HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 02/25 - Regular® ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
FEBRUARY 25, 1993
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman (arrived 7:45 p.m.)
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Douglas Gallagher
Jeffery Kelley
Steve Allen
Noel Crume
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com-
mission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Chairman Biggs at the Allen
Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
January 27, 1993
(A¢enda Item II)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of January 27, 1993, Workshop Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of January 27, 1993, as presented.
FEBRUARY 25, 1993 PAGE 2
Approve Minutes
February 11, 1993
(Agenda Item III)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of February 11, 1993, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commis-
sioner Crume, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to ap-
prove the minutes of February 11, 1993, as presented.
Approve Minutes
February 17, 1993
(Agenda Item IV)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of February 17, 1993, Workshop Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commis-
sioner Crume, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to ap-
prove the minutes of February 17, 1993, as presented.
Approve Minutes
February 18, 1993 (Agenda Item V)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of February 18, 1993, Workshop Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve
the minutes of February 17, 1993, as presented.
FEBRUARY 25, 1993 PAGE 3
Briar Ridge Investments
(Agenda Item VI)
Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Workshop - Hold a workshop to consider the zoning request by Richard
Ferrara, representing Briar Ridge Investments, Inc., Mr. John Green,
and Mr. David Whisenant for the Rowlett Farm Partnership, to amend
Planned Development Numbers 38, 20, 27, and 28; and Flood Plain -Planned
Development Numbers 23, 32, and 41, and a request for zoning on property
currently zoned Agriculture -Open Space, including 2,684.90 acres west of
U.S. 75, east of Custer Road, and north of F.M. 2170."
The following topics were discussed during the workshop:
Green Tract:
The commission reviewed the new proposal for Mr. Green's tract. They ques-
tioned the two acres that had been designated for the fire station. Mr. Petty
advised that Fire Chief Gentry has stated that one acre is sufficient for a fire
station; however, there may be a preference for an additional acre. The propo-
nents have stated that if an additional acre is desired for purchase, it will be
deed restricted to certain types of development.
The density on the Green tract is being lowered by 99 dwelling units in the
revised proposal. The townhome tract is being changed to single and multi-
family. There will be a 3 -acre landscape buffer between the single family and the
two proposed multi -family tracts, and the shopping center tract. The acreage of
the shopping center tract remains the same.
Commissioner Crume expressed agreement with the proposed buffering. Commis-
sioner Fulk expressed concern with the elimination of the medium density devel-
opment. Commissioner Kelley questioned the homeowner association status on the
Green and Whisenant tracts. Mr. Bruce Smith, Arvida, advised that the Green
and Whisenant tracts will not be included in the homeowner's association. The
Raintree Estates residents will have the option of joining this organization.
Park Board Recap:
Acting Chairman Biggs requested a report from the recent Park Board meeting.
Ms. Rhoda Savage represented the Park Board, and presented a synopsis of the
Board's last meeting. She read the attached memo, marked Exhibit "A," and
which is hereby made a part of the record. She further stated that in recogniz-
ing the acreage proposed for development, the City would like the opportunity to
complete an on-site inspection in the areas to be dedicated to the City to deter-
mine whether this site is actually appropriate for development as a park. She
stated that the Board recommends zoning half of the Community Park on the Briar
Ridge property, and the other half to be obtained from the adjacent property
FEBRUARY 25, 1993 PAGE 4
Commissioner Folk questioned whether consideration had been given to moving
the hike and bike trail toward the interior of the creek bed. She stated they were
concerned with safety issues, and preferred to have the trail located on the
interior and the fairways to the outside of the creek.
Green Tract:
Mr. Petty stated that staff does not have a recommendation on this tract. Staff
has completed a comparison using the new proposal. He stated that the overall
density is decreased by 99 units. He stated that medium density or single family
could be constructed in the multi -family tracts.
Commissioner Fulk discussed the fact that the Comprehensive Plan indicates a
need for medium density, and it has been removed from this request. The ques-
tion of the need for medium density was discussed further.
Commissioner Kelley expressed agreement with using the landscape buffer rather
than townhomes to buffer the single family from the multi -family and shopping
center. Mr. Petty stated that the buffer will not eliminate the requirement for
1 Commissioner Gallagher questioned the formula needed to compute the required
parkland dedication. Ms. Savage stated that for every 145 dwelling units the
proponent is required to dedicate one acre of parkland. A fee in lieu of land
would be accepted at $130 per single family unit and $110 per multi -family unit.
There are 802 dwelling units shown on the Green tract.
The Commission, by a verbal indication of 4 FOR and 1 OPPOSED was agreeable to
the new proposal on the Green Tract.
Site Plan for Residential Development:
Mr. Petty stated that modifications to the proposed site plan will be necessary,
such as alley entrances. Staff is recommending that this layout be viewed only as
a concept plan, and the specifics should be addressed at the time of preliminary
platting. Chairman Garcia stated that no alleys should enter residential collector
streets. Median cuts shown on the concept plan were reviewed. It was confirmed
that all lots shown without alleys will have side or rear entry. The proponent is
requesting cul-de-sac lengths at 1000 feet. These two items, certain lots to be
allowed without alleys, and the 1000 -foot cul-de-sacs, are variances to the
Subdivision Ordinance.
The Commission discussed the length of cul-de-sacs. Mr. Smith stated that the
proposal before the Commission is a concept plan only, and the specific layout will
be addressed at the time of platting.
Mr. Petty stated that the variances being requested are the elimination of alleys
at certain locations, and the length of cul-de-sacs being 1000 feet. At the time of
FEBRUARY 25, 1993 PAGE 5
preliminary platting, the developer will have to meet the development standards,
except for any exclusions granted during zoning.
The Commission requested staff to obtain comments from the Fire Marshal regard-
ing the 1000 -foot cul-de-sac proposal.
Memo from Park Director:
At this time Commissioner Crume requested that Ms. Savage's memo dated Febru-
ary 25, 1993 to Mr. Jon McCarty be made a part of the record, and it is attached
hereto as Exhibit "B."
Overall Changes to Development Standards:
The Commission had been provided new text which included changes to the
development standards. Mr. Petty reviewed additional changes he has requested
as follows:
1. Page II -1, last paragraph regarding the use of alternative building materi-
als will be removed.
2. Page III -2, the pavement on major thoroughfares will be 25 feet on each
side plus median improvements. The indication of U.S. 74 should be
changed to U.S. 75.
3. Page III -2 B - the fourth bullet - 6 -lane should be identified as limited or
controlled access.
4. Page III -9, Item 10 - Text stating that "all submittals shall be approved by
the Architectural Control Committee" should be removed from the proposal.
5. Page III -9, Item 12 - Text regarding the facilities agreement should include
additional text identifying which items the agreement covers; streets,
sidewalks, median improvements, street lights, storm drainage, and
specific thoroughfares, (Bray Central, F.M. 2170, Exchange, and
6. Page IV -1, Item 3 - Outdoor display. Mr. Petty suggested this text is too
broad and would be better stated to eliminate the blockage of public walks
and parking spaces.
7. Page IV -3, Section 10 - First sentence regarding the use of alternative
building materials should be removed.
6. Page VI -3, No. 5 - Alley waivers: strike residential collector street because
lots should not back to a collector street.
9. Page VI -3, No. 7 - sidewalks on collector streets should be 5 feet wide.
FEBRUARY 25, 1993 PAGE 6
10. Page VI -3, No. 8 - First sentence regarding the use of alternative building
materials should be removed.
11. Page VI -4, No. 11 - Private access area should read "streets shall be
constructed and dedicated to the city."
12. Page VI -4, No. 13 - Number of dwelling units and sizes should be clarified
to be air conditioned area exclusive of porches, breezeways and garages.
Mr. Petty stated that staff recommends removal of the strike out text and the
inclusion of the italicized text.
Park and Golf Course Design:
Drawings of the new park plan and the golf course design were provided to the
Requests for Additional Public Hearing:
Chairman Garcia stated that he has received requests for an additional public
hearing. This has not been done in the past, and he feels this would not be in
the best interests of the City. He has advised interested parties to make their
views known to the Commission by telephone calls and/or letters to City staff to
be provided to the Commission.
Future Meeting Dates:
The following schedule should complete the review of this request:
March 3, 1993 - 7:00 (Workshop)
March 4, 1993 - 8:00 (Workshop)
March 22, 1993 - 7:00 (Special Called Meeting)
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the February 25, 1993, meeting of the Planning & Zoning
Commission was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
These minutes approved this 4 day of —341 1993.
Jo arci , Chairman Kenneth Fu , Secretary
FEB 25 193 15:06 CITY OF ALLEN PAGE.01
P094-braWf8xtraro matoo7Rn -anww•
;'3off- 1 ' 727-616
r Our Board has had the distinct privilege of consulting with the Planning and
Zoning Commission concerning Parks and Recitation issues related to ilds large
and complex planned devetopment. This has been a challenge for us and we
have certainly developed a deep respect for tht Planning and Zoning
Commission and the task it encounters.
The Boards primary objecf��iveAi;i,ma.: w this planned development have been
developed after careful 00n ra//n tion of the City land Acquisition Policy,
Linear Greenbelt Park Study, Allen Comprehensive Plan and Park Open Space
and land Dedication Ordinances. In response to the proponetts request, the
Board objectives include:
FEB 25 193 15:06 CITY OF ALLEN PRGE.02
Page 2
El February 23, 1993
• Assurance of the integrity of the i jam Park system
(including extensive public access to Walters and Rowlett
Is Protection of the Ro I
etW�M Creek corridor
• Assurance of readily accessible neighborhood parks within
the development (a combination of public parka and
private recreation areas)
• That planned actions aro taken by the City of A len-sp
assure a public community park of 50-75 aca1;it
developed in the northwest quadrant of Alley
(The Community Park site is requested along the west aide
of Rowlett Creek, North of Rowhxl Road.)
7lqugh not always apparent, we have maintained an underlying premiae that
these objectives an be achieva d and mutually benefit the developers and the
current and fuarre citizens of Allen. We. feel the developers latest plans,
r presented to the Commission on February 19, are very elm to sadsfyiug all
FEB 25 '93 15:07 CITY OF ALLEN PAGE.03
Page 3
i'tebruary 23, 1993
Board concems. The developers should be complimented for their sincere
efforts to develop a community that is reflective of our city's strategic plans.
We feel the following recommendations will result in substantial if not complete
satisfaction of the Hoard objectives previously identified.
7 rrdConcerning linear Parks the Board has recognized the reality and necessity of
a privately owned publif course to the development. We fed the
golf course and Continuity of the Rowlett Creek Linear Park system can co -
deist. 71m developer has made extensive adjustments to reach this end. The
j' developer's latest proposal provides public access to significant portions of
Rowlett Creek via a *hike and bike" trait. however, the golf course design
includes fairways on the interior of the Ent and Wen Branches of Rowl n
Creek. in these areas the=8'W
g' pathtw�run parallel m the fairways
and serve dual
purposes ofgolf course path and a 'bike and bike" trail. As the
developer has frequently pointed out, it is not desirable to have this situadork of
f DM'W COW reaeattrss.
dual usage. The Parks and Recreation Board recommends�in order of
desirability, that dialogue be pursued with the developer to:
1) Design a golf course layout that does not have fairways in the
interior 'v formed by the East and West Branches of Rowlett
CCreek; and
parr Vr ALLEN
PAGE. 04
Paco 4
FebNazy 23, 1993
2) Have separate and distinct pathways for golf cans and •ldketblke•
Purposes consistent with the Linear Park Study 'buffo -
ReYar*W neigbborhood parks, the planned development utilization of public
Parks and private recreation areas posed a unique challenge to the Board. The
City's Park Dedication Ordinance is kknt concerning •private• ramutitat areas.
The ComPrahensive Plan dads rnoogndze the potential for the occurrence The
Allen Parks and Recreation Board recognizes that the developments Prop
Private recreation areas do in part offsset the need for public neighborhood
Parks. Also, private Parks are developed and maintained at no cost to the city.
The proper mixture of public parks and private recreayow areas can be
achieved. As proposed February 18th, the fwlowing mixture is summarized:
Public Park land.
7.6 Acns (Adjacent to 33.3 acnes of greeabdt) north of Fast
Branch of Rowlett Creek
10.0 Acres (Whisenant Tract)
5.0 Acres (Green and Twin Creek Tracts)
FEB 25 '93 15:08 CITY OF ALLEN PQGE.05
Page 5
February 23, 1993
4.5, 2.5, and 4.8 Ades These part dodicationc are along
Watters Creek. Thry are
connected by 31.9 saes of
34.4 Acres of public park ]and that may satisfy raigbborhood
park requirements
Mvats Recreation Areas - no public access:
28.3 Acres Bast side of golf courao along FM2170
11.1 Acres West side of golf course along FW 170
10.0 Acres Recreation Area (site not specified]
Private passive recreation area with public access:
The developer proposes via "alternative transportation mama•
public axes to significant Portiena of the interior •v' foamed by
the East and West Branches of Rowled (Sal.
FEB 25 193 isioe CITY OF ALLEN
Page 6
February 23, 1993
The Board recommends the following regarding Public Neighborhood
Parks/Private recreation areas:
Folve Aeca9s BE AssvRso
AMD hccaroptteb AOMCHrr it,
7W ft"4 PARKS Tb BE
9e0trw Arlt' it. Oft• W4 O"-sr"OT
Assurance of the io acres Private rocreation area (site not
specified) proposed February 18th
beautiful am and utilization by all citizens will be
The Board recognizes the development's private recrarioa areas may Off d
demands for neighborhood parks. However, the offset to Community Park
nerds will be minimal.
There is an ever increasing teed for a se ead Public Community Park in Allen.
The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the treed for community recreation Eaciades
(i.e., Community Park) within the are of this development. in addhion, the
existing zoning for this area anticipated this teed by designating approximately
200 acres for "Community Facility-, whether it would be public golf course,
FEB 25 '93 1605 PAGE. 07
_ FEB 25 '93 15:09 CITY OF ALLEN
/ Page 7
February 23, 199:1
public open space or similar. in conttant, the developers VOPosal
this needed community facility from this enure area of dovelopment *r*M1' t
• In the Planning and Zoning
Commission's review of park related issues, pleas ,,' ira*00 that although
other similar private devclopments in other tides have worked, the Twill Creeks
Development is encompassing approximately 2396 of the entire isrd mass of the
City of Allen. We feel this is a very important item of consideration (especially
in relation to A Community park) as there may not be acether develeptftertt large
enough to include a future Community Park Die the remainder of the northwest
quadrant of Allen. Therefore, You can easily see why a Community Park within
the area of this development is crucial w Ute future planning and future citizens
of Allen. As reflected in one of the proponents Ptesemattons to ft Park and
Recreation Beard, an ideal site for athletic fields would be a parcel of land
`LocArep w -Das P&ARaf &S 3TtALT
along Rowlett Road, west of Rowlett Creekr h`
Nh v wo ltetao0T-fntA'f -W P�
tr�ifidd site°. &04b Ceavvsc M Massae tea
Ytktf of -rtes PararnrtAt- C("W
ON t.ltrde W09P sY 'Idea ftor
'¢M6 'TMAI. SA•a.ftttaD scat'.
Golf Course location - along Rowles Creek;
The 200 We golf course area will be privately owned and operated witha
V� public accts allowed. The Board considers this use aPPropnate and
FEB 25 '93 1606 FROM EHA DALLAS pAGE.09
FEB 25 '93 15:09 CITY OF ALLEN
ji Page 8
pebruary 23, 1993
ec000rm ally feasible to the City. Th"d1m, lbe Hoard oonsidas use of
1,4 A Alf"WtM -
the land golf =Lrm wsws�
PAaxL A*o (?�et�YreN $oAse Reco6Nr stns T+MT
IN /7�stNeeR,6r-Y APPR�e`
l7 is AN aAD411664Y 6eARD CWL%i A JV
• otfoFrt*MtY -[e fp&410E WM'Y cacff-,ll,* -pt6 pay�t,ot•M•
Q W6 L,"r F^aRwK
[1+NT1NorNG '� PAov 1De PiAel.nNb Apo 1300,10Ca
Arrr AsUSPE W1eE UM GN" [o/d1te7roN
Pao.tecT WC caul You wee tsi'fool- V*LLDE*A nDr+S
lim waidbatter, 8ecrelm
Connie Thomas, vice -Chairman
Attached is a final draft of the Parks and Recreation Board position on issues
relative to the request for zoning the northwest quadrant of Allen. The Board
members have listened to presentations by the proponents, reviewed numerous
City planning documents (i.e., Park Land Acquisition Policy (1978), the Linear
Greenbelt Park Study (1986), the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (1989), the
Allen Comprehensive Plan (1992), and the Park Dedication Ordinance (1992)
and called several special meetings to discuss and form a consensus on park
related issues.
As evidenced in their letter, the Board has a considerable interest in working
with the proposed plan to mutually benefit the Twin creeks Development as well
as all future citizens of Allen. Accomplishing that mak has been no simple task.
C, However, the Board has been constant in the belief that:
A golf course and linear park system can co -exist along the
® Rowlett Creek Corridor.
b. Neighborhood park needs can be met numerous ways including a
combination of private recreation areas and public parks.
i� needed
C. A community parkin this area as proposed in the Comprehensive
Plan and will probably be the site for youth athletic fields.
During the Board's most recent review of the proponents request, they took a
position on the concepts proposed by the developers. They look toward City
Staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the City Council to create
proper dialogue with the proponents to accomplish their goals. Parks approved
for dedication have been approved by the Board on a conceptual basisn n t 9 .
Recognizing that the total number of acres will remain constant, the Board
recognizes park locations may vary If the proposed sites do not drain readily,
have restricted public access, are located in the floodplain, etc. an alfm.nafe
,,,,;q be nae -1e-(
In recognition of private recreation areas and the benefit they hold for this
development, no additional neighborhood park land is requested through zoning.
Cost for construction of the 8 foot concrete hike and bike trail will be applied
Ittoward satisfaction of any additional land dedication requirements. There are no