HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2021 - 04/12 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
April 12, 2021
Parks and Recreation Board
Geoben Johnson III, Chair
John Holley, Vice-Chair
Luke Hollingsworth(late)
LaReeda Rentie
Karen Simpson
Victoria States
Bonnie Borrello
Terrance Thomas
City Staff:
Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation
Matt McComb, Park Planning,Development&Forestry Manager, Park and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation
Travis Cunniff, Recreation Services Manager, Park and Recreation
Anthony Hill, Resource Development Manager, Parks and Recreation
Krishan Patel, Trail System Planner, Parks and Recreation
Silvana Best, Special Events Coordinator, Parks and Recreation
Courtney Wilson, Parks and Recreation Intern, Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Johnson called the
meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. on Monday, April 12, 2021, in the Allen Senior Recreation
Center Building at 451 St. Mary Drive, Allen, Texas.
1) Approve Minutes of the February 8,2021 Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Holley and a second by Member States , the
Parks and Recreation Board voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed to
approve the minutes from the February 8, 2021 Regular Meeting as
presented. The motion carried.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
April 12,2021
Page 2
2) Update on the Parks and Recreation Intern Program
Kate Meacham, Director, introduced Courtney Wilson the Park and Recreation Intern.
Courtney then covered the new.intern program structure and shared some of his
3) Update Summer Special Events and Operational Changes
Tony Hill, Resource Development Manager and Silvana Best, Special Events
Coordinator briefed the Board on the proposed structure of both Summer Sounds and
Allen USA. Travis Cunniff, Recreation Services Manager presented the upcoming
operational changes including the opening of the Senior Recreation Center and the
ramping of full operations at Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium and Joe Farmer Recreation
4) Update on Current and Future Projects
a. Heritage Village
Matt McComb, Park Planning, Development&Forestry Manager,provided a
project update including the anticipated dates of April 13, 2021 for City
Council consideration of the design contract and April 27, 2021 for the kick-ff
meeting with the design professional.
b. Allen Station Park Playground Improvements
Matt McComb also presented on the upcoming improvements including
playground replacement and the addition of a splash pad at Allen Station Park.
c. Ridgeview Trail Improvements
Krishan Patel, Trail System Planner gave the Board an overview on the eight
segments of trail improvements along the Ridgeview Trail.
d. Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center
Brian Bristow,Assistant Director gave the Board a project status report and
reviewed the project schedule including June 8, 2021 as the antipcated date for
City Council consideration of the construction contact. In conjunction with
Carrie Cessna, Assistant Director, Brian also provided an update on both the
parks ordinances and fee assessment that are being reviewed in anticipation of
the new facility.
e. The Courses at Wafters Creek Erosion Repairs
Kate Meacham, Director, reviewed with the Board the upcoming erosion
repairs on holes #5 Players course, and #2 and #15 on the Traditions course at
The Courses at Wafters Creek Golf Course.
5) Discuss Board Evaluation
Board members will provide comments to Chair Johnson by Friday, April 23, 2021
and he will compile and submit to the City Secretary's Office.
6) Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Next meeting Monday, June 14, 2021
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
April 12,2021
Page 3
7) Adjourn
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Holley and a second by Member Rentie, the
Parks and Recreation Board voted six(6) for and none(0) opposed to
adjourn the meeting at 8:04p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 14th day of June 2021.
Chair Secretary