBLIC STREET SEC T ION A L LEY {2B1 ROW ) SCALE ,--,o-@ B s ·x 1 1" Ordinance No. 3813-3-21 , Page 9 14'R(JN 2'. 20·/ILLl:Y 'D' 11-tA'Vl,L LANI: 10· 11.\AYl:L LANI: 1/t'ATCRUNC EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIXS STREET SECTIONS (amended) 5.6/"llTAHY SEWER SINGLE FA.MIL Y PUBLIC STREET SECTION ALLEY (24' ROW) SCALE 1"•10'@6.5 "X11" Ordinance No. 3813-3-21, Page 10 EXHIBIT "B" APPENDIX 7 RIDGEVIEW DRIVE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN (amended) EXHIBIT "B" APPENDIX 7 RIDGEVIEW DRIVE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN (amended) FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFL FL FLFLFLFLFLFLFLFL FLFLFLFLFLFLFL FLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFRIDGEVIEW DRIVE10' WIDE WATERLINE EASEMENTNORTH TEXAS MUNICIPALWATER DISTRICTVOL.3389, PAGE 559L.R.C.C.T.15' S.S.W.EINST. NO.20071022001444910O.P.R.C.C.T.PROPOSED 15' S.S.W.ETRASHPICKUPZONEMAILBOXCLUSTERMAILBOXCLUSTERMAILBOXCLUSTER12' HIKE &BIKE TRAIL12' HIKE &BIKE TRAIL12' HIKE &BIKE TRAIL13'10.7'ALLEYALLEYSTREETALLEYSTREETALLEYALLEYSTREETSTREETSTREETSTREETALLEY39'ROW39'ROW28'ROW28'ROW50'ROW24'ROW50'ROW28'ROW28'ROW 50'ROW28'ROW50'ROW28'ROW 39'ROW50'ROWMEWS(NOT TO BE COUNTED AS OPEN SPACE)R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R20'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R70'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'R10'R30'R30'R30'R30'R30'62'24'24'10'2'2'R30'R30'R30'24'ROWTRASH PICKUPZONERIDGEVIEW DRIVEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEMID-BLOCKPEDESTRIANOPENING20' DRAINAGEEASEMENT20' DRAINAGEEASEMENT30'MEDIAN NOSE IMPROVEMENTSTO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHTHIS PROPOSED DRIVEWAYEXISTING STRIPED AREATO BE RE-STRIPED ASLEFT-TURN LANEEXISTINGRIGHT-TURN LANERIGHT-TURN DECELERATIONLANE TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHTHIS PROPOSED DRIVEWAYPLOTTED BYLEWIS, ROB 2/22/2021 8:25 PMLAST SAVED 2/12/2021 4:08 PMIMAGESXREFS XREF xBrdr-24x36 - XREF xSite - XREF xSurv - XREF xStrm - XREF xUtil - XREF xExHatch - XREF xBoundary - XREF xSite-DWH-0204-rev9THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.PROJECT No.064569600DATE: JANUARY 2021SCALE: AS SHOWNDESIGNED BY: JCKDRAWN BY: CBJCHECKED BY: RCLSHEET NUMBER© 2021 KIMLEY-HORN13455 NOEL ROAD, TWO GALLERIA OFFICE TOWER, SUITE 700DALLAS, TEXAS 75240PHONE: 972-770-1300 FAX: 972-239-3820TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-928© 2021 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.No.REVISIONSDATE BYTHE AVENUECITY OF ALLEN, TXPLOTTED BY LEWIS, ROB 2/22/2021 8:25 PMDWG NAME K:\DAL_CIVIL\064569600-THE AVENUE\CAD\EXHIBITS\ZONING AND PD EXHIBITS\REZONING CONCEPT PLAN.DWGLAST SAVED 2/12/2021 4:08 PMNORTHCONCEPT PLANADOPTION OF THIS CONCEPT PLAN SHALLSUPERSEDE THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGNSHOWN IN THIS AREA ON PREVIOUSLYAPPROVED CONCEPT PLAN.THE APPROXIMATE PROPOSED OPEN SPACE SHOWNON APPENDIX 6 IS NOW 11.41-ACRES (INCLUDING2.38-ACRES WITHIN THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPEBUFFER) WITH THIS CONCEPT PLAN. THIS NUMBER ISSUBJECT TO CHANGE AS THE VARIOUS BLOCKS GOTHROUGH THE CITY'S PLATTING PROCESS.THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND SUBJECTTO CHANGE BASED ON FINAL DESIGN. AS SUCH,TOTAL LOT COUNT, DETAILED ROADWAY GEOMETRY,AND OTHER ATTRIBUTES OF THIS PLAN ARE NOTGUARANTEED WITH THIS ENTITLEMENT.EXHIBIT "C" APPENDIX 10 "CONCEPT PLAN - SINGLE-FAMILY" NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECTIONDETENTION SECTION AFEBRUARY 2021DETENTION ZONEPLANTINGBUFFERPLANTINGBUFFER WALKPRIVATEYARDSINGLE FAMILY LOTALLEYORNAMENTAL PLANTING1-YR TIER50-YR TIERWALKING TRAILORNAMENTAL METAL FENCEAA10’-0”109’-0”8’-0”5’-0”10’-0”70’-0”EXHIBIT "D" APPENDIX 11 NEIGHBORHOOD SECTION NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECTIONDETENTION ZONEPLANTING BUFFERPLANTINGBUFFER WALKPRIVATEYARDSINGLE FAMILY LOTALLEY1-YR TIER50-YR TIER100-YR TIER76’-0”13’-0”10’-0”5’-0”10’-0”BBDETENTION SECTION BFEBRUARY 2021ORNAMENTAL PLANTINGORNAMENTAL METAL FENCEEXHIBIT "D" APPENDIX 11 NEIGHBORHOOD SECTION