HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 02/27 - RegularIALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 27, 1997 Commission Members Present: Kenneth Fulk, Chairman Susan Bartlemay Pamela Smith Jeff McGregor Ross Obermeyer Jeffery Kelley Bruce Heller City Staff Pr n[: Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner George Conner, Director of Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engmeer Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Folk at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 2 Consent Agenda (Agenda Item II) Commissioner Heller requested that Item ILB be removed from the Consent Agenda MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay. the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Items ILA, C, D, and E from the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approve minutes of February 13, 1997, Regular Meeting. C. Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for Allen Hill Associates, Ltd. For Beacon Hill Phase 2, being 40.230 acres of land located in the James W Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north and west of McDermott Drive and Alma Drive. D Final Plat - Consider Replat for Mr. Joe Barton King for Lot 4, Block 20, Williams-Reitinger Addition, being 0.431 acres of land located in the James L. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 758, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located at the southwest comer of Butler Drive and Belmont Drive, E. Final Plat - Consider Final Plat for Tatum Road Right -of -Way for Tatum Othel, Ltd., being 0.6002 acres of land located in the Joab Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive. Final Plat Bethany Ridge Estates III (Agenda Item ILB) Chairman Folk read the agenda item into the record as follows. "Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for Tipton Engineering, Inc. For Bethany Ridge Estates III, Phase A, being 25.4626 acres of land located in the John Snider Survey, Abstract No. 848, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located south of Bethany Drive between Allen Heights Drive and Malone Road." Commissioner Heller stated that he had requested this item be removed from the consent agenda in order to discuss the condition of the current construction of Bethany Drive. He expressed concern regarding the monitoring of the project, and the condition of the road surface He discussed the possibility of approving this plat with conditions that this situation be improved; however, he recognized that approval of the plat could not be conditional, and requested Mr. George Conner to attempt to improve the situation PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 3 Final Plat ethany Ridge Estates III (Cont) (Agenda Item 11,B) MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Heller and seconded by Commissioner McGregor to approval the final plat for Bethany Ridge Estates III. Discussion: Mr. Conner discussed the condition of the road surface and the possibilities available for correcting this situation. Chairman Fulk discussed issues relating to the location of the trees, and it was noted that they are in the North Texas Municipal Water District easement The Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the motion and the final plat for Bethany Ridge Estates III was approved. Public Hearing Custer/Hedgcoxe. L.L.C. (Agenda Item III) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by Custer/Hedgcoxe, L.L.C. to zone 25.573 acres of land located in the John Huffman Survey, Abstract no. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, from Agriculture -Open Space to Planned Development zoning with single-family residential uses." Ms. Marcie Diamond presented the request to the Commission. It is an approximate 25 -acre tract located east of Custer Road, and adjacent to Planned Development No. 57 (PD 57). PD 57 previously contained a tract identified for Plano Independent School District (PISD). The use and area regulations proposed for this tract are identical to those of PD 57 The PISD site has been relocated to this tract. The density on the requested property exceeds the Comprehensive Plan by 26 units, and the PD zoning initiates a requirement of 1.6 acres of open space, which has not been satisfied. Dedication of right-of-way for Hedgcoxe Road will be required at the time of platting. Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, discussed the request This property represents an old air strip adjacent to the existing PD 57 He provided a proposed concept plan for the property He stated that the school location will be split between the existing PD 57 and this property The configuration of this property is long and narrow The land use data proposed is identical to that of PD 57 There is a junk yard located immediately to the east of this property Mr. Atkins discussed the dedication of the open space in PD 57, and advised that the developers have committed to construction of a pool, club house and tot lot that are valued at $400,000 to $500,000, with maintenance by a homeowner's association. The original intent of the open space was to be passive with a nail system. He discussed the PD requirement for open space; however, feels the inclusion of this property with the existing PD 57 allows the open space in PD 57 to be used by these homeowners, and a separate 16 -acre open space area would not be appropriate. Chairman Fulk indicated that he did not feel that a club house was allowed in open space PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Custer/Hedgcoxe. L C (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing. Commissioner Obermeyer expressed concern regarding the excess density Chairman Folk questioned whether a school site had been shown on the preliminary plat for PD 57 Mr. Atkins advised that no site was identified because the PISD had not made a decision as to the location they desired at that time. Mr. Atkins indicated that the school will front to the collector system surrounding the site, and not to Hedgcoxe Road. Chairman Fulk discussed the City of Allen's policy to not locate elementary schools along major thoroughfares. Ms Diamond indicated that staff had discussed this issue, but that the PISD was co-signer to the zoning application, and they are aware of the location they have purchased. Chairman Folk indicated that the zoning should be conditioned upon the school's loading zones being located along the collector system and not along the thoroughfare system. Commissioner McGregor questioned the total density and the open space issues. The dedication given in PD 57 is exactly as was required at that time, there is not excess. Mr. Atkins indicated that although the request is 26 units over the Comprehensive Plan, 20 lots will be removed from PD 57, leaving a net 6 units over the Plan. He discussed the differences between straight zoning and the PD requirements. Commissioner Heller discussed the fact that PD 57 was granted a density of approximately 120 units over the Plan. The condition of the adjacent junk yard, along with environmental issues, were discussed. Environmental tests have been made on the proposed property and there are no issues to report. Commissioner Obermeyer stated he is concerned with the density on this property; however, he expressed appreciation for the possibilities of blending this property with that to the west in PD 57 Chairman Folk discussed the traffic study review by Barbra Leftwich, the City's traffic consultant, and questioned whether the recommendations were being met. Ms. Diamond indicated that the task given to Ms. Leftwich was to review the school site and traffic relating to it. Recommendations made include the need for 64' of right-of-way along the collector systems at the intersection of the major thoroughfares. She stated that the City's consultant has agreed to the recommendations of the proponent's traffic review Chairman Folk requested the original ummary of Traffic impact Analysis be included in all future packets, along with the City's consultant analysis. Commissioner Kelley indicated that he felt that with the configuration of this 25 acres, it is appropriate to continue the patterns of PD 57 The end result is an increase of only 6 lots, since 20 will be eliminated from PD 57 Commissioner Kelley indicated that he felt that the amenities being proposed for PD 57 will serve the property Commissioner Smith expressed concern regarding the open space. Mr. Atkins indicated that the school site will include usable open space and the open space in PD 57 will be available to these property owners. Mr. Atkins indicated that park dedication will be waived in lieu of payment of fees. Commissioner Smith questioned whether fees could be paid in lieu of open space. Ms. Diamond indicated that park dedication fees and open space were two separate issues, and fees are not allowed to be paid in lieu of open space PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Custer/Hedgcoxe LLC (Cont.) (Agenda Item ILII Commissioner Obermeyer indicated he did not have a problem with the open space as proposed. Commissioner Heller questioned the amenities planned for the open space in PD 57 Mr. Atkins stated it will be a club houses, pool, tot lot and picnic area. There was discussion as to whether a club house could be considered open space, and in fact whether construction of structures is allowed in open space The general consensus of the Commission was that a pool and its accessories uses could be counted as open space, but a building could not Commissioner Heller suggested that the amenities proposed in PD 57 should be made a condition of this PD request. Ms Diamond indicated that requirements on adjacent land cannot be placed on this PD. Commissioner Bartlemay, agreed that this property will make a good enhancement to the property to the west. She expressed concern regarding the lack of open space, but agreed that the school will lend itself to open space. She was concerned regarding density in this entire area; however, this property amounts to only 6 lots over the Plan. Commissioner Smith indicated she was concerned regarding the open space requirement, and the junk yard issues of environment. She stated that she feels the property is proposed to develop too close to the junk yard, and would have preferred to see a strip of open space located to the east of this property to buffer it from the junk yard. Commissioner Obermeyer stated that he did not feel it would be appropriate to withhold zoning on this property because of the condition of the property to the east. Commissioner Fulk discussed issues relating to density He is not comfortable with the open space or the traffic study recommendations that place restrictions on adjacent property He questioned the reason the request was not submitted as a revision to PD 57, and suggested that if this had been done, the 1.6 acres of open space required could have been added to the entire area. Mr. Atkins indicated that this was not requested as an amendment to PD 57, and added that he feels there is confusion on the part of the traffic consultant as to the status of Custer Road. The portion of Custer Road north of Hedgcoxe will become a collector street rather than a thoroughfare when Custer is rebuilt. Commissioner Fulk agreed with the proposed concept plan, but feels the density is too high. He did not feel that the increased density should be given based on school site, which had been purchased by PISD Commissioner Kelley stated that he felt the density issue is not a major concern to him because of the configuration of this property, being a long, narrow strip of land, only 25 acres in size, immediately adjacent to a junk yard. He stated that he feels it is important to continue the existing neighborhood into this 25 acres. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 6 Public Hearing Custer/Hedgcoxe. 11, C (Cont.) (Agenda Item 111) Commissioner Bartlemay suggested that some of the lots adjacent to the open space in PD 57 could be eliminated and changed to open space to account for the additional 1.6 acres required. Commissioner Smith again questioned why this request was not brought in as an amendment to PD 57 She is concerned regarding the open space and density, and would like to see a compromise reached. Commissioner Obermeyer suggested that removal of 5 lots immediately across from the school would amount to the approximate I -acre open space that is necessary for this additional 25 acres. Mr. Atkins stated that he could discuss this possibility with the owners of the property Tins could be done on the revised preliminary plat to be submitted within PD 57 He added that he could commit through a revised preliminary plat to increase the open space within PD 57 This would eliminate approximately 6-8 additional lots within that PD. Discussion was held that the preliminary plat should be provided on the next agenda. The Commissioners provided direction to the proponent as follows: Chairman Fulk. He remains concerned regarding density within the 25 acres. He would like larger lots within the proposed 25 acres. Commissioner Heller: He supports the revised open space plan. Commissioner Kelley He indicated that the density is not a concern. The open space plan proposed represents a fair compromise. Commissioner Smith: She agrees with the compromise proposed regarding additional open space dedication of 1.6 acres. Commissioner Heller He stated he would agree with the additional open space dedication on PD 57 Commissioner Obermeyer. He would support the density with the changes in the open space as discussed. Commissioner McGregor: He would support the request with the compromise on open space offered Commissioner Bartlemay She would support the request. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item III. 0 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1997 PAGE 7 Ms. Diamond reminded the Commission that the North Central Texas Council of Governments is sponsoring a session on Subdivision Regulations on March 14, 1997, from 9:00 to 4.00. She requested that the Commissioners advise her if they are interested in attending. Commissioner Smith indicated she would like to attend, and Commissioners Kelley, Obetmeyer, and McGregor advised they would contact the office on Friday and advise. Ms. Diamond reviewed the tentative agenda. Commissioner Smith discussed concerns regarding ingress and egress to Anderson Elementary MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the February 27, 1997, meeting at 9:20 p.m. These minutes approved this day of1997 /h Ken Fulk, hairman oss rmeyer, Secretary oss�r