HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1995 - 07/27 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
July 27, 1995
Commission Members Present:
Kenneth Fulk, Chairman
Noel Crume, Vice Chairman
Bruce Heller
Susan Bartlemay
Ross Obermeyer
Harold Biggs
Jeffery Kelley
City Staff Present
L Bill Petty, Dir Of Community Development
George Conner, Dir Of Public Works
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper. Administrative Assistant
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
July 13 1995 (Agenda Item IIl
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of July 13, 1995, Regular Meeting."
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner -
Biggs, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes
of July 13, 1995
July 27, 1995 PAGE 2
Approve Minutes
July 18. 1995 (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Falk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of July 18, 1995 Workshop Meeting "
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
Crme, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes
of July 18, 1995, as presented.
Tabled Item (Aeenda Item V)
Sumeer - MF
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - A request by Sumeer, Inc. To consider Multi -family 2 (MF2) zoning
concomitant with annexation on 5 092 acres in Tract 17 of Abstract No. 491 and 5.087
acres in Tract 18 of Abstract No. 491, currently to the City of Plano, Collin County,
MOTION- Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Crme,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item IV
from the table.
Staff indicated that a certified letter was sent, and receipt acknowledged, to the proponent
indicating that the Commission desires to take action on the request. The proponent did not
respond to the letter The City of Plano was contacted and they advised that no action has
been taken at this time. It was recommended that this item be removed from the table.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crme and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove this item
from the agenda and withdraw this agenda item from consideration.
July 27, 1995 PAGE 3
Public Hearing
Box Office Video (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by A.C.P Inc. to amend Planned Development No 13
by approving a site plan for a video store to be located on 8400 sq. ft. in the R. C Ingraham
Survey, Abstract No. 462, Allen, Collin County, Texas, and further being Lot 1, Block A of
the Food Lion Shopping Center Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located at 600 E. Bethany Drive, or the southeast corner of Bethany Drive
and Jupiter Road "
Mr. Tom Keener presented the site plan for the retail space under consideration at the
southeast corner of Jupiter and Bethany The site plan was reviewed by Mr. John Friebele
who indicated a possible minor conflict with minimal consequences at the eastern exit into the
fire lane. He indicated that any design would incur potential conflicts, although insignificant
and infrequent. The site plan has been reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal and City
Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against
the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing.
The Commissioners discussed the potential conflict that exists with the stacking of the drive-in
lane encroaching the fire lane Mr. Keener stated that Mr Friebele did not indicate this was a
The proponent, represented by Mr. Khalid Zafar, 2155 Chenault, Suite 509, Carrollton, TX
75006, indicated that the direction of traffic flow in the drive-in area was from south to north.
Commissioner Crume noted that the dumpster is indicated to be fenced and gated. He
questioned whether the landscaping would be irrigated and the proponent stated that it would
Commissioner Obermeyer discussed the fact that there were certain Shopping Center uses that
were specifically disallowed in the Planned Development; however, the use requested was an
allowable use.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner
Bartlemay, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend site
Lplan approval with the stipulation that the landscaped area will be irrigated.
July 27, 1995 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
Box Office Video (Cont) (Agenda Item V)
1. The use is compatible.
2. Traffic flow was addressed and the drive-through and is acceptable.
3. The dumpster will be screened and gated facing Jupiter Road.
4 The stacking lane appears to he adequate.
5 The landscaped areas will be irrigated.
Public Hearing
KinderCare Learning Center (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Falk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. to amend
Planned Development No 54 by approving a site plan for a day care center to be
located on 1.7218 acres located in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711,
Tract 19, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north
of McDermott Drive and east of Alma Drive, immediately south of the Raintree Estates
Mr. Keener indicated that the property is located near Alma Drive and McDermott Drive, just
south of the Raintree Estates. He discussed the public access easement shown on the southern
portion of the site. This is not a dedicated street; however, it will be constructed to fire lane
standards. This easement is consistent with the proposed median cut on Alma Drive. The
location of this median cut was determined in 1994, however, is being moved 5 feet south to
accommodate this request The site plan includes right-of-way to allow a deceleration lane in
the future when the shopping center would be constructed. Right-of-way is shown for two exit
lanes and for one entrance lane. An 8 -foot brick screening wall is shown between this
property and the residential property A 15 -foot landscape setback is noted along McDermott
Drive, as required by the zoning. The Fire Marshal and City Engineer have reviewed and
approved the site plan.
The proponent, Mr Roland Forester, Civil Engineer for KinderCare, discussed the site plan.
He stated that the building is being set approximately 150 feet from Alma. The access
easement (fire lane) is approximately 350 feet from McDermott.
July 27, 1995 PAGE 5
Public Hearing
KinderCare Learning Center (Cont) (Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Bill Petty indicated that the KinderCare property is on the north side of the public access
easement, and that this easement is being constructed by the shopping center property owners.
The eastern end of the drive is noted to be "barricaded by others." This drive will ultimately
become the entrance to the shopping center, and should not be used to provide temporary
access to the residential property to the north. This easement will terminate at the eastern end
of this property and be barricaded.
Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against
the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Crume confirmed that the access easement would not be extended to the
residential property to the north.
Commissioner Kelley discussed the State requirements (Texas State Accessibility -TSA) for
sidewalks to connect the public walk to the access easement. Mr Keener indicated that
because this would not be a dedicated street the proponent would not be required by the City
to construct sidewalks in that area. Comntissioner Kelley suggested that Mr. Forester review
the TSA requirements and Mr Forester stated that if it is necessary he will provide the
Commissioner Biggs questioned whether the landscaping was to be irrigated and Mr Forester
indicated that it would be. He further reviewed the landscaping plans and the vinyl clad chain
link fencing to be used in the playground.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner
Bartlemay, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend site
plan approval with the stipulation that the State of Texas accessibility issues
relating to sidewalks be addressed prior to approval of the construction docu-
ments, and the landscaping area be irrigated.
This is a compatible use.
2. Access to the site is aligned with the median cut as previously proposed by Mr. John
Friebele on Alma Drive, although moved to the south 5 feet.
3 Landscaping is irrigated.
July 27, 1995 PAGE 6
Public Hearing
KlnderCare Learning Center (Cont) (Agenda Item VI)
4 Ingress and egress has been addressed for future development of the shopping center
5 Screening wall between the residential and the shopping center has been provided as
required and exceeds the ordinance requirements.
6. A letter was received from Mr. Brian Burchfield, Twin Creeks, indicating that the
architectural plans have been reviewed and approved.
7 The proposal will relieve some amount of traffic that is currently being generated to the
eastern child care centers.
8. The barricaded easement will insure traffic does not enter the residential area to the
north from this property
Brnokshires (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Falk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Replat - Consider replat approval of Brookshire's Addition, a replat of Wal-Mart
Addition, being 12.163 acres of land located in the Peter Weisel Survey, Abstract No.
990, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of
McDermott Drive and west of S.H. 5 in the Cottonwood Creek Shopping Center."
Mr Keener stated that the proponent has requested that this item be tabled at this time.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Biggs,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item VII.
�July 27, 1995 PAGE 7
Preliminary Plat
Beacon Hill (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval of Beacon Hill Phases 1 and 2, being
97.6 acres located in the James W Parsons Survey, Abstract No 704, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located northwest of McDermott Drive and west of
Alma Drive."
Mr. Keener presented the request to the Commission. It is located near the northwest corner of Alma
Drive and F.M. 2170 He discussed the following specific features of the development
1 There are 368 lots
2 Additional right-of-way is provided for access to the school site.
3 Alternative transportation access is provided along the interior streets to access the school/park
4. In areas where the 8 -foot hike and bike trail is indicated, there will not be an additional
sidewalk on the other side of the street.
5. The street design discourages through traffic from McDermott to Alma
6. A gatehouse is proposed at the entrances.
7 A brick screening wall is proposed along Alma.
Mr. Petty questioned the allowance for a sidewalk only on one side of the street. The Subdivision
Ordinance requires that sidewalks be constructed on both sides of all streets.
Commissioner Crume questioned whether street parking would be allowed on Ann's Way, and Mr
Keener indicated that it would; however, Mr Frtebele has indicated that parking should not be allowed
along the hike and bike trails.
The City Engineer and Fire Marshal have reviewed and approved the submission. Staff recommends
that approval be given with the stipulation that parking be restricted along the hike and bike area that is
adjacent to side yards.
Commissioner Kelley indicated that although Medina is a residential and not a collector street, there
might be a need to realign some of the alleys that empty onto Medina. Mr. Petty stated that this was
considered by both city staff and the developer. This is not a subdivision requirement, and it would
cause the proponent to lose lots The alternative would be to reduce the right-of-way on this street to
50 feet. The Commission discussed this issue at length.
July 27, 1995 PAGE 8
Preliminary Plat
Beacon Hill (Cont 1 (Agenda Item VIII)
Mr. Bill Rogers, MCA Properties, 12160 Abrams Road, Ste 509, Dallas, Mr Pete Cantrell, MCA
Properties, and Mr Terry Mitchell, Carter and Burgess, 7950 Elmbrook Dr., Ste 250, Dallas, were
available to discuss the request Mr Mitchell stated that although Medina is planned to be a 60' right-
of-way, the majority of the pavement will be constructed with the standard residential 31' paving; the
additional right-of-way is for the hike and bike trail. He further discussed the proposed landscaping
The entry monument will be located on private property There will be a homeowners association
formed to maintain the landscaping features. He responded to the question of the sidewalk requirement
and stated that it was intended to encourage people to use the trail and increase the grass areas He
added that the proponent will agree to install the required 4' sidewalk
The Commission further discussed the issue of alleys emptying into Medina and the length of those
alleys. They discussed the fact that the lots without alleys will have front entry drives with side or rear
entry garages.
Commissioner Heller questioned the need to construct a sidewalk along the eastern side of Beacon Hill
north of McDermott Drive. Mr Petty indicated that the Subdivision Ordinance requires sidewalks
along both sides of a street. The development of the multi -family tract to the east of Beacon Hill
[Drive, and their requirement to construct an 8 -foot screening wall was discussed.
Mr Petty advised the Commission that facilities agreements are in place regarding this property, and
funds for Alma Drive and McDermott will be provided at the time of final platting in conformance with
these agreements
The proponent indicated that all of the landscaped areas will be irrigated. He indicated that the trees
along the northern and western boundaries will be saved
The proponent indicated that the hike and bike trail will be constructed with Phase 1.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Crume and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat as pre-
sented with the following notations 1) the proponent was requested to review the alleys
that access Medina; 2) all landscaping will be irrigated; 3) 15' easement and 10' ROW
along McDermott has been added; 4) hike and bike trail on west side of Beacon Hill
from McDermott to Lighthouse, Lighthouse to Medina, Medina to Ann's Way will be
completed with Phase 1, 5) intention is to attempt to dedicate Alma Dr ROW to
McDermott with the final plat, 6) Note No. 3 on preliminary plat regarding sidewalks
will be deleted and staff will work with the proponent
July 27, 1995 PAGE 9
Review of Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Review of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance."
Landscape and Tree Preservation:
Mr Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent, provided comments regarding the landscape section.
He discussed maintenance issues. He requested that the Parks Department be allowed to have
a part in the approval of all landscape plans as development occurs. The consensus was that
this should be stipulated in the ordinance that "staff" should be designated to review the plans.
Mr Derider stated his concern is basically for landscaping being dedicated to the City He
added that he is willing, however, to review the plans for private land also. He stated that his
department is developing specifications for requirements on property that will be dedicated to
the City The written comments provided to the Commission were as follows:
GRADING: All areas to receive new turf or sod will be fine graded, eliminating all rocks and
debris larger than 1" in diameter. A 1' top layer of sandy loam or sand should be used to fine
grade all areas being prepared for hydro mulch or sod. Sod should be rolled upon completion.
WARRANTEE: All plant materials should be guaranteed for one year. Sod and turf should be
maintained for at least one year prior to acceptance.
INSTALLATION PRACTICES. All shrubs, ground covers and flower beds should be
prepared with at least 4" of amended soil. Beds should be tilled prior to planting and to
replacing the amended soil. Beds should be crowned to promote proper drainage. All beds
should be topped with 2" of mulch.
All trees should be back filled with the native soil with a mild fertilizer added to the backfill.
The soil should be free of rocks and debris. All trees should be staked outside of the rootball.
AS BUILTS. The City of Allen should be provided, prior to acceptance, with as built
drawings of the landscape and irrigation. These drawings should be scaled drawings
Schedule of Uses:
Ms. Sally Leeper provided new copies of the draft Schedule of Uses. This item will be
discussed at the next meeting.
July 27, 1995
The next meeting of the Commission was set for Thursday, August 3, 1995, 7:00 p.m., at the
Allen Library
The next agenda will include a public hearing for an oil and lube in the Central Business
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
Crume, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the July 27,
1995, meeting at 10:30 p.m.
These minutes approved this l0 day of (JL, �,,,,a,t— 1995.
Ken Fulk, Chairman � effery Kelley, Secrc SrySecrc 5ry