HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1995 - 02/23 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1995 Kenneth Fulk, Chairman Harold Biggs Jeffery Kelley Ross Obermeyer Noel Crume, Vice -Chairman Douglas Gallagher, Secretary City Staff Present: Tom Keener, Development Coordinator George Conner, Director of Public Works Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Folk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes February 9. 1995 (Agenda item ID Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of February 9, 1995, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Kelley, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of {i� February 9, 1995, as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 2 Public Hearing Southwest Stanll (Azenda Item III) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Heating - Consider a request by Mr. Richard Toreson, Southwest Staple, representing Mr. Richard Fegan of Littleton Rosewood, Inc. to approve a site plan on a portion of Tract F of the Allen Business Centre, being 1.44 acres of land located north of Prestige Circle west of S.H. 5." Mr. Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. It is located in Planned Develop- ment -Light Industrial No. 3, which was zoned in 1983. The parcel to the east is PD-MF1 No. 3. To the north is the Willow Creek Estates. The use is office/showroom warehouse. The proponent is requesting a variance to the front yard building setback of 50' to allow parking in this area. The ordinance requires a 50 -foot front yard building line with no parking allowed. The proponent is offering additional landscaping to compensate for this variance. City staff advised that the parking provided is appropriate for the type of use, as nearly half of the building will be utilized as warehouse space. The screening that is proposed at the rear of the property between this property and the Willow Creek Estates. Mr. Keener pointed out that the developer of Willow Creek Estates (Goodman Homes) had planted a living screen; however, a large portion of that screen died. Mr. Keener stated that the Zoning Ordinance allows for a landscape, wood, or masonry screening. The proponent is proposing to use a landscaping screening wall. Four growing seasons are allowed for this type screen to reach 8 feet. The Fire Marshal has requested a 30 -foot interior radius on the fire lane which has been added to this site plan. Mr. John Morgan, Southwest Staple, introduced himself and Mr. Richard Toreson, of Southwest Staple, 801 Avenue K, Suite 5, Plano, Texas. He discussed the nature of the business. He stated that 70% of the operation of the business will be conducted off-site, and this location will be mainly warehousing. Mr. Hansen was available to discuss details of the actual construction. Chairman F ulk opened the public hearing. Mr. Ron Sand, 214 Willow Creek Circle, stated that Mr. Goodman planted Ligustrum, which mostly died. He expressed concern that Photinias would not reach 8 feet in 4 growing �, seasons. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 3 Public Hearing Southwest Staple (Cont.) !Agenda Item IIT) Mr. Philip Dennis, 206 Willow Creek Circle, owner of property directly behind subject site, expressed concern regarding the living screen. He stated that Mr. Goodman planted Ligustrum which do not last through a harsh winter. He has Phofndas that were planted three years ago and are 3 -feet high at this time. He stated that sufficient watering of the living screen will be necessary He expressed the concern of a fellow neighbor regarding ventilation to be provided, and other environmental concerns regarding the business. Mr. Mike Williams, 2303 Forest Grove, realtor for the project, stated that he was requested by the Economic Development Office to work with this company in order to attempt to locate them in the City He added that they have an environmentally clean business. At this point, Mr. Morgan stated that if the living screen has not reached eight feet in four growing seasons, they would agree at that time to construct a board wall. With no one else wishing to speak FOR or AGAINST the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing. Mr. Keener indicated that the site plan makes a provision for Bilco-type smoke vents. Chairman Fulk added that this type of smoke vent is required in a warehouse facility for the release of smoke in case of fire. Commissioner Obermeyer requested clarification of the requested variance for parking. Mr. Keener reviewed the request for allowing parking within the 50 -foot required front yard setback. Mr. Morgan indicated again that they would install an 8 -foot board fence after four seasons if the Nellie R. Stevens Holly that they plan to plant from 5 -gallon containers, 3-4 foot land- scape quality, does not reach 8 feet in 4 seasons. These will be planted at 5 -foot spacing. Commissioner Biggs questioned whether the landscaping will be irrigated. The proponent stated that they have not decided at this time whether it will be irrigated. Mr. Keener stated that the landscaped areas are required to be irrigated; however, the screening is not a requirement. Mr Morgan added that they will irrigate the landscape screening wall I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Southwest Staple(Cont.) (Agenda Item IID Commissioner Kelley questioned the width of parking spaces. Mr. Keener stated that they are shown as 9 x 20. He added that staff would recommend that the rear spaces could be either 9 x 18 or 9 x 20. It was noted that the existing building in this Planned Development does have parking spaces in the front yard setback. Mr. Mike Williams stated that the owner of the this property, Richard Fegan, would be petitioning the City to change this requirement of the ordinance. Commissioner Kelley questioned the location of the dumpster. Mr. Keener stated that if there is a dumpster, it will have to be screened from public view. He added that BFI usually makes the determination as to the location. Commissioner Obermeyer stated that he had a concern regarding the initial height of the landscape screen. He further questioned the details regarding the landscaping offered at the front of the property Chairman Fulk indicated that this was important because of the requested variance. The proponent stated this would be planted with low maintenance plants such as Youpon Holly, Nandina, and other typical commercial plants. The proponent provided an elevation drawing of the proposed building. He stated that the air conditioning units will be located on top of the roof; unscreened. He provided samples of the proposed surface material. The Commission discussed the problems associated with a living screen not reaching its 8 - foot required height in 4 seasons and the recourse that staff would have in that case. Commissioner Obermeyer asked if the residents in Willow Creek Estates that spoke at the public hearing were comfortable with the proposed screening and Mr. Dennis advised that a living screen was his preference, it is more aesthetically pleasing then a wooden fence. His only concern is that it be watered properly Chairman Fulk noted that the proponent has agreed to irrigate this living screen. Commissioner Kelley discussed the building constructed on Tract C, across the street. He suggested that with future development in this area, the screening wall should be consistent with this property, with continuity to be built in through the development. Mr. Keener recommended that once the standards are in place for this tract, the Commission might desire to amend the entire Planned Development to require minimum standards for the screening " wall. He added that screening is required between multi -family and single-family, but not ■' between light industrial and multi -family PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Southwest Staple_( ont.l (Agenda Item TTiI Chairman Folk discussed the possible need for a masonry screening wall. He was not in favor of a wood fence because of its short life span. He agreed that whatever screening is constructed here, it should be continued through this development. The proponent stated that they had not considered a masonry wall because of the additional cost. The consensus of the Commission was to allow a living screen. Mr. Keener suggested that the Commission consider requiring a minimum of 4 -foot height on the initial plantings. Chairman Fulk discussed the need to enhance the landscaping in the front to offer a buffer because of the variance being requested for parking in the front yard setback. He suggested that this landscaping include 6 hardwood trees. The proponent agreed to place 6 hardwood trees on the property, possibly along the sides of the buildings; with crepe myrtles in the front. At this point, the proponent amended the request to include the following items: 1 6 hardwood trees will be planted on the property 2. Crepe myrtles will be used in the front landscaping. Average minimum height of Nellie R. Stevens Holly, to be used in the landscape screening wall, will he 4 feet, will be irrigated, and spaced at a maximum of 5 feet. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and seconded by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as amended with the following items: 1) the living screen will be irrigated; 2) 6 hardwood trees will be planted; 3) average minimum height of Nellie R. Stevens plants will be 4 feet, planted from 5 -gallon containers on maximum 5 - foot spacing; 4) either 9 x 18 or 9 x 20 parking spaces will be allowed. FINDINGS. 1. Adjacent residents prefer a living screen vs. a wood or masonry fence. 2. Living screen material will begin at an average minimum height of 4 feet, which [" exceeds the ordinance requirements. E! 3. Living screen material will be irrigated. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 6 Public Hearing Southwest Staple (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) 4. Parking spaces provided exceeds the ordinance requirements. 5. 6 hardwood trees have been included in consideration of front yard parking variance. 6. Staff is requested to prepare an amendment to the Planned Development to continue the living screen along all locations to be developed adjacent to the residential development to the north. 7 The requested variance is similar to an existing condition located within this planned development. Replat Tracts F. FR. G. Allen Business Centre (A2enda Item IV) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: I.Replat - Consider replat of Tracts F and G, Allen Business Centre, for Littleton Rosewood, Inc., being 4 77 acres of land located in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 705, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being north of Prestige Circle and west of S.H. 5." Mr. Keener presented the replat to the Commission. He advised that this is the same property as the previous agenda item. The replat represents a subdivision of Tracts F and G to F, FR, and G. Staff recommends approval as presented. Mr. Keener noted that normally the plat would be considered after the City Council considers the request for site plan approval; however, the proponent recognizes the risk that early consideration of the plat entails and is willing to replat again at his expense if necessary He further noted that the proper fire lane easement is noted on the plat. MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Kelley, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Tracts F, FR, and G, Allen Business Centre, as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 7 Replat First Bank Allen (Agenda item Vl Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat - Consider replat of McDermott Professional Centre, being called First Bank Allen, requested by First Bank, and being 1.219 acres of land in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708; further described as being located north of McDermott Drive at Century Parkway " Mr. Keener presented the replat to the Commission. This property is located across the street from the Allen Library. Building and parking setbacks on this replat are sufficient to allow for future construction of the extension of Bonham Dr. should that ever occur. Mr. Keener provided the Commission with a view of the site plan that staff has approved. He further stated that if Bonham is extended in the future, the fire lane shown will terminate at Bonham. Mr. Keener discussed the provision for left -turns from McDermott into this property The left -turn lane will be buttoned to be dedicated as a left -turn lane. Buttons will star at U.S. 75. Proponent will be covering the cost of this approach. The Commission discussed the possible need to provide a standard left -turn lane at this location. Mr Keener advised that staff recommends approval as submitted. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for First Bank Allen as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 8 Replat Cottonwood Bend Estates Phase I (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat - Consider replat of Cottonwood Bend Estates Phase I for D.R. Horton - Texas Ltd., being 34.144 acres of land in the R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012; further described as being located north of Chaparral and west of Cottonwood Creek." Mr. Keener presented this replat to the Commission. The purpose of this replat is to identify the setbacks for Lot 67, and the rear yard setbacks for the lots on the eastern portion of the property The Commission discussed the efforts being afforded to the saving of trees in this subdivision. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Kelley, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat as submitted. Review of Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows "Review of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance." Chairman Fulk indicated that with the lateness of the hour, this agenda item would be held until the next meeting. He reminded the Commissioners that a workshop schedule should be considered at the next meeting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION February 23, 1995 PAGE 9 Mr. Keener advised the Commission that the next meeting will include two public hearings and possibly one or two plats. Mr. Keener announced that Commissioner John Garcia has resigned from the Commission because he has announced his candidacy for the Allen School Board. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the February 23, 1995, meeting at 9.45 p.m. These minutes approved this day of J7"�a.��.� , 1995. J� A/;�/- Awr Ken Fulk, Chairman YDouglas GUllagher, Secretary I