HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1992 - 10/08 - RegularALLEN PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION
OCTOBER 9, 1992
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman (arrived 7:50 p.m.)
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Douglas Gallagher
Jeffery Kelley
Steve Allen
Noel Crume
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com-
mission was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Acting Chairman Biggs at the Allen
Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes (Agenda Item II)
September 24 1992
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of September 24, 1992, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Fulk, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of September 24, 1992, as presented.
OCTOBER 8, 1992 PAGE 2
Tabled Item
Review of Subdivision Ordinance (Agenda Item III)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Review of Subdivision Ordinance."
This item was moved to the end of the meeting.
Public Hearing
Calvary Baptist Church (Agenda Item IV)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Intermandeco, Inc. for Calvary
Baptist Church for a Specific Use Permit for a church to be located in a
Shopping Center (SC) District of Planned Development No. 22, being
4.1450 acres of land situated in the R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No.
1012, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and part of a 22.4 acre
tract as described in Instrument No. 92-0043521 of the Deed Records of
Collin County, Texas; further described as being the southwest corner of
Allen Heights Drive and Bethany Drive."
Mr. Keener presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the subject
property is currently zoned PD22-Shopping Center. It is in Neighborhood
District No. 25. He discussed the history of this tract. It was originally a 22.4 -
acre shopping center tract and was recently reduced to 6.6 acres. If this request
is approved, it will further reduce the shopping center tract to 1.4 acres and will
effectively eliminate this corner as a future retail site.
Acting Chairman Biggs discussed the problem of leaving a small shopping center
tract to the south.
Commissioner Fulk questioned the future location of a dumpster, and the fact that
there appears to be no possible location except in required, designated parking
spaces. It was discussed that the city's policy does not require that a dumpster
be shown on the site plan; however, Commissioner Fulk expressed concern about
maintaining the minimum number of parking spaces.
Acting Chairman Biggs opened the public hearing.
Pastor Paul Price, applicant, spoke in favor of the request. He discussed the
fact that the flood plain study is not complete at this time. He stated that the
parking fulfills city requirements for a 250 -seat auditorium. He stated that the
purchase is contingent upon receiving a favorable response to this zoning
L OCTOBER 8, 1992 PAGE 3
Public Hearing
Calvary Baptist Church ( Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Commissioner Kelley discussed the need for handicapped parking spaces and
questioned the location of a future dumpster and how this would relate to the
required parking spaces. He questioned whether there would be a problem with
building a driveway over a sewer easement. Mr. Keener stated that permanent
structures are not allowed on sewer easements.
Chairmen Garcia closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Kelley stated that the building is 11,000 sq. ft., rather than the
10,000 sq. ft. as stated in staff's memo.
Further discussion was held regarding the need to maintain the 83 parking
spaces, regardless of how many handicapped spaces are designated and where the
dumpster is located.
Mr. Commissioner Kelley discussed the possibility of requiring developers to have
their dumpster location plans reviewed by BFI for approval of the site.
Discussion was held regarding the drive approaches and staff advised that the
city's current guidelines are less than 100', but staff attempts to maintain at
least 150'. A fire plug is located at the corner of the property.
It was indicated that the site plan shows only 79 actual parking spaces and this
should be corrected.
Commissioner Crume discussed the fact that there are no plans to widen Allen
Heights Drive in the near future.
It was also discussed that the flood plain line may change when the study is
completed at the time of platting.
The hike and bike trail will be on the west side of the creek, included in the
Heritage Heights Addition.
The areas on the site plan marked "Greenbelt" which actually satisfy the land-
scaping requirements, should be redesignated as "Landscape" areas. Mr. Price
stated that there are no plans at this time to install automatic sprinklers. The
Commission discussed the need for the landscaping to be sprinklered.
Commissioner Allen stated he would be not be in favor of requiring sprinklers
because of the financial burden it would place on the proponent.
Chairman Garcia suggested that if this were a commercial request, the Commission
would probably require sprinklers because of its proximity to the intersection of
two major thoroughfares.
.j OCTOBER 8, 1992 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
Calvary Baptist Church (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Commissioner Gallagher questioned whether this request would result in giving
up too much of the Shopping Center district. Commissioner Folk stated he had
the same concern. This district will have been reduced from 22.4 acres to 1.4
acres if this request is approved.
Commissioner Kelley discussed the fact that this was a major concern when the
property was rezoned from the 22.4 acres to the current 6.6 acres.
Commissioner Folk questioned staff as to the developability of the 6.6 acres as a
shopping center. Mr. Keener stated that 6.6 acres would allow for a small strip
center, not a major commercial development. He stated the question remains as to
whether the Commission feels this corner is needed as a commercial site. He
added that there is a commercial site at Chaparral and Allen Heights; however,
this will not develop for a long time.
Commissioner Folk discussed the fact that the southeast and southwest corners of
the intersection in question are planned for commercial, the northwest corner is
residential, and the northeast corner is Bethany Lakes Park. He feels this
corner might be necessary for commercial development. It was discussed that the
southeast corner might allow, sufficient commercial development.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 3 FOR and 4 OPPOSED to approve
the request subject to the parking being corrected to show actual 83
spaces; including adequate number of handicapped spaces, and that
if there is going to be a dumpster, the parking spaces must be
maintained and it must be screened; the wording "Greenbelt" in the
areas that are to be landscaped should be changed to "Landscape,"
and the landscaping along Bethany and Allen Heights only be irrigat-
ed. The other areas would not be required to be irrigated. The
motion failed.
Commissioners Biggs, Crams, and Allen stated that they voted against the motion
because they did not feel the property required irrigation, and discussion was
held requiring the need for irrigation.
Mr. Price stated that he wants to build a nice facility and if other churches are
required to be irrigated, then his church should be required also; however, if
they are not required, he would prefer not to install the system.
Commissioner Falk stated that this is not a community facilities district, but
rather a specific use permit in a shopping center district. He voted against the
motion because he is not in favor of allowing the use at this site, but rather
preserving it commercial uses.
OCTOBER 8, 1992 PAGE 5
Public Hearing
Calvary Baptist Church (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Commissioner Kelley suggested that the City needs a landscape ordinance which
requires all commercial landscaping to be irrigated. He suggested that allowing
grass as the entire landscaping is not sufficient.
Commissioners Gallagher and Kelley stated that they felt that the southeast
corner of this intersection would allow for sufficient commercial development.
Chairman Garcia stated that his concern regarding the irrigation was that this
location is a major, visible commercial district.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to approve
the request subject to the parking being corrected to show actual 83
spaces; including adequate number of handicapped spaces, and that
if there is going to be a dumpster, the parking spares must be
maintained and it must be screened; the wording "Greenbelt" in the
areas that are to be landscaped should be changed to "Landscape,"
and the landscaping along Bethany and Allen Heights only be irrigat-
ed. The other areas would not be required to be irrigated.
1. A church is an allowable use in a Shopping Center district.
2. The parking issues were addressed.
3. Ingress and egress was addressed.
4. The request has approval of the Fire Marshal.
5. Landscaping is adequate.
6. A variety of uses at this intersection will be an asset.
7. The church is appropriate adjacent to the greenbelt.
1. The use is appropriate; however, the landscaping should not be required
to be irrigated.
OCTOBER 8, 1992 PAGE 6
Tabled Item
Subdivision Ordinance (Agenda Item III)
This item was not removed from the table; however, at this time, Chairman Garcia
took the opportunity to share with the Commission items that were discussed at
the meeting of the previous night with the Mayor and other Board and Commission
Chairman Garcia discussed procedural matters for future meetings and suggested
that future public hearings should be closed to the public after the public hearing
is closed.
Commissioner Crume requested staff to begin the consider developing a landscap-
ing ordinance. This was discussed by the Commission and the consensus of the
Commission was to request staff to bring forward information regarding this
The Thanksgiving meeting was canceled. A decision will be made when necessary
as to whether to schedule a special meeting date in place of the Thanksgiving
meeting. The Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) meeting was canceled.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
October 8, 1992, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:30
minutes approved thio? n N day of —CGe.e-ue.t� , 1992.
arcia, Chairman Kenneth ^ulk, Secretary