HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1992 - 12/10 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 10, 1992 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: John Garcia, Chairman Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman Kenneth Fulk, Secretary Douglas Gallagher Jeffery Kelley Steve Allen Noel Crume Commission Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary David Whitehead, Director of Public Works Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com- mission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes November 18, 1992 (Agenda Item 11) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of November 18, 1992, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Fulk, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of November 18, 1992, as presented. PLANNING & ZONING CONMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 2 Public Hearing Twin Creeks Zonin¢ (Agenda Item 111) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Richard Ferrara Architect, representing Briar Ridge Investments, Inc., Mr. John Green, and Mr. David Whisenant for the Rowlett Farm Partnership, to amend Planned Development Numbers 38, 20, 27, and 28; and Flood Plain -Planned Develop- ment Numbers 23, 32 and 41, and a request for zoning on property cur- rently zoned Agriculture -Open Space, including 2,684.90 acres." Refer- ence was made to the agenda for the legal description of this property. Mr. Petty introduced the request to the Commission. He suggested that there will probably be some workshop sessions held on this request. He stated that the area from Watters Branch to U.S. 75 is primarily shown as an industrial area. A golf course is planned along Rowlett Creek, with housing units west of Watters Branch. He pointed out that several variances are being requested to the City's development standards which will need to be considered. Mr. Petty suggested that because of the three ownerships involved in this request, separate planned developments might be assigned to each ownership. Schools, the park system, and access to the golf course with relation to the linear greenbelt system, will need to be considered. Ms. Savage stated that the City would like the opportunity to work with the developer to ensure that the neighborhood parkland (2 acres per 1,000 persons) is reserved. Preservation of the linear parks and protection of the integrity of Watters Branch and Rowlett Creek with hike and bike trails for public access are of extreme importance. She stated that two Park Board members have volun- teered to attend any workshop sessions held. These two members are Lonnie Thomas and Jim Waldbauer. Richard Ferrara, Architect and Land Planner, 445 East Walnut Street, Richard- son, presented the request to the Commission on behalf of the ownership. He displayed a slide presentation showing their zoning request and exhibits of other developments in which Arvida and his company have been involved. He stated that Briar Ridge has purchased over 2400 acres west of U.S. 75. The recreation- al and residential development is to be completed by Arvida of Florida. The Baldwin Company is acting as a realtor on this project. Mr. Ferrara's company is the planner; FranzmanlDavis will be completing the residential and recreational design; Carter & Burgess is the civil engineer; Barton-Aschman is the traffic engineer. Mr. Ferrara completed a comparison of land use plans with McKinney, Frisco, Allen, and Plano. The major difference in the request and the Comprehensive Plan is along Watters Branch, He discussed the proposed extension of Exchange Parkway. He stated that they would be responsible for design of the road and interchange, while working with the City and the State in cooperation with S. H. 121 construction. I I PLANNING & ZONING CONMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 3 Public Hearing Twin Creeks Zoning (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Ferrara stated that other issues of consideration were the diverse ownerships and the existence of the Kittyhawk Airport. The proponent has researched through the FAA to obtain a typical flight pattern, which has been incorporated into height restrictions on the proposed development. The existing subdivision in the area, Raintree Estates, was given major consider- ation in this proposal. Lots are currently being sold in this development. Mr. Ferrara presented statistical comparisons from the existing zoning to the proposed. He discussed the proposed request on the Whisenant and Green tracts. They have included a landscape easement adjacent to the two thorough- fares on the Whisenant tract. Mr. John Green, Route 1, Allen, Texas, spoke regarding his property. He stated that this property was originally the family home place. He stated that he is donating 8 acres in addition to the 8 acres from Briar Ridge for community facilities, and this is being moved to the northern end of the tract. Some uses in the existing zoning do not reflect current market conditions. Mr. Ferrara stated that the single family zoning has been expanded in this area. He discussed the proposed acreage for the fire station. If the fire department does not require the entire 2 acres, then the additional 1 acre will become part of the park area. He stated that the streets wider than 100' will have a 25'land- scape easement with sidewalks that meander through that easement. Hike and bike trails, alternative transportation systems, etc. are proposed to be incorpo- rated throughout the development. Mr. Ferrara discussed the camp area owned by a church and the desire to consider that area when developing the adjacent park sites. Mr. Ferrara discussed the proposed Architectural Control Committee that would be required to review all plans prior to submission to the City. Setbacks along thoroughfares constitute 32 acres of land .... 472 acres are set aside for open space. Mr. Bruce Smith, Arvida, 1122 W. McDermott, Allen, discussed the proposed golf course. This course will include 200 acres, open to the public. All signs, including street signs, are proposed to be provided by the developer and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. Chairman Garcia opened the public hearing Chairman Garcia read into the record portions of the attached letter from Mr. Donald E. Paschal, Jr., City Manager for the City of McKinney, and it is made a part hereof. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Twin Creeks Zoning (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Jim Rushing, 2000 W. Kittyhawk Drive - spoke representing the homeowners at Kittyhawk Airport. He introduced the residents of Kitty - hawk and stated that if the FAA height restrictions are a part of the development agreement, then their only concern is with the use of the land adjoining them. They request that paragraph 1, page 4.6 of the proposal be changed to include Tract 9A in the office use limitations. He requested the opportunity to be present at any workshop involving the land adjacent to them. Mr. Don Stovall, resident of Kittyhawk - stated he is requesting a buffer of garden office adjacent to their property. Mr. Rob Crawford, 3409 Los Alamos, McKinney, discussed the need to preserve the linear right-of-way along the Rowlett Creek corridor; bike paths should be designed along Federal guidelines, which he would be happy to provide, nonresidential streets should have at least one 14' lane in each direction to include sharing of bicycles and cars. Mr. Bill Frazer, Regional Planner for Collin County - discussed the thor- oughfare plan as it relates to the entire county. He stated that there does not seem to be a need for a thoroughfare connecting Exchange to S.H. 121. This traffic can be addressed by Exchange to Alma. He suggested that the City request the Council of Governments (COG) to study the traffic request. He stated that Collin County Public Works would be happy to submit a joint request with the City of Allen for this study. He expressed concern regarding the feasibility of the interchange on S.H. 121 between Custer and Ahna. A decision by the Highway Department would need to be Ms. Amy Monier, part owner of the Montgomery Farm south of McDermott - expressed concern regarding bike trails, extra lanes on the main thorough- fares for bike commuters, trails through the golf course and public access through Rowlett Creek; percentage of parklands that are really open to the public, and not developed as private; Exchange Parkway as it crosses Rowlett Creek and the trail system in this area. Mr. Bill Wines, owner of property along S.H. 121 in Allen and McKinney - suggested that the Kittyhawk Airport was not planned to dominate the development for the entire area. He asked that the Commission consider this in connection with the long-range plan. These restrictions could affect a great deal of property. The drainage in this area begins north of S.H. 121 and traverses through Allen. He is concerned regarding whether Oils drainage and sewer would be allowed to continue south, or whether lift stations will be required. He is supportive of the proposal. The road changes proposed appear to be appropriate. He is concerned that the interchanges at S.H. 121 should remain fixed. He suggested that the development would be enhanced if the developer would build the service roads along S.H. 121. Mr. Rob Crawford, 3409 Los Alamos, McKinney, discussed the need to preserve the linear right-of-way along the Rowlett Creek corridor; bike paths should be designed along Federal guidelines, which he would be happy to provide, nonresidential streets should have at least one 14' lane in each direction to include sharing of bicycles and cars. Mr. Bill Frazer, Regional Planner for Collin County - discussed the thor- oughfare plan as it relates to the entire county. He stated that there does not seem to be a need for a thoroughfare connecting Exchange to S.H. 121. This traffic can be addressed by Exchange to Alma. He suggested that the City request the Council of Governments (COG) to study the traffic request. He stated that Collin County Public Works would be happy to submit a joint request with the City of Allen for this study. He expressed concern regarding the feasibility of the interchange on S.H. 121 between Custer and Ahna. A decision by the Highway Department would need to be PLANNING & ZONING COMMSSION DECMWER 10, 1992 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Twin Creeks Zoning (Cont.) (Agenda Item 1II) finalized prior to zoning. He further expressed concern over the need for a major bridge to be built by the City of Allen over Rowlett Creek. He discussed the need for public access to the Rowlett Creek watershed. He referred to the linear greenbelt park study completed by the City of Allen and added that the propo- nent appears to have no provision to link Allen with neighboring cities. He requested that the Commission request the COG to revise the thoroughfare study model to reflect review of the Twin Creeks plan to determine traffic volumes. He challenged the developers to explore opportunities related to the Rowlett stream corridor. Mr. Rushing again spoke regarding comments made by Mr. BID Wines. He stated that if the height restrictions were applied to the north of the airport property, he does not see that this would affect the development of S.H. 121. Mr. Bob Johnson, 198 Willow Creek Circle, and property owner at S.H. 121 and Alma - stated that he supports the plan. He did have questions regarding the interchange where Exchange intersects S.H. 121. He is concerned about the entire City's traffic pattern. He questioned the fact that Bethany appears to be changed on this plan from the City's thorough- fare plan. He is concerned about this change. Intersections at Custer and Alma should be maintained. Mr. Dan Stovall, 2006 W. Kittyhawk - stated that the airport has never dominated this area, and they have never desired that; their only request is for consideration. Mr. Wines responded to the Kittyhawk residents. He discussed the cost to the City of lost property taxes if this airport is not eventually phased out. Mr. Tom Gandy, 2024 W. Kittyhawk - expressed appreciation for the proposed plan as it accommodates all sectors of life. He discussed the opportunities for quality of life. Mr. Bob Cook, 610 Valley View - expressed concern of the load on our schools, Main Street traffic problems, enforcement of current ordinances, etc. Mrs. Brian Williams, owner of Montgomery Farm - urged the City to honor the 1992 Comprehensive Plan by preserving the Rowlett Creek corridor for public access and use. Mr. Kevin Pierce, 604 Sandy Creek - expressed support for the widening of lanes for bicycle routes. PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 6 Public Hearing Twin Creeks Zoning (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Dave Broyles, 211 Ellis - expressed support for the widening of street lanes for bike commuters, the greenbelt along Rowlett Creek, public access should not be cut. He stated that sacrificing Kittyhawk Airport to the dollar would be a mistake as it is an asset to the community, and should be maintained as it is. Mr. Larry Ferris, 2019 E. Kittyhawk - emphasized the fact that the request of the Kittyhawk residents is for the developer to consider a buffer zone on the south side between the industrial/ manufacturing and the residential area. Mr. Philip Rich, 1108 Shade Tree - questioned how the people already located in Raintree Estates will be treated, and whether they will be included in the recreational facilities? Mr. Harold Henderson, owner of the property at McDermott and Watters Creek, requested a plan for widening McDermott Drive. Chairmen Garcia closed the public hearing. Commissioners suggested that the proponent be allowed to respond to questions posed during the public hearing. Mr. Ferrara responded as follows: He assured everyone that the proponent has been in the community over the past 21, years. It is their intention to research everything that influ- ences the development of this land. They have already been to the High- way Department, the COG, City of McKinney, etc. Details of this will be shown in the workshop sessions. He discussed issues regarding the Exchange crossing of Rowlett Creek. He requested a workshop session which would involve the school board, parks department, City Council, and anyone else having an interest, for an all -day session. He stated that they are treating Kittyhawk as a neighbor. The FAA restrictions proposed are not intended to be permanent; but structured in such a way that the restrictions exist only as long as the neighborhood retains a hobby atmo- sphere. A workshop session was set for January 7, 1993, at 7:00 p.m. Staff will check to see if the Library meeting room is available. At this time a short recess was called. 0 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION i DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 7 Preliminary Plat Watters Crossing (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Phase I of Watters Crossing for Bon Terre -B, Ltd. , being 118.1650 acres out of the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive and west of Watters Creek." Mr. Keener presented two alternative designs for this preliminary plat. The original proposal and "Alternate A." The original proposal indicates the collector street from Bethany to McDermott adjacent to Watters Creek. This proposal enhances public access to the creek corridor. As staff considered this area, two major draws were discovered outside the flood plain, but lined with beautiful, large trees. Construction of the proposed collector street would require the removal of these draws and tree stands. "Alternate A" is being proposed to save these areas. It redesigns this southern portion of the tract into two cul-de-sacs. This proposal, however, will limit access to the creek in this area. The tree lines will be included in the back yards of the homes. This will mean that there will be no alleys on these lots. Conse- quently, the front yard access would allow front garage with side entry. Mr. Joel Robuck, 3816 Bryn Mawr, Dallas, with Bon -Terre, Inc., discussed the request. He requested that the same allowance of no alleys be granted on the three lots of Belvedere, Lots 1,2, and 3, on the north end of the property because of the need to preserve the trees. Mr. Keener advised that both preliminary designs have been approved by the City Engineer. Ms. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained that her preference would be "Alternate A" with the cul-de-sac design. He was explained that the unusable land shown on the north side of Ashland Ct. will be dedicated as open space to the Homeowner's Association. Commissioner Cmme questioned whether there will be parking on Bethany to access the creek system. Mr. Keener stated that our current ordinance prohibits parking on major thoroughfares. Parking will be allowed along Carmel and at the end of the cul-de-sacs. Mr. Robuck stated that the cul-de-sacs will be surnamed "Court." He added that the esplanade will be irrigated and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. Commissioner Allen questioned whether the cul-de-sac radius could be enlarged to allow parking in this area. Mr. Robuck stated he would work with Ms. Savage to attempt to do this and still preserve the trees. Mr. Petty stated that the trees that are being saved will be incorporated into private lots. PLANNING & ZONING COMMUSSION I DECEMBER 10, 1992 PAGE 6 0 Preliminary Plat Watters Crossing (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Gallagher, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve "Alternate A" with the following amendments: 1) side entrance garages; 2) no alleys on Lots 1,2, and 3 of Block H; 3) no alleys on southern two cul-de-sacs; 3) cul-de-sacs will be surnamed "Court"; 4) additional open space will be maintained by the Homeowner's Association; 5) Carmel will be renamed Bel Air in cooperation with City staff street naming procedures; 6) Westwood cul-de-sac will be fanned if possible. Review of Subdivision Ordinance (Agenda Item V) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Review of Subdivision Ordinance." It was decided to hold this item until a workshop session to be scheduled for December 16, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Petty advised the Commission that the City had received an award from the North Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association for the 1992 Compre- hensive Plan. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Crume, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the December 10, 1992, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:15 P.M. These minutes approved this _ / day of JGarcia oh , Chairman 199 Kenneth Fulls, Secretary mncCITY OF McKINNEY, 222 N. Tennessee, PO. Box 517, McKinney, Texas 75069 (2141542-2675 December 9, 1992 Mr. Jon McCarty City Manager City of Allen One Butler Circle Allen, Texas 75002 Re: Proposed Twin Creeks Development Dear Mr. McCarty: My staff and I wish to thank you for providing information to us regarding the proposed Twin Creeks development comprising approximately 2,400 acres. Allen's Development Coordinator, Mr. Tom Keener, took the initiative to provide data to McKinney's Director of Planning and Community Development, and Allen's Director of Community Development, Mr. Bill Petty, was also gracious in coordinating with our director. The City of Allen, and our shared immediate environs, can benefit from this development which can provide housing, job opportunities, and an increase in the economic vitality of this area. With this in mind, and in the spirit of intergovernmental coordination, I respectfully suggest that Allen city staff and officials consider the following during your continuing evaluation of this project: (1) The State Highway 121 Freeway Corridor - The City of McKinney staff and officials encourage Allen to insure that all north/south thoroughfare alignment activity be coordinated with the State's plan for State Highway 121 particularly where there are crossing points for both Allen and McKinney. As you know, McKinney's Planning and Engineering staff has coordinated with the State, NCTCOG, Collin County, and the Allen Master Thoroughfare Plans during the preparation and adoption of the McKinney Master Thoroughfare Plan, which is a component of the City of McKinney 1990 Comprehensive Plan. The coordination of the Twin Creeks plan will aid the safe, efficient, and cost- effective thoroughfare development of the State Highway 121 Freeway corridor. (2) The Rowlett Creek Inter iurisdictional Watershed Management Program - The City of McKinney presumes that Allen is implementing the spirit of the Rowlett Creek Inter - jurisdictional Watershed Management Program, wherein the councils of six municipalities, including both our cities, were signatories to eight common policies designed to implement the program. Specifically, regarding the Twin Creeks development, we assume that: (a) Floodplain areas will be protected to accommodate flood water through preservation of natural stream corridors; (b) Sensitivity of the natural environment in the Rowlett Creek corridor will be respected; and (c) Public access (through hike and bike trails) will be provided and maintained through the linear park system component of the Rowlett Creek Program. Again, Mr. McCarty, my staff and I appreciate the opportunity to provide our comments to you, in the spirit of intergovernmental cooperation. Please feel free to call me or Alan Efrussy, AICP, Director of Planning and Community Development, at (214)n542.2675 ext. 602, if you have any questions or comments. Sincerer DONALD E. PASCHAL, JR. City Manager DEP/adc cc: Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, City of Allen Mr. Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, City of Allen I n Comments by William E. Fraser Collin County Regional Planner at City of Allen Planning and Zoning December 10, 1992 - Public Hearing regarding Briar Ridge/Twin Creeks As the Regional Planner for Collin County, I would like to make several comments about the proposed development referred to as Briar Ridge Investments/Twin Creeks. First, Collin County, with the cities of McKinney and Allen, have been working with the Transportation Department of North Central Texas Council of Governments (COG) to evaluate the Thoroughfare Plans for the Southwestern quadrant of Collin County. This study has influenced the latest City of Allen Thoroughfare Plan revision. Based on the traffic volumes generated through the study, the current Thoroughfare Plan, in the area of the proposed development, adequately addresses the projected traffic demands. Furthermore, our study was based on demographics of a Collin County Built -out scenario. A built -out population for Collin County of 1.6 million people was developed by using the comprehensive development plans of the communities of Collin County and assumes continued growth of the entire County with similar development that already has taken place in Plano, Allen and McKinney. I am stressing the Build -out scenario related to the Thoroughfare Plan because it provides a maximum of traffic volume and puts the traffic volume into a regional context ... not just numbers of traffic generated by Allen and neighboring communities. Having made these statements, let's relate them to the proposed development. Based on the Council of Governments study, there does not seem to be a need for a new thoroughfare connecting Exchange Parkway to State Highway 121. The traffic needing this connection can be addressed by the Exchange Parkway to Alma Road connection to State Highway 121, which is addressed by the current City of Allen Thoroughfare Plan. However, before any decisions are reached, I would like to suaaest that the Citv request Council of Governments to volumes for cne scuay area. Coiiin County ruDiic worxs wiii be happy to submit a joint request with the City of Allen to COG. 3 A key thing to remember about the Task Force and recommended policies is that the work was completed by numerous experts that experienced flooding problems and solutions first hand. Developing communities like Allen have the opportunity to avoid the costly mistakes that other communities have experienced. Solutions to effective floodplain management are outlined in the policies recommended by the Rowlett Creek Task Force. Please review these policies when considering any zoning proposals along Rowlett Creek and all its tributaries. Another item that I would like to bring to your attention is the Linear Greenbelt Park Study, completed by the City of Allen in 1986. The recommendations presented in the Greenbelt Study are consistent with the policies of the Rowlett Creek Task Force and represent the best use of the Rowlett Creek stream corridor. The propoal for Twin Creeks recognizes the need to continue a bike/hike trail throughout the Rowlett Creek corridor but destroys the Rowlett Creek Greenway. The Rowlett Creek Greenway should provide for a total trail system along and adjacent to the Creek... the water, the trees, the rock outcrops and the wildlife species that inhabit the streamside corridor. Relocating a trail along a bermed/landscaped corridor adjacent to a roadway will never equal the quality experience of a trail system along a stream corridor. Furthermore, the Rowlett Creek Greenway has always included a vision to link together the cities of Collin County. The current proposal has no provisions to link Allen with Frisco along the west Rowlett Creek stream corridor. In closing, let me encourage the City to consider the plans and recommendations of the recent past and to work with the developers so that development plans reflect what the people of the community want as opposed to what they would accept. To Summarize - 1) I would like to suggest that the City request NCTCOG to revise the Thoroughfare Study Model to reflect revising per the Twin Creeks Plan, to determine the traffic volumes generated and to