HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 04/10 - RegularMr ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING April 10, 1997 Kenneth Falk, Chairman Susan Bardemay Pamela Smith Ross Obermeyer Jeff McGregor Jeffery Kelley Commission Members Abse n * Bruce Heller City Staff Present Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM With a quonan of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Fulk at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. I PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 2 Consent Agenda (Agenda Item II) Chairman Fulk read the consent agenda into the record as follows: "A. Approve minutes of March 27, 1997. Regular Meeting." B. Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for City of Allen for Fire Station and Park Site Addition, being 6.667 acres out of the James W Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southwest corner of Alma Drive and Comanche. C Replat - Consider replat of Lot 1R, Block 3 of Millennium Business Park for Allen Economic Development Corporation, being 13.123 acres of land out of the Millennium Business Park as recorded in Cabinet J, Page 231 (PRCCT), City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located on Century Parkway between Millennium Parkway and Allen Drive. D. Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Primrose Addition for Tamm Othel, Ltd., being 1.3774 acres of land out of the Josh Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive on Tatum Drive " Commissioner Kelley indicated that he had filed a Conflict of Interest statement regarding the replat on Millennium Business Park (Item C) and he excused himself from the meeting at this time. Chairman Folk requested that Items C and D be removed from the Consent Agenda. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Items A and B from the Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda Item C Replat. Millennium Business Park (Agenda Item II -C) Chairman Fulk questioned the details regarding the retention pond configuration shown on the replat and as shown on the tree survey Mr. Jim Waldbauer, representing David Pitsnck of the Allen Economic Development Corporation indicated that the contours shown on the plat represent the existing configuration and those shown on the tree survey represent the revised drainage area. It was concurred by Mr. Dan Tracy. Civil Engineer, that the plat reflects existing rather than proposed. He added that the lines for the drainage easement are correct Ms. Marcie Diamond indicated that the contours are a requirement of the preliminary plat and not the final plat They will be removed prior to filing at the County Mr. Waldbauer provided information to the Commissioners regarding rhe purchaser of the southern portion of this property PLANNING i& ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 Consent Agenda Item C PAGE 3 Reolat. Millennium Business Park (Cont.) (Agenda Item II -C) MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Millennium Business Park. At this time, Commissioner Kelley returned to the meeting. Consent Agenda Item D Final Plat - Primrose Addition (Agenda Item 11-D) Chairman Fulk questioned the lack of approval of the final engineering. Mr. Tracy indicated that the only engineering that is involved is domestic and there will be very little infrastructure involved. Chairman Folk indicated that approved engineering is a requirement of the final plat, and he was concerned about setting a precedent by not having final engineering on this request. He and Commissioner Smith requested that this concern be forwarded to George Conner, Director of Public Works MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Primrose Addition. Public Hearing Texas Land & Building CQmp= (Agenda Item III) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider a request by the Texas Land and Building Company for Gulf Coast Package, Ltd., to rezone 180.661 acres of land located in the Shadrick Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489 and the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, from Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) to Flood Plain -Planned Development with Single-family Residential, Multi -family Residential. Corridor Commercial, Shopping Center, and Community Facilities uses." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The property is located east of the proposed Custer Road and south of S.H. 121 The zoning on the southeast corner of S.H. 121 and Custer is being forwarded to the Council at this time as Corridor Commercial. She reviewed the requested land use plan. It includes a 6.8 -acre park site. There are 35.3 acres in the flood plain. She reviewed the Comprehensive Plan which indicates that the property north of Ridgeview is located in Special District No. 1. This includes commercial and approximately 14 units of medium density The request exceeds the density of the Plan south of Ridgeview by approximately 23 units. There is a total increase to the Plan of 742 dwelling units. Mr. Dentler had provided a letter from the Parks Department indicating an approximate 6 -acre park site is needed on this property They are requesting the opportunity to review the exact location prior to platting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Texas Land & Building Company (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Recommendations from the City's traffic consultant were agreed to by the proponent except the requirement for the designation of Rowlett Road as a collector thoroughfare. A letter was provided to he Commission from Mr. Mixon, property owner to the north, who is requesting that Rowlett Road be continued along his southern property line of this tract. The Allen Independent School District (AISD) has requested a 12 5 -acre school site be reserved. Mr. Bobby Curtis, AISD, was available to discuss this. Ms. Diamond discussed results of a meeting she attended regarding the S.H. 121 corridor. This meeting was held to discuss development standards of the corridor. It was indicated at this meeting that residential uses should be kept out of this corridor and the environmental impact of that roadway was discussed. There is a concern that if residential is constructed in this corridor, there could be serious opposition by these residents to the future construction of S H. 121. Commissioner Smith indicated that the depth of Special District 1 along Custer Road was a consideration. The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) line establishes the northern line of Ridgeview, as well as the connection to Plano. Ms. Diamond indicated that the Comprehensive Plan shows this area north of Ridgeview as Special District No. 1 Chairman Fulk requested the zoning in the Cities of Plano and McKinney Ms. Diamond indicated that it is commercial in McKinney and Plano along the corridor, and that the depth of that corridor is similar in all cities. Mr. Curtis Young, Peckham -Young, Inc., representing Texas Land & Building Company, presented his request He discussed the topography of the property, with the inclusion of Rowlett Creek and a pond. He indicated that he felt that the commercial uses would be appropriate along S.H. 121, however, he feels the depth of the commercial does not need to go as far to the south as shown on the Plan. The depth of the corridor within [his particular property is much deeper than the remainder of the corridor to the east. He indicated that they feel that residential would be better on both sides of Ridgeview rather than using the roadway as the buffer between commercial and residential He advised that he has proposed more than the required park land (6.8 acres). He feels the park site would provide a buffer between the residential and the commercial. The pond and the majority of the trees are located adjacent to this acreage. They have also proposed a 50 -foot landscaping strip along the northern property line to buffer the residential from the future commercial. Mr. Young suggested that the multi -family tract would have good access to Custer Road, and would be bounded on the east by Rowlett Creek. He indicated that they would be obligated to construct both sides of Ridgeview, which would include a bridge across Rowlett Creek He indicated that the uses proposed are reasonably marketable in the next several years I ® PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Texas Land CompaU (Cont.) (Agenda Item III) Mr. Young indicated that they had been unaware of the school's request prior to the Commission's packets being prepared. They have not discussed this issue with the AISD; however, the use is compatible and they are amenable to discussing the site with the AISD. Mr Bobby Curtis spoke regarding the proposed school site. He indicated that they feel a good location would be along the edge of the 72 -inch water line He explained that the site shown could be moved to the south. Chairman Fulk questioned whether the park should be located next to the school. Mr. Curtis indicated that the park is shown at the north end of the property, and the school district preferred the school be located on the south side of Ridgeview Chairman Fulk opened the public hearing. With no one speaking for or against the request, Chairman Fulk closed the public hearing. Commissioner Smith discussed the fact that a significant amount of flood plain is proposed to be reclaimed. She had concerns regarding the multi -family density, and requested it be reduced to 18 units per acre. She felt that the AISD has not planned for residential north of Ridgeview She feels the location shown for the multi -family is appropriate for that use. She suggested removing the shopping center to Tract III and including that property in the multi -family She had a concern regarding the density in Tract V She had questions regarding a possible linear park along the creek. Commissioner Bartlemay added that she had a concern regarding the impact of Tract V and the multi- family on the AISD Mr. Curtis addressed this issue and discussed the methods used by for proposing school sites. He indicated that he did not feel this density would negatively impact the school district. The property north of Ridgeview would add approximately 200 elementary students to the district. The multi- family tract might possibly feed to an elementary school to the south. Commissioner Kelley questioned the realignment of Custer Road. Ms. Diamond indicated that Custer Road is to the City of Plano and the reconstruction is scheduled to begin this fall. Chairman Falk questioned the reason why Tract III and IV was proposed as shopping center rather than local retail. Commissioner McGregor indicated that acreage of Tract IV represents a larger percentage of the allowed commercial in this district. Chairman Fulk reviewed the letter from Mr. Muton concerning Rowlett Road, and requested that the proponent address this issue. Mr. Young discussed the reclamation of the flood plain. He indicated that this would be minor, approximately 10%, and that a full flood plain study would be reviewed by the City before platting. The proposed reclamation does not change the floodway, but only the flood fringe area. Chairman Fulk indicated that the Subdivision Ordnance allows reclamation. Mr. Young added that the area proposed for reclamation does not have a substantial number of trees located on it. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 6 Public Hearing Texas Land & Building Comnanv (Cont) (Agenda Item IID Mr. Young indicated that the multi -family impact on the school would be approximately 100 students. Tract V would impact the school by approximately 160 students He added that Tract III was sized for a comer convenience store/service station. Tract IV was sized by the confines of the alignment of Ridgeview and the location of the creek. It is very shallow and has limited uses The shopping center uses would also allow for office development. He discussed the fact that the Plano transfer station is located immediately to the west. This was the reason that they added the mini -warehouse use to the list of uses allowed in this district. He added that he felt that this intersection, being that of two major thoroughfares, would be appropriate for commercial zoning With regard to the location of Rowlett Road, he indicated that he would have preferred to see Ridgeview in the area where Rowlett exists. He added that they would consider locating Rowlett from Custer through the commercial tract and then turn north to continue through the Mixon property They were opposed to locating it along their entire north property line. He feels that having this roadway adjacent to their north boundary would be counter-productive to their buffering intentions. He again stated that they feel their site is substantially different from the sites east of them because of the depth of the corridor. He added that the location of Rowlett Road could be considered during the platting process. Ms. Diamond indicated that staff feels there is a strong need for Rowlett Road and suggested it should be recognized during this process. She further indicated that Rowlett Road is an existing roadway, and access needs to be retained. She discussed the use of buffers and stated that residential will not back to a thoroughfare, because the Ordinances do not permit single-family to front on major or collector thoroughfares. Commissioner Smith indicated that she felt it was important to note that the traffic consultant and staff have recommended that Rowlett Road remain in its present alignment along the north property line of this property Mr. Young indicated that the consultant has not done a complete study of this roadway at this time. Ms. Diamond stated that Rowlett Road will also serve to accommodate the reverse Flow traffic from Ridgeview to S.H. 121. The required park dedication and open space were discussed. The exact acres of park dedication and open space will be determined by the density approved. Commissioner Kelley suggested removing the landscape buffer along the north boundary until the platting process is considered in order to work with the alignment of Rowlett Road Mr. Young indicated that if Rowlett Road is located on the north boundary of their property, he would request removal of the landscape easement. Chairman Fulk requested specific comments and concerns of each of the Commissioners 1 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 7 Public Hearing Texas Land & Building Company (Cont 1 (Agenda Item III) Jeff Kelley - 1. Had a problem with zoning the Special District area to residential: however, economic impact to the developer might allow some flexibility because of the infrastructure costs of Ridgeview 2. Alignment of the existing Rowlett Road is a concern. He would prefer language regarding the landscape buffer indicating it would be reduced by the amount of right-of-way to be dedicated for Rowlett Road if it is located here. 3. The use of mini -warehouses is a concern; however, location of the Plano transfer station is some concern. 4. He would like to consider multi -family on Tract IV 5. Tract I is okay 6. Tract 11 is okay 7 Density is a concern for the school system; however, information from AISD (B. Curtis) indicates this is not a problem. Pamela Smith* 1. Her comments stand as indicated earlier Susan Bartlemay L Has concerns regarding tract IV, however, understands the expense of constructing Ridgeview 2 She would like to reduce the density in Tract V 3 Tract III, multi -family, is okay 4 Tract IV, shopping center, would be better as Garden Office. 5 Tract III is okay as shopping center or local retail. Jeff McGregor: 1. Has a concern with trading commercial for residential in Tract V 2. Tracts III and IV should be local retail. 3. Tract V could be used as a campus setting in the Special District PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 Public Hearing Texas Land & Building Company (Cont.) Ross Obermeyer: 1. The density is a concern; losing the commercial is a problem. 2. Local retail should be assigned rather than shopping center. 3 The multi -family is okay 4 Rowlett Road should run along the north property line. 5. He cannot support Tract V as single-family PAGE 8 (Agenda Item HI) Ken Fulk: 1 The landscape buffer should be reduced if Rowlett Road is needed along the north property line. 2 He is concerned regarding loss of the commercial to residential north of Ridgeview 3 Regarding the traffic consultant's recommendations, Rowlett Road is probably needed along the north boundary 4 In Tract IV, he would recommend smaller acreage or local retail and garden office or multi- family 5. Tract lI is okay for multi -family The AISD representative indicated that it will not overburden the District. 6. The open space requirement needs to be met. 7 He is opposed to allowing mini -warehouses in the shopping center district. 8. The intersection at Custer and Ridgeview is appropriate for service stations. 9 The Comprehensive Plan calls for Ridgeview in this location and for corridor commercial north of Ridgeview Mr. Young indicated he was willing to work with the Commission on the above issues, and Chairman Fulk suggested the request might be tabled to allow the proponent an opportunity to revise the request. The Commission, however, offered to spend more time with the proponent at this meeting. Mr. Young indicated he would like to leave the single-family in Tract V, however, would be willing to work on the other issues. He stated that they are willing to note that if Rowlett Road is determined, among the four property owners and the City, to be needed along the north boundary of this property, they would agree to that, they would request it not be tied to the zoning at this time. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 9 Public Hearing Texas Land &. Building Co=my (Cont.) Benda Item III) Mr. Young further stated that he would like to have the remainder of Tract V remain single-family They are requesting 4.5 units per acre; are willing to reduce that to 4 units per acre. He added that Tracts III and IV be left as is with the removal of mini -warehouse as a use on Tract IV With regard to the landscape buffer issue, he was agreeable to 50 feet, either right-of-way or buffer, or a combination of the two. He stated that the open space and park requirements will be met. He suggested that the shape and size of Tract IV is not appropriate for multi -family They will work with the AISD regarding a school site. He suggested that Tract IV would allow garden office uses in the shopping center. They are willing to show the eastern portion as local retail and leave the western portion, adjacent to Custer Road as shopping center The Commission discussed the fact that any service station use would require an additional zoning request for a Specific Use Permit. Mr. Young indicated that he would desire to leave Tract IV as shopping center, while identifying the specific uses that would be acceptable to the Commission. Chairman Fulk suggested that the proponent review the concerns of the Commission, and Mr. Young requested that the proposal be tabled. Commissioner Smith discussed Tract V and whether the proponent had considered leaving the corridor commercial across the northern portion of this tract. Chairman Folk further indicated that open space is shown as desirable along flood plain or adjacent to parkland. He would request language indicating that the open space will be located adjacent to the flood plain or park land. Commissioner Smith indicated that if commercial were considered in the northern portion of Tract V, it would reduce the single-family density considerably Chairman Fulk suggested that locating the proposed park be adjacent to Custer Road is not necessarily appropriate; he would prefer it be located along a residential collector adjacent to the flood plain or in connection with the school site MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table the request until the next meeting. Further discussion was held on the request and Commissioner Kelley indicated he felt if Tract V were residential, the location for the park was appropriate. 11 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 10 Preliminary Plat Suncreek Crossine (Agenda Item IV) Chairman Fulk read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval for Suncreek Crossing for Tatum Othel, Ltd., being 6.3064 acres of land in the Josh Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, and the J. H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located on Tatum Drive south of McDermott Drive " Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission This preliminary plat is in conformance with the approved zoning on the property It includes seven lots which are just under 1 acre in size each. The lots front to both Tamm Drive and Suncreek Drive, and driveways will be shared between each 2 lots. Staff is suggesting that in order to protect future purchasers, the developer be required to complete the driveway aprons with the street improvements. The mutual access easement for these shared drives is 12 feet. Chairman Folk questioned where the trash pickup will be done and was advised it will be at the front street. Mr. Jeff Miles, Jones & Boyd, indicated that the easements were shown on the plat; but they are requesting the shared drive be removed from Lot 3. Lots 1 and 2 would shared; lot 3 would have its own. Regarding completion of the drive approaches at the time of development, they would request that these be done when building permits are issued. The first house permitted would be required to complete both sides of the approach. There are no trees on the property MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Smith, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat as requested with the modification that Lot I would have a single drive approach, and the dual approaches would be constructed at the time the building permits were issued OTHER BUSINESS: Ms. Diamond reviewed the tentative agenda. Ms. Diamond reviewed the recently attended COG seminar. Chairman Falk discussed the possibility of scheduling a workshop or briefing session prior to their meetings in order to clear up any administrative questions the Commissioners might have This meeting could be scheduled for 6:45 p in. or 7 00 p.m. Staff was requested to review this suggestion with Mr Bill Petty, Director of Community Development. I I V PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1997 ADJOURN: PAGE 11 MOTION, Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the April 10, 1997, meeting at 10:30 p.m. These minutes approved this q �7` day of (,L,a�y,,,y , 1997 Jeffery Ke y, Vice -Chairman o e ever, Secretary