HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1996 - 04/25 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
April 25, 1996
Commission Memb r Present:
Kenneth Falk, Chairman
Ross Obermeyer
Jeffery Kelley
Bruce Heller
Commission Members Absent:
Susan Bartlemay
Harold Biggs
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
April 11. 1996 (Agenda Item ID
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve mmutes of April 11, 1996, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Ober-
meyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of
April 11, 1996, as presented.
APRIL 25, 1996
I -I
:. il Joint Public Hearing(Agenda Item \.
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of April 17, 1996, Joint Public Hearing of the Allen City Council and
Planning & Zoning Commission."
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of
the April 17, 1996, Joint Public Hearing.
Lot 1. Block 3. Millennium Business Park (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Replat - Consider replat for the Allen Economic Development Corporation of Lot 1,
Block 3, of Millennium Business Park, being 26.33 acres out of the William Perrin
Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located between Century Parkway and the Southern Pacific Railroad, north and south of
Millennium Drive."
Mr. Tom Keener presented the replat to the Commission. The Technical Review Committee has
reviewed this plat. It meets all of the requirements of the City The future right-of-way for Butler
Drive has been determined since the submission of this replat and will be included on the replat
of Lot IR when it is submitted for development. It was discussed that the title block that is located
on the document in the middle of Lot IR should be removed.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for
Millennium Business Park with the removal of the extra text located on the
document on Lot 1R.
a APRIL 25, 1996 PAGE 3
Revisions to Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider Items Identified during Joint Public Hearing Session with City Council
Regarding Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Forward Final Recommendation to City
The following items were discussed:
1 The Commission discussed the possible need to reword the text in alternate building
materials with regard to "wood siding."
2. Site Plan Review, Section 2.09
Add a new paragraph IV requiring building elevations as follows:
IV Building Elevation Requirements for New Construction or Existing Facility
where Facade is being Altered
A. Elevations facing roadways
B. Scale to accurately represent the intended appearance
C. Exterior construction materials should be identified
In Paragraph HI.D.3 - Minimum of 14' high vertical clearance "in the fire lane."
3 Definition of Public Shop or Yard of Local, State, Federal Government - Facilities such
as maintenance yards or shops required by branches of Local, State or Federal Govern-
ment for service to an area such as Highway Department Yard, City or "School" Service
4. Section 3.01(F) R-6, and 30.l(F) R-7
Alternative Side Yard - Change "either" side to "each" side.
5. Section 3.01(J) MF -12, 3.01(K) MF -18, and 3.01(L) MF -24
Change text in purpose from "This district should provide for about 12.1. 18, or 24 units
per acre," respectively, to "This district shall provide a maximum of 12, 18, or 24 units
per acre, respectively."
6. The Commission discussed the request that was made at the public hearing regarding the
use of ham radio towers in residential districts. It was a consensus of the Commission
that since this issue was not a part of the proposal until this time, and the public has not
t"' had an opportunity to respond to this request, it would be appropriate to consider the issue
Lindependently, after publication to the community of a public hearing on the request.
APRIL 25, 1996
Section 3.03 VEHICLE PARKING, paragraph c.2 should be reworded for clarification
as follows:
A maximum of fifty (50) percent of the parking spaces required for theaters, bowling
alleys, dance halls, night clubs, cafes, or similar uses, and a maximum of eighty (80)
percent of the parking spaces required for a church or school auditorium or similar uses
(known as Use A), may be provided and used jointly by similar uses not normally open,
used or operated during the same hours as those listed under Use A, provided, however,
that written agreement thereto is properly executed and filed as specified below
8. The text in the purpose of Section 3.05 Landscaping indicates healthy trees are to be
preserved. Add "healthy and desirable."
9 Add a new section to Paragraph 1 0£ Section 3.05 as follows:
A. The minimum landscaping area for nonresidential districts shall be not less than
10% of the pavement area on the site. Landscaping shall include the following
items as detailed in Sections B, C, D and E below -
1. Landscaping Along Street Rights -of -Way
2. Interior Parking Lot Landscaping
3. Landscaping For Comer Lots
4 Landscaping/Screening for Parking Lots Adjacent to Residential Areas
In the event that the total landscape area provided per the requirements of Sections
B, C, D and E is less than 10% of the pavement area of the site, additional
landscaping shall be provided to meet the 10% requirement.
a. If 1, 2, 3, and 4 above equal 15% of pavement, [then requirement
for 10% of pavement is satisfied.
b. If 1, 2, 3, and 4 above equal 10% of pavement, then requirement
for 10% of pavement is satisfied.
C. If 1, 2, 3, and 4 above equal 8% of pavement, then additional
landscaping is required to equal 10%
10. Section 3.05 - Landscaping Along Street Rights -of -Way -
Correct text to indicate that the 10 -foot landscape edge may be reduced in the Central
Business District (CBD) to no less than two (2) feet where lots are less than two (2) acres.
Correct reference to slope of the berm shall not exceed a 1 to 4 grade to "3 to 1," and
remove text which states "A minimum of one (1) tree shall be required for every 500
El square feet of landscaped area (this is a duplication).
APRIL 25, 1996 PAGE 5
11. Renumber the paragraphs under Landscaping for Corner Lots as 1, 2, and 3
12 Exhibit A Title Sheet - Add disclaimer "These illustrations are intended as conceptual
only; distances and measurements shall be in conformance with all City of Allen
13 Amend Appendix 15 to show a radius for landscaping to match the street radius.
14 In Section RECOMMENDED TREES FOR NEW PLANTINGS add requirement that
trees be minimum 3" caliper
MENTS section, Paragraph F, change requirement for 17 square feet of landscaping for
each parking space to 8 square feet.
16. In the LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE section, remove "or below" from paragraph F to
indicate "Measure above unusual swells in the truck" rather than "Measure above or
below unusual swells.. " Number the following three paragraphs to 1, 2, and 3
17 In the LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION APPROVAL section, remove text "that may include
additional landscape requirements" from sentence which indicated that a review checklist
would he provided which may include additional requirements to this ordinance.
18. Add a new section to Section 7 TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION as follows:
Certain native and nonnative trees are considered undesirable and will be
considered exempt from the requirements of this Ordinance; i.e., they can be cut
down and removed but only by authority of a tree cutting permit. The following
are considered undesirable trees:
Arizona Ash
Fraxinus velutina
Bois D'Arc
Maclura pomifera
Chinese Tallow
Sapium sebiferum
Populus deltoides
Celtis occidentalis
Honey Locust
Gleditsia triacanthos
Lombardy Popular
Populus nigra itahca
Albizzia julibrissen
Moms alba
Siberian Elm
Ulmus pumila
Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Platanus Occidentalis
APRIL 25, 1996 PAGE 6
Weeping Willow Salix Babylonica
Only significantly -sized, undesirable, native trees will be considered for tree
credits. These trees must be located outside of the floodplain, be over 12" in size,
and be individually field inspected by a designated representative of the City of
A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal, in caliper, the caliper of the
tree removed. Said replacement trees shall be a minimum of three (3) inches
caliper and seven (7) feet in height when planted.
19 Paragraph 7.1) Tree Preservation Credits, add the word "healthy" to first sentence, and
allow the following credits:
Trees 6" to 12" caliper, allow 1.1 credit
Trees Over 12" to 24", allow 1.5:1 credit
Trees Over 24", allow 2:1 credit
Replace sentence regarding maximum credit with "Credits for trees over 12" caliper can
exceed the maximum one-third limit.
20. Paragraph 7 E REPLACEMENT - Change "developer or builder" to "developer, builder,
or owner " Change height of replacement trees from 10' to 7'
21. Under "Guidelines for Tree protection - Change reference to major changes of grade "one
inch or greater" to "6 inches or greater within a tree protection area or tree drip line."
22. Reword paragraph regarding fence row trees to:
"Fence row trees are trees that exist primarily in nearly a straight line along older or
existing property lines that generally, but not always, run parallel to a fence. Fence row
trees 6" in caliper or greater in residential developments shall be preserved by providing
a 15 -foot protected area centered 7.5' on each side of the centerline, on and parallel to the
fence row trees. No utility, trench (including irrigation trenches), alley paving, or
permanent structure shall be allowed within the area. No removal of any tree 6" caliper
or larger is allowed except where an alley has back-to-back residential lots and access is
needed to one side of the area. These trees shall be identified and removal of such will
not require replacement. Only desirable trees saved, 6" caliper and larger, shall be
considered for tree credit purposes. Fences that are installed within this area, and which
do not interfere with the existing trees, may be allowed. Fences proposed to be located
in the area shall have the design and layout submitted to the City of Allen for review and
APRIL 25, 1996 PAGE 9
Mr. Keener reviewed the upcoming agenda. Chairman Fulk encouraged the Commissioners to
attend the City Council meeting on May 2, 1996, to be available to answer questions regarding
the recommended changes to the Ordinance. He indicated he may be out of town on that date,
and Commissioner Obermeyer volunteered to make the presentation of the Ordinance to the
Council if Chairman Fulk is not available.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the April
25, 1996, meeting at 12:05 a.m.
These minutes approved this C day of
en Fulk, Chairman
Jeff Kelley, Secretary