HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1995 - 06/15 - WorkshopALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING June 15, 1995 Kenneth Falk, Chairman Noel Crume, Vice -Chairman Jeffery Kelley, Secretary Harold Biggs Ross Obermeyer Susan Bartlemay (art. 7.10 p.m.) Commission Members Absent: Bruce Heller Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant Bill Petty, Director of Community Development With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 15, 1995 PAGE 2 100=i r .... a . ... Chairman Falk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Review of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Biggs reported that his committee (Administration and Enforcement Sections) has met with Mr. Bill Petty and discussed the fact that the majority of these sections refer to State law and should not be changed. Their recommendation is to make no changes to these sections. They do recommend, however, amending Section 2.09, Site Plan Approval, by eliminating the words "Planned Development District" in the requirement for site plan approval. The Commission would then not be reviewing site plans on property zoned within a planned development. They would only be reviewing site plans when connected to a Specific Use Permit. It was discussed that if this were adopted, the site plan requirements within the ordinance should be very specific. Concerns regarding uses located adjacent to residential properties was discussed and it was indicated that these issues should be carefully considered. There was further discussion as to whether it would be appropriate to remove the planned development districts from the public hearing process when adjacent to a residential district. 1. Paragraph 1 should be changed to indicate 25% instead of 20% of the home can be used for the home occupation. Add the following text: "Outdoor activities shall be allowed but limited to back yards and used for instructional purposes only " 2. Change text in paragraph 3 to read "There shall be no advertisement, sign, or display, on the premises. Off premise advertisements shall not include the physical address. 3. Paragraph 4 - add the following text: "except those related to instructional activities only Instructional activities shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) students at any time Parking, picking up, or dropping off students is prohibited in City alleys." 4. Paragraph 7 shall be removed. 5. Paragraph 9 - strike entire section except the following sentence: "Child care in a registered family home will be allowed and shall be limited to the number of children allowed under the Environmental Health Ordinance. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 15, 1995 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS PAGE 3 Mr. Bill Petty reviewed the requirements for site plan review in Planned Developments He suggested that control could be handled through the zoning process. Specific characteristics on buildings of concern could be addressed at the time of zoning, such as requiring site plan approval by the Commis- sion and Council on certain tracts. With regard to existing planned developments, these would have to be in conformance with the site plan requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The planned development ordinance supersedes the Zoning Ordinance for that particular tract of land. The consensus was to delete the requirement for site plan approval in planned developments; keeping in mind that during the zoning of planned developments, specific needs should be addressed Mr Petty reviewed with the Commission the proposed draft regarding nonresidential building materials. He discussed the current State law for an appeal process. This is to the Board of Adjust- ment. They have authority to review an appeal of staffs interpretation of an ordinance. He recom- mended separating the issues and addressing each zoning district separately He provided a draft of proposed text to be used in each district. He proposed further that the portion of the previous draft regarding site plan requirements be included in the site plan section 12.091, LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS Mr. Petty reviewed the proposed draft of the lighting ordinance and provided the following comments L Certain issues should be enforced by Engineering rather than Community Development. 2. Paragraph 3 - Indicate that "City Staff" be allowed to submit proposed alternatives to the Commission and Council rather than "Department of Community Development." 3. Section 5.e - Remove the text "except where the subdivision is small and does not include new streets, service lanes, or right-of-ways serving more than three residential lots." 4. Section 7.b.1 - Add text allowing security lighting. 5. Section 9.a - Remove requirement to comply with Section 7 6. Section 10 - Add paragraph "c" stating `Roadway lights not eligible for exemption." Mr. Petty stated that since the revisions to Type of Materials was an immediate charge from the City Council, he was requesting direction from the Commission to bring this portion of the review forward as an ordinance. This will require a public hearing at the Commission and the Council. The consensus was to direct staff to bring this section forward for public hearing. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 15, 1995 ADJOURN: PAGE 4 MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the June 15, 1995, meeting at 9:30 p.m. These minutes approved this o'lo9 day of 1995. n� Ken Fulk, Chairman I \ Jeff Kelley, Secretary A L GARDEN OFFICE DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff s discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. E3ermgated ffwtal roaf� and walls, qumtsit hut type buildings, and stmetures not buil on site are edy preltibited, exeept as otherwise provided in Otis ordinanee for temporary uses. OFFICE DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay. B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Germgatetl metal reofs and walls, quamit hut ty,e buildings, and shttetures not buil on site are strietly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinanee fe tem LOCAL RETAIL DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay. B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D. In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. LIGHT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be Ej constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be [Wade of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D. In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in [his ordinance for temporary uses. CORRIDOR COMMERCL4,L DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D. In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff's discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff s discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. LIGHT INDUSTR 4,L DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff's discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D. In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff's discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staff's discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. CENTRAL. BUSINESS DISTRICT BUILDING REGULATIONS - Type of Materials: A. It is the intent of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that are: 1) durable, 2) easily maintained, requiring minimal maintenance and can be well maintained for the expected life of the facility, 3) aesthetically pleasing, 4) compatible with the intended use of the surrounding environment, 5) be inherently corrosion resistent or be treated to resist corrosion, 6) be inherently rot and decay resistant or be treated to resist rot and decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units, cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete -based masonry materials, or a mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, windows and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D In lieu of the allowable building materials listed above, architecturally custom designed metal or heavy timber buildings meeting the above -noted criteria shall be allowed. Materials that are deemed questionable by City staff of meeting the above criteria shall, at staffs discretion, be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for final decision. Corrugated metal roofs and walls, quansit but -type buildings, and structures not built on site are strictly prohibited, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance for temporary uses. No changes are proposed for the following districts: 1. Planned Development 2. Community Facilities Flood Plain PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUDDING MATERIALS TYPE OF EXPOSED EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: A. It is the intent of this sub -section of this ordinance to have building exteriors constructed of materials that ate: 1. Durable. 2. Easily Maintained, requiring minimal maintenance, and can be Well Maintained for the Expected Life of the Facility 3. Aesthetically Pleasing. 4. Compatible with the Intended Use and Surrounding Environment. 5. Be Inherently Corrosion Resistant, or be Treated to Resist Corrosion. 6. Be Inherently Rot and Decay Resistant, or be Treated to Resist Rot and Decay B. All main building exterior wall construction materials that are exposed shall be constructed of stone, brick, tiles, concrete masonry units (CMU), cast concrete, concrete, stucco, or similar concrete based masonry materials, or mixture of masonry materials. C. Glazing, doors, window and door frames, roof system trim, mansards, and similar visible exterior architectural treatments shall be made of materials consistent with standard construction materials used therefor. These materials shall meet the general criteria noted above. D. In lieu of the masonry wall construction materials required above, alternative materials will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This will require submission of a Site Plan and all exterior wall elevations to the Department of Community Development for their evaluation. City Stairs evaluation will he furnished to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. However, the Site Plan and Elevations will not be forwarded to those bodies for their evaluation, unless they formally request it. The applicant may request that the Planning andZning Commission and City Council formally review the submittal, if so desired, or if there is opposition tot►Staffs Evaluation. Elevations shall depict the different proposed construction materials, protective coatings, color of materials, and signage. At the discretion of the Commission and Council, submission of material samples, colors, and technical literature, or specifications, may be required. In addition to the elevations, furnish the following information on one suitable dimensioned and scaled drawing at a sheet size of 24" x 36", which can be reduced to a legible 8-1/2" x 11" black line print. Scale of original drawings should be at a scale of 1/4 inch = 1 fact, or larger: 1. Elevation Drawings of all exterior facades of the building(sincluding rear elevation showing roof line design, downspouts, meters, wall, windo and door treatments (height and length dimensions of all visible building elements). label the elevations az being North, East, South, and West. 2. General color scheme for walls, exposed roofs, signboards, trim and other visible parts of all buildings (color samples may be required). 3. General materials list for exterior walls, exposed roofs, trim, and other visible parts of rR buildinTs)mcluding texture treatments (stucco, aggregate, paint, etc.) when applicable. 4. Proposed method(s) for screening of service areas (including trash dumpsters), ground - mounted and roof -mounted mechanical units rom adjacent development (i.e. fence, wall, berm, hedge, parapet well, etc.) Including aterials and colors, uildin i age IS out including location p to size Mal si roval issued by'B ilding nspectio en o y . c Class II Lighting shall mean all other outdoor lighting including, but not limited to illumination for. 1) Walkways, 2) Roadways, 3) Equipment yards, 4) Parking areas, 5) Outdoor security, and 6) Similar application when colour rendition is not important d. Fully Shielded shall mean outdoor light fixtures Shielded or constructed so that all light rays emitted by the fixture are projected below the horizontal plane passing through the lowest Point on the fixture from which light is emitted, nearly 100% cut-off type, as evidenced by the manufacturer's photometric data. c Partially shielded shall mean shielding so that the lower edge of the shield is at, or below, the centerline of the light source or lamp so as to minimize the light transmission above the horizontal plane, or at least ninety percent (90%) of the enutled light projects below the horizontal plane as evidenced by the manufacturer's photometric data. f. Unshielded shall mean fixtures lacking any means to restrict the emitted light to below the horizontal plane. 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Generally, the Preferred source for all outdoor lighting shall be high pressure sodium or metal halide lamps and fixtures Low pressure sodium lamps are generally prohibited. b. Shielding shall be required in all installations except as specified In paragraph 6. C. Hours of operator shall be complied with in all installations, except as specified in paragraph 7 d. Outdoor advertising displays, billboards, and signs, not exclusively illuminated internally, may only utilize illuminating devices mounted on the top of the advertising display structure. All such fixtures shall comply with all other provisions of this Ordinance. C. Night Lightng shall be required for roads, streets, service lanes, or accessways. All lighting fixtures provided shall comply with this Ordinance. All wiring shall be located underground, except where the subdivision is small acid does not include new streets, service lanes, or right-of- ways serving more than three residential lots. 6. The allowable light sources and the requirements for shielding light emissions for outdoor light fixtures shall be as set forth in the following table: CLASS l CLASS II LIGHTING LIGHTING (Colour rendition (Colour rendition LAMP TYPE important) unimportant) Low Pressure Prohibited Prohibited Sodium High Pressure Partially or Fully Shielded Sodium Fully Shielded Metal Halide Fully Shielded Fully Shielded 2- L 0 Outdoor advertising signs constructed of translucent materials and wholly illuminated from within do not require shielding. 7 HOURS OF OPERATION a. Class II lighting may be operated anytime. b Class I lighting used for illumination of: 1) Outdoor sales and eating areas, on-site advertising, assembly areas, repair areas, and businesses may be operated during the hours that the facilities are open to the public; 2) Off-site advertising displays and billboards or signs may be operated from dusk to 11:00 p.m., only; unless fully shielded and pointed downward. 3) Recreational and sporting areas may operate from dusk to 11.00 p.m., except to conclude a specific recreational or spurting event or similar activity which was in progress prior to I 1 00 p.m. 8. PROHIBITIONS a. Laser source light and strobe halt and similar high intensity light sources for advertising or entertainment shall not be projected above the horizontal plane, unless a permit is obtained for specific events and time frames. b. Search fight used for advertising or entertainment purposes are not permitted, unless a permit is obtained for specific events and time frames C. Inoperative and obsolete lighting may not he modified, replaced, or upgraded without complying with this Ordinance. - 3 - CLASS I CLASS fl LIGHTING LIGHTING (Colour rendition (Colour rendition LAMP TYPE important) unimportant) Mercury Vapor Fully Shielded Fully Shielded (color corrected only) Fluorescent Partially or Fully Shielded Fully Shielded Incandescent Partially or Prohibited (over 150 walls Fully Shielded per fixture) Incandescent Partially or Partially or (under 150 watts Fully Shielded Fully Shielded per fixture) Any Light Source Unshielded Unshielded 50 walls and under Permitted Permitted Low Intensity Neon, Unshielded Unshielded or Krypton, or Permitted Permitted Argon Discharge Tubes Outdoor advertising signs constructed of translucent materials and wholly illuminated from within do not require shielding. 7 HOURS OF OPERATION a. Class II lighting may be operated anytime. b Class I lighting used for illumination of: 1) Outdoor sales and eating areas, on-site advertising, assembly areas, repair areas, and businesses may be operated during the hours that the facilities are open to the public; 2) Off-site advertising displays and billboards or signs may be operated from dusk to 11:00 p.m., only; unless fully shielded and pointed downward. 3) Recreational and sporting areas may operate from dusk to 11.00 p.m., except to conclude a specific recreational or spurting event or similar activity which was in progress prior to I 1 00 p.m. 8. PROHIBITIONS a. Laser source light and strobe halt and similar high intensity light sources for advertising or entertainment shall not be projected above the horizontal plane, unless a permit is obtained for specific events and time frames. b. Search fight used for advertising or entertainment purposes are not permitted, unless a permit is obtained for specific events and time frames C. Inoperative and obsolete lighting may not he modified, replaced, or upgraded without complying with this Ordinance. - 3 - I CITY OF ALLEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PROPOSED LIGIrrING CONTROL ORDINANCE The purpose of this Section of this Ordinance is to ensure that outdoor lighting does not treaaa�rrnl:}y interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of property within the City of Allen. It is further the intent to encourage the types, kinds, construction, installation, and use of outdoor electrically powered illuminating devices, lighting design practices, and systems which will conserve energy, while preserving the natural environment and increasing nighttime safety, utility, security, and productivity Artificial outdoor illuminating devices shall be installed in accordance with this Section of this Ordinance 3. This section is not intended to prevent the use of any design, method of installation, or operation not specifically prohibited by this Section, provided any such alternative has been approved by the City of Allen The Department of Community Development may approve any such proposed alternative provided that they find that it: a. Is approximately equivalent to the applicable specific requirements of this Ordinance; and b. Is otherwise satisfactory and complies with the intent of this Ordinance; or c. Has been designed or approved by a Registered Professional Engineer with content and function that promotes the intent of this Ordinance. However, the Department of Community Development, or the proponent, may, at their option, submit any proposed alternatives to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for their review and action. DEFINITIONS Outdoor light fixtures shall mean outdoor artificial illuminating devices, installed or portable, used for flood lighting, general illumination, or advertisement. Such devices shall include, but are not limited to, search, spot, flood, and area lighting for 1) Buildings and structures, 2) Recreational facilities, 3) Parking areas, 4) Landscape lighting, 5) Outdoor advertising displays, billboards, signs, 6) Public and private street lighting, and 7) Walkway lighting. b. Class I Lighting shall mean all outdoor lighting used for, but not hinted to: 1) Outdoor sales areas, 2) Recreational facilities and assembly areas, 3) Eating areas, 4) Repair areas, 5) Advertising displays, 6) Billboards and other signs, and 7) Similar application when colour rendition is important. 11 9 PERMANENT EXEMPTIONS a Ligluine fixtures installed and operated Prior to the effective date of this Ordinance are exempt from the requirements of this Ordinance except that they must comply with paragraph 7 and 8c b. Navigation and aimort lighting required for the safe operation of boats and airplanes are exempt from this Ordinance C. Emergency lighune by police, fire, and rescue authorities is exempt from this Ordinance. d. Central Business District decorative street lighting is exempt from this Ordinance. 10. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS. a. The Department of Community Development may approve temporary exemptions from the requirements of this Ordinance provided that the duration of the approval shall be for not more than thirty (30) days from the date of approval b Requests for renewal of exemptions shall be processed in the same way as the original request. C. No outdoor light fixtures shall be exempt from this Ordinance for more than sixty (60) days during any twelve (12) month period. 11. Where any provision of any other code or law conflicts with any provision of this Ordinance, the more restrictive shall apply, unless otherwise required by law. -q-