HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1995 - 03/09 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Much 9, 1995
Kenneth Fulk, Chairman
Noel Crume, Vice -Chairman (arrived 7:38 p.m.)
Douglas Gallagher, Secretary
Jeffery Kelley
Ross Obermeyer
Harold Biggs
Cit, Staff Present
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
February 23. 1995 (Agenda Item IIl
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of February 23, 1995, Regular Meeting."
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
minutes of February 23, 1995, as presented.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 2
Public Hearing
Metroplex Gymnastics (Agenda Item I1I)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Heating - Consider a request by Metroplex Gymnastics for site plan approval
for a gymnastics center to be located in the Light Industrial portion of Planned Devel-
opment No. 3 (PD -LI No. 3), being a portion of Tract A of the Allen Business
Centre; further described as being located on Bethany Drive east of Prestige Circle."
Mr Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the request is on
the eastern portion of Tract A of the Allen Business Centre Addition. He stated that this is
zoned Planned Development -Light Industrial (PD -LI) and a gymnastics center is allowed in
this district. The Subdivision Ordinance will not allow another curb cut between the
proposed one and Prestige Circle. In order to allow this cut to serve both tracts, it has been
designed to be 6 feet wider He discussed the hammerhead design of the fire lane. He
stated that the parking is shown to be 1 per 300 square feet. The parking requirements for
this use is not clearly identified in the Zoning Ordinance, but staff is comfortable with the 1
to 300 square foot ratio. However, Mr. Keener did point out that the requirement in
Richardson is I to 100 square feet, and in Plano it is 1 to 200 square feet. Mr. Keener
stated that the petitioner is installing landscaping over and above that which is required by
the Ordinance. The parking spaces are 9 x 18 feet. The 100 -foot setback from major
thoroughfares is satisfied with this request. The petitioner has agreed to dedicate additional
right-of-way on Prestige when this property is replatted.
Mr. Keener stated that City staff has reviewed this plan and is in agreement with the
Mr Lionel Jaramillo, Perdue Construction, 1230 N Central, Suite A, McKinney, TX, spoke
on behalf of Metroplex Gymnastics. He stated that the building will be 9920 square feet,
and used as a gymnastics center.
Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request. Chairman Ful k closed the public
Commissioner Gallagher questioned whether there would be any additional median cuts along
Bethany Drive. Mr Keener stated that none would be added. Commissioner Gallagher
expressed concern that "No U -Tum" signs might need to be placed at the existing median
cut Mr. Bill Petty stated that when the remainder of Tract A develops it will allow for
March 9, 1995 PAGE 3
Public Hearing
MetroplxQymnactirs (Cont) (Agenda Item III)
common access to Prestige. He suggested that the traffic would be addressed at such time as
it became a problem.
It was discussed that the office parking requirement is 1 to 300 square feet. Mr. Keener
added that there is additional space for parking should it be needed in the future.
Commissioner Gallagher discussed the possibility that there might be problems connected to
the proposed configuration with persons attempting to turn around after dropping off their
children. Mr. Jaramillo stated that he felt that the 24 -foot width of the driveway allows for
ample space for turn-arounds.
Ms. Sandy Streeter, 10240 Shadow Way, Dallas, TX 75243, and Mr Greg Kester, 1500
Jupiter, #602, Allen, TX 75002, spoke to the issue of the number of students in attendance at
any given time. They stated it would be approximately 30 at any given time.
Chairman Folk questioned whether the 1 to 300 ratio for parking was staffs suggestion or
the proponent's request. Mr Keener indicated that it was staffs suggestion, with the
allowance that there is space to add additional parking if necessary in the future. Chairman
Fulk indicated a desire for additional parking spaces. He suggested at a I to 250 ratio would
be appropriate. This would add 6 to 7 additional spaces. The Commission further suggested
that instead of additional parking spaces, it might be appropriate to consider looping the fire
lane around the building. Mr. Jaramillo stated that this would be economically difficult and
the proposed design allows for expansion to the north.
Commissioner Kelley indicated that he would agree that avoiding a looped fire lane at this
time is appropriate in order to provide for future growth. He stated that the design as
proposed allows for additional parking when necessary
Commissioner Crume indicated concern regarding circulation. Commissioner Obermeyer
also stated that traffic flow is a concern, rather than the number of parking spaces.
Commissioner Kelley questioned the location of a dumpster, and the proponent indicated it
would be located near the hammerhead, but coordinated with BFI.
Commissioner Kelley stated that the handicapped space shown should be van accessible. The
proponent stated that this will be covered on the construction drawings.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
M =plf x Qvmnastirs (Cont) (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Folk discussed the fact that the handicapped space as shown will be encroaching
on a future fire lane at such time as it might be looped around the building. The proponent
indicated that he would agree to move that space to the east.
Commissioner Crume questioned whether the proponent would agree to increase the number
of parking spaces. Mr. Jerry Green, Perdue Construction, indicated that the project is over
budget, and they would not be able to increase the number of parking spaces at this time.
Commissioner Kelley questioned whether the shaded landscaping areas will be irrigated and
the proponent stated that it would be.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Kelley, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to recommend approv-
al of the request with the following amendments: 1) the handicapped parking
space in the front will be moved to the east; 2) each of the four shaded areas
on the site plan will include a Live Oak tree; 3) shaded landscaped areas will
be automatically irrigated.
Parking not sufficient.
2. Flow of traffic not appropriate.
1. No specific requirements in Zoning Ordinance to regulate "Gymnastics Center
2. Petitioner provided all setbacks and right-of-way dedication.
3 Access to adjacent lot was provided.
4 Allowable Use in Light Industrial
5. Configuration of the site will allow for the expansion of the building, parking, and
6. Proposed landscaping exceeds ordinance requirements.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 5
Public Hearing
Mori side (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Ciri Apartments, Inc. to rezone 139 1 acres
in Abstract No. 324, Tract 20, FROM R4 (Restricted), R-5 (Restricted), Garden
Home (Restricted), and Local Retail (Restricted); TO R-5, Garden Home. Community
Facilities, and Local Retail, located at the northwest comer of Malone Road and F.M.
Mr Keener presented the request to the Commission. The property is located at the
northwest corner of Malone Road and F.M. 2170. This property was most recently zoned in
1993 Mr Sam Wyse is representing the owners, who are from Alaska. He reviewed the
current zoning on the property There are 532 dwelling units currently allowed on this
property A general commitment for tree preservation is included in the existing zoning.
The proposed zoning includes I I + acres for Community Facilities (an elementary school
site). The R4 is being deleted and the R-5 is being increased, as well as the Garden Home,
with total dwelling units of 532. The Local Retail acreage remains the same. He added that
because of the proximity of this property to the middle and elementary school, Mr Friebele
was requested to review the proposal. The impact on the major thoroughfares was reviewed
during the 1983 zoning request. Mr Friebele has made recommendations for this property,
and for the school site. They include: 1) Malone (60' right-of-way) should be upgraded to a
minor arterial (80' right-of-way); the additional 50' right-of-way will need to come from the
eastern side of the road; 2) creativity is needed to keep the school traffic off of Malone and
F.M. 2170; 3) various circulation improvements for the school site were recommended such
as the Winterwood intersection should be expanded to allow 45 foot width. The school
district has agreed that this additional 7-9 feet could be taken from the school site
The petitioner has agreed that Alder and Winterwood and Trailwood will include expanded
right-of-way to 75 - 80 feet so that it will facilitate the possibility for meandering sidewalks
and streetscaping opportunities for hike and bike pedestrian access to the school site.
The concept plan reviewed was for review purposes only
The school will face Winterwood, not Malone. Mr. Bobby Curtis has reviewed the request
and recommendations of Mr Friebele
�! Mr. Sam Wyse, P O Box 836252, Richardson, TX 75083, spoke on behalf of Ciri
L Apartments Ltd. He stated that Ciri purchased the property shortly after the 1993 zoning.
Approximately one year ago the AISD contacted them regarding the need for an elementary
March 9, 1995 PAGE 6
Public Hearing
Morningside (Cont) (Agenda item IV)
school site. Ciri will be dedicating the land at no cost to the AISD (11.5 acres) with the
agreement that the school will he making its fair share of the development improvements.
He stated that they are probably losing approximately 20 lots in the final design.
It was added that the concept plan includes a more curvilinear design than was originally
proposed in 1983. Mr Wyse indicated that 20% of the R-5 lots will probably average 8500
square feet rather than 7500 square feet.
Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public
Chairman Fulk reminded the Commission that this is not a planned development request, but
rather straight zoning Also, the concept plan being shown is for review only
Mr Petty stated that the Commission is considering land use only at this time, and not the
street layout. He added that the proposal is shown as straight zoning districts, which does
not guarantee the number of lots. This will be decided at the time of platting. The propo-
nent has made a gracious proposal regarding streetscaping, and this should be noted at the
time of platting. The proposal reduces the lot size and house size on the property Staff
feels that since there has been no objections from adjacent property owners, and because of
the incorporation of the school site, the proposal is viable. Mr Petty expressed a concern
that it is not definite at this time whether the AISD will accept this school site. If the AISD
does not accept this school site, it will create a zoning dilemma. The AISD and CIRI are
negotiating this issue at this time, and should complete their negotiations in the very near
future. If this agreement is completed, and the site does become a school, staff would
recommend the proposal. If it does not become a school, then the density on the property
would increase. Because of this situation, staff recommends that before final zoning is
attached, the City should be advised by the school whether the CF property will be a school
Mr. Bobby Curtis, AISD, advised that he cannot advise the City at this time whether the
school and the proponent will complete their agreement. He suggested that the Commission
might desire to send this forward to the City Council with consideration to asking the
Council to hold a public hearing and table the request until the AISD advised whether the site
will be used for a school. He suggested that if the school does not complete their agreement
with the proponents, the Council might desire to send it back to the Commission.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 7
Public Hearing
Morningside (Cont.) (Agenda Item Iy)
Mr. Rex Foster, 1426 Rivercrest, a resident north of this proposal, suggested that the public
hearing letter was not specific enough to advise the residents of the specifics of the requested
change. He further stated that most of the residents were attending a School Board public
hearing on redistricting this evening.
Mr. Bobby Curtis was asked by Commissioner Crume of the timeframe for a decision by the
AISD on this property. Mr. Curtis discussed certain sections of the agreement that are being
reviewed, and Commissioner Crume asked whether a 2 -week delay by the Commission
would be sufficient for the school and Ciri to complete the agreement. Mr. Curtis indicated
that this would probably not meet the agenda posting requirements for that time schedule.
It was suggested that in order for a recommendation to be forwarded to the City Council, the
Commission should know whether this tract will be used for a school or not. It was further
suggested that a recommendation be forwarded based on the fact that the Community Facility
tract be developed as a school. If this does not occur, it should be sent back to the Commis-
sion for further review
Commissioner Kelley discussed whether the site is an appropriate location for an elementary
school, especially with regard to the size of Malone Road. Mr. Curtis stated that a crossing
guard will be used if necessary to the east of Malone. The majority of the students will be
from the west.
The Commission discussed the issue of the house and lot size changes. Commissioner Kelley
expressed concern regarding the loss of the restriction on the northern street to a larger
minimum house size. He suggested that this northern street be restricted to at least 1500
square feet. The houses along the street north of this property are approximately 2000
square feet with 7500 square foot lots. Commissioner Crume agreed that a buffer on the
northern portion of the property is necessary
Mr Wyse agreed to a minimum of 1500 square feet on the most northern street on both
sides of the street. Commissioner Kelley questioned the developer's commitment to tree
preservation. Mr Keener indicated that a general statement was agreed to for tree preserva-
tion, and Mr Wyse agreed to this general statement.
Commissioner Obermeyer added that he was not in agreement with 1500 square feet being
the minimum on the northern street. Commissioner Gallagher suggested a minimum of 1600
square feet to provide a progression from the existing homes to the north.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 8
Public Hearing
Morningside (C=.) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Fulk agreed with the 7500 square foot lots, but would desire to see 1600 square
feet minimums on both sides of the northern street. Mr Wyse agreed to 1600 square feet on
these lots. In case the property is developed with a cul-de-sac design, it was suggested that
the restriction be placed on the lots within 270 feet of the most northern boundary
The Commission discussed the Garden Home district proposal. Commissioner Crume stated
that he would prefer the minimum be larger than 1000 square feet, but agreed that the market
will dictate the need for this.
Chairman Falk reviewed the letter from Mr. John Friebele, Hunter Associates. Mr. Petty
indicated that the western half of Malone will be required with this development. Mr Petty
advised that the development will be required to enter into a facilities agreement for the
construction of Malone and F.M. 2170. Mr Wyse stated that the applicant is in agreement
with the intent of the recommendations of Mr Friebele regarding the right-of-way of the
collectors being in the 75 to 80 foot range.
Chairman Folk discussed a concern mentioned in Mr. Friebele's letter regarding the alleys
planned to be adjacent to the school site. Mr. Petry indicated that the school has proposed to
fence this area.
Commissioner Gallagher discussed the planned extension of the street from the north and
how it might be appropriate to have additional right-of-way for sidewalks in this area.
Commissioner Fulk suggested a reconfiguration of the Garden Home district to locate most
of it along F.M. 2170.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approv-
al of the request as submitted with the most northern 270 feet being restricted
to 1600 square foot homes and that the City Council not take final action on
zoning until it is confirmed by the AISD that this is going to be a school site;
should that not happen, the City Council should send the request back to the
Commission for further review
March 9, 1995 PAGE 9
Public Hearing
Morningside (Com.) (Agenda Item IV)
1. Recommendation from Mr. Friebele on Winterwood, the school district has agreed to
make the right-of-way dedication.
2. This proposal represents downzoning the property, but the same number of residential
units remains with the dedication of the Community Facility area.
3 The buffering issue was addressed and is being preserved.
4 The increased density is allowed because of the Community Facility school site (if
this does not develop as a school, the density should be reconsidered).
5 The proponent has agreed to the recommended streetscaping.
6. The proponent has agreed in concept to the alternative transportation plan on the
Final Plat
Custer Hill Addition (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Custer Hill Limited Partnership on
Custer Hill Phase A, being a 20.3060 -acre tract of land located in the John Huffman
Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: further described as
being located at the southeast corner of McDermott Drive and Custer Road."
Mr Keener presented the request to the Commission. The final plat is consistent with the
preliminary plat, showing the open space dedication. The water tower site will be dedicated
within five days of Commission action. The remainder of the open space will be dedicated
with the deed on the water tower site The City of Plano has provided information stating
that the right-of-way for Custer Road is appropriate. Improvements at the McDermott
Drive/Custer intersection will be taken from the commercial property
Mr Petty stated that this zoning is a planned development. It requires dedication of the
water tower site within five days of approval of the final plat. All zoning requirements have
been met.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 10
Final Plat
Custer Hill Addition (Cont. (Agenda Item V)
The Subdivision Ordinance stated that the City may require a facilities agreement as a part of
the platting process, and City staff has been requiring these on larger tracts. The proponents
have been advised of this requirement. This facilities agreement is a three -party contract
between the owner and developer of the residential tract, owners of the retail tract, and the
City of Allen. Staff has worked with the proponent on this facilities agreement and the text
has been satisfactorily completed. Staff has received a copy of the approved facilities
agreement signed by only one property owner Staff is agreeable to the Commission's
consideration of this plat; however, staff is requesting the support of the Commission and a
commitment from the Public Works Department that prior to a Development Permit being
issued on any of this property, staff will have a signed facilities agreement on file.
Mr George Conner, Director of Public Works, stated that he will not issue a Development
Permit before a facilities agreement is completed. He indicated that a clearing and grading
permit has been issued on the property, but a development permit will be held.
Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, discussed the property He stated that the owners of
the commercial tract do understand that they have a commitment on McDermott. He
discussed the fact that the commercial property would be assessed for their portion if a
facilities agreement is not consummated. He discussed his problem with being required to
wait for development because this other property owner might not sign the facilities agree-
ment. He had assumed there would be separate facilities agreements on each tract, and the
commercial tract would be required to enter into a facilities agreement when they plat their
Mr Petty responded by stating that this facilities agreement has been underway for a number
of weeks. He reviewed the purpose of the facilities agreement is to share the cost of the
improvements throughout the entire development instead of based on frontage.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Gallagher and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final
plat for Custer Hill Phase A.
1 The City will obtain an approved facilities agreement prior to issuance of a develop-
ment permit.
`1 2. The final plat is in agreement with the preliminary plat.
March 9, 1995 PAGE 11
Final Plat
Allen North Addition Phase 2 (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Dallas Allen Associates on Allen North
Addition Phase Two, being 17.6592 acres in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No.
1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north
of Exchange Parkway and east of the northeast corner of Exchange and S.H. 5 "
Mr Keener presented the final plat to the Commission. Staff recommends approval of the
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
final plat for Allen North Addition Phase 2.
Review of Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item VIII
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Review of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance."
Because of the late hour, there was no discussion on this agenda item.
Mr. Conner advised the Commission that the trees being removed along Exchange are in
response to the installation of the water line. These are in the area where the road will later
be constructed between S.H. 5 and U.S. 75
MOTION*Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the March 9, 1995,
meeting at 10:50 p.m.
These minutes approved this day of
1 Ken Fulk, Chairman De glas-Ga44agher, Secretary
l)o.l Cru, e - V -C j