HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1999 - 01/14 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JANUARY 14, 1999
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman
Jeffrey Kelley
Pamela Smith, Secretary (arrived 7:30 pm)
Mark Pacheco
Commission Members Absent
Kevin M. Kerr
Scott Neice
City Staff Present
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Pam Conway, Secretary
George Conner, Director Public Works
Carolyn Thomas, Planning Intern
Don Horton, Director Parks & Recreation (arrived 8:24 p.m.)
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Chamnan Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen
Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Ms. Marcie Diamond stated that Item VIII, Allen Central lI Joint Venture, on tonight's agenda,
might be requested to be tabled. She stated that the Chairman would need to open the public
hearing this evening and this item could be tabled and the public hearing could he continued until
the next meeting.
Chairman Obermeyer thanked Vice Chairman McGregor for chairing the December 10, 1998
Chairman Obermeyer reminded the Commission that every case on the tonight's agenda is
Ms. Diamond reviewed the last City Council meeting, and stated all the cases recommended for
approval by Commission were approved with minor revisions, and the ordinances will be adopted
at the January 21, 1999 City Council meeting.
January 14,1999
Chairman Obermayer reminded the audience that anyone desiring to speak should fill out a
Speaker Card.
The minutes from the January 14, 1999 meeting were amended as follows (underline indicates
words added, strikeout indicates words deleted):
Page 2, Paragraph 8: "Mr. Tracy also stated that TXDOT has not requested or indicated the
need for additional right of way for the service roads."
Page 2, Paragraph 11. "Commission Member Smith continued to express concern about
reserving R.O.W. for additional service road lanes, and stated that TXDOT would not request
additional R.O.W. , we would have to do that."" she
Page 7, Paragraph 3: " .they would not request the additional R.O.W. from us, we would have
to request it from them'
Commission Member Pacheco questioned the Summerfield case in regard to a collector street.
Ms. Diamond stated that there is no need for a collector street in this addition. The collector street
system will be provided north of the existing drainageway through the Cameron tract at F.M.
1378 and continue to the west through P.D. 61 to Malone Road.
Chairman Obemneyer stated his only concern is on Allen No. Addition Ph. 5, the transition needs
�4 to be more consistent with the surrounding zoning.
Consent Agenda Agenda Item II
Chairman Obermeyer read the consent agenda into the record as follows.
Consent Agenda
I. Approve Minutes of December 10, 1998, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kelley and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda including the
corrections to the minutes as noted in the Workshop meeting.
Motion passed.
Specific Use Permit for Helistop Agenda Item III
Chairman Obermayer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by Koll Development Company to approve the
extension of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) No. 55 for a Helistop, for a permanent time period.
The property is 13.649 ±acres of land located in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No.708,
Lot I -A, Block 1, Enterprises No. 2 Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: further
described as being located southeast of U.S. 75 and Bethany Drive."
January 14, 1999
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission and stated that due to the fact that the ordinance
establishing the S.U.P approved in November, 1997, did not specify the procedure by which the City
i Council could extend the specific use permit prior to its expiration date, this SUP may only be
extended through the normal zoning process. As of this date, staff has not received any complaints
due to the operation of this helistop.
Staff recommends approval of this S.U.P for a permanent time period, subject to site plan and
determination after the public hearings that this use has not caused a safety hazard or noise nuisance.
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commission Member Smith stated that she recalled discussion regarding a sign to be placed on the
property (warning type) as part of a condition of the SUP She asked staff to research this
Eric Langford, Koll Development Company, the proponent, stated he did not recall the discussion
about a sign, but he would be agreeable to further study on this issue if needed.
Ms. Diamond stated that the actual ordinance that was passed is in the Commission's packet, and it
does not state that a sign should be placed on the property
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
El OPPOSED to approve as submitted.
Motion passed.
1. Operation over the past year has created no adverse problems for the city.
First Christian Church of Allen Agenda Item IV
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by the First Christian Church of Allen for Community
Facilities (CF) for a church and related facilities, being 10.0985 t acres of land located in the
Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No. 812, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located at the northwest comer of City Road 146 and City Road 113
(proposed Exchange Parkway)."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission and stated that the First Christian Church is the
prospective purchaser of the property, and the establishment of CF zoning is required prior to the
closing on the property. There are currently private deed restrictions on the property which restrict its
use to residential until October 1, 2001. However, construction is not scheduled to begin until after
PI the year 2001 This use would be compatible with the CF zoning to the east, and residential to the
north and south. Staff recommends approval of the request for a Community Facility (CF) District.
January 14, 1999
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bill Woodfin, 1530 Rowlet Road; lives on the west side of the development. His main concern
was how this development would affect water flow, since they are on the creek. He questioned what
kind of runoff would be expected from a church and what kind of fill would be permitted.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Ms. Diamond stated that through the process of platting, engineering would be required and studies
would be required to address the water flow questions.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted.
Motion passed.
1. Appropriate land use
2. Compatible with the surrounding land uses.
Kwik Industries, Inc. Agenda Item V
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by Kwik Industries, Inc. to amend Tract 2 of Planned
Development No. 31 (PD -31) to allow a "Cleaning Plant/Laundry" by Specific Use Permit
(SUP); and to attach a Specific Use Permit with Site Plan approval for a Cleaning
PlantlLaundry on 1.14 ±acres of land located in the Tatum Drive Retail Addition, Lot 2RA,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southeast corner
of McDermott Drive and Suncreek Drive"
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission and stated that the site plan in the Commission's
packet provides for a drive-through, and at the time of platting they will be providing an additional 11
feet for a right tum lane. The site plan also indicates access to the property will be via a mutual
access easement to the property to the east and one driveway on Suncreek Drive.
This request is similar to requests recently granted on Main St. and Allen Heights and on McDermott
and U.S. 75. It was determined that this use is appropriate in neighborhood serving retail areas, given
the changes in the chemicals used in the cleaning process and the proper safeguards that are imposed
through the approval processes of the Fire Marshall and Building Official.
Staff recommends approval to amend the uses in Tract 2A of PD 31 to permit a cleaning
plant/laundry by S.U.P, and further to approve this S U.P subject to the attached site plan.
Sid Hollingsworth, 4725 Nall Road, Dallas TX; presented some drawings, and stated that he has
brochures addressing environmental issues, etc. if anyone would wish additional information.
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
January 14,1999
Alex Plotkin, 106 Tatum Drive, Allen, owner of the Primrose Day Care which is southeast of the
proposed development. Mr. Plotkin stated that, while the chemicals used are better than in the past,
they are still hazardous He stated that he is not against commerce, but that this is not a compatible
use. He stated that he also understands that this proponent will build this and then sell to an
individual owner. He stated that the current systems for cleaning are toxic and can eat through pipe
and concrete. This can, over time, get into your ground water supply and into the creek.
Chairman Ober neyer stated that he would like documentation regarding his statements. Mr. Plotkin
stated that he does have that documentation and would be happy provide to copies to the
Rev Burt Palmer, 1214 Shadetree Lane, Pastor of United Methodist Church; the speaker card he
completed stated he is opposed to the request, and that he did not receive a public hearing notice from
the City regarding this case. He was not present to speak at this time.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mr. Hollingsworth addressed the concerns of Mr Plotkin by stating that he has been in this business
about 3 or 4 years, and the EPAITNRCC has laws and once a year they check sites, without notice,
and currently, they have had no citations. He does not feel there is an environmental danger for the
children at the daycare. He stated that they do sell the businesses, but they do provide training and
they have a continued relationship with the owners.
Mr. Hollingsworth distributed information on the processes of the cleaning plant. He addressed the
chemical mentioned by Mr. Plotkin, which can eat though cement and pipe. There is a waste product,
called sludge that comes from this chemical. They continue to use the chemical over and over and
then at certain point, the filter is removed which contains the sludge. The EPA controls all this, and
the person who performs this is licensed. It would not be the owner of the business. He also stated
that City standards are strict.
Commission Member Kelley stated that he is sensitive to the concerns regarding the day care and the
children. He stated that safeguards seem to be in place.
Commission Member Smith stated that she is also sensitive to the opposition expressed by the
daycare and church. She questioned what uses are not permitted in this district? She noted some of
the zoning districts where this use is permitted.
Ms. Diamond presented to Commission Member Smith the uses permitted in this district (LR). Ms.
Diamond recalled a couple of locations where this use has recently been permitted. Main and Allen
Heights, and McDermott and U.S. 75.
Commission Member Smith stated that in light of the opposition from the adjacent property owners,
she would vote to deny the request.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he remembers when this Planned Development came in for
zoning, although he was not on the Commission at that time, he was in the audience. He stated that
there are more appropriate locations than this one for the cleaning plant He expressed concerns with
the site plan also, regarding fire lanes and proper circulation. He stated that there appears to be a
potential traffic problem. He stated he would not support the request.
January 14, 1999
Commission Member McGregor questioned what would be developed in tract 213. Mr.
Hollingsworth and Ms. Diamond were unaware of any development on 2B at this time Commission
3 Member McGregor stated he has no problem with this request, or the location.
Commission Member McGregor stated that this submission is very similar to the request on Allen
Heights and Main for the same use to be permitted, which the Commission approved.
Ms. Diamond stated that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance currently does not allow a cleaning
plant/laundry except for commercial and industrial districts. This is one of the uses to be considered
during the up coming review of the current Zoning Ordinance.
Commission Member Kelley questioned if the landscape ordinance regulations were being followed
in this request given the reduction in the landscape area along Suncreek Drive. Ms. Diamond
indicated that this is specifically permitted in the Subdivision Ordinance when an additional tum lane
is required
Commission Member Smith stated that at the time of the original zoning, a great deal of time was
spent on the allowable uses for this district. Chairman Obermeyer agreed.
Rev Burt Palmer, representing the Suncreek United Methodist Church called for point of order and
stated that he did not receive a notice in the mail and he would favor tabling of the request so he could
further study this request and gather his full opinion on this matter.
Ms. Diamond stated that Pete Smith, City Attorney, has given us legal advice on this subject which
stated that notice has, in effect, been given if the person who did not receive the notice appears at the
public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member Kelley the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to TABLE the item to allow the Commission to study and
for Rev. Palmer to have time to consider the request. The following
items are also requested from staff:
1. Minutes from the City Council meeting(s) regarding the Site
Plan approved for the adjacent shopping center.
2. Any interest, regarding development, on Tract B (if available)
3. List of examples of the reduced landscape requirements being
4. Fire access — get Fire Marshall's approval on access/circulation.
5. Any material provided by the Day Care owner should be
presented to the Commission (at staff's discretion.)
6. A list of permitted and not permitted uses in this P.D.
The Motion passed.
January 14, 1999
Summerfield Agenda Item VI
Chairman Oberrneyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by WPC Acquisition, Inc. (Summerfield) for a Planned
Development District (P.D.) for Single Family Residential. The property is 113.247 i acres
of land located in the John Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; further described as being located east of Malone Road and south of Stacy Road."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the commission. She summarized the history of the Planning
and Zoning Commission's and the City Council's actions on the previous request. This request, as
revised, is proposed to have an overall density of 3.0 dwelling units per acre, and a maximum of 399
dwelling units. The 6,000 square foot lots have been eliminated from the request, as has the
extension of Forest Grove Estates Road.
This request also includes a combination of private open spaces and public park areas. Per the P.D.
requirements, 5.32 acres of open space will be required. This open space requirement will be fulfilled
through a combination of the amenity center, park and trail systems. In the event the trail connection
cannot be provided within this easement (subject to approval by NTMWD), then the required open
space will be provided internal to the development.
Staff recommends approval of this request subject to the development standards and the concept plan
which indicates: curvilinear street design; a combination of public park and trail system and private
open spaces and parks; enhanced screening and landscaping, etc., based on its addressing the various
goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
David Blom, Wilbo Corp. 9330 LBJ Freeway, Dallas; stated that along the eastern edge of the
development they have provided for larger lots due to the concern by the adjacent homeowners. He
stated that they are not opposed to prohibiting the extension of Forest Grove Estates Road
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
Gene Scott, 1804 Green Meadow Circle; stated that his home is on one acre plus, and other neighbors
are on seven acres plus. His request is that 7500 square foot properties may not be as elegant in years
to come as the 9,000 square foot properties. He suggested to the Commission Members that the 7,500
sq. ft. lots be replaced with 9,000 sq. ft. lots.
Boyd Cockrill, 2190 Rockridge Rd., his concern was water drainage. At Malone Road it starts out as
a bar ditch and by the time it gets to his home, it's a creek. It runs fast and hard. He stated that it is
his understanding that no development can add to a creek's drainage (per the law). He stated that his
property is the largest section that this creek crosses. His spillway is approved by the State of Texas.
He is concerned about the garbage filling up his creek. How will it be handled?
John Burnett, 2170 Rockridge Road, also expressed concern about water drainage. Based on past
development, it comes down the ditch and creek, and adds to the problems. His part of the creek has
an "S" curve and that also adds to the problem. He would like to agree with the comments made by
Mr. Cockrill.
January 14, 1999
Byron K. Nielson, 604 Meadow Lane; also stated his concerns about drainage. They have had to
dump numerous loads of white rock to maintain the road (to keep it from washing away due to the
The water, after the rain, has gone over the top of Exchange. His concern is that a development of
this nature will add to the quickness of the water. He stated that additional water added would require
someone to redo the drainage ditch. He is 2 blocks south of Exchange and when it mins, it backs up
to his home and is destroying his road base. Additional water will wash Meadow Lane out.
Larry Norgaard, 601 Meadow Lane; the density of the dwellings proposed along the eastern boundary
is too high. One -acre lots would be more appropriate.
Roy O'Neill, 2102 Forest Grove Estates; stated that it does nearly match the requirements of the
Comprehensive Plan. He stated the Comprehensive Plan calls for somewhat less than 3.0 density
One -acre buffering was approved for a development south of Lovejoy. He would like this to be
consistent with that, or they could put up a six-foot privacy wall to protect livestock on the east side
of the trail system.
Robert Beard, 602 Meadow Lane; mined in a speaker card, which was read into the record as follows:
"High Density lots next to rural lot 2 plus acres. Recommend 1 acre lots on the east side next to low
density lots. Drainage questions. Current drainage next to Exchange already maxed - out and
additional concrete will overload existing drainage." Mr. Beard was Opposed.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed
�^ Mr. Blum stated that he would like to try to address the questions raised by the people who spoke.
Regarding the density, he did reduce his density to something he thought was very reasonable The
lots to the west are mixed. The homeowners to the east are not being ignored. He stated that the 60
foot rear yard setback plus the 60 foot greenbelt provides a very good transition.
Regarding drainage, they fully intend to provide drainage, because they are prohibited by law to
increase drainage onto adjacent properties. They recognize that drainage is an issue, and that will be
addressed in the final engineering. They have kept the curvilinear design, and will include a pool,
and screening wall along Malone Road and open space. The 6 -foot masonry wall would prohibit
open space which the homeowners want to prevent. If the greenbelt were not developed, then that
area would be incorporated into the back yards. They have tried to address the concerns of the
homeowners as best they can.
Commission Member Pacheco recalled that the 3.0 density discussed at the last meeting would be
acceptable. The lot layout is a good plan. He would like to see some stipulation that the lots Mr.
Blum discussed (by the proposed greenbelt) would indeed become larger lots if the greenbelt is not
provided, whereas, the lot widths will not be reduced. Mr. Blum agreed. Commission Member
Pacheco would also like to see the wording that no alley would be located in that area. Commission
Member Pacheco stated also that regarding drainage, the City is well aware of the problems, which
will be addressed in the engineering phase of this project.
Commission Member McGregor noted that we are approximately three -tenths over density However,
3.0 is appropriate and will transition nicely Front loaded streets next to parkland are very desirable.
He questioned if detention ponds are common and effective ways to handle drainage?
Mr. Conner stated it is the only approved method. He indicated that in unusual circumstances, such
m this Summerfield request, you can retain water.
January 14, 1999
Commission Member Kelley stated his faith in the staff that the drainage issue would be addressed
Commission Member Smith stated that the Commission has already spent considerable time on this
case, and it is her opinion that the 9,000 square foot lots mixed with 7,500 square foot lots is unusual
As far as the drainage, we do have requirements.
Mr. Conner stated that the ditch referred to earlier crosses Rock Ridge Road. He would have to look
at a contour map to see which way the water flows.
Commission Member Smith stated that this request is above and beyond the city requirements
Don Horton stated that they are still working on another development regarding the trail system
adjacent to this property
Chairman Obermeyer again questioned Mr. Conner about the drainage. Mr. Conner again stated that
he would have to look at all this when the engineering is submitted.
Commission Member Smith stated that although some comments might indicate drainage isn't being
addressed, it is indeed being addressed. She asked Mr. Conner to again restate the procedures in
Mr. Conner stated that he would look at the master plan, calculate the run off of water into every
creek system and then develop the 100 year flood plain Then we try to take into consideration
existing development. The example given was the Shelley property water running into the City of
Parker. In state law there is no requirement to detain the water up stream. If you build in the flood
plain in an unincorporated area, you are at risk. Erosion control plans are developed through EPA,
the success is debatable. Within the city, we can control the water successfully. Filters are in place.
However, homebuilders do take liberties, but precautions are in place. Mr. Conner stated that there
are things that fall through the cracks, however they are doing a good job of keeping out the silt.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that the proponents have met the requirements with this request, and he
has no issues.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member McGregor the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request per the concept plan attached and
subject to the development standards to be revised to include:
1) In the event that the 60 foot wide trail system adjacent to the east
property line is not developed, the lots are not reduced in width and
the lot sizes are increased to incorporate this additional 60 feet; and
2) no alleys will be constructed adjacent to the greenbelt areas.
Motion passed.
I Curvilinear street design in request is good.
2 Larger lots adjacent to north and east (adjacent properties)
3 Overall density desirable
4 Drainage issues will be adequately addressed by engineering.
January 14, 1999
5 Potential detention pond would also help address be drainage issues.
Land Advisors, Inc.
(Allen North Addition No. 5) Agenda Item VII
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by Land Advisors, Inc. to place R4- Single Family
Residential zoning on 3.36 acres of land and R6 Single Family Residential zoning on 40.43
acres of land. The property is 43.79 t acres of land situated in the James T Roberts Survey,
Abstract No. 777, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Exchange
Parkway east and west of Allen Heights Drive."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The current request would establish straight
zoning, R6 and R4, on the property In reviewing this request staff considered the existing zoning on
the property which includes office, retail, town homes as well as single family, the surrounding
zoning patterns as well as the unusually high infrastructure needs of this tract. The proposed rezoning
appears to be appropriate if the western tiers of lots are changed from R-6 to R-5 to be more
compatible with the lots proposed in the Allen North Subdivision.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commission Member Smith discussed the summary of surrounding zoning patterns included in the
packet. Ms. Diamond stated they are net densities (because they are developed), except for Parkland
Heights which has yet to be developed. The density on this tract is higher due to the burden of
developing Allen Heights.
Mr. Robert Porter, land Advisors, stated that the land is under contract. He stated the cost of
construction and price of the land (and stated that he is down zoning.) He stated he is actually
increasing the number of lots by 26 over the existing zoning. Allen Heights causes the cost increase,
as well as the water and sewer development. Ms Diamond noted the surrounding zoning and
development patterns. Average density in Parkland Heights (overall) is 3.6 gross. Allen North is 3.8
as platted (net)
Commission Member Kelley questioned the lot sizes next to Buckingham. Why the change?
The proponent stated that in other phases of their development, they utilized 9,000 square foot lots as
the buffer size and they are continuing that pattern.
Commission Member Kelley supported this request. He supports staffs recommendation.
Commission Member McGregor stated that they are giving up commercial property, and some town
homes from the existing zoning. The proponent is also faced with constructing the street. He is
somewhat concerned with the density He stated he would like the density reduced to be more
consistent with the density to the east.
January 14,1999
!� Ms. Diamond reminded the Commission that this request is for straight zoning. The attached exhibit
is a concept plan only. We need to talk about zoning districts and not number of lots.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that based on the fact that no homeowners have come to voice
opposition, he has no concerns with the request as it is
Commission Member Smith questioned Ms Diamond about this neighborhood district. Ms
Diamond stated that this is actually divided into 2 neighborhood districts, and that the
Comprehensive Plan recognized this as medium density.
Commission Member Smith continued to express concern with the density, stating that the density is
too high.
Ms. Diamond stated that in the existing zoning the density is higher. She stated it seems to be a
reasonable trade-off.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that the infrastructure costs makes this an interesting piece of property to
develop. He would support this request.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Kelley the Commission voted 3 FOR and 2
OPPOSED to approve as submitted, except lots adjacent to Allen North,
south of Providence Drive, containing approx. 2.1 acres be zoned R-5 to
be compatible with the zoning established to the west.
Commission Members Smith and McGregor opposed.
Motion passed.
Majority Findings
I. Compatible with surrounding land uses
2. Eliminating the non-residential zoning
3. Excepting a burden of infrastructure cost
Minority Findings
I Density is high
2. Loss of desirable very low density
3 Increase of total number of units on property
4. Uncertain to the factors of the thoroughfare in relation to density
5. Density in relation to the property to the east
Allen Central II Joint Venture Agenda Item VIII
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning action by Allen Central II Joint Venture, to amend the uses
permitted in Tract IE of Planned Development District No. 26 to add private recreation
facilities as an allowable use in this commercial district, subject to the attached concept site
plan. The property is 5.36 ± acres of land located in the Michael Lee Survey, Abstract No.
543, Collin County, City of Allen. Texas, further described as being located south of
McDermott and west of Walters Road."
January 14, 1999
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. It is Ms. Diamond understands that the
proponent would like to table the item. She stated that staff would not support this requested
rezoning to allow for the private recreational uses on this property to serve the multifamily property
to the southeast The uses do seem to be compatible, however, there are other uses for this tract, like
office or restaurant, that would also be compatible. The accessory uses should be provided on site for
the multifamily development.
Bill Dahlstrom, the proponent, stated that they are developing the multifamily property He stated
that they we planning to develop the office on the property where office is currently a permitted use.
They also want to add the recreation and health facility They are not doing it to maximize the
density He also stated that the front of the tract would have a retail site.
Chairman Obermeyer and Commission Member Smith questioned the proponent as to why they were
wanting to do this? The proponent stated that open space is one issue. Management and maintenance
are other issues. This would allow for the amenities to be right next to the leasing office. Mr.
Dahlstrom also stated that it would allow for better circulation of traffic.
Patrick Ramey, proponent, also indicated a desire for the amenity center to be supervised by the
Commission Member Kelley asked if this was approved would they develop the same number of
units? Mr. Ramey stated yes, they would. He stated that they want the leasing office to have access
�r to McDermott Drive.
Commission Member Smith stated that although this has not been done in Allen before, she has seen
it recently and understands the concept.
Mr. Ramey stated that they are doing a low density, town home type community. This will allow
more flexibility. He feels this request will make the apartment development better.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing
Sherwood E. Blount, 16475 Dallas Parkway, Suite 360, Addison; representing Allen Watters L.P., the
adjoining property owner. They support the request however, the proposed service drive on their
tract is so close to the proposed driveway on this tract it could create traffic issues. From a use
standpoint, they have no opposition, ifs the location of the access road adjacent to the adjoining 12.3
acres to the east.
Mr. Dalstrom stated that he is willing to work with Mr. Blount on this issue.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he has concerns. He stated we are zoning more property as
multifamily This could be used for something more appropriate. He supports staff recommendation
to deny the request.
Commission Member McGregor questioned the swimming pools, tennis courts, being counted as
open space. He believed that they did not count toward open space. Again he asked Mr. Dahlstrom if
he would build additional units.
January 14, 1999
Mr. Dahlstrom again stated, no, they are not going to build any additional units.
Commission Member McGregor stated that he would agree with Commission Member Pacheco and
with staffs recommendation to deny the request
Commission Member Kelley stated that this is a better use than a multi -story office building, or a
shopping center. He stated this would be a good buffer for Watters Ccrossing. He could support this
Commission Member Smith stated she also supports the request. The open space requirements will
still have to be met. Watters Crossing residents have come in time and time again, we know their
concerns. This is better than more commercial development. She stated that this is not a significant
impact (loss of office/retail)
Commission Member Pacheco does not share the concern regarding office development. He lives in
Watters Crossing. He is more concerned that this is an expansion of the multifamily.
Chairman Obermeyer agreed with Commission Member Pacheco
The proponent's stated they would still like to table the request.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member McGregor the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to Table the item to the January 28, 1999 meeting.
Other Business Agenda Item IX.
Ms. Diamond noted the items scheduled for the next agenda.
Mr. Conner reminded the Commission of his memo included in their packets which addressed some
of the road concerns expressed at the last meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the January 14 meeting at 11:02 p.m.
These minutes approved this Mdayof�fl ILUt1999.
oss Obermeyer, Chairman Pamela Smith, Secretary