HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1994 - 12/08 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
DECEMBER 8, 1994
Kenneth Fulk, Chairman
Noel Crume, Vice -Chairman
Douglas Gallagher, Secretary
John Garcia (arrived 8:41 p.m.)
Harold Biggs
Jeffery Kelley
Ross Obermeyer
Commission Members Abs nt:
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7.30 p.m. by Acting Chairman Gallagher at the City Council Chambers,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Acting Chairman Gallagher welcomed new Commissioner Ross Obermeyer.
Approve Minutes
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of November 10, 1994, Regular Meeting.
�"'' MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner
i■r Crume, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Minutes of November 10, 1994, as presented.
Election of Officers
- (Agenda Item III)
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Election of Officers - Chairman, Vice -Chairman, Secretary "
Commissioner Biggs requested that the procedures to be followed for the election be
reviewed. Mr. Tom Keener indicated that the Commission operates under Roberts Rules of
Order. He reviewed the rules for elections under Roberts Rules. The Commission should
decide if it should be a show of hands ballot, a roll call, or a written ballot. Commissioner
Biggs requested a written ballot. The consensus of the Commission was that a written ballot
would be appropriate.
Commissioner Gallagher placed the name of Ken Fulk in nomination, and Commissioner
Biggs placed the name of Noel Crume in nomination.
Commissioner Crume moved to close the nominations, and Commissioner Fulk seconded the
motion. The Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to close the nominations.
Ms. Sally Leeper collected and read the written ballots and announced that Ken Folk
received 3 votes and Noel Crum received 3 votes. With a tie vote, no one was elected.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Fulk and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 5 FOR an 1 OPPOSED to table agenda
item IB.
Preliminary Plat
Watters Crossing IB (Agenda Item IV)
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Watters Crossing Phase
HI, requested by Bon Terre -B Ltd, being 65.3266 acres located in the David Nix
Survey, Abstract No. 558, and the James Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located south of Main Street
(F. M. 2170) and west of Allen Heights Drive."
Mr. Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. Mr. Keener indicated that a tree
survey is enclosed for the Commission's information. The survey indicates that most of the
trees will be saved because they are located in the private common open space portion of the
Preliminary Plat
Watters Crossing III (Cont) (Agenda Item IV)
The preliminary plat is consistent with the zoning on the property. Mr. Keener suggested
that any motion to approve might include a possible street connection in the area of Lot 54,
Block A, in the event the multi -family tract is developed as single family.
Mr. Joel Robuck, Bon -Terre, requested approval of the preliminary plat. He indicated that
Phases I and II have been very successful. Phase III is located on the west side of Alma
Drive. They are attempting to preserve as many trees as possible, and will be attempting to
relocate as many of the ones that need to be removed as possible. He added that the fencing
begun in Phase I will be continued in this phase, and that the curvilinear layout does not
maximize the density on the property
Mr Robuck indicated that he has been discussing the need for an elementary school with Dr.
Barbara Erwin, AISD He indicated that it is possible that he would be requesting approval
of a revised preliminary plat to incorporate an elementary school site if it is determined that
it needs to be located in this subdivision.
Mr Keener further indicated that the plat includes the alternative transportation link along
Bel Air Drive, which is being continued from Phases I and H.
Commissioner Biggs questioned whether Mr. Robuck is considering the need for a street
connection to the Multi -family tract. Mr. Robuck indicated that this is being considered in
the event it is decided to develop the multi -family tract as single-family
Commissioner Fulk questioned the number of acres in the open space. Mr. Robuck indicated
it was approximately 8 to 10 acres. Mr. Keener indicated that the open space requirement
was fully satisfied with the floodplain dedication along Watters Creek, and that this is
additional acreage.
Commissioner Obermeyer questioned where a possible school might be located. It would be
located along Bel Air or C.R. 141.
Commissioner Crume discussed the length of the alley along C.R. 141. Mr Robuck
indicated that C.R. 141 will be a 60 -foot roadway with 37' of paving. This leaves 23' for
parkway, or I I 1 feet on each side of the road. Fencing will be provided along C.R. 141.
He indicated that all lots have alley access.
Mr. Michael Cummings, Cummings & Pewitt Engineering, indicated that additional right-of-
way will be allowed on the south tree line.
Preliminary Plat
Watters Crosti, III (Cont 1 (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Robuck indicated that they will be paving 24 feet of C.R. 141. Mr. George Conner
indicated that in the future, an additional 12 feet of paving will be added.
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Prelimi-
nary Plat for Watters Crossing Phase III, with the stipulation that if the multi-
family tract is developed as single-family, access is to be provided in the
vicinity of Lot 54, Block B.
Preliminary Plat
Allen North Phase II (Agenda Item V)
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Allen North Addition
Phase Two, requested by Dallas Allen Associates, being 66.1464 acres located in the
Henry Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located north of Exchange Parkway, and east of S.H. 5 and
Allen North Addition Phase One."
Mr. Keener presented the preliminary plat to the Commission. He stated it is consistent with
the approved zoning of this property, which is R-4 and R-5. Mr Keener stated that
Hearthstone Ct. will have an emergency access gate as required by the Fire Marshal.
Willoughby and Aberdeen will be separated from Exchange by a berm that will serve as a
traffic barrier. The position of the street name change between Willoughby and Aberdeen
will need to be indicated on the preliminary plat. Mr. Cummings indicated that the street
name change will be at the southwest intersection.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
preliminary plat for Allen North Addition Phase Two.
Final Plat
Ilttha f akec Park (Agenda Item VD
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Bethany Lakes Park for the City of
Allen, being a 47.1654 -acre tract of land situated in the Simon Burns Survey,
Abstract No. 92, Collin County, Texas, and being portions of a 49.562 -acre tract of
land described in a deed recorded in Volume 3418, Page 524 and a 0.2481 acre tract
of land recorded in Volume 92-0090760 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas
(DRCCT); further described as being located at the northeast corner of Allen Heights
Drive and Bethany Drive."
Mr. John Friebele, Hunter Associates, advised that he had prepared the final plat on behalf
of the Parks Department. He added that the plat shows dedication for the street widening of
Bethany Drive along the southern park boundary It includes 5 feet at the intersection in
conformance with the new Subdivision Ordinance. The Recreation Center is to be located in
the floodplain; however, the finished floor elevation of the facility is being raised. The
pavilion near the entrance will have a finished floor elevation above the floodplain also. This
is an open pavilion.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Fulk,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for
Bethany Lakes Park.
101 : :. 1. SII: .I; .
Acting Chairman Gallagher read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Shadow Lakes North Phase B, requested
by Shadow Lakes No. 2, Limited Partnership, being an 11.8 -acre tract of land
situated in the John Davis Survey, Abstract No. 255, J A. Taylor Survey, Abstract
No. 908, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, the subject tract being part of the
33.092 acre tract of land conveyed to Shadow Lakes No. 2 Limited Partnership, a
Texas Limited Partnership by the deed recorded in Clerk's File Number 93-0023521
of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and all of Black A of Greenwood
Valley, Installment 1, an addition to the City of Allen recorded in Cabinet C, Page
520 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, (LRCCT) the subject tract further
being a portion of a 103.185 acre tract of land conveyed to Shadow Lakes Limited
Partnership by the deed recorded in Clerk's File Number 92-0030228 (LRCCT);
further described as being located south of Main Street (F.M. 2170) and west of Allen
Heights Drive."
DECEMBER 8, 1994
Final Plat
Shadow Lakes North Phase B (Cont.) (Agenda Item Vii)
Mr. Keener presented the final plat to the Commission. He stated that it is consistent with
the approved preliminary plat, and the zoning on the property He discussed the additional
open space included on this plat. Ms. Leeper indicated that Eastbridge Ct. has been changed
to Farmoor Ct. to eliminate a conflict with the existing street East Ridge. Mr Keener
further indicated that this property has an existing sewer easement running north and south,
and it is indicated on the plat that it is "to be moved." It will be abandoned through a
separate instrument.
Mr. Keener further stated that a tax certificate was not available on this property; however,
the Tax Assessor has given verbal agreement that there are no outstanding taxes due on this
property at this time.
Mr. Keener stated that staff recommends approval of the plat.
Mr. Jim Douglas, Douglas Properties, indicated that the fencing will be consistent with
Shadow Ickes North Phase A.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final
plat for Shadow Lakes North Phase B.
Tabled Item
Election of Officers
MOTION• Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Folk,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item III
from the table.
The consensus of the Commission was to leave the nominations closed. Ms. Sally Leeper
collected and read the written ballots and announced that Ken Fulk received 4 votes and Noel
Crume received 3 votes, and Commissioner Fulk was elected Chairman.
Vice -Chairman
Commissioner Biggs placed the name of Noel Crume in nomination for Vice -Chairman.
With no other nominations being made, Noel Crume was elected Vice Chairman by acclama-
■ Coom3ssioner Crume placed the name of Doug Gallagher in nomination for Secretary With
fY no other nominations being made, Doug Gallagher was elected Secretary by acclamation.
Zoning Ordinance R vi w (Aeenda Item Villi
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Revision of Zoning Ordinance."
Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the Commission that the City
Council recently directed the Development Subcommittee and staff to request the Planning
Commission to move as hastily as possible through their review of the Zoning Ordinance.
They indicated that a tree preservation, landscape, and lighting ordinance should be included
as sections of the Zoning Ordinance. The two members of the Commission that are members
of the Zoning Ordinance Review Committee, along with the two City Council members
should be meeting soon.
Mr Petty requested that the Commission include this agenda item on each meeting. He
recommended that the Commission begin at the front of the Ordinance and work through it.
The target date for the update to be complete is September, 1995.
Chairman Fulk requested staff to prepare a list of items of concern to be reviewed.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Crime and a second by Commissioner Garcia, the Commission voted 7 For
and 0 OPPOSED to cancel the December 22nd meeting.
It was noted that the next meeting, January 12, 1995, will include an agenda item for review
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Keener stated that since Mr Steve Allen was no longer on the Commission, a new
member should be appointed to the Alternative Transportation Committee. Commissioner
Harold Biggs volunteered to serve on the committee.
ADJ�O m__N:
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Gallagher, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
December 8, 1994, meeting at 9.10 p.m.
These minutes approved P
is 1.2 tz day of , 1995.
nneth Falk, Chah ran "ouglas Secretary