HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 01/09 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 9, 1997 Co mic ion Members Pre nt: Kenneth Fulk, Chairman Ross Obermeyer Susan Bartlemay (arrived 7:35 p m.) Pamela Smith Jeff McGregor Jeffery Kelley Bruce Heller CQnimission Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Bill Perry, Director of Community Development Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner George Conner, Director of Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Sally Leeper, Admuustrative Assistant With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 730 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Consent Agenda (Agenda Item III) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A Approve minutes of December 12, 1996, Regular Meeting. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 1996 PAGE 2 Tabled Item Standridye - P D 31 Amendment (Agenda Item IIII Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item - Consider a request by Stacy Standridge - Othel, Inc., representing Tatum Othel, LTD & North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, to amend Planned Development No. 31 by increasing its geographic limits and to establish zoning of Community Facilities uses on Tract 1-13, Local Retail on Tracts I -A and 2-A, and Single -Family (R-2) on Tract 2-B. The property is 22.783 acres of land out of the Josh Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854, Joseph H Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east and west of Suncreek Blvd. And south of McDermott Drive." Mr. Bill Petty discussed issues of concern regarding the information provided in the Commission's packet. He discussed the inclusion of the church property into the planned development, and stated that the public hearing was held as posted to amend and expand Planned Development 31. The Commission gave direction to include the Community Facility (CF) tract. If the CF tract is requested to be zoned outside the planned development, then a separate public hearing would need to be held. In the current proposal, the CF district has not been restricted to church and related uses as requested by the Commission. The Local Retail (LR) tract has not been restricted to financial and office uses as requested by the Commission. Certain deed restrictions are recommended to be removed from the zoning request Staff has requested restrictions regarding pylon signs should be removed from the zoning, since signs are enforced by a separate ordinance. Mr. Petty discussed issues regarding the uses proposed, and advised that alcoholic beverages would not be allowed in this location, since it is not a corner of two major thoroughfares. Therefore, any references to private clubs or sale of alcoholic beverages should be removed. Exhibit A - the list of allowable uses, was of concern to staff. The uses do not appear to be in conformance with the concerns expressed by the Commission. Since the packet was distributed, staff has met with the proponents and addressed the above issues, and many changes have been agreed upon: 1. The Schedule of Uses for the LR and CF have been changed. 2 Language has been added regarding the height restrictions, setbacks, steeple for the church 3. language has changed under construction materials. 4 Items such as restaurant/private club and pylon signs have been eliminated. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 1996 PAGE 3 Tabled Item Siandri gQ - P D 31 Amendment (Cont.) (9yenda Item III) 5. Item No. La -c has been identified as the southeast corner and item 1 d as the southwest corner. Mr. Stacy Standridge, Mr. Robert Pope, and Mr. Sherwood Blount were in attendance. Mr Standridge, 3 Wooded Lane, Allen, presented a revision of the proposal to the Commissioners. This included revised area and use regulations The CF tract to the west is now included in the PD zoning ordinance request. Mr. Robert Pope, 4011 W Plano Parkway, Plano, representing the church portion of the request, discussed the CF tract. He discussed his concerns regarding the requirements of the PD zoning with regard to paving of Alma Drive The 8'h acres have been included in the PD; however, the provisions regarding the construction of Alma will not apply to these parcels. The uses to be allowed have been identified, either as primary or accessory The area regulations have been amended. Item Ld has been added to indicate uses on Exhibit A are for the southwest corner. Item 2.b was added to clarify that the church could be built as two stories with a steeple with a low-level parking garage. Construction materials have been changed Sign restrictions have been eliminated. Paragraph 7 has been added, eliminating the restrictions for paving of Alma Drive. Commissioner Obertneyer stated that he was concerned about the late submission, after spending considerable time reviewing the information in the packet. He feels he does not have enough time at this meeting to review the proposal thoroughly Commissioner Smith stated she would prefer to table the request until the materials are provided to staff in time for them to review before the meeting. Commissioner Kelley indicated he felt that the Commission could spend some time to review the document and attempt to consider the request at this meeting. Commissioner Heller stated he felt the Commission should spend some time to review the request presented tonight, although it would be difficult. He noted that the direction was given to the proponent to make changes a month He noted that the land use plan shown is not correct at this time. The map needs to be revised to add PD 31 to Tract 1-B. Commissioner Heller questioned the sue of the day care site. It was explained that the site was designed so that it could be expanded, but not encroached upon by retail. Commissioner McGregor indicated he would prefer to take the opportunity to review the new submission, but would request additional time to review the final document Commissioner Bartlemay indicated that she would prefer to review the revised document tonight. However, if major problems are incurred, she would vote to table the request. She asked questions regarding Tract IA, Mr Petry stated that the uses proposed for this tract are bank, office, and church or rectory PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 1996 PAGE 4 Tabled Item Standridge - P D 31 Amendment (Cont.) (Agenda Item I1I) Chairman Fulk indicated that he agreed that the Commission members have spent time reviewing the proposal in the packet; however, since the agenda is light, he would prefer to consider the new request. The Commission members agreed to consider the issue at this meeting, however, it was noted that the process should be enforced. Mr. Petry indicated that it had been noted at the last meeting that staff would not have an opportunity to review the revised document prior to sending the packet He indicated that there has been no staff review except that which has occurred on the proposal this date. Commissioner Kelley discussed the 5 items from the minutes of December 12, 1996, as follows: 1. Item 1 - Add the AO as CF -Church. PD 31 needs to be added to the zoning exhibit. 2. Item 2 - Restrict lA to bank, office, or church uses. This has been done on the new Exhibit A The Commission questioned the nature of the accessory uses. Mr. petty stated that the accessory uses would be within the confines of Section 2.10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Tract lA is LR and 1B is CF He indicated that the accessory building must be accessory to the main building on the specified tract. It was clarified that if lA was platted as pan of 1B as one lot, then it would be restricted to the uses in 1B The consensus was that the list of uses was appropriate; however, Commissioner Smith indicated that she would request further staff review 3. Item 3 - Uses and area regulations to be included. Revised list was provided. Paragraph 1-a should be revised to specify the Tracts IA and 2A rather than southeast corner and southwest corner Paragraph 1-b same as paragraph 1-a Paragraph 1-c should refer to 2A. Paragraph ld should refer to Tracts lA and 1B Paragraph I -a was further discussed with regard to allowing drive-through restaurants on Tract 2A. The Zoning Ordinance does not allow drive-through restaurants in LR zoning. The proposal allows two drive-through restaurants, but not at the corners The consensus of the Commission was to not allow drive-through restaurants, and remove the text regarding the restaurants. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 1996 PAGE 5 Tabled Item tandridge - P D 31 Amendment (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Paragraph 1-b should be removed. Paragraph 1-c should be removed and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to require an SUP would remain. Paragraph 1-d should be changed to "allowable uses for the LR zoning Tract lA and the CF zoning tract 1B are attached as Exhibit A. Commissioner Heller questioned the church steeple as a use. Mr. Pope indicated that this could be removed from Exhibit A in terms of permitted uses and the height of the steeple may be addressed under 2b. Comrmssioner Banlemay questioned the use of parking garage and the height restrictions. It should be permitted in Tract 1B (see paragraph 2b). Paragraph 2 - Height - the height of the buildings in Tract lA and 2A should be no higher than 1 story facing Suncreek and Tatum. Paragraph 3 - Placement of Buildings - This paragraph is OK. Paragraph 4 - Construction Materials - This paragraph is OK except eliminate the word "main" as all buildings (main and accessory) must be of masonry exterior. Paragraph 5 - Parking - This should apply to Tracts IA and 2A only Paragraph 6 - Screening - Remove the word "tastefully " Paragraph 7 - Infrastructure/Emergency Access - This paragraph is OK. Mr. Pope suggested inserting a reference to Paragraph 2b to refer to Item 2a above rather than a. above. Commissioner Heller stated that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance will have to be complied with unless specifically stated within this document. Height Limitation - This item has been corrected. New Land Use Plan - Changes should be made and resubmitted. Chairman Falk questioned the traffic impact study and discussed issues regarding the turn lane at Suncreek and McDermott. Mr Petty stated that an intersection study was required and a deceleration lane was required on McDermott. These requirements will have to be adhered to. Chairman Fulk requested that this be shown on the zoning exhibit Mr. Petty indicated that this would be required at the time of platting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 9, 1996 Page 6 Tabled Item tandrdge - P D 31 Amendment (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Chairman Folk stated that the minutes of December 12, 1996, indicate that at the time of platting of any of the properties the traffic consultant's recommendation to accommodate the additional right-of-way should be completed. Mr. Petty stated that he has an agreement with Mr Standridge that prior to final plat of his property, he will enter into a facilities agreement with the City whereby any construction occurring on Tatum Drive will necessitate the construction of Tatum to the end of his property; the pro rata share of McDermott will be paid upon development of the commercial property He has also stated that he will dedicate the right-of- way for McDermott Drive and Tatum Drive. Mr. Standridge agreed to these items. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Smith, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 3 OPPOSED to table the request for rezoning. Commis- sioners Kelley, Bartlemay, and McGregor voted against the motion. Mr. Petty introduced the new Senior Planner for the City, Marcie Diamond. He stated that any concerns relating to agenda and planning issues should be addressed to Ms. Diamond. He discussed upcoming Ell projects that she will be completing, such as the update to the Comprehensive Plan and the CBD study He also advised the Commission that Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation, has resigned to return to school, and that Charlotte Smith has submitted her intention to retire from the City in February MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the January 9, 1997, meeting at 9 50 p.m. These minutes approved this 9 9 f Ig A /wk Ken Fulk, Chairman day of -a rw[CL 1997 RossObert eyer, Secretary