HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1990 - 09/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
SEPTEMBER 13, 1990
Commission Members Present:
Eileen Karlsruher, Chairman
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman (arrived 7:33 p.m.)
Melissa Owen
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Douglas Gallagher
John Garcia
Mike Nichols
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Chairman Karlsruher at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
August 9, 1990 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of August 9, 1990, Regular meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Owen and a second by Commissioner
Garcia, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of August 9, 1990, as presented.
Public Hearing
Sue Edwards (Agenda Item I11)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit with site
plan approval for a day care center for children by Ms. Sue Edwards on
property located in Tract 1 of Planned Development No. 46, a tract of land
located in a portion of Block A, Lot 2, Deer Crest Addition; further de-
scribed as being located at 608 S. Jupiter, Allen, Texas."
Ms. Sue Edwards presented the request to the Commission. She stated is cur-
rently leasing a facility on Rivercrest and is seeking a new location.
Mr. Petty stated that this property is zoned Community Facilities and is a one -
acre tract facing Jupiter. A day care center is allowed in a Community Facilities
District with a Specific Use Permit.
Commissioner Folk asked if the 30 -foot strip still exists between this property
and the Church of Christ. Staff answered that it does.
Cbafrman Karlaruher opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kerlaruber
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Garcia questioned whether there are additional curb cuts to the
north of this property. Mr. Keener stated that the next curb cut is over 100 feet
from this proposed cut. Commissioner Folk questioned the ingress easement of
the Methodist Church immediately adjacent to the proposed property, and
whether it will require an additional curb cut.
The Commission expressed concern over the eventual need for a curb cut within
that easement.
Commissioner Garcia asked if a dumpster would be required. Mr. Keener stated
that the day care is not required to have a dumpster. Ms. Edwards stated that
there will be a dumpster, but she was not aware it needed to be shown on the site
plan. Ms. Edwards stated that she would amend her proposal to include space for
a dumpster.
Mr. Petty stated that staff would work with the architect for the proper placement
of the dumpster. Mr. Keener stated that the plan has provided more parking
spaces than necessary, and the dumpster might require one of the existing
spaces. Staff utilized the requirement for elementary schools in considering the
number of parking spaces required.
Public Hearing
Sue Edwards (Cont.)
(Agenda Item III)
Commissioner Garcia discussed the turning radius for the drive cut (25 feet) and
whether this would be sufficient for the speed on Jupiter. He further discussed
the stacking possibilities on the plan and whether they were sufficient.
Ms. Edwards stated that at any one time there will be a maximum of seven employ-
ees on duty. She is requesting a State license for 120 students.
Commissioner Garcia further discussed curb cuts along Jupiter and the need to be
sure that there are not too many planned for the roadway. Commissioner Folk
discussed the needs of the Methodist Church over the next two years and whether
they are going to be needing a curb cut within their property.
Mr. Petty stated that if the church does develop the 30 -foot strip with a need for
a curb cut, it could be done on a controlled access basis.
Commissioner Nichols suggested that the day care and church might share a
common drive on the north of the day care property. Commissioner Garcia asked
® staff what measures could be utilized to control traffic if an additional drive cut is
deemed necessary on the Methodist Church property, and staff advised that
traffic control measures such as signage could be used.
Commissioner Garcia stated that the location is appropriate for a day care center,
and he would be in favor of the specific use permit.
Commissioner Fulk stated that the impact of the two curb cuts is lessened because
the church traffic would be at a different time from the day care traffic. He also
stated this property owner should not be penalized by the lack of action by the
Methodist Church.
Mr. Keener stated that the City Engineer had made requests for changes to this
site plan that are not normally addressed at the time of site plan approval. Ms.
Edwards stated that she was amending her request to satisfy the City Engineer's
requirements, and that a dumpster will be placed on site subject to review by the
City staff, although it may require the loss of one parking space.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Falk, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request for Specific Use Permit and site plan with the inclusion of the
requirements placed by the City Engineer and the inclusion of a
dumpster on site subject to staff approval.
1. The use is compatible with the Community Facilities zoning.
2. The Commission addressed the issues of ingresslegress as a major concern
and it will be controlled through traffic control measures.
3. No one spoke from the Methodist Church and by their lack of concern, the
extra curb cut that they will need was not considered as important to them.
Public Hearing
Fina Oil & Chemical (S.H. 5) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit with site
plan approval for a service station and auto laundry in conjunction with a
convenience store to be located at 123 N. Greenville Avenue in the Cotton-
wood Creek Village Shopping Center by Fina Oil & Chemical Company;
further described as being located north of F.M. 2170, west of S.H. 5,
proposed to replace the existing Shell Service Station in this location."
Mr. Sam McGee, representing Fina Oil & Chemical Company, presented the
request to the Commission. He stated that they anticipate raising and rebuilding
the entire site. He reviewed the proposed site plan with the Commission. This
plan includes exactly the same acreage as is in the existing site. The existing
gas tanks will be removed and replaced.
Chairman Karlsruher opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Karlsruher
closed the public hearing.
Staff explained that the appropriate 5 feet of right-of-way dedication has been
made on the site plan for the expansion of S.H. 5.
Commissioner Garcia asked about access for delivering vehicles and Mr. McGee
stated that there was room for these along the north property line. Mr. McGee
stated that the dumpster will be accessed from the rear of the property. It will
be screened as required by ordinance. The curb cuts will remain as they pres-
ently exist. He added that all landscaping will be sprinklered.
Commissioner Gallagher asked why staff waived the traffic study. Mr. Keener
explained that a traffic study was completed during the Diamond Shamrock zoning
case. At that time the intersection of F.M. 2170 and S.H. 5 was designed, and
the necessary right-of-way was acquired for the needed improvements. Consid-
ering the fact that the service stations are not traffic generators, staff did not
feel it was necessary to complete another study to validate what was already
Mr. Petty stated that S.H. 5 is scheduled for construction in 1993, and at that
time the first median cut north of F.M. 2170 will be north of this property. It was
noted that the curb cut on this property is fairly close to the one to the north,
and this is allowed because it is an existing curb cut.
The consensus of the Commission was that the use is appropriate for this area.
Public Hearing
Fina Oil & Chemical (Cont.)
(Agenda Item IV)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Owen, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request for Specific Use Permit and site plan approval with the
amendment that all landscaped areas will be sprinklered.
1. The use is compatible in this location.
2. This use is similar to the existing use.
Subdivision Ordinance
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consideration of Subdivision Ordinance."
Mr. Petty advised the Commission that he and the City Engineer are currently
working on design standards and they should be ready for a presentation to the
Commission in approximately four to six weeks. He encouraged the Commission to
consider review of the remaining sections of the Ordinance during the next 4
Mr. Keener presented an overview of the Subdivision Ordinance review that has
been accomplished to date.
Chairman Karlsruher questioned whether the role of the Planner should be
included in Section 300.
The Commissioners discussed the need for a workshop regarding the issue of
naming the streets; whether the developer should be allowed, or whether the City
should be charged with naming the streets. The consensus was that it might be a
positive police and fire tool for the City to have this charge.
The Commissioners stated that consideration might be given to increasing the
filing fee for a "Combination Plat" to $200 plus the current $35 per acre.
Other Business
Mr. Keener advised that the next agenda will include a zoning request by Fina Oil
& Chemical for a Specific Use Permit with site plan approval for a service station
to be located at the southeast corner of U.S. 75 and McDermott Drive.
Review of the Subdivision Ordinance at the next meeting will include consider-
ation of escrow requirements for construction of major thoroughfares.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Falk, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
September 13, 1990, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commis-
sion at 9:15 p.m.
These minutes approved this a% day of 1990.
/942�t Z4EEileen Karlsruher, Chairman IKenneth Fuik, Secretary