HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1994 - 08/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 11, 1994 John Garcia, Chairman Doug Gallagher, Vice -Chairman Kenneth Fulk, Secretary Harold Biggs Jeffery Kelley Steve Allen Noel Crume City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator George Conner, Director of Public Works Sally Leeper, Secretary CALL TOORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Garcia at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes July 27, 1994 Workshop (Agenda Item ID Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of July 27, 1994, Workshop Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of July 27, 1994, as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 2 Approve Minutes July 28- 1994 (Agenda Item IIII Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of July 28, 1994, Workshop Meeting," MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Fulk, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of July 28, 1994, as presented. Public Hearing Radio Station (Agenda Item V) Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Ken Jones representing Mr. Greg Smith, owner, for a Specific Use Permit with site plan approval for a radio station in the Central Business District, to be located at 103B Main Street, Allen, Texas. Mr. Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. Chairman Gracia opened the public hearing. With no wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Gracia closed the public haring. The Commissioners discussed issues related to the number of employees that would occupy the establishment, and parking needs, as well as traffic generation. It was indicated that the radio station's main tower is located north of McKinney and is 400 feet in height. MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Allen and a second by Commissioner Crume, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit with site plan approval for the radio station. The following findings were read into the record: 1. The business will be an asset to the City 2. Parking and landscaping on Main Street are existing and grandfathered. 3 The use is compatible to adjoining uses. 4 The tower indicated on the site plan is in conformance with City standards. 5 The main tower is located off-site. 6. The business will be operated on a 24-hour basis, with one employee at all times. 7 No specific promotional activities were indicated that would generate unusual traffic. 8. No obtrusive noise will be generated from the use. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 3 Tabled Item Suncreek Request (Agenda Item IVl Chairman Garcia read the agenda item into the record as follows: "TABLED ITEM - Public Hearing - Consider a request by Plano/Allen Suncreek, Ltd., HC Associates, Jack Evans, Jr. and the Baptist Church Loan Corporation to amend Planned Development No. 31 (PI) 31) to include Local Retail, Office, Multi- family, Single-family, Public and Private Community Facilities districts, and a tree preservation policy on 282.7 acres of land located south of West McDermott Drive, north of Hedgecoxe Road, in the vicinity of proposed Alma Drive and Suncreek Boulevard, in the following surveys and abstracts: 5.442 acres in Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract 1017; 51.175 acres in Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract 1017; 177 451 acres in Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract 1017, 1018; 33 702 acres in G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract 326; 10.3 acres in Joab Buder Survey, Abstract 47 and J.H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract 1017; 4 7 acres in G.W. Ford Survey, Abstract 326;" MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner Crume, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item IV from the table. The Commission was provided with a preliminary copy of the minutes of the August 10, 1994, meeting in an effort to assist them in reviewing the revised document that was prepared for tonight by the proponent. The following discussion and revisions were made to the document with revision date August 11, 1994: Mr. Keener recommended that should the Commission decide to vote in favor of the proposal, that the issue of McDermott to U.S. 75 be resolved between now and the City Council process so as not to delay the process. Mr. Arterburn reviewed the changes that were made to the proposal since the last revision. The Commission discussed the revised proposal, page -by -page, and indicated their preferenc- es, which are specified below in the motion section of these minutes. Mr Rod Kelly, Barton-Ashmann, was available to discuss the deletion of Bethany and the impact of that removal on McDermott Drive at U.S. 75. He indicated that with this development, McDermott Drive is maintained at LOS C all the way to U.S. 75, with a margin remaining of approximately 5 % It is unknown at this time what the LOS is at the intersection of McDermott and U.S. 75. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 4 Tabled Item Suncreek Request (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and seconded by Commissioner Allen, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request as revised August 11, 1994, with the following amendments: 1. SECTION III, Paragraph 7, A and B, should be reversed, and the new paragraph A should read: " .A lighting plan, showing fixtures and lighting levels, should be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their approval at the time of site plan review .." This will be consistent with the wording in Section II. These two paragraphs should be in this order with this text change wherever it appears in the document. 2. SECTION IV, Paragraphs 3.1), 3.E, and 3.17 should be deleted. 3. SECTION IV, Paragraph 4, delete the text "whichever is higher. 4 SECTION IV, Paragraph S.C, delete. 5 SECTION N, Paragraph 6, delete reference to "Code enforcement reports that the following method is used for calculation" and state "The following method is to be used for calculation:" 6. SECTION IV, Paragraph 9, add reference to future ordinance as shown in Section IL Paragraph 7.13 7 SECTION V-A, Paragraph 6, remove reference to approval by City Council and change "recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission" to approval of the Plammne and Zoning Commission 8. SECTION V -B, S-1, Paragraph 3, remove "whichever is higher." 9 SECTION V -B, S-1, Paragraph 4.A.1, remove "evenly" and add Distributed through- out each plat. This change should be made in all subsequent references to front yard area regula- tions. I I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 5 Tabled Item Suncreek Request ( Cont) (genda Item IV) 10. SECTION V -B, S-1, Paragraph 4.A.5, add text or hetween a detached garage and a main structure on an adjacent lot. Also, add the word minimum to all references to 3 -foot setback from rear and side property lines. This change should be made in all subsequent references to area regulations for detached garages. 11. SECTION V -B, S-1, Paragraph 5.B.2, change the word "the" to tho seventy-five percent (75%)... This change should be made in all subsequent references to building regulations for detached garages. 12. TABLE V-1 - Summary of Single Family District Regulations, same change as indicated above regarding detached garages. 13. SECTION VI -C, Paragraph 4 - Change "ration" to cati4. 14. TABLE VIA, note labeled ++ Change "..acres of Option I land and the City will purchase. to ....acres of the option land and the City may purchase... 15. SECTION VI, SPECIFIC COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS BY TRACT OR AREA, Paragraph 2.1), third paragraph - Delete the following sentence: "It being understood that any such improvement shall then belong to the City, but that the Developer shall retain all access and maintenance rights." 16. SECTION VI, SPECIFIC COMMUNITY FACILITIES REGULATIONS BY TRACT OR AREA, Paragraph 4 -PUBLIC ACCESS TO ROWLETT CREEK OPEN SPACE - Add text At the time of nrehi jnary nlattinethe developer will maximi7e the use of single loaded streets adjacent to park areas 17 GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT - Add a title SECTION VII and correct language in paragraph 1 to indicate Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No 829-11-87 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 6 Tabled Item Sun=1 Request (Cont.) (Agenda Item IVl 18. SECTION VII, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 3.A should read: 19 SECTION VII, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 3.13 should read: To facilitate emergencv arccss. the remaining one-half of the Rowlett Creek bridg will be constructed simultaneously with any parcel which exceeds 80 the nolipark developable acreage -south of Rowlta Creek and must be - the City issues additional peamits on Tracts 6 7.8-9JO 11 12-13 or 2.1 �•'1 •' •' .. This paragraph, which reads "Development in Tracts 3, 3A, 5 and 5A may occur with improved access from Suncreek Boulevard including a temporary, City approved "turn -around" at the south terminus of Suncreek Boulevard," will be deleted. 21. SECTION VII, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 3.0 Add new paragraph C. In coniunction with City acceptance of the last single family residential tract the remaining 1/Y of Alma Drive to Hedgecoxe will be completed before building permits are issued, 22. SECTION VII, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 5 - Paragraph should read: Frior In or in coniunction with the first final plat being approved for any tract- a facilities agreement hp,tesCen the developer and the City of Allen will be executed, 23SECTION VII, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 7 - A recommendation is made that the Thoroughfare Plan be changed to eliminate the indicated link on Bethany contingent upon the link and intersection analysis indicating a LOS C on McDermott and at the McDermott and U.S. 75 intersection. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 7 Tabled Item Suncreek Request (Cont 1 (Agenda Item IV) 24 SECTION VH, GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, Paragraph 8 - should be added to the document as follows: 25 TREE PRESERVATION POLICY, Paragraph D.2 - The first sentence should read: Upon issuance of a building permit, the builder shall be allowed to remove trees located on the buildable area of the property as defined herein. THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS WERE READ INTO THE RECORD: 1. Slight reduction in density from existing zoning. 2. Amendment to Thoroughfare Plan to delete the link at Bethany contingent upon link and intersection analysis showing a LOS C at McDermott and U.S. 75. 3. Regarding the purchase of the cross -zoned option land, the proposed method of purchase is not a recommendation of the Commission, but is being deferred to the City Council and City Manager for their deliberation. 4. Staff verified that the F.A.R. for Local Retail in the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance was not a typographical error based upon historical research of previous ordinances. 5 The land uses are compatible to surrounding uses. 6. Adequate ingress and egress is provided for circulation. 7 The Building Official has clarified the text for measuring the percentage of brick. 8. LOS C is maintained and overall traffic is decreased because of the changes in land L uses. I I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 8 Tabled Item Suncreek Request (Cont (Agenda Item IV) 9 Park dedication is in conformance with ordinance and the proposal allows for the reservation of a large wooded area. 10. The design is more creative than the existing zoning, and takes into consideration the topography of the land. 11. Change to the identified 18.6 -acre park was recommended by the Park Board. 12. Access to the park land has been incorporated. 13 All issues addressed by the Park Board were resolved. 14 Hedgecoxe Road will be developed under the normal Subdivision process. 15. Overall land uses are in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 16. The Multi -family and Local Retail uses are located adjacent to thoroughfares and at intersections. 17 North/south access will be completed from McDermott Drive to Hedgecoxe Road, which will constitute the only north/south access between Custer and U.S. 75 at this time. 18. Proponents have shown a great deal of patience with the lengthy deliberations. 19 Unique architectural concepts are incorporated into the design. 20. Tree preservation ordinance is provided. 21. Concern was expressed regarding the need to enhance the bridge from an aesthetical, visual, and environmental aspect. 22. Concerns of the Fire Marshal were addressed regarding the elimination of the asphalt paving on Old Alma Road. 23. Minimum house sizes were raised to 1400 square feet. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1994 PAGE 9 Tabled Item Suncreek Request (Cont .l (Agenda Item IV) THE FOLLOWING NEGATIVE FINDING WAS READ INTO THE RECORD - 1. The City should give consideration to the fact that the City is now obligated to pay their portion of the cost of the bridge, and this should be considered in the negotia- tions for the option land. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Allen and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the August 11, 1994, meeting at 12:45 a.m. on August 12, 1994. LThese minutes approved this o?S day of (u Q 7¢ 994 VIA. k John arcta, Chairman Kenneth Filk, Secretary I