HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 03/04 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION L WORKSHOP MEETING MARCH 4, 1993 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members John Garcia, Chairman Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman Steve Allen Noel Crume Kenneth Fulk Jeffery Kelley Commission Members Absent: Douglas Gallagher City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com- mission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. WORKSHOP - TWIN CREEKS The following subjects were discussed: Johnson & Payne Letter: Chairman Garcia presented a letter to the Commission that was received from Johnson & Payne Real Estate Investments signed by Mr. Robert Johnson, Vice - President of Opubco, and Mr. William Wines. This letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Stonebridge Comparison: Commissioner Crume provided information regarding the comparison between Stonebridge and Twin Creeks discussed in the March 3 meeting. He stated he had visited with Mobil regarding the information presented and is providing further PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION j MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE 2 information to clarify the size and requirements of this development. He stated that from the information he gathered, it would not be appropriate to compare the two developments. Commission Comments: Commissioner Allen compared current zoning to the proposal. He stated that in attempting to compare this proposal to the Comprehensive Plan or the Linear Greenbelt Study he discovered that both documents have flaws and in some instances contradict each other. Regarding the land use, he stated the increase in commercial is desirable, even with the increase in traffic, infrastructure, etc. He referred to the $¢ sales tax passed by vote in 1992 to encourage commercial development, and suggested that to now argue that we should not increase the commercial, industrial, and office zoning is wrong. He stated that the increase in multi -family to buffer from the single family is appropriate. He considers the development standards proposed as admirable. The density of the remaining development is appropriate. The elimination of the medium density is desirable in his opinion. Regarding the thoroughfare plan, he is in favor of the proposal. He doubts that a LOS C will actually require the 8 -lane divided thoroughfare on Exchange from U.S. 75 to Alma; however, will defer to the traffic engineers who completed the traffic studies. He stated that the landscape requirements to be maintained by private funding enhances the development. He stated that McDermott poses a problem, but recognizes that it will be handled through a facilities agreement. He stated he has no problem with the thoroughfares cross- ing the creek as these are indeed improvements to the crossings already in place. He stated that the elimination of Bethany as a thoroughfare north of McDermott is not a problem to him. He agrees with the proposals on the Green and Whisenant tracts, and stated that the buffer zones are appropriate. The golf course as proposed is a desirable and needed asset to the City of Allen. Access to the linear park system is adequate except that 1) the combination trail needs to be wider; 2) insurance on this shared could be a problem in the future if the developer's insurance carrier is changed; 3) assurance of public access should be obtained. Regarding the park questions, he stated there have been many conflicting figures presented from staff and proponent. Credit should not be given for the golf course; however, credit should be given for the private neighborhood parks. The issue of fairness regarding the city parks is nonexis- tent. Twin Creeks will pay the same taxes as everyone other citizen, as well as pay their homeowner's association fees. The linear greenbelt preservation issue has been given a great deal of attention; both documents discussed above contain errors or contradictions. Proponents are committing a great deal of capital funds into this venture. The building of the golf course is not detrimental to the City of Allen. This will be the only flood plain in the City that will remain on the tax rolls. He stated the proposal is far superior to both the existing zoning and the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Kelley questioned whether the golf course is indeed taxable. The answer was yes, that it will provide tax on the land, improvements, and sales tax. The revenue expected to be generated for the City is approximately $50,000 to $75,000 from the sales and economic development tax. Property taxes would be additional. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE 3 Commissioner Fulk questioned whether Commissioner Allen regarded the shared trail north of the "V" in the creeks as appropriate. Commissioner Allen stated it might be acceptable, but he would rather see them separated because of future insurance concerns. He stated that if they are combined, the trail needs to be wider. Mr. Bruce Smith discussed the Twin Creeks proposal and the fact that a planned development, because of its very nature, does not usually conform to standard subdivision ordinances. He offered the following changes to the proposal: 1. Proponent will designate 5 acres for a neighborhood park adjacent to the northwest edge of their property for purchase by the City. 2. Regarding the joint use of the path - they will establish a separate ease- ment adjacent to the golf course. It will vary in width from 50 to 100' outside the golf course on both the east and west creeks, and they will work with the City on its design. It will not be adjacent to the creek, but outside the golf course at this point. The trails will be brought back to the creek where they exit the Twin Creeks property. 3. Regarding the Community Park, they will designate 25 acres adjacent to Exchange Parkway and the wooded acreage for a community park. This 25 acres is high land adjacent to 13 acres of flood plain. The flood plain is north of Ridgeview, this 25 acres if south of Ridgeview. A portion of this 25 acres is the established 7.6 acres of parkland, and the City would be required to only purchase the difference. 4. Regarding the medium density question - two areas are being designed for possible medium density; one in the vicinity of the high school and the multi -family, and the other in the southwest corner of Exchange and Ridgeview. These areas amount to approximately 60 acres and would allow for approximately 600 units. If their continues to be no market demand, the larger homes could be constructed. Mr. Smith suggested that they have been receiving pressure to design high price units, and that is their reason, with no market conditions, that they do not want to build the medium density. The additional neighborhood park and the community park acreage will be offered to the City at fair market value within a certain time period. Proponent stated that they would anticipate that improvements would be made to these areas within 18 months of purchase. Commissioner Falk expressed concern regarding the medium density being placed in one location rather than small pockets throughout the develop- ment. Commissioner Kelley questioned the current City policy regarding zoning in single family and Mr. Bill Petty stated that all districts are designed to provide for different types of housing. From multi -family through all the residential districts you can build larger. The premise is to provide for PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE 4 versatility. Standards are established as minimum zoning and you can always build larger. Further Comments: Commissioner Biggs questioned the access through the trail system. Mr. Smith stated it will be through a permanent easement. The easement will be surveyed and recorded and the path will be constructed at the time the golf course is constructed. He stated that they will construct the path up to the lake when the golf course is constructed. He mentioned that the public access will be to the center line of the creek, and this will establish some liability. Commissioner Crume questioned when the remainder of the path will be built, and Mr. Smith stated it will be built when development occurs to the north. Discussion was held regarding the liability of the City regarding the path being near the creek. Mr. Terry Haines recommended that skateboards and roller skates be restricted in the golf course area if possible. Mr. Smith questioned the frequency of maintenance of the trails on Watters Branch. Ms. Rhoda Savage stated that standard maintenance would be once a month mowing; however, currently, staff is able to exceed those standards. Discussion was held regarding the problems with placing the portion of the trail located above the "V" next to the creeks. Discussion was held regarding the need for the 8 -lane thoroughfare on Exchange and Mr. Petty reminded the Commission that the majority of Exchange has been reduced to 6 lanes. The proponent's responsibility is only 4 lanes if they own both sides. This will be the initial construction, and the remainder of the lanes will be built by the City when traffic warrants. Chairman Garcia recognized the following items: 1. There is support for the thoroughfare plan. 2. There is support for the land uses. 3. There are concerns regarding medium density. 4. There are concerns regarding the community facilities. 5. There were some concerns regarding the development standards. Chairman Garcia discussed concerns regarding the side yards and whether the standards proposed would present any problems for the fire department. Mr. Petty stated that the building codes dictate the fire spread distances. He discussed the fact that the air conditioning units will need to be placed in the rear yard where the smaller side yards are involved. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE 5 Commissioner Crume referred to previous minutes where consensus of the commission had been indicated on numerous items such as land uses, thoroughfare plan, development standards, etc. He stated the only item left without consensus was the park question. If no zoning is approved, their will be no access to any parks as there will be no development. Mr. David Pitstick, Economic Development Director, requested permission to appear before the Commission and Chairman Garcia granted it. He stated that from an economic development perspective, the lowest density housing and the highest density commercial is the most benefit to the City. He feels the City has sufficient low end and medium density housing to satisfy the needs. The golf course is very important to the City of Allen. Commissioner Kelley requested Ms. Savage's reaction to the newest proposal. She stated she would like to re-emphasize the Park Board's concern with the integrity of the creek. They are concerned with the protection of the community park in an area that would allow expansion to the northeast corner of Exchange into P.D. No. 41. She stated she prefers to have no conflict of the path with the golf course. She stated a 50 to 100' easement might be appropriate. She further stated that she does not see a particular need for the proposed new neighborhood LJ park site on the northwest corner of the Twin Creeks site, and would prefer to Lplace the priority on the community park. J Mr. Smith stated that the land proposed for the community park is adjacent to the referenced site by several hundred feet. Commissioner Fulk suggested that the new neighborhood park proposed on the northwest corner is needed and appropriate. Mr. Terry Haines stated that if the City would purchase the 40 -acre Blackland property, the proponent would realign Exchange Parkway in that area to accom- modate Ms. Savage's concerns. Mr. Smith stated that they have located what they feel is an appropriate location for the community park. If the City gets active in purchasing the Blackland acreage, they will attempt to work with the City and possibly shift the park if they can. Ms. Savage requested that the 25 acres being preserved for the community park be kept outside the wooded tract. Proponent stated they would agree to work with the City on the design. Mr. Haines stated that the 25 acres includes the 7.6 acres of wooded property. The City will only be purchasing the 17.4 acres. Commissioner Kelley requested a formal memo from Ms. Savage regarding the revised park proposal. Chairman Garcia requested that Ms. Savage attend next Thursday's regular Planning & Zoning meeting to present this memo. a 0 0 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE 6 Next Meeting: The next meeting scheduled on this proposal is March 22, 1993, where the final vote should be taken. Adiourn: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crams and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the March 4, 1993, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:40 p.m. These minutes approved this i/ day of -'<� , 1993. Jo 7 eFarciK-,Chairman Kenneth Ful ,Secretary I JOHNSON AND PAYNE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 2701 FONDREN, SUITE NO 112 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 February 24, 1993 (214)363-9319 John Garcia Chairman of Planning and Zoning Commission City of Allen Allen, Texas 75002 M Dear Mr Garcia: Twin Creeks proposed thoroughfare modification to the Comprehensive Plan The below signed are owners or representatives of approximately three miles of frontage (480 acres) on the south side of Highway 121 east of the proposed intersection of Exchange Parkway We are opposed to the Twin Creeks proposal of making Exchange Parkway an eight lane thoroughfare because it has the potential of creating an outer loop around Dallas by diverting a significant amount of traffic off of Highway 121- This would dilute the importance of Highway 121 from the proposed intersection to Highway 75 As a result, the State may delay the Highway 121 improvements from the proposed intersection to Highway 75 We are also opposed to exit ramps on Highway 121 for the Exchange Parkway because these ramps would eventually cause relocation problems for the already planned intersections - Our primary objection, however, remains the eight lanes because they could divert traffic into residential areas and could also cause the need for ramps to and from the freeway at the intersection There is no need for this type of street when a freeway will eventually be constructed so nearby on Highway 121 It is also important traffic remain on the freeway to keep it out of residential areas and to allow the freeway properties to develop commercially to generate future property and sales tax We are not aware of any eight lane streets in the entire Dallas/Ft Worth area Certainly a street of this magnitude contemplates having a huge amount of traffic in what should be primarily a residential area. The future residents of Twin Creeks area, although unable to speak for themselves now, will greatly appreciate your efforts to keep this traffic out of their area in the future A significant amount of property and sales tax will be generated on Highway 121 as soon as the freeway service roads are constructed Please do not diminish the importance of this area by diverting traffic to residential areas If you are interested in discussing this further, please call. i s= OPUBCO �"t`'gl-soe;vr William R. Wines