HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 02/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
E February 13, 1997
Commission Members Prese
Kenneth Fulk, Chairman
Susan Bartlemay
Pamela Smith
Jeff McGregor
Commission Members Ahs =:
Ross Obermeyer
Jeffery Kelley
Bmce Heller
Cuty Staff Presen:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
Wnh a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic
Plaza, Allen, Texas.
FEBRUARY 13, 1997
Cons ni Agenda
(Apenda Item HD
Ms. Marcie Diamond requested that Item ILE be removed from the consent agenda Chairman Folk
requested that Items ILA and ILB be removed from the consent agenda.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Smith and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the
Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Item ILB from the Consent Agenda
as recommended and as follows:
Final Plat - Buckmgham Estates, Consider Final Plat approval for Right -of -Way
Plat Buckingham Lane, a Portion of Lots 21 and 22, Buckingham Polo Club
Estates, being 13,146 square feet of land, further described as being located along
Buckingham Lane east of S.H. 5
January 23 1997 (Agenda Item ILA)
Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of January 23, 1997, Regular Meeting."
Chairman Fulk noted that the word "not' should be added to the following sentence on page 4 "Mr. Bill
Petty indicated that typically a tree survey would be shown as an overlay to the prelimmary plat and staff
recognized that it was = provided in this case."
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Smith, the
Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of January 23, 1997,
as corrected.
Final Plat
Buckingham Estates. Lot 20 ROW (Agenda Item ILB)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat -Buckingham Estates, Consider Final Plat approval for Right -of -Way Plat Buckingham
Lane, a Portion of Lot 20, Buckingham Polo Club Estates, being 5,133 square feet of land, further
described as being located along Buckingham Lane east of S.H 5."
Chairman Fulk questioned whether the 30 -foot right-of-way was actually noted on the plat. Mr. Dan Tracy
stated that the 30 -foot right-of-way is noted on the signed copies that have been submitted.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay,
the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Buckingham
Estates Right-of-way on Lot 20
FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 3
Final Plat
Parkside Addition (Agenda Item IT.F.)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider Final Plat Approval for Parkside Addition, requested by Gehan Homes,
Ltd., being 19 4377 acres out of the Simon Bums Survey, Abstract No. 92, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located north of Bethany Drive between Allen Heights
Drive and Malone Road."
Ms. Marcie Diamond indicated that the approved preliminary plat indicated that open space would be
provided within this phase and the next phase. The lot to be dedicated as open space is not shown as being
dedicated to the City of Allen; however, the proponent has provided a corrected copy this evening that
shows this lot as being dedicated to the City of Allen for open space.
Chairman Fulk questioned the change of street names from the preliminary plat to the final plat. These
have been checked and are approved. Chairman Fulk further questioned whether the required right-of-way
has been obtained from Dr. Mason's property Ms. Diamond stated that the applicant had attempted to
obtain the right-of-way from Dr. Mason and found that he was not ready at this time to dedicate the right-
of-way for Bethany Drive. The necessary easements have been obtained for the alley corner clips at the
north end of his property Chairman Fulk expressed concern that those easements are not shown on the
plat. Mr David Tipton, Tipton Engineering, stated that the easements have been obtained, but they had
neglected to show them on the plat The necessary corner clip utility easements will be included on the
copies submitted for filing.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Smith and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the
Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Parkside
Addition, noting that the necessary easements at the northern end of Dr. Masons property
will be shown on the documents submitted for filing, as well as the notation that the open
space lot will be dedicated to the City of Allen.
FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
Had Investment Comoration (Agenda Item 111)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Peyman Horri to establish Planned Development
Zoning with single-family uses on a 5.2281 -acre tract of land in the George W Ford Survey,
Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the
southwest comer of Park Place and S. Allen Heights Drive."
Ms. Marcie Diamond presented the request to the Commission It is located at the southwest corner of
Park Place and Allen Heights Drive. The request, on 5 acres of land, includes a density of 3.8 units per
acre. The R-4 regulations are being requested with the exception of the lot width. These lots are very
deep with 55' minimum width. The minimum house size requested is 1800 s.f. Open space is shown as
2,048 s.f., which is less than the planned development regulations requirement of 266 acres. A traffic
study was waived. The Comprehensive Plan indicates 16 units for this property, and the request includes
20 units.
Mr. Peyman Horri, 3883 Turtle Creek Blvd., #2110, Dallas, TX 75219, presented a location map of the
area and discussed the lot sizes on the surrounding properties. The largest lots in the area are 8,000 s.f.
immediately to the west of this property He is requesting 9,000 s.f lots with a minimum house size of
�. 1800 s.f. He stated he has met with the residents who received public hearing notices on the request and
indicated that all were receptive to the proposal.
Mr. Horri presented a boundary map of the property The property is flat with little rise in elevation. It
is all buildable. He further presented a proposed concept plan showing one cul-de-sac with 10 lots on each
side. He has proposed a 6 -foot wall along Allen Heights Drive and no alleys. Many of the existing trees
will be preserved They have previously dedicated the necessary right-of-way for Allen Heights Drive to
the City Signature Homes will be the builder on the project. Mr. Horri also displayed examples of the
homes he will be budding on these lots.
Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing.
Mr. John Dougherty, 24 Heritage Way, expressed concern regarding drainage issues. He stated they
presently have drainage problems in his subdivision.
Mr. Ronald Rodenbaugh, P O. Box 112, Allen, Texas, owner of the property to the south of the proposal,
spoke in favor of the request He has discussed drainage issues with the proponent. He owns 4 acres, and
intends to build a single family home on his property
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public
Commissioner Smith discussed her concerns regarding the necessary open space. This issue was discussed
at length, with Mr. Richard Meinkopf, 6433 Bermuda Dunes, Plano, the prospective builder, indicating
FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 5
that if the lots were made more narrow it will reduce the value of the product to be constructed.
Commissioner Smith suggested reducing the density
Chairman Fulk noted the Comprehensive Plan indicates 16 lots for this property, and discussed the planned
development process which allows Flexibility to the developer. He suggested that additional entrance
features be added to increase the open space. Commissioner McGregor suggested expanding the open
space that is shown along Allen Heights Drive, Mr. Robert Porter, Cummings & Pewitt Engineers,
indicated that 20 -foot strip along Allen Heights Drive could be provided with berms and trees. He
suggested that this would provide the required open space.
The consensus of the Commission was that the open space should be provided along Allen Heights Drive
using a 20 -foot landscaped strip with berms, trees, and irrigation. Maintenance should be through a private
homeowner's association.
Mr. Horri suggested that this requirement along Allen Heights would necessitate reducing the minimum
lot size to 8500 s.f.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay,
the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request with
the allowance that the lot widths requested be approved, a minium of .266 acres of open
space be provided as agreed to above, with a 20 -foot landscaped strip along Allen Heights
Drive, using berms, trees, and irrigation, and maintenance provided through a
homeowner's association No change in density was recommended. The minium lot
size is to be 8500 s f A 6 -foot screening wall will be constructed along Allen Heights
1. The use is compatible with surrounding uses
2. The request, as amended, meets the open space requirements of the planned development
3. Consideration was given to the dedication of the right-of-way for Allen Heights through allowance
of density
4 Lot sizes are larger or consistent with adjacent uses.
5. The front entry type of development will he attractive at this location.
6. The development will greatly improve the aesthetics of this area.
7 The open space along Allen Heights Drive will complement the Shadow Lakes development and
Bethany Lakes Park.
1 FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 6
Preliminary Plat
Glendover Park (Agenda Item IV 1
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat Approval for Glendover Park for Rowlett Farm
Partnership, being 105.179 acres out of the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No. 812, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest corner of future
Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive "
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This property is zoned Planned Development No
53 The proposed plan provides the required park dedication per the zoning ordinance. The Allen
Independent School District (AISD) has purchased a site for an elementary school. The Park Department
has reviewed and approved the request with the stipulation that the park property be protected.
The tree survey was provided to the Commissioners this evening. The trees that are internal to the
subdivision are not protected trees. All of the unprotected trees on the property are located in the park
Mr Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering, discussed the location of the trees. The northern tree line will
be protected, and no alley will be constructed in this area. The trees on the eastern boundary of the
property are in the Alma Drive right-of-way and will be preserved within the median. The large Pecan
trees are located in the park property
The Commission questioned the open lot shown on the southwest portion of the plat and it was explained
that this particular property is currently owned by a church. If it is purchased by the developer, a revised
preliminary plat will be sumbitted. The Commission discussed the length of the alley along Alma Drive
and Mr. Corwin stated that there will be a 15 -foot landscape easement along Alma Drive with a screening
wall constructed as required by the PD ordinance. This will continue the length of the property
The Commission discussed the naming of the stated "Collector Street " It is intended that this will be the
extension of Twin Creeks Drive. It is current known as C R. 148. Sconsman is a 50 -foot right-of-way
(to be built with 37' of pavement) and Glendover is a 60 -foot right-of-way The Commission noted that
are few alleys located directly across from each other. Chairman Falk discusssed the number of street
openings to C.R. 148 and he suggested the use of additional cul-de-sacs to eliminate some of them.
A facilities agreement will be entered into regarding the construction of Alma and Exchange. Mr. Gordon
Jones discussed issues regarding park amenities that will be included in the facilities agreement. These will
include a hike and bike trail and linkage to the school site from the western portion of the neighborhood
He indicated that the park will be developed in the same way that Bethany Creek Estates' park area was
improved This will include fine grading and protection of the trees.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Smith and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the
Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the prelimmary plat for Glenover
Addition, with the inclusion of the name of the "Collector Street' and the designation of
the right-of-way on Scottsman of 50 feet
FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 7
Preliminary Plat
Brookside Addition (Agenda Item (V)
Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider a request by Centex Real Estate Corp. For Brookside Addition,
being 77.6 acres out of the R. C Whisenant Survey, Abstract No. 1012, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located northwest of Chaparral Road and S. Allen
Heights Drive
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This is one of the last phases of Planned
Development No. 22. She discussed the variety of lot sizes required within this planned development. The
request is within the requirements of the ordinance. There will be a private recreation center provided.
This property was originally platted in 1989; however, that plat is null and void. The northern half of
Chaparral will be constructed when 50% of the lots are developed. No trees are located within the
boundary of the residential portion of the property
Chairman Fulk discussed the percentage requirements for the lots within the planned development. Mr.
Brad Meyer, Carter & Burgess, indicated that the basic layout is the same as previously approved.
However, the lot widths have changed, and the density is higher. The density is, however, consistent with
P the ordinance requirements.
EL A homeowner's association will be maintaining the landscaping shown along Allen Heights Drive. The
recreation amenity will include a pool. Mr. Meyer stated that they are working with the Parks Department
regarding the hike and bike trail system and amenity center. The hike and bike trail will be constructed
within the floodplain area. The roadway will be located above the Floodplain level
The Commission stated that Clear Creek Drive and Clear Creek Court should all be named Drive if the
fire department would agree to that nomenclature. It was noted that alley access needs to be maintained
to Block A, Lot 1.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Smith, the
Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat for Brookside
Addition; with clarification of the naming of Clear Creek Drive, and addition of diamonds
to show the name change between Heather Brook and Hickory Bend
FEBRUARY 13, 1997 PAGE 8
Ms. Diamond discussed the Commission's desire to be provided with lot size calculations at the time of
preliminary plats. She stated that the actual engineering is completed at the time of final plat and this is
when it is appropriate to request lot size tables She recommended a standard policy be adopted to require
these tables at the time of final plat.
The consensus of the Commission was to request the tables at the time of final plat. They did discuss the
fact that the final plats are on the consent agenda and the tables need to be reviewed completely There
was discussion regarding lots that have curves at the alleys.
Ms. Diamond advised the Commission that the North Central Texas Council of Governments is sponsoring
a session on Subdivision Regulations on March 14, 1997, from 9:00 to 4:00. She requested that the
Commissioners advise her if they are interested in attending. Commissioner Smith indicated she would
like to attend
Ms. Diamond reviewed the tentative agenda.
The Commissioners indicated that they received in their home mail information regarding deed restrictions
on Buckingham Estates.
Chairman Fulk reviewed the recent meeting with the Mayor and other board chairs
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay,
the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the February 13, 1997, meeting
at 10:20 p.m.
These minutes approved this of 7 t ay of,��,,,,., , 1997
Ken Fulk, Chairman
Ross ofienneyer, Secretary