HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Public Art Committee - 2021 - 05/18 - Regular PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE
MAY 18,2021-6:00 P.M.
Committee Members:
Jane Bennett
Steve Benson
Ann Carroll
Saundra Midkiff
Sandy Wittsche
Denise Gilbert
Tod Raines
City Staff:
Kate Meacham,Director,Parks and Recreation
Matt McComb,Park Planning,Development&Forestry Manager,Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager,Parks and Recreation
Jennifer King, Senior Administrative Assistant,Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the committee members present,the regular meeting of the Public Art Committee was
called to order by Secretary Bennett at 6:01 p.m.on Tuesday,May 18,2021,in the Multipurpose Room
of the Allen Senior Recreation Center,451 St.Mary Drive,Allen,Texas 75002.
Action Items
1. Election of Vice Chair
Secretary Bennett opened nominations for the positions of Vice Chair.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Benson and seconded by
Committee Member Carroll,the Committee voted four(4)for and none(0)
opposed to elect Jane Bennett to the office of Committee Vice Chair.
2. Approve Minutes from the April 20,2021 Regular Meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Carroll and seconded by committee
member Midkiff,the committee voted four(4)for and none(0)opposed to
accept minutes from the April 20,2021 regular meeting as presented.
3. Identify and establish a future project budget.
Director of Parks and Recreation,Kate Meacham and Strategic Projects Manager,Jennifer
Robinson,presented a flythrough of the Steven G.Terrell Recreation Center and discussed
further with Committee of possible areas for artwork opportunities.Park Planning,Development
&Forestry Manager,Matt McComb provided handouts regarding the five Roundabouts in Allen.
McComb shared information from a previous session attended with Engineering of the different
MAY 18,2021
artwork possibilities.McComb also provided an update regarding the construction of the Allen
Public Library targeted for Fall 2022.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Committee Member Carroll and seconded by Committee
Member Benson,the Committee voted four(4)for and none(0)opposed to
postpone discussion/decision regarding Roundabouts until the next Committee
Discussion Items
4. Update on Current Projects
a. Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium
Staff shared the contract has been negotiated and will be presented to council for official
approval at the May 25,2021 meeting.
5. Discuss Board Evaluation
The Committee reviewed board evaluation from last year and determined it was still current. Staff
will update to the 2021 form and submit to the City Secretary's Office.
6. Items of Interest(announcements regarding local civic and charitable events,meetings,
fundraisers,and awards)
a. Items for Future Agendas
Elect Secretary and discuss future projects.
b. Next Meeting: Tuesday,June 15,2021
7. Adjourn
There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
These minutes read and approved this 15th day of June 2021.
, / .
Sandy Wit he,Chair J. e Be ett,Secreta