HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1993 - 10/28 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1993 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: John Garcia, Chairman Harold Biggs Kenneth Fulk, Secretary (arrived 7:38 p.m.) Douglas Gallagher, Vice -Chairman Jeffery Kelley Steve Allen Noel Crume Commission Members Absent: City Staff Present. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator George Conner, Director of Public Works Sally Leeper, Secretary CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes October 14. 1993 (Agenda Item III Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of October 14, 1993, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of October 14, 1993. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION a OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 2 1 Tabled Item Brookside Addition (Cont.) (Agenda Item HI) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item - Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat for Centex Management Development Company for Brookside, being 108.543 acres out of the R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being north of Chaparral Road and west of South Allen Heights Drive." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioenr Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item III from the table. Mr. Brad Meyer, Carter & Burgess, discussed the fact that the Planning & Zoning Commis- sion's concerns expressed at the last meeting have been satisfied. The Director of Parks and Recreation, Rhoda Savage, provided a memo indicating that staff desires that if the trail system is decided to be placed along the small tributary, it should continue north along Allen Heights Drive and be constructed at 8 feet in width. If not placed along the tributary, it should continue north along Mustang Branch. Mr. Meyer stated it would be preferable to the developer to continue the trail along the tributary and then north along Allen Heights, in order to eliminate the need for an additional pedestrian bridge, and also to assure the connection to Bethany Lakes Park. Proponent had planned that this portion of the sidewalk would continue to be 5 feet; however, they would agree to the 8 feet as requested. Mr. Keener advised that the street names have been submitted to City staff for review There was a question regarding the suffix "Circle" on Shady Oaks and Elmbrook and the Commission decided that Circle would be appropriate since these are not cul-de-sacs which would require the "Court" suffix. Meadow Creek Avenue is being changed to Maple Creek Drive because Meadow Creek would have been a duplication. The design of the fence along Allen Heights will be to City standards. Commissioner Allen stated that his preference regarding the hike and bike trail would be to leave it along Mustang Branch. The Commission discussed the issue of lots without alleys and how the garages will be positioned. The consensus of the Commission was that no garage should open facing a street. L11 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 3 Tabled Item Brookside Addition (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the prelimi- nary plat for Brookside Addition with the following amendments: 1. The hike and bike trail should traverse along the small tributary to Allen Heights and north to the property line, and be constructed 8 feet wide. 2. Meadow Creek Avenue will be changed to Maple Creek Avenue. 3. A facilities agreement will be completed at the time of final plat approval. 4. No garage opening will front a street and all lots without alley will have side or rear entry Site Plan Review Dal -Mac (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Site Plan - Review and make recommendation to City Council on a site plan submitted for a retail development in the Central Business District requested by Richard Ferrara Architect, Inc. for Dal -Mac Investments Corporation on 11.189 acres of land situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southeast corner of McDermott Drive and Federal (U.S. 75)." Mr. Bill Petty indicated that staff is requesting that the Commission and City Council review this project. He reviewed the history of this property and the previous site plan request that was submitted a number of years ago. As a result of negotiations through that previous case, the City agreed to provide a 3 -acre retention pond to assist in the drainage problems. Mr. Petty reviewed the current proposal, which includes a major grocery user and additional retail sites. Alleys and service roads are not located adjacent to Allen Drive. Mr. Petty stated that staff recommends that the proper design for drainage be established through the engineering process at the time of platting, with a commitment that the drainage will be designed to City standards. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 4 Site Plan Review Dal -Mac (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) The traffic analysis provided by Roy Wilshire of Kimley-Horn was reviewed by the City's traffic consultant, Mr. John Friebele. The zoning on the property is Central Business District (CBD) and all proposed uses are allowable. The parking shown is in conformance with the requirements of the ordinance. The ingress/egress is being addressed. Fire lanes have been approved by the Fire Marshal's office. The landscape plan should be attached as page 2 to the site plan. In reviewing the traffic study, Mr. Petty advised that the McDermott Drive exit ramp off U.S. 75 is currently shown by the State Highway Department as 285 feet from the centerline of propoposed Allen Drive, which places the southern edge of Allen Drive 255 feet from the exit ramp. The State requires a minimum distance of 250 feet. This will need to be confirmed with the Highway Department. The traffic consultant is suggesting a taper lane for deceleration at Allen Drive and the two entries to the center, as well as one along McDermott at the entrance to the site. Each of these suggestions is being added to the proposal by the proponent. Also included by the proponent is a left -tum lane on McDermott westbound and the channelization proposed by the consultant. Mr. Friebele expressed an additional concern regarding the stacking for the proposed bank site. There is a possibility that this design might cause traffic to back up to McDermott. Mr. Richard Ferrara provided two additional designs which addressed this problem. Staff suggested that a motion by the Commission might address such issues as 1) drainage to he completed at the time of final plat; 2) the proposed changes to the bank location be allowed flexibility to accommodate the requirements of the City's traffic consultant; and 3) page 2, landscape plan and elevation, be attached to the site plan. It should be understood that the location of Allen Drive will be contingent on the State Highway Department permit. The Commission discussed the above issues regarding the site plan, as well as possible dumpster locations and parking. They discussed the need for traffic control on the east/west cut -through drive from Federal to Bonham. It was confirmed that a Level of Service C is being maintained, and that all landscaping will be irrigated. Mr. Ferrara advised that the proponent is proposing to construct a median break and new drive cut at the City library to accommodate traffic into that facility. Commissioner Kelley questioned the percentage of the wall behind the grocery store that would be covered by the proposed berm? Mr. Ferrara responded that 30% would be protected from view. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 5 Site Plan Review Dal -Mac (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Garcia indicated that the square footage of each building should be indicated on the site plan. It was indicated that the probable square footage on Lot A is 3200 and on Lot B is 5000. Commissioner Fulk discussed the plans for lighting the parking lot. He also requested clarification that the back of both the grocery facility and the retail center will be treated the same, and Mr. Ferrara indicated that all four sides will appear to be building fronts. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the site plan to the City Council with the following amendments: 1. The drainage shall be designed and resolved at the time of final plat and is to be consistent with City Standards. 2. The landscape plan and elevation sheet, Sheet 2, will be attached to the site plan with detailed plans to be submitted at the time of construction. 3. Speed control devices are to be provided on the northern east/west road through the development, with approval of City Staff. 4. Traffic design shall be in conformance with the recommendations of the City of Allen's traffic consultant, and will include three right -tum tapers on Federal Drive, 5. The design of the bank on Lot B is to be approved by City Staff and consistent with the City's traffic consultant's recommendations. 6. Parking Spaces are to comply with City of Allen standards. 7. Square footage is to be indicated on each building site. 1 I I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 6 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (Agenda Item V) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Review of Subdivision Ordinance." Mr. Keener provided additional text to be included in the Subdivision Ordinance, which is attached hereto. The following comments were made: Section 603.3 Regarding the definition of "major tree" the Commission indicated that the text should he changed to indicate a caliper of 6" except with specific permission of City staff. Text should also be added addressing the "up" slope of the creek, and a sentence be added regarding "grade." Sentence 112 in the first paragraph should be removed. Section 605 Paragraph 2 should be reworded to clarify the statement that 5 feet of easement is needed to maintain walls. Reference to $10 cash should be removed and reference made to the fee schedule. Section 610.2.3 Text for this section should be completly, replaced with text stating that "all street lighting will be inconformance with adopted City of Allen standards. Section 610.2.6 Words "in cash" should be removed. Text regarding procedures for platting will be rewritten as soon as the appropriate language is received from the consultant. Chairman Garcia suggested that consideration be given to including text regarding the need to restrict alleys running parallel to thoroughfares. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1993 PAGE 7 OTHER BUSINESS: Holiday Schedule: The consensus of the Commission was to cancel the November 25, 1993 (Thanksgiving) meeting and the December 23 (Christmas eve eve) meeting. Future Agendas: 1. Zoning Ordinance 2. Tree Preservation Ordinance 3. Landscape Ordinance 4. Lighting Ordinance Christmas Dinner: The Chrismtas Appreciation Dinner will be held December 21, 1993. Watters Crossing: Mr. Petty requested clarification from the Commission as to their intent regarding the three lots in question in Watters Crossing that do not have alleys and are on comer lots. He indicated that advice has been received from legal counsel stating that the issue of front drive with rear/side entry garages must be addressed during zoning and cannot be addressed through platting. The consensus of the Commission was to allow staff to interpret this issue to the best of their ability. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the October 28, 1993, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 10:20 p.m. minutes approved this 11th day of November, 1993. Jo r3arcia, Chairman KermuNly IrY Uary Id 3�97S