HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1960 - 07/28 - RegularRegular Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Allen, Allen, Texas July 28, 1960 Minutes read and approved: Members present as follows, Mayor V.B. Watson, Alderman W.E. Ford, E.B. Young, Carl Marion, Jack Hedgcoxe and R.L. Cooksey. Discussion on the selling of additional BONDS and what should be done in order to meet the requirements in order to issue additional BONDS, when we need them. (raise water rate). Mr. Buchanan has informed the Council that under the present conditions the Town cannot sell additional BONDS at this time. Discussion on putting the RESERVE FUND and the EMERGENCY FUND into BONDS. Motion by Carl Marion that WE (the Council) invest ($7,000.00) Seven Thousand Dollars from the RESERVE FUND to BONDS. Motion second by E.B. Young. Ayes (5) five / Noes (0) none. Discussion about writing the Commissioner's Court in regard to getting the rest of the ROADS fixed inside the City Limits that are eligible from the original TAX BOND MONEY. Letter to be sent to Major Neely Commissioner Prect #4 (four). Discussion about the street work on north-west ave E., give the people on said street the estimate cost and see if they still wanted to do the work originally set out to be done (curb gutter paving and etc.) Discussion on hiring a City Marshall and or City Police. Motion by W.E. Ford that we repair the BRIDGE on north-east ave. C going to the colored section of the Town. Motion second by E.B. Young. Ayes (5) five / noes (0) none. Motion by W.E. Ford and second by Carl Marion that we buy (2) two loads of PLANT MIX to fix streets. Ayes (5) five / noes (0) none. Discussion about hiring Eugene Ereckson to fix the streets in connection with his duties as Water Commissioner. Motion was made by E.B. Young for each Alderman bring in suggestions as to the duties of the Water-Commissioner & street man combine. If this can be worked out a salary of $175.00 from the Revenue Fund and $25.00 from the General Fund. Some of the suggestions are as follows; bases of 40 hours per week. Or 7 hours per day for (5) five days, and (2-1/2 hours) for Saturday & Sunday, each. Mayor to hire the extra labor or when extra help is needed he is to make request to the Mayor or the City Secy. Meeting adjourned. Minutes read and approved this the 11 day of August 1960 A>, 11 July 29, 100 Mr. Allis M. k—'— fruit Magnmet MsSotto Mational ink at Dallas DsUn Two Door S. Ileasytat V. bate ta, it s sjsvtcts1u - k I* Ballo 01.133410 talk toWn of SUn Sionort . St sweeties ettkoreem tzfl bald on tholith 44iy of JO, 1,100 thati4001 oithorlied the furostumut of saes hods S Govorsoost Smudge Vs Madly ask ohot pa As& with Mr. J. O. loOlosso of tan, *stir iBletioemew La Slits to bolo selecit the isms ags -aliss •--pmeszismosimaitrartt Sotains,* had. Tar moot attesties to this settee will be eporooiatee. .; Weity sly sem*, d/Or a ers *Oaf eats, Teen • intstern mo; et nut, TES . - f • The Town of Allen 'kV Aldermen c. R. WATSON. Mayor R. J. McCLURE A C. STORY Secretary J. C. RRFNEA W. R. PORE Texas 1 exas R. YOUNG R. L. COOKERY `� V / 0, /9e, eg-I2C, e_60•4-ti eil--",,,,,,..,„„e„ ea,/ , /�-�-,/ ��d2�wc-cJ /9 J -d2 moi.- 1 Cel-C4,,�; p 3 . , ,,,_„_,, u,,,, , A���1 R , , _ 4111 • • 1 TUE Mc$INNEY EXAMINER (INCORPORATED) • THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM YWO LINOTYPES IN OFFICE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 9150 PER YEAR IN SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR 12 TO 2a PAGES JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY MCKINNEY. TEXAS 7-27-60 This certifies t'-at the att= ohed Zonia =' Ordinance o the Cit:: of Allen, Text • , wa_s cubli =fined one time i The - Kinney Ex-diner, on the d.-te of ,Pa1y 21,1960 . . cirilI``�t�t�dN?,�eey Exa-:i;er o l'riym ,sorl.. �{ Publi= er . { i / p Subscrited ;:ad e;,ora to befog .r.e th_ s thea 7 day /77)7('(' �yj) // f1 , ITct'. ry Public, 7o',1ir. 7Dunty, Texas