HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1994 - 04/28 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 28, 1994
Commission Members Present:
John Garcia, Chairman
Douglas Gallagher, Vice -Chairman
Harold Biggs
Jeffery Kelley
Steve Allen
Commission Members Absent:
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Noel Crume
City Staff Present:
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Secretary
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With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the City Council Chambers, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
April 14. 1994 (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 14, 1994, Regular Meeting.".
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted S FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes
of April 14, 1994, as presented.
April 28, 1994 PAGE 2
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes North 2 (Aeenda Item III)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Douglas Properties to amend Planned
Development No. 33 by reducing the Shopping Center Tract from approximately
17.44 acres to approximately 3.37 acres. The request is to change the zoning on
14.07 acres to single family. The property is described as 14.07 acres of land situated
in the John David Survey, Abstract No. 255 and the J. A. Taylor Survey, Abstract
No. 908, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, subject tract further being part of that
33.092 acre tract of land conveyed to Shadow Lakes No. 2 Limited Partnership, a
Texas Limited Partnership by the deed recorded in Clerk's File Number 93-0023521
of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas (LRCCT), further described as being
located southwest of F.M. 2170 and west of South Allen Heights Drive."
Mr. Jim Douglas and Mr. Pat Atkins presented the request to the Commission. Mr. Atkins
advised that the request is to rezone the existing office and a portion of the existing commer-
cial to a residential use. He stated that they have provided a conceptual plan which indicates
the layout of the property. Entries into Allen Heights Drive have been minimized. A grass
fire entry will be provided on the middle cul-de-sac at Allen Heights Drive.
Chairman Garcia indicated that this request includes a zoning change as well as a request for
site plan approval.
Chairman Garcia opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or
against the request, Chairman Garcia closed the public hearing.
Mr. Tom Keener discussed the fact that the Comprehensive Plan indicates shopping center for
this area, and therefore the request would include downzoning. The corner, approximately
3.7 acres, would remain commercial. This site includes a Specific Use Permit for service
station which would remain on the Shopping Center tract. He added that the use and area
regulations for the requested residential are similar to the Garden Home District. No traffic
study was requested because the intersection was analyzed through the Morningside zoning
request. The right -turn lane recognized at that time should be included in this zoning request.
The open space requirement is 1 acre for every 75 dwelling units. The acres of floodway and
floodplain are not known at this time. Open space can be satisfied through floodplain.
However, this acreage was already used to satisfy the requirement for that portion of the
planned development west of Mustang Branch. Determination of the floodplain and floodway
will be necessary to determine whether the open space dedication is fulfilled.
April 28, 1994 PAGE 3
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes North 2 (Cont.) (Agenda Item IID
The north/south street on this site plan is not indicated to be a collector street, being only 50'
in width. City staff has reviewed this issue and has determined that because the subdivision
is small, this is not a problem for engineering. However, the Fire Marshal has requested two
access points, or at least a second emergency access. Community Development staff also
recommended two access points.
Screening along Allen Heights Drive and F.M. 2170 is not addressed by the proposal, and
staff is recommending the same standards as adopted west of Mustang Branch.
In summary, staff indicated the following issues of concern:
1. Dedication of right-of-way for right -turn lane on F.M. 2170.
2. Identification of floodplain and floodway in order to determine necessary dedication of
[' open space.
i 3. Width of the north/south street on the site plan.
id 4. Number of access points.
5. Screening standards on Allen Heights Drive and F.M. 2170.
6. The proposal is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
7. No alley is shown to the west.
Mr. Jim Douglas stated that he has proposed a second access point using grass pavers the
required Fire Department lock, the same as was used to the west in Shadow Lakes North.
They desire to limit access to one curb cut because of the curved nature of Allen Heights
Drive. He added that all garages will be turned either to the side or rear, and will be in
conformance with the newly adopted Subdivision Ordinance,
The Commission discussed the effects of downzoning on the Comprehensive Plan tables. Mr.
Keener stated that it would not adversely affect the control totals. He advised that the zoning
on the property to the north, northeast, and southeast is retail. The Commission expressed
concern regarding the elimination of the office zoning.
April 28, 1994 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
Shadow Lakes North 2 (Cont.) (Agenda Item HD
Mr. Atkins discussed the history of the development, including the rezoning on Shadow Ickes
North. He stated that it is his opinion that the rezoning is appropriate because the entire
corridor has been reconfigured into residential.
Chairman Garcia and Commissioner Kelley further discussed the need to maintain the
shopping center and office at this intersection. Commissioner Allen stated he would prefer
that the property develop as shopping center and office.
Mr. Douglas stated that it will be at least 7 to 10 years before retail uses develop. He
indicated that the owners of this land lost it to foreclosure because it is not a developable
property. He added that the shape of the property does not lend itself to commercial
development, even though the actual number of acres seem to indicate an appropriate site.
Commissioner Gallagher indicated that his concern is for the loss of the office zoning.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Kelley, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item
Preliminary Plat
Twin Creeks Phase Two -A & Two -B (Agenda Item M
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Arvida-Twin Creeks
Partners, L.P. on Twin Creeks Phase Two -A & Two -B, being 12.390 and 27.159
acres out of the Joab Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, the Alfred Slack Survey,
Abstract No. 854, the David M. Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914, and the Issac
Herring Survey, Abstract No. 381 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located north of W. McDermott Drive, east and west of Twin
Creeks Drive."
Mr. Keener presented the preliminary plat to the Commission. Staff recommends approval of
the plat.
Chairman Garcia discussed the possible need for additional access at Hunters Creek Court
because of the traffic generated through Del Rio Court, Whitney Court, and Uvalde Court.
Mr. Keener advised that the traffic trip counts would not necessarily indicate a need for a
collector street at this location.
April 28, 1994
Preliminary Plat
Twin Creeks Phase Two -A & Two -B (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Garcia indicated that there is no alley indicated between Athens Court and Uvalde
Court. The zoning allowed for elimination of alleys in tree stands and in the golf course
area. Mr. Brett Johnston, Arvida, indicated that there was a tree stand in this area.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Kelley,
the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat
for Twin Creeks Phase Two -A & Two -B.
Preliminary Plat
Twin Creeks Phase 2-C (Aizenda Item V)
Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Arvida-Twin Creeks
Partners, L.P. on Twin Creeks Phase Two -C, being 38.444 acres out of the James W.
Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further
■ described as being located north of W. McDermott Drive and east of Twin Creeks
L Phase One."
Mr. Keener presented the plat to the Commission. Staff recommends approval of the plat.
The Commission discussed the number of lots that will be on Paris Court, which will be
completed on a future plat. The parking that would possibly occur on Comanche and
potentially obstruct on -coming school traffic was discussed. Mr. Johnston stated that even if
cars are parked on both sides of the street, traffic will flow because this is a collector street,
and the width will carry two lanes of traffic.
Mr. Bobby Curtis, Allen Independent School District, stated that the preliminary plat and
final plat for Flossie Green Elementary will be on the next agenda. He indicated that he feels
that the traffic will flow appropriately in this area. Many of the students will be walking, and
bus traffic will be from the Vaughan area.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to approve the prelimi-
nary plat for Twin Creeks Phase 2-C, with Chairman Garcia casting the
dissenting vote.
April 28, 1994
Mr. Keener reviewed the current text in the Zoning Ordinance regarding landscape require-
ments. The Commission reviewed sample ordinances from other cities provided by staff
regarding landscaping and tree preservation. The consensus of the Commission was to use
the ordinances from Garland and Grapevine as an example in developing recommended
ordinances for the City of Allen.
Chairman Garcia provided the Commission with copies of a memo he drafted which is
intended to request a clarification from the City Council regarding issues which arose in the
request for plat of the Twin Creeks Park and Amenities Area. The consensus of the
Commission was to forward this memo to the Council.
The Commission discussed the U.S. 75 Guidelines adopted by Dallas, Plano, and Richardson,
as well as the proposed Allen Economic Development Board's "Vision 2000." Chairman
Garcia stated he will provide copies of "Vision 2000" to each of the members.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Kelley,
the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the April 28, 1994,
meeting at 10:30 p.m.
These minutes approved this 12th day of Ma , 1994.
Joh Garcia, Chairman Kenne h Fulk, Secretary