HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1994 - 07/20 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JULY 20, 1994
John Garcia, Chairman
Kenneth Fulk, Secretary
Harold Biggs
Jeffery Kelley
Steve Allen
Douglas Gallagher, Vice -Chairman
Noel Crume
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7.40 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the City Council Chambers, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mr. Tom Keener indicated that revised area regulations were provided by mail to the
Commissioners. The revised request includes 545 medium density units and 396 low density
units, totally 941 units, with 290 units of multi -family, for a grand total of 1231 units.
Mr. Tary Artebern provided a summary of the land uses with acreage and uses specified.
���rrr He also provided a summary regarding the single family units, lot sizes, and acreage. The
JULY 20, 1994 PAGE 2
total proposed single family units proposes is 941, however, the schematic lot count provided
for information purposes indicates only 821 actual units. Mr. Artebern also provided a chart
comparing the existing planned development and the proposed request.
Chairman Garcia indicated that if the City does purchase the four tracts being offered, this
would remove 70 lots from the overall density Total units would become 871 instead of
941. Mr Artebern indicated that the increase in dwelling units over the existing zoning is
caused by the reduction in the shopping center acreage, which allows for additional single
family development. There is greater medium density, but less shopping center and less
multi -family The overall density has remained approximately the same.
Commissioner Kelley questioned whether Tract 4B in the existing zoning was entirely high
and dry land, and Mr. Rich stated that it was; however, this particular land, on its own, is
not large enough to accommodate the necessary ballfields. In general, the 18 acres being
dedicated is outside the FEMA floodplain. He added that their intention is that this 18 acres
will be completely out of the floodplain, nomeclaimable, as defined by City of Allen stan-
dards. They added that there will not be less than 18 acres outside of the floodplain. Any
additions in floodplain acreage will reduce the size of adjacent properties.
Commissioner Kelley asked if it were possible that the 26.5 acres currently shown as being
in Tract 4 could be reduced if the floodplain study indicates less acreage in the floodplain,
and Mr Rich stated he would commit to the acreage indicated no matter what the study
shows. Any acreage that they plan to reclaim from the floodplain is already taken into
account in their proposal. There is approximately 5 or 6 acres of floodplain planned for
reclamation. These acres are out of the tree area, and in the flood fringe area. Reclamation
of the floodplain was not addressed in the previous zoning.
There will be a minimum of 18 acres outside of the floodplain and 31 acres of floodplain
dedicated, for a total of 49 acres. None of the 18 acres will be reclaimed floodplain.
Commissioner Fulk suggested that the Comprehensive Plan and the existing zoning both
indicate the park acreage to be I.M acres, and the proponent agreed to increase the park
dedication from 18 acres to 18.6 acres, although the 18.6 acres is not site specific at this
Mr Rich added that the proponent might be adding additional pocket parks to be maintained
by a homeowners association, and possibly dedicated to the City at a later date. This would
be entirely outside of the 18.6 acres.
Mr. Rich added that approximately 4 acres in Tract 5 is to be reclaimed; if the entire tract is
determined to be in the floodplain, then 6.5 acres will be reclaimed. Less than 1 acre will
be reclaimed in Tracts 3A and 5A.
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Commissioner Kelley stated that the location of the multi -family is appropriate in relation to
the school (Plano) and shopping center sites. The multi -family units are being reduced from
the existing zoning of 336 units to 290 units, and this is appropriate even though the total
multi -family units for this neighborhood district is over that which is proposed.
Chairman Garcia questioned whether there were citizens in the audience with comments
regarding the land uses, and Ms. Mary McDermott Cook requested that the Commission
require lower density next to her property She requested that all of the trees be saved either
through lowering the density or by further dedication. Ms. Leah Magruder, representing the
Park Board, indicated she had no comments at this time.
Commissioner Allen questioned the development of Tract 11 and it was stated that this tract
is proposed for garden home development.
Tracts 3A, 5A, 8B, and 10A are proposed for cross -zoning, allowing the City the option to
purchase this property within 10 months. Mr. Rich suggested that a third party evaluate the
property and set the price for the property, plus an interest rate, with a possible 2 -year
option for purchase instead of the one year currently proposed.
Chairman Garcia questioned staff as to the appropriate process to be followed for establishing
the price for this property. Grant processes were discussed, which are generally a 2-3 year
Ms. Frances Williams indicated that it would be unrealistic to expect the City to obtain the
necessary funds to purchase this land in one year.
It was indicated that if the cross -zoned areas are in fact developed, then 50 to 60% of the
trees will be lost, and this with proposed 1/2 -acre lots. Tract 3A (3 acres cross -zoned) is in
fact not a wooded site; however City staff has indicated that this site is important as a public
community center for access to the wooded acreage.
Mr. Rich indicated that he feels that the land is worth at least $20,000 an acre, but there
would be appraisals completed by third parties. He suggested that there was a possibility of
including a process to allow extensions. He further suggested that the property might be
acquired in phases, still within the two years, if the value is set. He proposed setting an
interest rate of 5-6%
Commissioner Fulk discussed the increased density of the proposal compared to the Compre-
hensive Plan.
r The proponent discussed the differences in their proposal and the existing zoning, and their
`` desire to improve the zoning from the current planned development requirements. Mr. Rich
EJULY 20, 1994 PAGE 4
emphasized that his development group has negotiated with City staff to develop a viable and
developable plan.
Commissioner Fulk discussed his feelings that the land to be purchased by the City should be
appraised at this time, and Mr. Rich stated that his proposal includes a stipulation that as
soon as City Council grants approval of the zoning, he would have the property appraised.
It was stated that the City's participation on the bridge would be 26% of 75% of the total
bridge, since 1/4 of the bridge is located in the City of Plano.
Commissioner Kelley requested comments from Mr. Jon McCarty, City Manager, regarding
his interpretation of the process for purchasing the park land. Chairman Garcia indicated
that Mr. Petty's memorandum to the Commission represented the comments of the City
Manager. Commissioner Kelley indicated that the Commission should not be considering the
price of the land, but this should be a staff function. Chairman Garcia added that the
Commission should address the timing of the purchase and the fact that a statement should be
included in the zoning regarding the fact that a facilities agreement should be entered into
prior to the filing of a final plat on the property.
Mr. Keener stated that staff is recommending a minimum of two years be allowed for the
City purchase of the cross -zoned land, and Commissioner Kelley requested further input
from City staff regarding this time frame.
It was the consensus of the Commission and the proponent that text would be added to the
proposal indicating that "prior to approval by the Commission of a final plat on the property,
a facilities agreement must be in place. This facilities agreement would contain infrastruc-
ture requirements and the purchase price and methodology for purchase the cross -zoned area.
The 2 -year window would begin at the time the facilities agreement is consummated.
Commissioner Kelly indicated that he is comfortable with the land uses at this time
Commissioner Fulk questioned whether it was appropriate to downzone the shopping center
to the lesser acres of local retail.
Commissioner Allen indicated that the reduction is appropriate because of the change in plans
for Hedgecoxe.
Chairman Garcia stated he had a question on the multi -family with regard to this neighbor-
hood district. Even though the request represents less than is allowed in current zoning, it
will represent an overage with the Kendall request.
{ Commissioner Allen indicated he did not feel this was going to be a problem.
lEfy JULY 20, 1994 PAGE 5
Mr. Artebern indicated that all the densities proposed do not have the open space and right-
of-way calculated into them.
Commissioner Fulk further indicated that the increased density from the Comprehensive Plan
of 849 to the proposal of 1231 is too high.
Mr. Rich stated that the current ordinance allows for collective densities. In this proposal,
they have blended the intent of the zoning. They are asking for 10% additional units to
allow for flexibility of planning. The density in single family is 3.2 units per acre if you
include the open space, using a gross calculation.
Chairman Garcia indicated that if the City does purchase the cross -zoned acreage, this will
reduce the density in the overall development. This will reduce the proposal by approximate-
ly 70 units. Mr. Artebern further indicated that the additional single family acreage which
was commercial and multi -family increases the number of single family units.
Commissioner Kelley stated that he feels the density proposed is a reasonable tradeoff
considering the willingness on the part of the developer to dedicate the open space.
Mr. Artebem indicated that the only thoroughfare change being proposed is the deletion of
Bethany Drive segment from Alma to FM 2170. This is being done because of the deletion
of Bethany north of FM 2170.
Mr. Keener stated that staff has no issue with the traffic review Mr. John Friebele, the
City's consultant, has approved the study One advantage in this case was that the traffic
could be distributed over a number of thoroughfares, which allowed for a LOS C. This tract
has good access through a number of thoroughfares.
Mr. Haas, the proponent's traffic consultant, was available for questions. He agreed that a
LOS C is achieved on the intersection analysis and the link analysis. The overall traffic is
24% less than in the existing zoning proposal because of the less intense commercial uses.
The elimination of Bethany to FM 2170 has a minimal impact.
Mr. Keener indicated that Mr. Friebele did advise that this elimination will require some
attention to be given to McDermott to assure the maintenance of LOS C on McDermott. The
recommendations made by Mr. Friebele are being included in the proposal, which includes
intersection improvements at Hedgecoxe and Alma.
JULY 20, 1994 —
The next scheduled workshop will be Wednesday, July 27, 1994, and will include topics of
tree preservation, area regulations, and timing of infrastructure.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Allen,
the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 20, 1994,
meeting at 10:45 p.m.
These minutes approved this o?Q day of 1994
John Ga t
ia, Clutiftfian Kenneth Fulk, Secretary