HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 01/07 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION L WORKSHOP MEETING JANUARY 7, 1993 ATTENDANCE Commission Members Present John Garcia, Chairman Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman Kenneth Fulk, Secretary Douglas Gallagher Jeffery Kelley Steve Allen Noel Creme Commission Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development David Whitehead, Director of Public Works Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com- mission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Library, Allen, Texas. WORKSHOP- TWIN CREEKS PROPOSAL Chairman Garcia suggested that land uses be discussed at this workshop, and that this meeting might conclude by approximately 9:30 p.m. Mr. Petty reviewed the fact that there are three zoning cases involved in this submission; ArvidalBriarridge, Green, and Whisenant. Mr. Keener reviewed the proposed land uses as they relate to the existing zoning and to the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the Whisenant portion of the request is basically the same as existing zoning except for a realignment of the land uses. The Green and the Arvida/Briarridge requests include variances from the Comprehensive Plan. The existing zoning in Planned Development 23 re- served nearly 164 acres for future recreational uses for the City. In Planned Development No. 41, there are 11 acres of open space (not park land) that has been reserved through existing zoning. PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 2 Mr. Petty added that there is a substantial reduction in the commercial area and a substantial increase in the industrial areas. There are districts described in this request that identify industrial uses. This means that some of the industrial land might develop as commercial. Mr. Bruce Smith discussed assumptions that were probably made during the Comprehensive Plan process. The property east of Watters Branch was previous- ly zoned commercial, and they have attempted to leave it that way, with no single family residential. Densities have been decreased to the west. Originally, zoning was not done for market demand, but rather for financial interests. The proponent is designing the land with market conditions in mind. He stated that there is no market for medium density at this time. He stated that their request for Light Industrial and Industrial Technology include a variety of uses. Mr. Petty added that medium density can be built as single family development. Mr. Richard Ferrara stated that they have reclassified the medium density to multi -family. This reflects less medium density and more multi -family, which has been clustered along Watters Branch. Mr. Keener stated that the Comprehensive Plan does attempt to encourage a variety of housing types for projected income needs. 4 Commissioner Gallagher questioned whether the high density proposed was considered to be rental units or purchased units. Mr. Smith indicated that these would probably be rental units; at least at first, depending on market conditions. He discussed the issue of affordable housing. Mr. Ferrara discussed the problems associated with building entry level homes, and the fact that in today's market most first-time buyers are purchasing pre- owned homes. Mr. Smith discussed his company's marketing strategy whereby they mix the types of homes and price ranges within the development. Mr. Ferrara discussed the types of uses that might occupy the property east of Watters Branch. They have attempted to make a planned development unit that controls height, density, and architectural amenities, but allows a variety of uses. Mr. Petty discussed the need in the existing zoning for medium and high density development as buffers; and this is not necessarily needed in the proposal. Mr. Keener stated that the land use tables were designed to consider schools, parks, traffic, water, sewer, employment, tax base, cost of services, etc. If one category is decreased, the other categories must be considered for an increase. Chairman Garcia questioned the abbreviation "NR" as used on the proposal. It stands for Neighborhood Recreational which are private within the residential areas. The term "Outs" refers to property that the proponent does not own. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION a JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 3 The question was asked how the proposed districts "TR" "CC" and "PC" compare to existing districts in the City's Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Marcia Diamond stated that the proposal accounts for a 3% increase in trips per day over the existing zoning. She added that the Corridor Commercial proposal is slightly different from the existing zoning. However, they have attempted to limit it to entertainment type uses in the entry area, and larger uses in the other areas. The question is a need for additional infrastructure was discussed. Further discussion was held regarding the impact fee study. Mr. Ferrara discussed the fact that Exchange Parkway is the heart and sole of this request. Traffic is so important in this development. They have two consultants working on these issues. Commissioner questioned the plans for road construction to the east from the development to the other side of town. Further discussion was held regarding infrastructure needs of water and sewer. The Commission requested a comparison of needs with regard to the existing zoning and the proposed zoning. Mr. Whitehead suggested that the master plan with this zoning case should be tied to the revisions to the impact fees when they are made. He suggested a compari- son of the existing versus the proposed zoning will need to be completed. Mr. Smith stated that the proponent is obligated to pay whatever impact fees are in place at the time of development. Mr. Terry Haines stated that they do not believe the infrastructure needs will increase with the requested zoning in view of the fact that proponent has lowered the densities in all categories. Mr. Smith stated that yes, impact fees may go up, and this no one knows at this time. He stated that there is a great deal of water and sewer existing on this property. Mr. Whitehead stated that he does not feel there will be a significant change in the water costs. The sanitary sewer in Watters Branch is the only question he has in the immediate future. The Rowlett Creek area should not be a problem. Mr. Ferrara stated that their consultants have not discovered any problems with the existing infrastructure. Mr. Garcia requested the proponents visit with Mr. Whitehead regarding the issue. Mr. Petty was asked whether the proposed zoning is equivalent to the City's existing zoning districts. Staff was requested to prepare a comparison chart of the proposed uses to those of the Zoning Ordinance and the existing zoning. ■�1; Chairman Garcia referenced the CF uses shown on the proposal. He questioned whether the school has given any feedback on this plan. Mr. Ferrara stated that PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 4 Dr. Davenport and Mr. Bob Curtis, AISD, have visited with proponent. The proponent has volunteered to complete a revised school plan for the AISD. They are in the process of identifying zones for elementary, middle and high schools. AISD has agreed at this time to consider physical barriers such as creeks and roads as dividers rather than using the typical 1/2 miles circles. The school population is being considered at 750 for elementary, 1,000 for middle, and 2,000 for high school. Therefore, the CF designations on the proposal will be chang- ing. The one that will stay the same is the one jointly shared with the Green Tract and the fire station; also the tract located in Watters Branch near the MF tract. Mr. Petty requested advance notice of what areas will be considered at each of the workshops so that the appropriate people can be contacted for presentations and consultation. Mr. Petty discussed the question of Private Clubs and Restaurant] Private Clubs. The Zoning Ordinance required that a Specific Use Permit (SUP) be issued for these uses. The proposal eliminates the need for the SUP and has designated two tracts along US 75 and the country club was appropriate locations for Private Clubs or Restaurant/ Private Clubs. This issue will need to be resolved. Mr. Ferrara stated that the proponent is not trying to circumvent the controls for private clubs, but rather acknowledge the use is allowed. The controls would be included in this planned development ordinance. Commissioner Gallagher stated that he would have a problem with a private club being allowed by right in the residential area of the country club. Mr. Petty suggested that any controls the Commission would desire could be discussed at this time rather than at the time of SUP public hearing. Mr. Smith stated it would be advantageous to have the issued settled early, before homes are sold. Discussion was held regarding the fact that liquor would be allowed to be sold adjacent to the city park. Chairman Garcia also addressed the fact that portions of the golf course are adjacent to residential tracts, and referenced the 300 -foot rule. Commissioner Crume stated he would be opposed to liquor being sold on the course, but not beer and wine. Commissioner Biggs stated that he would not have a problem with the sale on the golf course. Commissioner Kelley stated the same. The use is compatible to a golf course. It was suggested that language be added that alcohol be sold only to members who have paid a green fee. It was further suggested that all potential owners be advised that the golf course sells alcohol. Mr. Smith stated that this would be difficult in a resale situation. The consensus was that the issue merits further review and consideration with specific conditions considered at a future workshop. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 5 GREEN TRACT Mr. Ferrara advised that the Fire Chief has approved the site for the fire station. The school district is comfortable with this location for the school. The fire station site is shown as 2 acres, and the fire department is still considering the question is whether they need one or two acres. The original design in this location was for a smoke tower. The extra acre might be used for a training facility or revert to park land. Mr. Haines stated that they have committed to give this site to the AISD. The land uses shown were considered as well as the land uses surrounding this tract. They were considered to be appropriate. Traffic considerations at the intersection of Alma and McDermott were discussed, and there is a need for additional right-of-way for dual turn lanes. The question regarding the need for a buffer between the MF and SF tracts was discussed. Mr. Ferrara stated that their plan abuts the back of the single family to the back of the multi -family. Proponent suggested wording be added to include the requirements as set out in the Zoning Ordinance for transitions between the multi -family and single-family districts. The densities used for the medium density and multi -family were based on the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Fulk stated he would have preferred to have seen the medium density and multi -family distributed throughout the proposal however, in general, he has no problem with this portion of the proposal. WHISENANT TRACT Ms. Diamond stated that the land uses and acreages are basically the same as the existing zoning; however, the uses have been realigned. The church has been moved from one corner to another. The multi -family and shopping center and park commitments are the same. Mr. Ferrara stated that they have added a 15 -Foot landscape buffer on the two major thoroughfares adjacent to this property. The park boundaries are estab- lished because of a previous commitment by the landowner. There is a small draw in this area. Commissioner Garcia advised the proponent to consider the issue of screening between the multi -family and single family. Mr. Ferrara stated that they have not tried to impose the same development standards on Mr. Green and Mr. Whisenant as they have on themselves; however, he will visit with them to consider this question. �j NEXT WORKSHOP The next workshop was set for Wednesday, January 13, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. Location will be the City Council chambers. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE 6 Mr. Haines requested time be allowed for an economic overview. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Gallagher, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the January 8, 1993, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:00 P.M. These minutes approved this ,?Sir-lday of 1993. John arcia, Chairman Kenneth Fu s, Secretary I L