HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1990 - 11/29 - Special CalledALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
NOVEMBER 29, 1990
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Commission Members Present:
Eileen Karlsruher, Chairman
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman
Melissa Owen
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Douglas Gallagher
Sohn Garcia
Mike Nichols
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Chairman Karlsruher at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
November 8, 1990 (A¢enda Item II)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of November 8, 1990, Regular meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Owen and a second by Commissioner
Fulls, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of November 8, 1990, as presented.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990 PAGE 2
Tabled Item
John R. Landon - PD 48
(Agenda Item III)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request to change the current zoning from
Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) to Planned Development -Residential (PD -R)
zoning as requested by Mr. John R. Landon representing Mr. Jack Pen-
nington. The property is described as being a 1.92 acre tract of land
located in the George W. Ford Survey Abstract No. 328, more particularly
described as being located south of Park Place Drive and east of Heritage
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Nichols, Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda
Item III from the table.
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton Engineering, expressed appreciation to the Commis-
sion for holding a special meeting for this purpose. He discussed the issues
regarding Mr. Snodgrass' property and stated that he has met with Mr. Snod-
grass and Mr. Brazeal and the meeting resulted in the following decisions:
1. Regarding the southern property line; there is a 10 -foot easement on the
south of Mr. Pennington's property and the existing rock access road is
within this easement. Mr. Snodgrass has requested that the road be moved
and built in concrete. Proponent felt this would not be cost effective.
Proponent suggests that the road remain the same and the area of the land
encompassed by the road be deeded to Mr. Snodgrass. This plan would
leave the access road in its present state and retain access to Mr. Brazeal's
The second concern related to screening of the development from Mr.
Snodgrass' property. Mr. Landon had previously agreed to screen this
property line with a wood fence. Mr. Snodgrass has expressed concern
that the fence should be more detailed, built of cedar with brick columns
and a mow strip. Proponents feel this type of fence would be too costly and
have committed to providing a wood fence that will be similar to those
provided the residents of the new subdivision. He added that the City's
ordinances do not require screening between two residential areas.
Proper care shall be given to advising potential owners in the southern cul-
de-sac that this would possibly not be a permanent cul-de-sac.
Commissioner Gallagher asked if the access drive is shown on the site plan and
Mr. Atkins stated that it will be shown on the plat after additional surveying is
complete. Commissioner Gallagher asked who would be responsible for main-
tenance of the fence screen and was advised it would be the property of Mr.
Snodgrass and his responsibility for maintenance.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990 PAGE 3
Tabled Item
John Landon - PD 48 (Cont.)
(Agenda Item III)
Mr. Chris Snodgrass, 735 Heritage Parkway, stated that he was confused regard-
ing the comment that the road will remain the same. He stated he will be gaining
some property and afence that he will have to maintain. He stated the wood fence
is going to be inferior and will not last very long, especially with the traffic and
people using the adjacent alley. He stated he had only requested a small concrete
base with metal poles set in concrete, and that cedar lasts much longer. He
stated he is asking that he receive something of lasting value which accommodates
all parties.
Mr. Jack Pennington, 204 Whisenant Drive, owner of the 1.92 acres in question,
stated that the access road to Mr. Brazeal's property has always been available to
Mr. Brazeal stated that the proposal would maintain the current access. He
intends to enhance that access on his property, but that is not part of this
Chairman Karlsruher stated that the City's obligation is to make sure that access
is provided.
Mr. Atkins stated that if no fence is built, traffic barriers will be required, and
acceptance for maintenance be approved by the Public Works Department. He
stated that his priority was to be certain that access is handled properly, and
this will be accomplished by dedication of the northern portion of the rock road to
Mr. Snodgrass.
Mr. Brazeal confirmed that he would continue to use this rock road as a secondary
access to his property until he develops his property and the cul-de-sac is
extended as a through street into his property.
Chairman Karlsruher suggested that the access was satisfactory, and since a
fence is not required by ordinance, staff should work with the proponent regard-
ing the required traffic barriers.
Mr. Snodgrass confirmed that he is requesting the proponents to install a fence
between the two properties.
Commissioner Folk discussed the screening that will be used on the northern
boundary of the property adjacent to Park Place Drive and its purpose as a
barrier between the traffic on Park Place and the alley of the subdivision.
Commissioner Nichols suggested that the proponent has made an attempt to
resolve this conflict and there are no regulations that require screening between
two residential districts.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990 PAGE 4
Tabled Item
John Landon - PD 48 (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
Mr. Snodgrass suggested that the fence question could be resolved if it is
constructed with aluminum poles set in concrete with sufficient rails to support
the fence. Mr. Landon stated that the type of fence they are proposing would
be the same as they will build for each of the homeowners in the proposed subdi-
vision. He added that he will provide aluminum posts for the fence.
Mr. Petty reviewed the variances involved with the Planned Development. He
stated that staff has advised that the southern cul-de-sac should be considered a
permanent situation, and if it is redesigned for future development to the east,
that portion of the cul-de-sac not needed will be dedicated to the adjacent
property owners. Staff also asked that a statement be added to the deeds on lots
1-8 confirming this information.
A second variance is on Lot 16, having a front drive with rear entry garage.
Mr. Petty questioned the distance that is being proposed for the screening of Mr.
Snodgrass' property. He stated that the City will require a traffic barrier
between the alley and the access drive on his property for the full distance of the
property. He added that staff could accept a fence as a traffic barrier, but if it
does not cover the full distance, additional barriers will be necessary.
Mr. Atkins stated that the fence would be built to the full distance; however, Mr.
Landon stated it was his understanding that he would be providing only 100 feet
of fencing.
It was confirmed that there is approximately 200+ feet of property that needs a
traffic barrier, and a clarification is necessary as to whether this will be a fence
or a traffic barrier. If additional barriers are to be used, it will be necessary to
consult with the Public Works Department as to whether they will accept it for
maintenance. Normally, this type of traffic barrier would have been reviewed by
the Public Works Department before submission to the Commission.
Commissioner Nichols asked if the proponent would agree to build the fence the
entire length of the property in question (200+ feet) and Mr. Landon stated that
he would do this.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Nichols, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request with the following modifications: 1) deed restrictions will be
filed on Lots 1-8 along with the requirement for affidavits to be
signed by owners recognizing that this might be a through street at
some time in the future; 2) the final plat will reflect the current
access to the adjacent southern and eastern property; 3) a 6-foot
wood screening with aluminum posts set in concrete be installed along
the northern property line separating Mr. Snodgrass property along
the 200+ feet of alley.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990 PAGE 5
Tabled Item
John Landon - PD 48 (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
1. The land use is compatible with surrounding property.
2. The variance for the front entry drive with rear or side entry garage is
appropriate in order to preserve the trees.
3. Access to the adjacent properties remains the same.
4. Affidavits with deed restrictions to inform the owners of Lots 1-8 that this
might be a through street at some future time are provided.
Final Plat
1 Community Credit Union (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Community Credit Union
Addition, a tract of land located in the Odl Original Town of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 6, Page 152 and 153 of the Collin
County Deed Records, being a survey of part of Lots 6, 7, and 8 of Block J
of said town; same being a part of the 3.181 acres of land as described in a
deed as recorded in Volume 2766, Page 357 of the Collin County Land
Records; further described as being located at the northwest corner of
Dogwood and McDermott Drive."
Mr. Keener stated that this property did not require site plan approval by the
Planning & Zoning Commission. The proposed use is allowable under the current
zoning ordinance and staff has reviewed the proposal and approved it.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Owen, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
final plat for Community Credit Union Addition.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990 PAGE 6
Preliminary Plat
Woods of Heritage Park Phase A (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Woods of Heri-
tage Park Phase A, being a tract of land situated in the G.W. Ford Survey,
Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described
as being the southeast corner of Park Place Drive and Heritage Parkway."
Mr. Keneer stated that this plat addresses the first two cul-de-sacs of Planned
Development No. 48. Staff has completed its review and the plat is conformance
with City requirements.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Owen, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
preliminary plat for The Woods of Heritage Park Phase A.
Final Plat
1 Woods of Heritage Park Phase A (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Woods of Heritage Park Phase
A, being a tract of land situated in the G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract No.
328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being the
southeast corner of Park Place Drive and Heritage Parkway."
Mr. Keener stated that this plat is in conformance with the preliminary plat
previously approved.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Owen, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
final plat for Woods of Heritage Park Phase A.
Next Agenda
Mr. Keener stated that the Subdivision Ordinance revisions will be considered at
the next meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Garcia and a second by Commissioner
Owen, the Commissioner voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
November 29, 1990, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Comission at
8:45 p.m.
NOVEMBER 29, 1990
These minutes approved this /D 4.+ day of ,
Eileen Karlsruher. Chairman
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Kenneth F lk, Secretary