HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 03/25 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
MARCH 25, 1993
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman
Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Douglas Gallagher
Jeffery Kelley
Steve Allen
Noel Crume
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com-
mission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal
Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
March 11, 1993 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of March 11, 1993, Regular Meeting."
Commissioner Folk provided minor typographical errors to be corrected.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Folk and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve
the minutes of March 11, 1993, as corrected.
MARCH 25, 1993 PAGE 2
Request to Appear
Mayor Joe Farmer
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Request to Appear - by Mayor Joe Farmer."
(Agenda Item III)
Mayor Farmer addressed the Commission and expressed appreciation for their
work regarding zoning requests, the Comprehensive Plan, site planning, and
platting. He complimented the Commission on their efforts to solicit input from
citizens and City Council and to make decisions based on their best judgment.
The Commission expressed appreciation to the Mayor for taking the time to visit
with the Commission. Commissioner Biggs expressed a need for education
regarding the economic impact of the efforts of the Commission.
Mayor Farmer invited the Commissioners to observe or participate in the Spring
Planning Session this Friday and Saturday, March 26, and 27.
Public Hearing
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
(Agenda Item IV)
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by the RTC as Receiver for Sunbelt
Federal Savings, FSB, for Heath & Knight Properties, Inc. to amend the
current zoning from 1) Office -Deed Restricted, 2) TownHome-Deed Re-
stricted, 3) Multifamily -Deed Restricted, 4) Local Retail; 5) Single family
and 6) Single family -Deed Restricted to Single Family R-2, Single Family R-
5, Garden Homes, and 3.8 acres Local Retail. The existing open space,
multi -family, townhome, and office districts are being eliminated. The
property is described as a 139.148 -acre tract of land situated in Collin
County, Texas, out of the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, City of
Alien, Collin County, Texas, and being that same tract of land conveyed to
Bass Development Company by Margaret Ketron Cox by deed dated June
18, 1984, and recorded in Volume 1918, Page 596 in the Deed Records of
Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest
corner of F. M. 2170 and Malone Road."
Mr. Hammond Heath, Heath & Knight, presented the request to the Commission.
He stated that because of the downzoning and sensitive nature of this request, he
would like to provide information about himself and his company. He currently
has six subdivisions in the Dallas area. He discussed his experience with zoning
in the City of Plano. He discussed the fact that the current zoning on the
property was accomplished during the Savings & Loan fiasco years. He is
requesting the elimination of the Office and a portion of the Retail, and the
conversion of the Multi -family and Townhome to Garden Home.
MARCH 25, 1993 PAGE 3
Mr. Heath stated that he has met with a neighboring homeowner who has ex-
pressed concerns regarding the trees along the northern boundary. He stated
that, as the developer, he will take every opportunity to maintain these trees.
Some of the trees, however, will have to be removed in the areas of streets and
Mr. Heath stated he is requesting deed restrictions to 1200 square feet in the
Garden Home tract and 1600 square feet in the R4 and R5 tracts. He stated he
would agree to increasing both sides of the northernmost street to 2000 square
foot minimum. He further requested that the Commission consider the complete
elimination of the Local Retail, including the 3.8 acres on his proposal.
Mr. Keener stated that the request does involve elimination of the Multi -family,
Office, replacement of the Townhome with Garden Home. The R4 and R5 will have
minimum lot sizes of 9,000 and 7,500 square feet, respectively, with house size
minimums to be 1600 square feet.
A traffic study has been completed by Mr. Reglin. He recommends that exclusive
right -turn lanes be placed on all four approaches at the intersection of Allen
Heights and F.M. 2170. Mr. John Friebele has reviewed and approved the traffic
study. He advises that a LOS C will be maintained.
Mr. Keener discussed the surrounding zoning. This property is in Neighborhood
District 19.
Chairmen Garcia opened the public hearing.
Mr. Bob Abbott, 1426 Rivercrest, spoke in favor of the request as proposed with
2000 square foot minimum homes on the most northern street, and the preserva-
tion of the trees where possible. He spoke in favor of the remainder of the
Mr. Jim Pendleton, 1412 Brookside, spoke in favor of the majority of the propos-
al. He spoke in favor of the single family and the garden home. He expressed
concern regarding the complete elimination of the "Office" zoning. He discussed
the need for good planning. He discussed the need to maintain the commercial
property on the tax rolls, and requested that the Commission not recommend the
elimination of the garden office.
With no else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Garcia closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Heath responded to the comments made during the public hearing, and
suggested that office and retail zoning is provided at Allen Heights and at F.M.
Commissioner Gallagher questioned why the proponent left the local retail zoning
at the corner of the development. Mr. Heath stated he was advised to do so. He
further discussed the question of whether this property should be used as a
MARCH 25, 1993 PAGE 4
buffer to the northern development by requiring the 2000 square foot homes on
the northern street.
Commissioner Fulk discussed the density factor. Mr. Keener stated that 9.6
units per acre maximum are allowed for garden home zoning through the Compre-
hensive Plan. It could develop at a lower density.
Commissioner Allen questioned whether the proponent has a time frame for
development. Mr. Heath stated he is under a strict time frame with their con-
tract. They anticipate beginning development as soon as possible.
Commissioner Allen stated he has questions regarding the downzoning of the
office and the elimination of the multi -family.
Mr. Keener stated that there are approximately 200 units of multi -family zoning to
the east of this proposal. Mr. Petty stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicates
approximately 4% of the City be developed as Multi -family and 24% as medium
density. The multi -family increases density and population. It does come
slightly closer to paying for itself than single family. Each neighborhood district
is allocated a certain number of acres for multi -family. Multi -family is a part of
cumulative zoning; it can be set aside; however, single family can be built in the
multi -family districts. Mr. Petty also stated that the current zoning requires a 2 -
acre private park to be developed in the multi -family district.
Commissioner Creme questioned the number of acres in the school site to the
north. Mr. Petty advised it is approximately 23-26 acres. He stated that park
land is reserved across the street, 8 acres in Country Meadow, and Reed Park to
the west. Staff has reviewed the park land in this area and considers it to be
Mr. Heath stated that he was aware that he could build single family on the
current multi -family land. The Commission confirmed that park dedication fees
would be required at the time of platting.
Mr. Heath stated that he will change the deed restrictions on the northern street
to require 2000 square foot minimum homes.
Commissioner Falk suggested that the request will eliminate the multi -family in
this area. He does not have a problem with the reduction of the local retail. He
does not agree with the total elimination of the Office zoning; however, he feels
the existing zoning is excessive.
Mr. Petty advised that the existing 2 -acre requirement for multi -family open
space was intended to be private open space. In order to develop the existing
multi -family as single family, the open space requirement would need to be
eliminated through a change in zoning.
Chairman Garcia expressed concern regarding the land uses and their compatibil-
ity to adjoining property, the economic impact of downzoning, the elimination of
MARCH 25, 1993 PAGE 5
the multi -family, and the fact that zoning should be considered for the highest
and best use of the land. He further expressed concern regarding strip zoning.
Mr. Petty discussed the fact that Malone is shown as a residential collector street;
however, staff is anticipating Malone to develop as a 4 -lane collector.
Mr. Heath suggested he would be agreeable to requesting Local Retail to be
considered Office and eliminate the Local Retail. Regarding the Garden Home, he
is willing to increase the minimum square footage to 1400 square feet if necessary.
The consensus of the Commission was that the proposed R4 and R5 as deed
restricted are appropriate. Commissioner Gallagher expressed some concern that
the additional 2000 square foot requirement on the northern street might not be
necessary; however, since the proponent is agreeable to this requirement, he
withdrew his concern.
The Commission discussed the fact that Office uses were allowable in Local Retail
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
j approval of the request as amended with the Garden Home deed
restricted to 1400 square foot minimums, the northern street, both
sides, restricted to 2000 square feet, and the remainder of the R4
and R5 deed restricted to 1600 square feet. Protection for the trees
should be provided at the time of platting.
1. Zoning is compatible with adjacent land uses.
2. Amendments were made to the proposal to make sure of compatibility.
3. Strip zoning was eliminated.
4. Multi -family was eliminated; however, the Garden Home was increased
5. Malone Road will be 4 lanes.
6. The proposal meets the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
7. The amount of Garden Home and Local Retail were in excess of that neces-
sary for the area.
MARCH 25, 1993 PAGE 6
Final Plat
Quest Medical
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
(Agenda Item V)
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Quest Medical, Inc. on Quest
Medical Addition, being a 19.218 -acre tract of land in the Town of Allen,
Texas, out of the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, Collin County,
Texas, said tract being that same certain tract of land described in deed to
Quest Medical, Inc. as recorded in Volume 2275, Page 194 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the
northwest corner of S. H. 5 and Allentown Parkway."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Creme and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table
Agenda Item V at this time with the intention to return to it later in
the meeting.
Final Plat
Shadow Lakes Phase A
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows;
(Agenda Item VI)
"Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for Shadow Lakes Limited Part-
nership on Shadow Lakes Phase A, being two tracts of land, 46.3542 -acres,
situated in the Simon Burns Survey, Abstract No. 92 and the John Davis
Survey, Abstract No. 255, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being
part of a tract of land conveyed to the Trustees of E-Systems, Inc. Pool
Trust by deeds recorded in Volume 1263, Page 891 and Volume 1263, Page
895 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; further described as
being south of Allen Heights Drive and north of Bethany lakes Park."
Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, presented the plat to the Commission. Mr.
Jim Douglas, Douglas Properties, was available as the owner and developer of the
property. He stated this plat provides for 165 lots.
The Commission expressed concern regarding the removal of trees in the area.
Mr. Atkins stated that is was necessary to remove certain areas of vegetation
within the roadways. The zones that were identified through zoning to be saved
do remain. He explained that many of the trees that have been lost were in Allen
Heights Drive right-of-way.
Mr. Petty advised the Commission that during the zoning process, underbrush in
the area of parks and lakes that will occur in the area was required to be cleared.
He added that the deed restrictions appear to be appropriate to protect the trees
if the property owners enforce them.
Commissioner Fulk asked whether the levies/dams have been considered by the
City to be safe. Mr. Petty stated that the Public Works Department will be