HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1994 - 01/27 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JANUARY 27, 1994
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman
Douglas Gallagher, Vice -Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Harold Biggs
Steve Allen
Noel Crume
Commission Members Absent:
Jeffery Kelley
City Staff Present:
■ { Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
it George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 8:30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the Allen Municipal Annex, City Council
Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
January 13. 1994 (Agenda Item 11)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of January 13, 1994, Regular Meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner Crume,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of
January 13, 1994, as presented.
JANUARY 27, 1994 PAGE 2
Public Hearing
Allen Central Joint Venture (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - consider a request by Stratford Group representing the Allen
Central Joint Venture and Drake Development Corporation, IV, to amend the current
zoning on Planned Development No. 26 and Planned Development No. 8 to a single
Planned Development which will include Commercial/Office, Park, Office, Hospital
& Commercial Office, Office/High Density Residential, and Office/Retirement Center
Tracts. The property is described as 135± acres located in the Michael See Survey,
Abstract No. 543, Tracts 5 and 12-9; further described as being located south of
F.M. 2170 and west of U.S. 75."
Mr, Dave Denison, Stratford Group, and Mr. Brian Woram, Epic Corporation, were present
to discuss the request with the Commission.
Mr. Tom Keener presented the request. He provided information regarding the traffic study
review by Hunter & Associates which indicated the need for intersection improvements. He
added that the proponent has agreed to these improvements. The proponent has further
amended the request to indicate a use of office/or multifamily on Tract 1 and office/or
retirement center on Tract 2 rather than the original language which indicated and/or He
added that should either of the tracts develop as office it will adhere to the office district
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Keener reviewed the existing zoning on the property.
The proponent has further amended the request to include the use of Heliport by Specific Use
Permit in Tract 10.
Mr. Keener discussed the landscape buffer identified along F.M. 2170, U.S. 75, Watters
Road, and Bethany Drive, and the standards proposed for their construction. He discussed
possible problems with the abandonment of the southern portion of Angel Drive. The zoning
request includes a statement indicating that the City is not required to abandon this portion of
Angel Drive unless the interior east/west road is developed.
The proponent has further amended his request to state that the setbacks will be 100' from
the flood plain line of Watters Branch.
The Commission discussed the request and indicated that a LOS C is being maintained with
the agreed upon intersection improvements. The Commission questioned whether hike/bike
JANUARY 27, 1994 PAGE 3
trails are being provided in the linear park tracts and Mr. Keener advised that under the
current ordinances, these are not required and therefore are not a part of the request.
Mr. Denison advised the Commission that all intersection improvements indicated by Hunter
& Associates are agreed to (including the pro -rated cost) by his company; however, Mr
Woram, representing Epic Corporation, could not speak for his ownership because he had
been unable to contact them at this time. The Commission indicated that any approval of the
request will be subject to these improvements.
The Commission discussed the realignment proposed for Watters Road and whether this
would impact the utilities on the property
Chairman Garcia opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or
against the request, Chairman Garcia closed the public hearing.
The Commission further discussed the request. Mr. Denison indicated that he had assumed
he would be required to construct the hike/bike trail to the creek corridor and would agree to
the Commission's recommendations for dedication of the floodplain and construction of the
trail system. Mr. Keener advised that the commercial acreage is being increased; however,
since the F.A.R. is reduced, the total square footage of commercial is reduced.
The Commission indicated that if the multifamily is allowed on this property, it will
eliminate any remaining high density residential allocation for this neighborhood district.
Thr w n
There as concern expressed regarding the double designation of uses on Tracts 1 and 2.
P 8 8 B
Mr. Denison indicated that the landscape buffers along the thoroughfares will be privately
owned and installed and maintained by the property owner. The Commission discussed the
requirement for the size of shrubs to be planted and the consensus was to require them to be
a minimum of 3 feet at the time of planting.
Chairman Garcia suggested that the use of antique shops should include a restriction of "no
outdoor display or storage."
Chairman Garcia suggested that the text in the proposal stating "accessory buildings and
uses incident to any of the above uses" should be changed to read:
"Such accessory uses as allowed under the Schedule of Uses section of the Compre-
hensive Zoning Ordinance as accessory to the uses allowed under this Planned Devel-
Chairman Garcia suggested that the text in the proposal under Tracts 6 and 7 stating "such
uses as may be permitted under Section 2.06 of the Zoning Ordinance for Specific Uses
JANUARY 27, 1994
in the General Business District shall be allowed by Specific Permit" should be changed
to read:
"Such uses as may be permitted under the provision of Section 2.06, Specific Use
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of the request by Allen Central Joint Venture with the following
1. Tract 1 regulations shall include those included in proponent's letter of January 27,
2. In all tracts, the proposed landscape buffers will require landscape plan approval with
automatic irrigation system, 3 -foot minimum screening at the time of planting and to
be installed with the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy with staff discretion for
seasonal requirements.
4. Flood plain to be dedicated for linear park, with 8 -foot hike and bike trail to be
constructed to City standards.
5 Setbacks shall be measured from the established floodplain line.
6. Heliport will be allowed by SUP in Tract 10.
7. Tracts 4,6,7, and 10; service station by SUP, antique shop by right with no outdoor
display or storage.
8. All text regarding similar uses and accessory uses shall be corrected to indicate
"similar uses as determined by the City," and "accessory uses as defined in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance." All appearances of this language should be
9. Roadway improvements as proposed by Hunter & Associates are agreed to, along
with proponent's portion of the construction costs.
10. Tract 2 shall be limited to Retirement Center and Office uses shall be removed. The
allowable uses shall be retirement housing, personal care, rest home or nursing home,
accessory building or use, swimming pool -private, park or playground -public; day
care for disabled or elderly. Church or rectory, recreation area -private, swim or
JANUARY 27, 1994
tennis club would be allowed by Specific Use Permit. The listed temporary uses
should remain.
The following findings were read into the record:
1. Uses are compatible to the Comprehensive Plan as it applies to the U.S. 75 corridor.
2. The thoroughfare plan is slightly amended by the realignment of Watters Road to be
compatible with the proposed hospital.
3. LOS C is maintained.
4 No building will be allowed in the floodplain, and all floodplain will be dedicated
with the construction of a hike/bike trail.
5. Additional landscape buffers and setbacks are provided along thoroughfares.
6. Angel Drive will not be abandoned unless the east/west road is constructed.
7. Overall F.A.R. is reduced.
8. Multifamily in Tract 1 is appropriate because of the reduced density on the west of
the creek. The either/or zoning allowed because either use is compatible to surround-
ing uses.
9. High density increase is justified because of its location to thoroughfares.
10. The buffering between the residential and commercial/office is adequate.
Final Plat
Watters Crossing Phase 2 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Watters Crossing Phase II by Bon
Terre -B, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership, on a 71.2977 -acre tract of land to the
Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543 and the David Nix Survey, Abstract No. 668,
situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that certain
431.673 acre tract of land conveyed to Allen Central Joint Venture by deed recorded
in County Clerk No. 92-0051578 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
JANUARY 27, 1994 PAGE 6
further described as being located south of McDermott Drive, east of Alma Drive,
and west of the existing Watters Crossing Phase One Addition."
Mr. Keener explained that the request is changed from approval of final plat to approval of
preliminary plat.
The plat is in conformance with the concept plan approved at the time of zoning on this
property. This plat continues the 10 -foot easement for a hike/bike trail along Bel Air Drive
to Alma Drive. The open space easement is widened to 20 feet from 10 feet in the one
block east of Alma to accommodate traffic at the intersection. Mr. Keener advised that the
utility lines will be underground, including those along the perimeter of the development.
Park dedication on this property was previously satisfied in Phase 1. The Fire Marshal has
approved the plat.
Commissioner Crume discussed the length of the alley that is parallel to Alma Drive with
respect to the proposed requirements of the new Subdivision Ordinance.
Mr. Robuck advised that fencing Alma Drive will be comparable to that located on the
existing Phase 1 development. There will be an additional 10 feet of buffering provided
adjacent to the perimeter streets. This buffering will be installed, irrigated, and maintained
by the Homeowner's Association.
The street naming conventions will be corrected to change the eastern portion of Sonoma
Drive to a different name, Newberry will be changed to Drive, and Covina will be Court.
Mr. George Conner suggested that the final plat should include the City as signatory in order
to dedicate the roadway along the 9 -acre parkland. Mr. Robuck indicated that the developer
will be constructing this roadway at the time of development of Phase 2.
Ms. Frances Williams advised the Commission that she had a serious concern regarding the
protection of the stand of trees on the southern and eastern border of the tract.
Mr. Robuck stated that the plan allows for additional right-of-way of 20-23 feet along the
southern and eastern border in order to attempt to save the trees. The pavement will be
saved north and west from the property lines. Also, they are maintaining existing grades as
much as possible in order to eliminate cutting along the trees. There will be no filling at the
Dr. Williams stated that he is concerned because the trees along their joint property line in
Watters Crossing Phase 1 have been damaged by the construction of the alley. He added
that the trees on the Williams property; however, the roots are on Watters Crossing.
JANUARY 27, 1994
Mr. Conner added that the alley under concern was cut down 1 to 2 feet. This problem
should be corrected in Phase 2 by attempting to remain at grade. Mr Keener suggested the
possibility of waiving the alley requirement in order to save these trees. Mr. Robuck
indicated that the theme of the development is for rear entry.
Mr. Robuck added that the he committed through zoning to attempt to preserve the trees.
He provided a count as to the number of trees preserved along with new trees planted or to
be planted, and the number of damaged trees. In Phase 1, 341 trees were preserved, 357
new trees were planted, and 72 trees were damaged.
Dr. Williams requested assurance that the trees on their property line will not be destroyed.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the prelimi-
nary plat for Watters Crossing Phase 2 with the following amendments:
1. The road around the park is to be dedicated with the final plat with the City as
2. The screening material will be installed by the developer with automatic irrigation,
and maintained by the homeowner's association on Sonoma Drive.
3. A facilities agreement is to be completed before the final plat is filed.
4. The street names will be corrected as indicated above.
5. A commitment is made to attempt to preserve the trees on the adjoining property line.
Final Plat
Watters Crossing Phase 2 (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Watters Crossing Phase II by Bon
Terre -B, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership, on a 71.2977 -acre tract of land in the
Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543 and the David Nix Survey, Abstract No. 668,
situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that certain
431.673 acre tract of land conveyed to Allen Central Joint Venture by deed recorded
in County Clerk No. 92-0051578 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located south of McDermott Drive, east of Alma Drive,
and west of the existing Watters Crossing Phase One Addition."
Mr. Keener advised that the final plat is in conformance with the approved preliminary plat
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final
plat for Watters Crossing Phase 2.
Other Business:
Mr. Keener advised the Commission of the joint meeting with the City Council to review the
Subdivision Ordinance at 7:00 p.m. Monday, January 31, 1994.
Mr. Keener discussed the scheduling of the upcoming annexation of the west side properties,
and the proposed sexually oriented business resolution and ordinances.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the January
27, 1994, meeting of the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission at 11.30 p.m.
These minutes approved this 9th day of February,
7 n cta, Chairman
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January 21, 1994
Mr, Tom Keener
City Of Allen
Allen, TX
Re: Z-1-6-94-1
Dear Mr. Keener:
In order to clarify the three issues which you brought to my attention,
Please consider this letter as an addendum to our zoning request.
Issue # i
The City of Allen is not committing to the abandonment of a purtion of Angel
Drive. That issue will be considered at the time the proposed east -west road
" is constructed or alternative access to Angel Drive is approved by the city,
LES• Issue # 2
The 100 feet setback from the centerline of Watters Branch referred to in
Tract 1, paragraph 5 and Tract 2, Paragraph 5 will apply only where the
100 year flood plain extends less than 100 feet from the Centerline of Watters
Issue # 3
The 25 feet and 15 feet Landscape buffers along U.S. highway 75, F.M 2170,
Watters Road and Bethany Road will consist of combinations of sod grasses,
ground covers, trees, shrubs, decorative walls, earthen berms and other
commonly used and accepted landscape treatments. Specific plans for these
landscape buffers must be submitted with the site plans for development of
the various tracts Native trees of minLuum 2 inch caliper will be spaced
informally at all street frontages. The number of trees required will be equal
to one for each 50 feet of frontage. Three feet high walls, berms or decora-
tive fences and shrubs will be used to screen parking areas from adjacent
streets where appropriate Shrubs shall be varieties commonly used and adapt-
able to the arca. Irrigation shall be provided to the landscaped areas and all
landscaping shall continue thr,nagh the development for a unified concept design,
1114 -rely, l — _`
David R Dena,nn
January 27, 1994
Mr. Tom Keener
City of Allen
Re: Zoning Case Z-1-6-94-1
Dear Mr. Keener:
This letter addresses the issues which you discussed with me today. Please
consider this as an addendum to our zoning request.
Tract 1
Use regulations shall include Office Buildings (including clinic, Doctor or Dentist
office) or Multi -family dwelling (apartment) but not both.
Area regulations shall be as listed in the Zoning Ordinance for the Office District
if office buildings are constructed on the tract.
Tract 2
Use regulations shall include Office buildings or Retirement Housing but not both.
Clinics, Doctors or Dentists office shall be allowed if either Office buildings or
Retirement Housing Is constructed on the tract.
Retirement Housing shall be defined as a planned community which offers in-
dependent living congregate care and/or assisted living with a central services
facility on site which can provide food service, personal grooming care, arts and
crafts and recreational activities The community shall be designed to meet the
needs of residents 55 years of age and above.
Area regulations shall be as listed in the Zoning Ordinance for the Office District
if office buildings are constructed on the tract.
The applicants accept the traffic study as revised persaant to the City's
traffic engineerts comments.
David R. Denison