HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 05/27 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 27, 1993 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: John Garcia, Chairman (arrived 8:10 p.m.) Harold Biggs, Vice -Chairman (left 8:40 p.m.) Kenneth Fulk, Secretary Douglas Gallagher Jeffery Kelley Steve Allen Noel Crume (arrived 8:03 p.m.) Commission Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Secretary George Conner, Civil Engineer CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Com- mission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Chairman Biggs at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes May 13, 1993 (Agenda Item II) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of May 13, 1993, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner Fulk, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of May 13, 1993, as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 27, 1993 PAGE 2 Preliminary Plat Buckingham Estates Phase 1 (Agenda Item III) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Mr. Bob Taylor for Buckingham Polo Club Estates Phase 1 being 6.1609 acres of land out of the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas." Mr. Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. He discussed the variances that were allowed through the planned development zoning for alleys and sidewalks. Commissioner Fulk questioned the radius requirements at the en- trance to Buckingham Court, and Mr. Conner advised that engineering had reviewed this radius and it was appropriate. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner Fulk, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat for Buckingham Estates Phase 1 as presented. Final Plat Buckingham Estates Phase 1 (Agenda Item IV) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Mr. Bob Taylor for Bucking- ham Polo Club Estates Phase 1, being 6.1609 acres of land in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Majestic Savings Association by deed recorded in Volume 2852, Page 230 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and also being Lots 2 and 3 of Bucking- ham Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded subdivision; further described as being located on the south side of Buckingham Lane east of S. H. 5." Mr. Keener presented the final plat to the Commission. He stated it is consistent with the preliminary plat approved earlier by the Commission. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner Fulk, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Buckingham Estates Phase 1 as presented. E PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 27, 1993 PAGE 3 Preliminary/ Final Plat Buckingham Estates Phase 2 (Agenda Item V) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary/Final Plat - Consider preliminary/final plat for Mr. Robert Taylor for Buckingham Polo Club Estates Phase 2, being 2.5236 acres of land in the James T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Majestic Savings Association by Substitute Trustee's Deed recorded in Volume 2852, Page 246 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and also being Lot 16 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded subdivision; further described as being east of S. H. 5 at the eastern boundary of Buckingham Lane." Mr. Keener presented the plat to the Commission. He stated that the subdivision consists of only two lots, and is therefore being brought to the Commission as a combination preliminary/ final plat. It is consistent with the zoning approved, including waivers for sidewalks and alleys. The zoning requires a larger lot than is standard for R-5 zoning. Staff recommends approval of the plat. Commissioner Falk questioned whether engineering and fire marshal approval had been given and Mr. Keener responded in the affirmative. He further questioned the radius requirements and Mr. Michael Cummings, Cummings & Pewitt, stated that the street right-of-way has been previously dedicated and is existing. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commis- sioner Kelley, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to ap- prove the plat for Buckingham Estates Phase 2 as presented. Preliminary/Final Plat Dyer Estates (Agenda Item VI) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary/Final Plat - Consider preliminary/ final plat for Mr. William T. Dyer for Dyer Estates, being 3.55 acres of land in the J. T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777 of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, being a part of Lot 9 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates (unrecorded); further described as being east of S. H. 5 and south of Buckingham Lane." Mr. Keener presented the plat to the Commission. He stated that the plat is consistent with the approved zoning on the property. Staff recommends approval of the plat. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner Kelley, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary/ final plat for Dyer Estates as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 27, 1993 PAGE 4 Preliminary Plat Brookside Addition (Agenda Item VII) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat for Centex Management Development Company for Brookside, being 108.543 acres out of the R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being north of Chaparral Road and west of South Allen Heights Drive." Acting Chairman Biggs read into the record a letter received from the proponent's representative, Carter and Burgess, requesting that this item be tabled for consideration at a later date. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commis- sioner Kelley, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item VII as requested by the proponent. Preliminary Plat Twin Creeks Phase 1 (Agenda Item VIII) Acting Chairman Biggs read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat for Twin Creeks Phase I for Arvida, being 98.57 acres acre out of the James Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704; the Isaac Herring Survey, Abstract No. 381; the Josh Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47; the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854; and the David Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914; further described as being north of McDermott Drive between Custer Road and Alma Drive." Mr. Keener presented the preliminary plat to the Commission. He stated that it is consistent with the concept plan approved in the zoning process. Commissioner Kelley questioned certain design elements of the plat and Mr. Keener advised that this plat represents the beginning of streets that will be expanded in future developments. Temporary turnarounds will be provided through the engineering process. The commissioners expressed concern regard- ing the streets that are shown as temporary dead end streets. Commissioner Fulk questioned the first northerly alley off of Twin Creeks Drive, as it appears to exit onto the collector street. Mr. Sean Randall, Arvida, stated that this alley is intended to terminate at the private street shown on the plat, and not connect to Twin Creeks Drive. He stated that the plat will be corrected to reflect this alignment. Commissioner Fulk requested that the details of this private street be made more clear on the revised preliminary plat. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 27, 1993 PAGE 5 Mr. Brad Myer, Carter and Burgess, stated that the preliminary plat is showing right-of-way to right-of-way, rather than paving; however, he will revise the plat to indicate the termination of the alley prior to Twin Creeks Drive. Acting Chairman Biggs discussed the question of street names and reminded the developer that cul -de -saes should be suffixed with court. Mr. Randall advised that all the street names in Twin Creeks will be cities in Texas. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Allen and a second by Commissioner Gallagher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat as amended by the developer to assure that the alley north of McDermott Drive does not exit into Twin Creeks Drive. WORKSHOP - SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (Agenda Item IX) Mr. Keener presented text for the following sections for consideration: Section 609.3: The commission discussed the issue of fairness in allowing pole -mounted trans- formers when existing businesses were required to purchase pad -mounted transformers. Issues regarding aesthetics and economics were considered. The Commission discussed the use of the term "encouraged" and the consensus was to change the term to "will be." Section 610 Street Lights: The Commission requested clarification on section 610.2.1 to indicate that the 400 - foot interval would be "not more than." The Commission further requested staff to research the possibility of including a requirement for "environmentally friendly" street lights. Staff was also requested to research the possibility of requiring a specific size of lights; i.e., with regard to foot candles, high pres- sure sodium or metal halide. Section 617: The Commission suggested that the term "building line" be changed to "building setback line." Section 619.1 and 619.2 These sections were approved as presented. Section 619.3 The Commission suggested the text read "Every subdivision over 25 acres and within a subdivision...... 100 acres." Mr. Keener stated that the sections for entry walls and drainage will be completed at the next meeting. LDesign standards will be presented at the next meeting. I C PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 27, 1993 PAGE 6 Other Business: The Commission agreed that summer casual attire will be appropriate through this summer season starting at the next meeting. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Kelley, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the May 27, 1993, meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission at 9:15 p. M. These minutes approved this /O d day of 1993. Joh Garcia, Chairman .gym I.� Kenneth Ful , 7S*em