HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2021 - 06/14 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 14,2021 Parks.and Recreation Board Present: John Holley,Vice-Chair Luke Hollingsworth LaReeda Rentie Karen Simpson Victoria States Terrance Thomas Ed Bryan Absent: Geoben Johnson III, Chair City Staff: Kate Meacham,Director, Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Carrie Cessna,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Matt McComb,Park Planning,Development&Forestry Manager, Park and Recreation Travis Cunniff Recreation Services Manager, Park and Recreation Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Vice Chair Holley called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. on Monday, June 14,2021, in the Allen Senior Recreation Center Building at 451 St. Mary Drive, Allen, Texas. 1) Approve Minutes of the April 12,2021 Regular Meeting Motion: Upon a motion by Member Simpson and a second by Member Rentie,the Parks and Recreation Board voted six(6) for and none(0) opposed to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. The motion carried. 2) Update Allen Senior Recreation Center Re-Opening and Tour. Following a brief tour of the Allen Senior Recreation Center and staff introductions Travis Cunniff, Recreation Services Manager gave an update on the re-opening of the Allen Senior Recreation Center. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 14,2021 Page 2 3) Update on Recreation Enrichment Vehicle (REV) and Summer Operations. The Recreation Enrichment Vehicle(REV) was onsite, and the Board was able to view inside during the tour. Travis Cunniff, Recreation Services Manager, also gave and update on summer operations, including Ford Pool, Learn to Swim, City of Allen Swim Team and Camp STAR. 4) Update on Current and Future Projects a. Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center Staff updated the Board on the progress of the construction contract and the project timeline. Groundbreaking information will be share as soon as the information is confirmed. b. Allen Station Park Playground Improvements Matt McComb, Park Planning, Development & Forestry Manager shared the concept plan for the playground improvements and updated the Board on the next steps for the project. c. Ridgeview Trail Improvements Staff noted the project is well underway and shared images of the progress and gave updates on the status of the different segments. d. Heritage Village The Board had the opportunity to tour the Heritage Village, directly across the street from the Allen Senior Recreation Center. During the tour, staff gave project updates, and with the help of Heritage Guild representatives, answered questions regarding the Heritage Village. 5) Items of Interest a. Items for Future Agendas b. Next meeting Monday, August 9, 2021 6) Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingsworth and a second by Member Thomas,the Parks and Recreation Board voted five(5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 23rd day of August 2021. Chair Secretary