HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1992 - 04/23 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 23, 1992
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Noel Crume
Commission Members Absent:
Jeffery Kelley
Douglas Gallagher
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com-
mission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal
Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
April 9, 1992 (Agenda Item Il)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 9, 1992, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of April 9, 1992, as presented.
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 2
Approve Minutes
April 14, 1992 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 14, 1992, City Council and Commission Joint
Public Hearing."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Creme and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of April 14, 1992, as presented.
Public Hearing
Shadow Ickes (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Tipton Engineering, Inc. for
Douglas Properties to amend Planned Development No. 12 (PD No. 12) to
change the Garden Office uses to single family, amend the site plan and
street layout, and amend the lot sizes in the single family district. The
property is described as being a tract of land situated in the Simon Burns
Survey, Abstract No. 92, and John Davis Survey, Abstract No. 255, Collin
County, Texas, and being the same property conveyed to the Trustees of
E-Systems, Inc., Pool Trust by deeds recorded in Volume 1263, Page 891
and Volume 1263, Page 895 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located east of S. Fountain Gate Drive, south of
F.M. 2170."
Mr. Bill Petty presented the request to the Commission. He discussed the
existing zoning on the property. He stated that no change is being requested for
Tract 4. He explained that the property has been in the process of foreclosure
and is currently owned by the Resolution Trust Corporation. Douglas Properties
is in the process of purchasing the properties, and is the proponent in this
The proponent is requesting to remove the Garden Office zoning on the property,
and to incorporate this area into single family dwellings. The existing zoning
requires a trail system and athletic stations through the flood plain area. The
proposed zoning will include larger lots between Allen Heights and the flood plain
area. Mr. Petty stated that the following policy issues should be considered:
1. In most rases, the City desires frontage roads along the creeks.
2. The City traditionally does not back homes to thoroughfares.
The proponent is offering to dedicate open space in the flood plain area, which
will connect to Bethany Ickes Park by a hike and bike trail from the park to the
flood plain area of this tract. They are also offering to dedicate to the city two
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 3
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes (Cont.)
(Agenda Item IV)
acres of developable land (the site being chosen by the city) which would house a
future community center. The proponent is also offering to landscape with living
screen and wrought iron fencing the areas adjacent to the greenbelt. Proponent
is including frontage roads to the south facing Bethany Lakes Park. This road
will share right-of-way with the city; however, proponent will construct it in its
A small section of the park is included on the plan; this will be in exchange for
the 2 -acre community center tract. This trade of acreage will be contingent
Approval by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
City Council approval.
If this trade is not possible, the frontage road will have to be reconfigured to
remain on proponent's property.
Two bridges (3 -lane) will have to be constructed. The northern bridge will
provide access for underground pedestrian and cycle traffic. The developers are
required to build two lanes of Allen Heights from Greengate Subdivision to
Bethany Drive. They are requesting a variance for the escrow of funds for the
future median improvements to offset the cost of the bridges.
The overall density proposed is less than the existing zoning.
Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, discussed the request. He represents
Douglas Properties (Mr. Jim Douglas). He discussed the history of this property
and the current zoning. He stated that they are requesting to change the garden
office tract to single family with two entrances to Allen Heights Drive. He
included the following points:
1. The request includes the dedication of open space.
2. The request provides for a link to Bethany Lakes Park, oriented to pedes-
trian use.
3. The request eliminates the garden office use and replaces it with single
family, which is a better use of the property at this time.
4. The request reduces the residential density.
5. Traffic projections are reduced from the original zoning because of the
larger lots and the removal of the office district.
6. Proponent will be constructing Allen Heights at one time to provide a link
from F.M. 2170 to Bethany Drive, along with two 3 -lane bridges.
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
7. Bethany Lakes Park will be separated from this development by a collector
road system.
S. The request allows for a variation of housing types.
9. Deed restrictions on fencing requirements will be included.
At this time, the proponent presented some slides indicating the type of fencing
to be required on the lots facing the open space areas. Mr. Atkins added that the
deed restrictions would not allow for wooden fences along the rear of lots adjacent
to the open space.
Ms. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation, discussed the proposal. She
stated that the Parks Department is in favor of the proposed improvements to the
creek area, and the proposed connection from Bethany Lakes Park to the creek
area, as well as the dedication of the community center acreage. She stated that
the department and the proponent are working with the State to assure them that
the value being dedicated to the city exceeds the value of the property being
transferred from the park to the proponent. The State has indicated a concern
regarding the drainage of the property and has requested a definition of the
floodway and flood fringe.
Chairman Garcia questioned the green area connecting the park land along Allen
Heights to this property. Mr. Dave Whitehead stated that this is a 20 -foot strip
of property. Ms. Savage stated that her department is willing to maintain this
There will be a road crossing from the development to the park property.
Mr. Whitehead stated the development will not infringe upon the flood plain.
Regarding the drainage, it will require some underground improvements, which
are possible, and do not appear to present a problem. He added that with the
construction of F.M. 2170 east, the link to Bethany Drive will be very helpful to
the city.
Ms. Savage stated that the frontage road to the north of the park is her prefer-
ence and she is agreeable to this design. She added that the plan allows for the
park to access the trail system. The maintenance of the wrought iron fence will
be in the hands of private ownership as they are all on private property.
Discussion was held regarding the need for enforcement of maintenance of these
fences, and the possible need for the deed restrictions to include wording which
would include the type of fencing materials allowed, and the maintenance require-
ments. Enforcement of the deed restrictions will lie with the neighbors, not the
city. Mr. Whitehead suggested that the adoption of the proposed neighborhood
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 5
Public Hearing
Shadow Ickes (Cont.)
(Agenda Item IV)
integrity ordinance could help with this problem. Ms. Savage stated that she is
comfortable with the screening materials and the plan the proponent has present-
Commissioner Crume requested that the deed restrictions include a requirement
for the wrought iron fencing not only along the rear of the properties that back
the open space, but for some distance back toward the home as well.
Mr. Atkins suggested that the fencing on the rear yards could be made a part of
the planned development requirement rather than the deed restrictions.
Chairman Garcia opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or
against the request, Chairman Garcia closed the public hearing.
Chairman Garcia discussed the removal of the garden office zoning and the issue
of downzoning the area to single family. The consensus of the Commission was
that this was appropriate for this area.
Discussion was held regarding the alley running parallel to Allen Heights. Mr.
® Douglas offered to remove the alley in these two areas and include front drives
with rear garages.
Commission Creme suggested the need for total brick on any wall of a home that
faces Allen Heights Drive. The consensus of the Commission was to require this.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Fulk, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request with the following amendments:
1. An additional alley cut will be made on Block H opening to the north.
2. The alleys along Allen Heights Drive in Block B and Block A will be re-
moved and developed with front drives and rear entry garages.
3. The land swap for the community center is subject to approval of the State
and the City Council.
4. The deed restrictions will include wording subject to staff approval regard-
ing the maintenance and repair of the screening materials.
5. Any wall facing Allen Heights Drive shall be 100% brick.
6. Allen Heights Drive will be constructed from the north property line south
to Bethany Drive (2 lanes).
j APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 6
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
The City is waiving the requirement for escrow of funds for median im-
provements in return for dedication of the property for the community
Two 3 -lane bridges will be constructed with a provision for a 26% reim-
bursement from the city when funds are available.
Removal of screening wall along the park property.
The entire trail will be eight feet rather than five feet.
The section of roadway adjacent to Tract 4 should be addressed at the time
of platting of this property.
The lakes should be left in a manageable condition.
following findings were read into the record:
The land use is compatible.
The downzoning of the office to single family is appropriate.
The plan increases the linear park area.
The road system is being improved.
The plan meets all engineering standards.
The plan eliminates alleys along Allen Heights and open space areas are
recognized (tree preservation is indicated).
The layout of the streets prevents cut -through traffic patterns.
All screening materials are irrigated (with Parks Department approval).
Deed restrictions will be placed on all properties regarding materials and
maintenance of the fencing along the open space areas.
Fencing will be of high quality materials.
The plan includes construction of Allen Heights Drive.
The plan includes a link to Bethany Lakes Park.
The overall density is less than the original zoning.
The pian generates less traffic than previous zoning.
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 7
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
15. The land swap is subject to State and City Council approval.
16. The land swap allows for the location of a community center.
17. Tree preservation is included in the deed restrictions.
18. The drainage is not a problem.
19. There is no infringement of the flood plain.
20. The overall linear park system will benefit.
21. Deed restrictions will include the rear of the lot and a partial distance
toward the house to be fenced with the wrought iron material.
22. Tract 4 will be addressed at the time of platting.
Final Plat
Heritage Park III -1 (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Heritage Park I1I-1 for Tipton
Engineering, Inc. representing D. R. Horton, Inc., on a tract of land
situated in the R.C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of Bethany
Drive and west of Allen Heights Road."
Mr. Pat Atkins, Don Tipton, Inc., presented the plat of this first phase of
Heritage Park III. The adjacent plats will be forthcoming in the near future.
The proponent and staff are working on a facilities agreement regarding the
construction of the Chaparral bridge. This commitment to the construction of the
bridge is part of the subdivision acceptance.
Mr. Petty stated that Chaparral is a critical roadway to the city to tie to S. H. 5,
and it is vital that the bridge construction is addressed at this time. Engineering
on this plat is approved by city staff. The city feels that the cost of the Chapar-
ral bridge should be placed on all properties south of Bethany. Mr. Petty
suggested that the Commission add to approval of the plat a requirement that
prior to acceptance of this subdivision and prior to the filing of the plat, an
acceptable facilities agreement addressing the manner and formula for collecting
the monies for the construction of the Chaparral bridge bein place.
Mr. Atkins stated that Centex (the owner of the remaining property south of
Bethany) has agreed to bear the cost of the bridge and Chaparral Road.
APRIL 23, 199E PAGE 9
Final Plat
Heritage Park III -1 (Cont.) (Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Petty stated that the plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat.
Mr. Petty added that city staff is discussing the need to revise the filing system
on plats. Current, plats are filed within 10 days of approval. Utility easements
need to be added after city approval of the plat and building permits are some-
times requested before final acceptance of the development. It is being suggest-
ed that plats be approved as they are now; however, not be filed of record until
acceptance of the subdivision by the city.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
final plat for Heritage Park III -1 with the stipulation that before final
acceptance of the subdivision and filing the plat a facilities agree-
ment shall be in place regarding the construction of Chaparral and
the bridge.
Comprehensive Plan Update (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
Consider Recommendation to Adopt the 1992 Comprehensive Plan Update."
Mr. Petty discussed the process of the update to the Plan. The plan is being
brought forward with the recommendation of staff and the Development Subcom-
mittee for approval.
Commissioner Fulls expressed concern regarding upward light pollution. He
stated that the Comprehensive Plan address lateral light pollution, but not
upward pollution. Mr. Petty suggested that the Plan not address specific details,
but remain general in nature, and this item should be addressed through the
Subdivision requirements. The consensus of the Commission was that this would
be the appropriate platform for addressing this issue.
Chairman Garcia stated that it was unfortunate that he had to miss the presenta-
tion on the update of the Plan. He commended staff for the work that has been
done and added that he was in approval of a recommendation to adopt the Plan.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
adoption of the 1992 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Other Business:
Mr. Keener advised that there will be a meeting scheduled for May 14, 1992, and
will include an agenda item for a public hearing.
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 9
The following items will be brought forward for consideration in the near future:
Completion of the Comprehensive Plan Update (funding for printing is
Zoning Ordinance revisions need to be completed.
Subdivision Ordinance revisions need to be completed.
Commissioner Crume stated he had received a call from Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie, the
parties attending the public hearing for Oak Ridge 2. They requested that he
determine what would be required to initiate rezoning on the southwest corner of
Malone and Exchange. Discussion was held as to whether it would be appropriate
for the Commission to initiate zoning of this property at this time. It was the
consensus of the Commission that the cost of a feasibility study, as well as
liability regarding downzoning of the property, would not make it feasible for the
Commission to initiate rezoning at this time. Rather, it would be appropriate for
the property owner to initiate it at such time as there is an interest in develop-
ment of the area.
APRIL 23, 1992 PAGE 10
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Fulk, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
April 23, 1992, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
at 9:35 p.m.
These minutes approved this 14th day of May, 1992.
1 ` �
rcia, Chairman Kenneth Fulk, Secretary