HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1996 - 05/23 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 23, 1996 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: Kenneth Fulk, Chairman Ross Obermeyer Bruce Heller Harold Biggs Commission Members Absent: Susan Bartlemay Jeffery Kelley Cly Staff Present: Tom Keener, Development Coordinator George Conner, Director of Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7.45 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Approve Minutes May 9. 1996 (Agenda Item IIl Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: Approve minutes of May 9, 1996, Regular Meeting " MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Biggs and a second by Commissioner Ober- meyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of May 9, 1996, as presented. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 23, 1996 PAGE 2 Preliminary plat Custer Hill Estates (Agenda Item IIII Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat Approval for Tipton Engineering for Custer Hill Estates, being 106.114 acres of Land out of the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northeast comer of Custer Road and Hedgcoxe Road." Mr Tom Keener presented the preliminary plat to the Commission. He discussed the creek and open space, the tree survey, and the traffic study He stated that this submission originally contained a school site in Phase 1. The Plano Independent School District has been unclear as to their desire for a school site, but has forwarded information indicating that they would desire a site at some location in Phase 2 or 3 This could be accomplished during the final plat stage. Mr. Keener indicated that staff recommends that any motion for approval include the need to accommodate the school site. He added that the City's traffic engineer recommended a street be continued to the east for circulation to the next subdivision. This has been provided on Nottingham. Staff is suggesting that Nottingham include, rather than 50' of right-of-way with a 5' + 5' easement, a full 60' of right-of-way The alley exiting to Nottingham will need to be turned between two lots. Mr. Keener indicated that the majority of the trees are located in the southern portion of the property, generally within the open space. The Commission questioned whether the traffic review was done with consideration for a school site. Mr. Keener reviewed the fact that the school site was originally shown to be in Phase 1, and that an in depth traffic study could not be completed regarding the school site since it has not been decided where it will be, or even if there will be one. Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, explained that they do not have a commitment that the school needs a site in this area. He discussed the recent staff changes that have taken place at the Plano Independent School District. The location of a school on this property will be contingent upon reaching an agreement between the developer and the District. If this agreement is reached, he stated that the collector system will be redesigned to accommodate it. The developer's intent at this time is to move forward with Phase 1. Mr. Keener requested that Phase 1 be moved to the north at Fox Glen, rather than along the alley to the south. Mr. Atkins indicated that they would not be in favor of doing this since they have a certain number of lots that they need to develop in Phase 1. He added that the school will most likely be located adjacent to the open space. PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION MAY 23, 1996 PAGE 3 Preliminary plat Custer Hill Estates (Cont) (Agenda Item HIl Mr. Keener recommended that before the final plat is brought forward that the street system be required to accommodate a school site, if there in fact is one. Commissioner Heller questioned the reasoning behind showing a 50' right-of-way with 5'+5' easements rather than 60' of right-of-way Mr. Atkins indicated that the 5' easement was intended to accommodate the sidewalk areas. This allows for a larger lot depth. He questioned the density and Mr. Keener stated that the required density in this zoning district is 4 75 units per acre. The proposed plat calls for 508 lots, and the zoning allows a maximum of 505 lots. Commissioner Heller questioned the number of protected trees that will be lost and need to he replaced. Mr. Keener indicated that the Commission should be concerned with layout of the streets and alleys only, and not the mechanism for replacement of trees. Chairman Fulk questioned the 50' right-of-way with 5'+5' easements, and Mr. Keener indicated that Mr. John Friebele was in agreement with this, which will accommodate the sidewalks. Mr. George Conner indicated that this 50+10 arrangement will allow for the same physical street system He suggested that staff would prefer the 60' of right-of-way This does affect the density of the subdivision. Mr. Atkins agreed to change the alley from exiting to Nottingham to exiting to Majesty. Chairman Fulk questioned the width of some of the lots and whether they are 50' at the building line. Mr Atkins stated that he would insure that all lots are 5500 square feet. Chairman Fulk further noted that the alley behind Stonebridge Drive to Duchess is extremely long and requested that the proponent check the actual length, not to exceed 1200 feet. He also noted that Nottingham shows two alley exits at the eastern edge of the property At least one of these should be turned between lots. Chairman Folk further noted that the 508 lots shown are in excess of the 505 lot allowed by zoning. Staff indicated that Stratford should be renamed because of the similarity to an existing street (Stretford). Chairman Fulk questioned whether the two short streets with no homes facing them should be named. Mr Atkins stated he will add names if necessary PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 23, 1996 PAGE 4 Preliminary plat Custer Hill Estates (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Ober- meyer, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat for Custer Hills Estates with the following stipulations: 1) the final plat contain a maximum of 505 lots; 2) verification be provided at the time of final plat that all lots are a minimum of 5500 square feet to comply with zoning restrictions; 3) the right-of-way on Nottingham be shown as 60 feet; 4) the name of Stratford be changed; 5) two streets shown without names be provided with names if necessary; 6) street alignment be accommodated for a possible future school site once the information is provided before the final plat for Phase 2 or 3, 7) alley modifica- tions previously noted be made (Majesty, Colony (1, 2 if possible), length of southern alley, sizes of lots at alley intersections). Other Business Mr. Keener reviewed the upcoming agenda. The Commission members questioned whether a legal opinion had been obtained regarding the applicability of the landscape and tree preservation of the new Zoning Ordinance to the School District. They discussed the new school facility and the need for the School District to conform to the requirements. Mr. Keener advised that he had talked with attorneys at the Texas Municipal League, and they were not definite in their answers. The Commission again requested a written legal opinion on this issue to include the reasons why the District is exempt if that is the case. Mr George Conner discussed his recent conversation with representatives from LLG, Inc., regarding the trees that were cut down just prior to adoption of the new ordinance. He indicated that they have agreed to submit a tree survey, based on the tree stumps, and agreed to replace the necessary protected trees within their development. Mr Conner provided an update on the following street projects: U.S. 75/McDermott Underpass F.M. 2170 East Exchange U.S. 75 Allen Heights to Parker Alma to Exchange, Exchange to U.S. 75 Century Bethany (U.S. 75 to Bel Air) I n PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAY 23, 1996 1 • ' k' PAGE 5 MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Heller, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the May 23, 1996, meeting at 9:15 p.m. These minutes approved this 1,3 day of Qj.--...�� , 1996. elmA 0 Ken Falk, Chairman