HomeMy WebLinkAboutCable TV - 1997 - 08_14MINUTES CABLE TV AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEEElREGULARMEETING August 14, 1997 ATTENDANCE. Members Present: Donald Wing Doug Dreggors Sherry Bennett Eric Willard Bill Huber Ty Westfall Members Absent: None Staff Present: Michael Stanger Donna Miller I. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM With a quorum of the committee present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Cable TV and Telecommunications Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairperson Don Wing at 7:04 p.m. on Thursday, August 14, 1997 at the Joe Fanner Recreation Center, 1201 East Bethany, Allen, Texas. The following items were discussed: II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The May 14, 1997 minutes were approved as written with a motion made by Mr. Dreggors and seconded by Mr. Willard. III. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None present. IV. REQUEST TO APPEAR BY LONNIE THOMAS AND KENNETH FULK ALLEN CITY COUNCIL FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Mr. Fulk and Mr. Thomas introduced themselves and asked the members to consider what should the City be doing to look ahead and be prepared for the future" in the Cable TV and Telecommunications field. The Advisory Committee and Council members discussed the following issues: Page 2 o12 CTTAC Minutes August 14, 1997 Look for possible ways to assist and provide guidance to small businesses. Work closely with the school district. Look to the future for possible improvement projects and long term planning. Investigate and negotiate ways to negotiate lower telephone costs (EAS). Do everything possible to get citizens get quality cable TV service at the best possible price. Look to the future. Don't just tackle current problems. Create a strategy Make our best effort so citizens are provided the best quality telecommunication services and explain the services to them. Budget for city channel and related services, and for board training. Review guidelines for the Library's Internet use. Each Spring, meet to discuss ideas and suggestions to develop a work plan and build budgets. Launching new programming on City's channel 6. Development of a community/institutional network. Protecting City's right-of-way interests. Contribute new elements to comprehensive plan. Telecommunications deregulation. Plans for public access channel. Communications security; e.g. Intemet, phone. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Fulk fielded a few questions, stated they appreciate the board's work, and are looking forward to working more closely with them in the future. V CONSIDER MAKING A RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING TCI RATE FILING Mr. Stanger reviewed with the Board the 1240 and 1205 evaluation report provided by C2 Consulting which recommended adjusting the basic rate down $.03, lowering the hourly and services rates, and slightly increasing converter and remote charges. After discussing the consultant's findings and recommendations, the following motion was made. Motion: Mr. Willard moved to approve the consultant's recommendations and forward the recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Huber seconded. The motion carried with six for and none against. VI. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING CITY'S FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH TCI. Page 3 of 3 CTTAC Minutes August 14, 1997 Motion: Mr. Huber made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Dreggors to move up on the agenda after item IV. The motion carried with six for and none against. Board members and Council members held a lengthy discussion regarding where and how the $500 per day liquidated damage charge will be used, and whether or not to recommend TCI's offer to convert such damages to credits on customers' bills. In the end, the board reached a consensus that a $2 per month credit would be an insignificant amount to most customers; and that the sum paid by TCI could be used for channel 6, thereby benefiting cable TV subscribers. Motion: Mr. Huber moved that the board not recommend TCPs suggestion to convert liquidated damages to customer credits, and that the board do recommend that the City Council earmark or dedicate all liquidated damages from TCI for video and other telecommunications services, and that staff ensure that TCI does not recover the cost of liquidated damages in any future rate setting. The motion carried five - for and one - against, with Mr. Huber, Mr. Westfall, Mr. Wing, and Mr. Willard voting in favor and Mr. Dreggors voting against. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Fulk left the meeting at this point. VII. Members suggested they individually create a project and idea list to bring to the next scheduled meeting. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Update: TCI's Compliance with Franchise Agreement TCI reported that the digital package should be ready in early October, and expansion of the analog package later in 1997 or 1998. Mr. Stanger will research the franchise agreement to see if the digital package fulfills the system upgrade requirement. B. Items of Interest to the Committee Mr. Bill Stephens was present to discuss business EAS charges on residential ISDN lines. Mr. Stephens stated the PUC recommended the City request residential ISDN and EAS charges be reduced and petition the PUC. Mr. Huber suggested the City try to negotiate with SW Bell first. Mr. Stanger will pursue this. Mr. Westfall announced that he has been promoted and may move out of state. Therefore, he will not seek re -appointment to the Board. Page 4 o14 CTTAC Minutes August 14, 1997 Mr. Westfall and Mr. Willard will not be present at the next meeting. C. Calendar Next meeting is scheduled for September 11, 1997 at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. IX. ADJOURN Mr. Willard moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Westfall seconded. The motion carried with a unanimous vote. This meeting was officially adjourned at 9:05 p.m. These tes read and approved this 1 Ith day of September 1997. Don Wing, Chairper , Secretary L I