HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1996 - 09/12 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
September 12, 1996
Commission Members Preset
Kenneth Fulk, Chairman
Ross Obermeyer
Susan Bartlemay
Jeffery Kelley
Pamela Smith
Jeff McGregor
Commission Members Absen
Bruce Heller
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order at 7.30 p.m. by Chairman Falk at the City Council Chambers, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Consent Agenda (Aeenda Item 11)
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner McGregor,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve and adopt all items on the
Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows
A. Approve minutes of August 22, 1996, Regular Meeting
B. Final Plat - Approve final plat of Allen North Addition Phase Three for Land Advisors,
Inc Being 22.504 acres out of the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located north of Exchange
Parkway between S.H. 5 and Malone Road and east of Allen North Addition Phase Two
SEPTEMBER 12, 1996
Public Hearing
Ann Moore Vigil and Linda Sue Moore (Cont (Agenda Item V)
Density concerns were further discussed by the Commission. Chairman Fulk discussed the importance of
the link between Story Park and School and the Bethany Lakes Park
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Smith, the
Commission voted 6 For and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request as
submitted with 62 -foot lot width
1. Developer contributed to the park linkage
2. Water tower site is being dedicated.
3. Proposal is consistent with the land use in the area.
4. Density concerns were discussed; offset by contributions by the developer. Trade-off not excessive
based on amenities added to the City's Imear park system
Public Hearing
Richie L. Loan (Aaenda Item VI)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request from Hillwood/Allen, Ltd. For Richie L Logan, for a
Specific Use Permit with Site Plan Approval, for a Private School with Day Care as an Accessory
Use on a portion of Lot Al of Allen Business Centre, An Addition to the City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located north of the northeast corner of Bethany Drive
and Prestige Circle."
Mr. Keener presented the request to the Commission. A Specific Use Permit is required for a private
school in a Light Industrial District Day care is being requested as an accessory use. The request involves
1.14 acres. Metroplex Gymnastics is located to the east, Paragon is to the north. The proposed Advantage
Self Storage will be located to the west. The property is zoned Planned Development -Light Industrial No
3 (PD -LI 3). This allows a private school by Specific Use Permit
The school will include an indoor swimming pool Fire codes are satisfied. Parking spaces exceed those
that are required Landscaping requirements will be satisfied. Their program includes curriculum for 18
months through Kindergarten, with possible expansion to Grades I through 3.
Mr Timothy McCabe, Vice -President for Hillwood Development Corporation, stated that the proponents
have been in the child care business since 1965. They have two schools in operation and two schools in
construction at this time. They feel that this will be a quality facility
Public Hearing
Richie L. Logan (Cont.) (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Falk opened the public hearing.
Mr Timothy McCabe, Hdlwood Development, spoke in favor of the request.
Ms. Sandy Streeter, 1024 Shadow Way, owner of Metroplex Gymnastics, spoke to favor of the request.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public
Commissioner Oberrrieyer questioned the location of the indoor pool Mr Logan, 739 Livingston Drive,
Allen, stated that the pool will be located at the back left hand comer of the facility He indicated that both
of their current facilities have indoor pools. Proper safety precautions will be taken.
Commissioner McGregor questioned whether Mr. Conner, City Engineer, had any concerns regarding the
pool, and Mr. Conner indicated he had none. The maximum depth of the pool will be 5 feet, and it will
be available to students enrolled at the facility Operation will initially be from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
There are no trees located on this property
The proponent was asked whether they had any plans for expansion and Mr Logan indicated that if they
did expand, it would be to the south Any expansion would require an amendment to the Specific Use
The Fire Marshal has approved the location of the fire lane under the portico. The front of the building
will be stucco construction; the remainder will be brick.
Commissioner Kelley questioned the fact that the sidewalk does not show and Mr Keener indicated that
this will be on the engineering drawings.
Chairman Fulk questioned whether the proponent would agree to mixing two hardwood trees in the
landscaping with the softwoods. He also quesitoned whether the 10 -foot radius shown meets the Fire
Code? Mr. Conner indicated that he did not feel the 10 -foot would meet the standard and stated that the
curb cuts will need to meet the design standards.
Commissioner Kelley questioned the material of the fencing around the property It will be chain link or
wrought iron. Discussion was held regarding a metal fence being close to electric wires, since a TU
Electric easement is shown on the north side. The proponent stated that they will take this into
Mr Keener indicated that screening is not required, however, the Health Ordinance requires a fence to
protect the children according to HDR regulations. The entire property will be fenced. No landscaping
is planned at the back of the property, it will be used for playgrounds. This will be either sand or pea
Public Hearing
Richie L. Logan (Cont 1 (Agenda Item VII
No elevation of the facility was provided. The height of the facility is one story, 22 feet
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as amended, with a
mixture of hardwood and softwood trees and a correction of the radius at the curb cuts.
1 The use is allowed by zoning.
2. The request satisfies the City's development requirements.
3. The use is compatible to surrounding uses
Preliminary Plat
Suncreek Addition (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval for Bon Terre -B Ltd. For Suncreek L
being 55 55 acres of land located in the J. H Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017 and 1018, the
G. W Ford Survey, Abstract No. 326, and the Joseph Russell Survey, Abstract No. 775, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive, east
of proposed Suncreek Drive, and west of Alma Drive "
Mr. Petty presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the Allen Independent School District
(AISD) and the proponent are working to preserve a site for a new middle school. The proposed AISD
property is not included on this preliminary plat Mr Bob Curtis and Mr. John Green were available for
comment. The AISD Attorney, John Gay, indicated that they would withdraw then letter of protest to the
preliminary plat
Mr Petty discussed the forest area adjacent to this property, as well as the 18.5 acres to be dedicated to
the City as park land. In addition, the City has recently purchased over 22 acres of forest. The flood plain
and the 18.5 -acre park acreage will be included on the final plat when it is submitted. Mr. Petty indicated
that there are a substantial number of trees on the property being platted; however, staff and the proponent
have worked extremely hard to preserve as many trees as possible Development on the property requires
no construction to begin until Suncreek Drive is constructed from McDermott to Alma, 'h of Alma and
th of the bridge completed to Plano. These facilities will be constructed and will provide a north/south
access from McDermott to Hedgcoxe.
A tree survey was required to be submitted with the preliminary plat, and was displayed for the information
of the Commission. The Commission requested that future tree surveys be provided in their packets.
Preliminary Plat
Suncreek Addition (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII)
There are no trees located on the upper Tract 3. A contract was entered into with the City which states
that the proponent will receive credit for the trees saved within the 18.5 -acre park property Slightly over
2800 inches of trees are located on this property The only ones proposed for removal at this time are
those located in the right-of-way of University Drive. This amounts to approximately 900 inches. The
proponent is allowed to use 1/9 of their credits toward tree replacement. The survey indicates that there are
sufficient credits to allow the removal of these 900 inches.
Mr. Petty discussed Page 26 of the Zoning Ordinance for this property which indicates that single -loaded
streets should be maximized adjacent to City park land. The City Council required that lots should not
back to the wooded areas. Based on this requirement, University Drive was designed in it spresent
location, in order to provide public access and aesthetic viewing of the public land, as well as to provide
for parking along the 37 -foot street. This will be a passive park area with a hike and bike system.
If University Drive were to be moved south and lots were allowed to be backed to the wooded area, with
140 -foot deep lots, this would save approximately 200 inches of trees. Staff feels strongly, and the
ordinance reugires, that the single -loaded street be provided along wooded areas.
It was noted that the Commission did not receive copies of the tree survey because the 11 x 17 drawings
would not have been legible. Chairman Fulk requested that on future cases the Commission be provided
with suitable size drawings
Chairman Fulk requested a recapitulation of the flood plain and park acreages. Mr. Joel Robuck, Bon
Terre, expressed their appreciation and excitement about developing in Allen. They are requesting no
changes to the Planned Development zoning ordinance. They will honor all requirements of the existing
ordinance. They would like to change Suncreek Blvd to Suncreek Drive. He discussed the extensive
infrastructure requirements on the property ($1,500,000). He stated that 50 -foot homesnes will be located
in the northern area, with 65 -foot lots in the southern sesction. They propose to have lots available in the
first quarter of 1997 He added that there are approximately 86 acres of public land involved in this
development. He discussed other amenities being proposed, and provided a spreadsheet derailing the
parkland acreages. This spreadsheet is attached hereto.
The zoning of this property was discussed with regard to the preservation of the trees. It was noted that
the ordinance indicates that single -loaded streets should be used adjacent to the forest. It was further noted
that the 900 inches of trees to be removed is prior to building site preparation. Mr. Robuck discussed the
tree farm that the developer is providing in order to preserve as many 1" to 6" trees as possible. These
trees will be replanted within the development They have tagged over 100 trees that are in this category
The developer has stipulated to their builders that 6" or greater trees must be saved within the building sites
if possible. All protected trees removed will be replaced according to the Ordinance requirements.
Construction of the portion of Alma Drive connecting this property to McDermott will be contingent upon
the development of the Hamilton property With the development of Phase II of Suncreek, the western half
of the bridge will be completed.
Preliminary Plat
Suncreek Addition (Cont.) (Agenda Item VII)
Commissioner Kelley requested the developer show the multi -family tract on all sales exhibits and Mr.
Robuck indicated that they would do this.
Commissioner Smith questioned the use of the park property, and Mr. Petty stated he understood it would
be passive in nature, with no ball fields. Access will be pedestrian only, with entrances from both the north
and south boundaries.
The school district boundaries of Allen and Plano were discussed.
Mr. David Schnurbusch provided copies of the tree survey to the Commissioners. Trees within the 18.6
acres being dedicated to the City are allowed for credit. Chairman Fulk discussed the possible need for
special treatment along University to order to preserve a maximum number of the trees. Mr. Robuck
indicated that they would like to be allowed flexibility for setbacks and design of the right-of-way to order
to save specific trees
There are 941 home sites allowed by the PD zoning of this property Mr. Robuck indicated that they will
not be using all of that density
Chairman Fulk noted that the PD ordinance allows a grading vartance within the right-of-way to minimize
elimination of trees. Mr Robuck indicated that the utility easement will be located in the front of the
homes to minimize loss of trees at the rear of the lots.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Kelley and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat as submitted
with the requirement that the proponent work with staff in consideration of the variances
allowed for grading requirements in right-of-way and in consideration of the larger trees
in the vicinity of University Drive in Tract 9: that the 18.6 acres being dedicated to the
City can be used for credits toward tree removal; that the flood plain and the 18.6 acres
be dedicated to the City with the final plat of this property; that the proponent be sensitive
to placement of utilities regarding preservation of trees, and that a completed tree survey
be included with the final plat submission.
Mr. Keener reviewed the upcoming agenda
Mr Conner reviewed the roadway construction projects.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 PAGE 10
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Smith, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the September 12, 1996, meeting
at 10 15 p m.
These minutes approved this v1 day of �Lt�oi �-^�-�.- , 1996.
Ken Fulk, ChairmA -
Jeff Kelley,
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