HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1996 - 03/14 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 14, 1996 Kenneth Falk, Chairman Bruce Heller Susan Bartlemay Harold Biggs Commission Members Absent: Jeffery Kelley Ross Obermeyer City Staff Present: Tom Keener, Development Coordinator ffflll George Conner, Director of Public Works Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant Loan4011401140:P3:\QIITIMIZ1118jeIN �iliLil3ll i9 With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes February 22. 1996 (Agenda Item IIl Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Approve minutes of February 22, 1996, Regular Meeting." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of February 22, 1996, as presented. 1 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 2 Ms. Sally Leeper discussed the March 20, 1996, scheduled joint workshop with the City Council regarding review of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The Council has advised that they are unavailable on that date and have requested the meeting be rescheduled to either March 25 or April 1, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. The consensus of the Commission was to reschedule the meeting for March 25, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. Election of Officer LAfenda Item IID Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Election of Officer - Vice Chairman." MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda item III until all six members could be present. Public Hearing Phillip Little r�rPs "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Larry Collins, representing Phillip Little, to allow mini - warehouses by Specific Use Permit, with site plan approval, on a 2.472 -acre tract of land located in the William Perim Survey, Abstract No. 708, Tract 44, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of Butler Drive and south of McDermott Drive. The property is currently zoned Central Business District." Mr. Tom Keener presented the request to the Commission. Miniwarehouses require a Specific Use Permit in the Central Business District. This property is currently occupied by nonconforming mobile homes. Butler Drive will require 37' of pavement with 60' of right-of-way The development will be completed in two phases to accommodate fire hydrant access. A residenceloffice will be located in Building A. Mr. Keener discussed the parking [hat is provided. There are three spaces shown, which satisfies the ordinance. He suggested that additional spaces should be considered for the residents. Mr. Larry Collins, 3929 Sagamore Hill Ct., Plano, representing Phil Little, discussed the proposal, and the fact that it will be a quality development. The existing mmiwarehouses in Allen are 100% occupied. Phase 1 will include 212 units; phase 2 will include 37 units This will be a secured facility with motion cameras, an on-site manager (nomially a retired couple). Three parking spaces are provided The facade will be chiseled, split -faced block, painted sand color. He stated the buildings will be set back 7 feet from the property line in order to accommodate a landscaping area, which will be planted with sod and trees, and shrubbery A second entrance on Butler will be provided when the extension of this road is constructed Chairansn Folk opened the public hearing. 1 With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman F ulk closed the public hearing. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 3 Public Hearing Phillip Little (Cont) (genda Item IV) Commissioner Bartlemay questioned the extent of the landscaping, and whether this proposal meets the requirements of the proposed zoning ordinance Mr. Keener stated it does not. He added that 10°% of the pavement area will be required to be landscaped in the proposed ordinance, and this request includes a little more than 5% The number and type of trees and shrubs does not meet the proposed requirements; however, they do meet the current requirements Mr. Collins indicated that T, rather than the proposed 10', is being shown for a landscape easement, and it will be sprinklered. Commissioner Heller stated that the landscaping is not identified on the site plan Mr. Keener added that the plan indicated that the required 5% will be landscaped. Commissioner Heller indicated that he would like to see elevations, size, height, construction materials of the building, as allowed by Section 2.06 of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr Little provided these drawings to the Commission. Mr. Collins indicated the parking for the residents will be inside the secured area, and the three identified spaces are outside the secured area. Commissioner Heller suggested that parking spaces should be noted inside the secured area, and outside of the fire lane, for the residents. Mr Conner discussed the timing of the extension of Butler Drive. He stated that the proponent will need to consummate a facilities agreement for the construction of Butler. He added that if the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development construct offices in the Millennium Business Park, this would probably force the construction of Butler. It was confirmed that the Fire Marshal had reviewed and approved the fire lane and parking spaces shown on the site plan. Mr Collins stated that the buildings will all be single story He stated that the residence is 1,379 square feet, and will be constructed 100°% of brick. He stated he will be landscaping with grass, live oak trees at least 3" caliper, spaced at 30 -foot intervals (total 14 in phase 1 and 8-10 in phase 2, consistent with phase 1). The shrubbery is intended to be located on each side of the entrance. He agreed to show all landscaping on the site plan before forwarding it to the City Council MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request noting the enhanced landscaping in phases 1 and 2, automatic irrigation, two additional parking spaces to be noted on the inside of the secured area for the residents, a facilities agreement be completed regarding Butler Drive prior to final platting, 3" live oaks planted 30' on center, 10 shrubs per tree in a configuration approved by City staff. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Phillip Little (Cont.) (Agenda Item IV) FINDINGS. 1. The use is compatible in the Central Business District. 2. It meets the current Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The site plan was reviewed and approved by the Technical Review Committee. 4. Landscaping will be irrigated. 5 The request exceeds the current landscaping requirements and is similar to the proposed requirements. 6. A facilities agreement is required for Butler Drive. Public Hearing Mark VII Eauinment (Agenda Item V) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Ed Whitehill of Mark VII Equipment, representing Security Bank of Whitesboro, to expand the area allowed for auto laundry with gasoline sales as an accessory use, and attach an additional Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse with site plan approval, on a 3.2 -acre tract of land located in the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, Tract 14, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of S.H. 5 between Bethany Drive and Hightrail Drive The property is currently zoned Planned Development -Shopping Center No. 5." Mr. Keener presented the request to the Commission. The proponent desires to expand the existing Specific Use Permit for an auto laundry to include an additional full service car wash with gasoline sales, and an office/showroom warehouse. Mr. John Friebele, P.E., the City's traffic engineer, has reviewed the site plan. His comments are not available at this time; however, Mr. Keener suggested that any concerns he might have could be included in the motion. The Technical Review Committee has reviewed and approved the site plan. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Mark VII Equipment (Cont) (Agenda Item V) A public access easement is being provided to the properties to the north and south of the site. Mr. Ed Whitehill, proponent, 3817 Vicksburg Ct., Plano, stated that he plans to construct a state- of-the-art facility to use as a showplace for his business, with both self-service and full-service facilities. He stated he was the originator of the existing Specific Use Permit, and is requesting to expand it at this time. Commissioner Bartlemay indicated that the Lutheran Church, located to the south, was in favor of the original Specific Use Permit. Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing. Ms. Margaret Lewis, owner of property at the intersection of Hawthorne and Ridgemont, questioned whether this Specific Use Permit would be expanded to the south near her residence. She was concerned regarding the gasoline sales if that were to be the case. With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing. Commissioner Heller questioned whether the Specific Use Permit would apply to Tract 4 Mr. Keener indicated that the request is for the Specific Use Permit to be on Tracts 1, 2, and 3 Commissioner Heller indicated that the landscaping appears to be in compliance with the proposed ordinance. Mr. Whitehill advised that the structures will be constructed of concrete materials. The office/showroom will be tiltwall with appropriate wall covering similar to Davidson's Car Care. The car wash will probably be cement block, but will definitely conform to City requirements. He requested flexibility to work with City staff in order to make use of new, state-of-the-art materials. The landscaping will be irrigated. Chairman Fulk questioned the placement of the trees along S.H. 5 and requested that one located at the entrance be relocated south to avoid a site line problem. Commissioner Heller suggested that approval of elevations could be left to City staff. Screening will be required along the east boundary line to separate the multi -family residential from Tract 3. Screening is not required along Tract 4 until development. Commissioner Heller suggested that architecturally treated exterior, not flat concrete cinder block, compatible with adjacent properties be utilized. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 6 Public Hearing Mark VII Equipment (Cont) (Agenda Item V) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request by Mark VII Equipment with the following stipulations: 1) landscaping will be irrigated; 2) screening will be provided as required by ordinance along eastern boundary of Tract 3; 3) exterior walls of building will be masonry construction, either brick veneer, architecturally treated concrete block, or tilt wall consistent with adjacent properties, 4) the trees at the entrance will be located so as to provide site visibility FINDINGS 1 The use is compatible in this district. 2. The Technical Review Committee has reviewed and approved the site plan. 3. A Specific Use Permit for a car wash had previously been approved for this location. 4. Landscaping appears to be consistent with the proposed Zoning Ordinance 5. The request meets all City requirements. 6. Construction materials of the buildings will be appropriate. A A PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 7 Final Plat AISD Elementary #8 (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Allen Independent School District for AISD Elementary #8, being a 12.377 -acre tract out of the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Main Street, east of the Allen Heights Baptist Church, between Allen Heights Drive and Malone Drive." Final Plat AISD Elemenmry #8 (Cont) (Agenda Item VI) Mr Keener presented the plat to the Commission. It has been reviewed and approved by the Technical Review Committee. Staff recommends approval. MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Biggs, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Elementary School No. 8. Final Plat AISD Right -of -Way (Agenda Item VH) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Allen Independent School District for Alder Drive, Summernee Drive and Winterwood Drive, being 3.502 acres of right-of-way out of the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being the right-of-way surrounding AISD Elementary #8, north of Main Street, east of the Allen Heights Baptist Church, between Allen Heights Drive and Malone Drive." Mr. Keener presented the plat to the Commission. It has been reviewed and approved by the Technical Review Committee. Staff recommends approval. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for the right-of-way adjacent to Elementary School No. 8 PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 8 Final Plat Custer Hill Phase B (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, representing Custer Hill Limited Partnership, for Custer Hill Phase B, being an 18.3033 -acre tract of land out of the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northeast corner of Hedgcoxe Road and Custer Road." Mr. Keener presented the request to the Commission. He stated that there is one item not consistent with the preliminary plat. The number of lots exceeds the miring and preliminary plat by two. The open space in this phase and phase A satisfies the planned development ordinance requirements The Technical Review Committee has reviewed and approved the plat. Commissioner Heller questioned the addition of the two lots and Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, indicated that it was the result of engineering design being completed between the time of preliminary and final plat. Mr. Keener provided a lot square footage report on each of the two phases. They all satisfy the planned development ordinance of a minimum of 5500 square feet. Commissioner Biggs questioned the distance of the alleys and whether they meet the ordinance requirements It was determined that they were in compliance. The Commission discussed specific lots regarding required lot width and expressed concern about Lot 21. It does not appear to be 50' at the building line. Mr. Atkins stated this could be clarified before the plat is filed. The Commission expressed concern regarding the addition of the two lots, and the required minimum 50' width at the building line. They stated they were not certain that a 50' building line width can be achieved with the addition of the two lots. MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Biggs and seconded by Commissioner Bartlemay to approve the request, noting that all lots, especially Lot 21, will be 50' at the building line prior to filing the plat. Further discussion was held concerning the additional two lots and the minimum lot size. The Commission voted 2 FOR and 2 OPPOSED, and the motion died. MOTION, Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Bardemay, the Commission 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item VIII for the final plat on Custer Hill Phase B until specific distances on the lots can he shown. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 9 Preliminary Plat Re_ Lhanv Crcck Estates (Agenda Item IX) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, representing Ann Moore Vigil and Linda Sue Moore, for Bethany Creek Estates, being an 85.08 - acre tract of land out of the Simon Burns Survey, Abstract No. 92, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Bethany Drive and east of the Bethany lakes Park." Mr. Keener presented the plat to the Commission. Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, and Mr. Gordon Jones, Horton Homes, were present. Mr Keener advised that the Technical Review Committee had reviewed and approved the preliminary plat. Mr. John Friebele, P.E., the City's traffic engineer, has reviewed the plat and is proposing that Amherst and Cheyenne be switched, and Cheyenne become the collector, and Amherst the cul-de- sac. Mr Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, has requested that Cheyenne be continued as a collector to connect to Bethany Creek Blvd. Additionally, the City Council has jindicated that one of the four easUwest streets south of the open space be extended for future i development to the east. Mr Atkins stated he would agree to Mr. Friebele's proposals, but did not agree to take the collector further north as proposed by staff. He discussed the fact the one street north of the open space is planned for extension to the eastern property Mr. Keener discussed the problem with traffic being forced to cross the open space and hike and bike trail to continue to Story School. Mr. Atkins agreed to add one stubbed street (Berkeley) and to flip the cul-de-sac and collectors; however, he did not agree to extend the collector further north. Chairman Fulk suggested that Cheyenne be continued as a collector to Berkeley, since that street will be continued to the next subdivision. The proponent agreed to this proposal. It was noted that three street names need to be changed—Woodmont should be Bluebonnet, Cambridge and Shannon Downs are duplicates. Commissioner Heller requested that the zoning restrictions regarding one/two story homes and minimum house size adjacent to Stretford be shown on the final plat. Issues regarding drainage were discussed. The property exchange between the City and the { proponent for Bethany Creek Blvd. and the required facilities agreement for Bethany Drive were discussed. They need to be completed before final platting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1996 PAGE 10 MOTION A motion was made by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Biggs, to approve the request for preliminary plat with the following stipulations: 1) Cheyenne be connected to Bethany and become a collector street from Bethany to Berkeley; 2) Berkeley be extended as a residential street to the east; 3) Amherst become a cul-de-sac; 4) street names be changed as noted; 5) property exchange and facilities agreement will be consummated before final plat; 6) zoning ordinance restrictions will be noted on the final plat; 7) final design of drainage at greenbelt will be resolved with staff. Discussion was held regarding the alleys which are turned out to Bethany Creek Blvd. between Cambridge and Dearborn. Mr. Atkins indicated that this might be difficult to change because of drainage issues; however, the proponent agreed to look at this situation for possibilities. Commissioner Heller amended his motion and Commissioner Biggs amended his second to add the stipulation that the proponent attempt to relocate the alley exit between Cambridge and Dearborn at Bethany Creek Blvd. The Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the motion as amended. OTHER BUSINESS. The Commission noted that the next meeting, March 28, 1996, will follow the third and final workshop with the Council regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance. This agenda should include an item to consider recommendations made by the Council at the workshops. ADJOURN: MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the February 22, 1996, meeting at 9:35 p.m. These minutes approv# this day of 2'd /,-, ,"— , 1996. Q41, pq� en Fulk, Chai anLK IJeff 11 ,Secretary