HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 04/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
April 24, 1997
Commission Members Present
Jeffery Kelley, Vice -Chairman
Susan Bartlemay
Pamela Smith
Ross Obermeyer, Secretary
Jeff McGregor
Bruce Heller
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Sally Leeper, Adria strative Assistant
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order at 7:30 p.m, by Chairman Kelley at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic
Plaza, Allen, Texas.
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 2
Consent Agenda (Agenda Item 11)
Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows:
Consent Agenda
A. Approve minutes of April 10, 1997, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Smith, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Tomlin Properties (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Tomlin Properties to zone 57 703 acres of land
located in the J J Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, from
Agriculture -Open Space to Planned Development -Shopping Center and Planned Development -
Residential; further described as being located at the southeast corner of Stacy Road and
Ms Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The request represents a decrease in density to
3.0 from the previous request, and an increase in the Shopping Center acreage. The proposal includes
two options for the location of the open space. The proponent has met with the homeowners in
Fairmeadow Addition regarding access via Goodman Drive, and the location of the open space. The
proponent has prepared a new exhibit based on their visits with the adjacent homeowners. The concept
plan which was provided is for information purposes only The proposal is in general accordance with
the Comprehensive Plan, except that the density exceeds the Comprehensive Plan by 45 units.
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Mr. Robert Porter, Cummings & Pewitt, indicated that they have met with the property owners to the
east, and it was determined through those meetings that Goodman Drive should remain open. They
have agreed to dedicate that roadway as right-of-way Open space is shown to be located either at the
southeast corner or in the center of the development, as well as a 20 -foot landscape buffer located
between the shopping center tract and the residential tract. The lot layout will be considered during the
preliminary plat process.
Mr. Robert Poster, Superintendent, Lovejoy Independent School District, indicated that this
development will add approximately 20% to their student population They are currently in the facility
planning process and this represents a large increase. They requested additional lead time regarding
zoning cases in their district in the future.
Mr. Gene Scott, 1804 Greenmeadow, Circle, representing the homeowners in Fairmeadow Addition,
indicated that they support: 1) 3 units per acre; 2) Goodman Drive; 3) Open space located at the
southeast corner of the development He expressed appreciation to the Commission, staff, and the
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 3
proponent for allowing them to be a part of the process
Mr. Ken Krogerns, 1802 Stacy Road, expressed support to the Fairmeadow residents for Goodman
Drive to remain, and opposed the shopping center tract, as he felt there was not a need at this time.
Mr Scott Albert, Town Administrator, Town of Fairview, indicated he had addressed a letter to the
Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council; however the Commissioners indicated they had
not received it. He indicated that the City of Allen's Comprehensive Plan indicates 2.2 units per acre
for this property He expressed concern regarding the schools and traffic. He requested a multi -
jurisdictional plan along Stacy Road between the Town of Fairview and the City of Allen.
Mr. Brett Simonson, Fairview resident, expressed the same concerns as Mr. Albert.
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public
Commissioner Bartlemay discussed the open space shown on the proposal. The acreage shown to be
dedicated is over and above that which is required. She questioned whether our traffic consultant had
reviewed the request. Ms. Diamond indicated that the City's consultant has reviewed the request and
has no problems. She stated that it was appropriate that Goodman Drive be maintained
Commissioner Obermeyer questioned details regarding Goodman Drive. Mr. Porter explained that
Goodman Drive at this time is an access easement, and has been maintained by the Fairmeadow
homeowners. This easement is on Mr. Tomlin's property They propose to dedicate this easement to
the City as a right-of-way Construction of the roadway is under discussion at this time They are
planning a street through the addition to provide access for the Fairmeadow homeowners.
There was discussion as to the proponent's constructing Goodman Drive. Mr. Porter added that the
City's Engineering Department had advised that if they do not front lots to Goodman Drive they would
not be required to construct the roadway Mr. George Conner indicated that there had been
considerable discussion regarding this issue. If they are going to dedicate it as a right-of-way, the
Subdivision Ordinance would require that they construct it. If it is left as an easement, construction
might not be required. Ms. Diamond indicated that she agreed that if Goodman Drive provides access
to this property, then it needs to be improved. This would be a part of the preliminary plat process.
Mr. Porter added that there will be a 50 -foot easement or right-of-way allowed for Goodman Drive.
The Commission expressed concern that Goodman Drive needs to be improved. Commissioner
Obermeyer asked Mr. Scott what his understanding was regarding the improvement of Goodman
Drive. He stated that they supported the reconstruction of Goodman Drive. He feels that if the road is
to be dedicated to the City, it should be improved
It was clarified that the request as submitted indicates Goodman Drive to be a utility easement only
Commissioner Heller discussed the planned development process and the fact that this allows certain
stipulations to be placed on the property He indicated a strong desire for a commitment for an
improved street. Mr. Porter indicated that they are dedicating an additional 60 feet of right-of-way for
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 4
the expansion of Malone Road to allow for realignment of F.M. 2551.
Commissioner Smith questioned whether the density factor included the right-of-way, and staff
responded yes. Commissioner Bartlemay questioned the shopping center tract. Although it is shown in
the Comprehensive Plan to be located here, it has increased from 9.1 acres to 11.6 acres (.6 acres is
the Goodman Drive right-of-way) It was noted that this increase resulted from the removal of single
family lots in this area. This allows for a lower density as requested by the Commission.
Commissioner Smith questioned whether the proponent would agree, if they access Goodman Drive, to
dedicate and improve the road. If they do not open up to it, it would remain an access easement. Mr.
Porter stated that if they do not connect to Goodman Drive, it will remain an access easement.
At this time, Mr Dan Tomlin, 111, indicated that he will improve Goodman Drive and made this a part
of the request.
Commissioner Obermeyer expressed concern that Lovejoy ISD was not aware at an earlier date of this
Commissioner Smith questioned Mr. Poster whether this entire development is located within the
Lovejoy ISD and he indicated it was. Commissioner Smith requested continuation regarding the open
space; it had been noted as 3.7 acres and is now shown as 2.1 acres. She noted that the required
acreage is 1 6 This was a result of adding Goodman Drive.
Commissioner McGregor indicated that Councilman Ken Fulk had expressed a concern that a concept
plan had been provided that indicated alleys located along Malone Road, and the Commission provided
direction that this should not be done. Mr. Porter indicated that there will not be alleys in this
Commissioner Obermeyer indicated that he was in favor of placing the open space at the southeast
corner of the property
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted
with the stipulation that the proponent will dedicate and improve Goodman Drive, and
that the open space shown will remain at the southeast corner of the property
Preliminary Plat
Allen Station Park (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat for the City of Allen for Allen Station Park,
being 116.243 acres of land situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, Henry
Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, James Read Survey, Abstract No 758, Lewis Weisel
Survey, Abstract No 978, Peter Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 990, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located south of Exchange Parkway and east of
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 5
Cottonwood Creek."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This plat represents 108 acres planned for a
major park facility for the City of Allen. The next agenda item is for the final plat for the same tract.
All requirements of the City are met
Mr. Aubrey Adcock, Hewitt-Zollars, discussed the request. It contains 5 large lots: the first is flood
plain and contains the historic dam. There will be a hike and bike path leading to the dam. Cedar
Drive is included on this plat. It extends from Exchange to the south boundary of the park. It has a
variable width right-of-way Station Park Drive is included as an east/west connector street to the
school property This includes property designed for baseball and softball fields, and parking lots.
Easements and fire lanes are included. Cedar Drive continues to the south and crosses Cottonwood
Creek. They will be improving Cedar Drive to Main Street.
This plat abandons a portion of Dogwood north of St. Mary's. Soccer fields will be located in that
area. He indicated that St. Mary's Drive will include 30 feet of right-of-way dedication for future
reconstruction. The remainder of this roadway is prescriptive right-of-way Mr. Conner indicated that
the City has been maintaining this right-of-way for many years. The Commission expressed concern
regarding the need for the remainder of St Mary's Drive right-of-way to be dedicated.
Commissioner Kelley questioned details of the flood plain and Mr. Conner indicated it was completed
by LLG prior to the City's purchase of the land, and was in accordance with the City's requirements.
Commissioner Obermeyer expressed concern about St. Mary's Drive, but felt that the City staff could
work with this issue. Commissioner Heller indicated that he felt this facility will not serve the soccer
fields well.
Mr. Colmer indicated that in order to obtain the right-of-way the City would have to purchase it; if the
land is redeveloped, it will be dedicated. He indicated that if this were a private developer, they would
be required to improve the road and construct two lanes on their side.
Commissioner Bartlemay indicated that she understood there was some concern at the Council that
Cedar Drive may not be wide enough to handle the necessary traffic. She concurred that St. Mary's
Drive is a one -lane road. Mr. Conner indicated that his department would be able to improve the city's
side if necessary He has the authority to improve prescriptive right-of-way Commissioner Heller
indicated that he is not comfortable with the status of St. Mary's Drive He felt this problem should be
resolved before it becomes serious.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obenneyer and a second by Commissioner
McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary
plat for Allen Station Park as presented.
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 6
Final Plat
Allen Station Park (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider Final Plat for Allen Station Park, being 116.243 acres of land
situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract
No. 1026, James Read Survey, Abstract No. 758, Lewis Weisel Survey, Abstract No.
978, Peter Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 990, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located south of Exchange Parkway and east of Cottonwood
Ms. Diamond indicated that the final plat is in conformance with the recently approved preliminary
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat
for Allen Station Park.
Preliminary Plat
Woods of Allen Heights (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat for Horri Investments Corporation for
Woods of Allen Heights, being 5.2281 acres of land out of the George W Ford
Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as
being located south of Park Place and west of Allen Heights Drive."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. It represents 20 lots and is in accordance with
the approved zoning. The required open space is included along Allen Heights Drive. The proposal
meets all the City requirements and staff recommends approval. A tree survey has been included for
Mr. Robert Porter, Cummings & Pewitt, discussed the request. Landscaped open space is indicated
along Allen Heights Drive Pavestone is shown in the cul-de-sac as requested by the Fire Marshal.
Trees will be saved wherever possible within this development. Some of the trees may be removed
with constmction of the homes. Drainage issues have been addressed.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Smith and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat for the
Woods of Allen Heights as presented.
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 7
Tabled Item
Texas Land & Building Company (Agenda Item IID
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request by the Texas Land and Building Company for Gulf Coast
Package, Ltd., to rezone 180 661 acres of land located in the Shadrick Jackson Survey,
Abstract No. 489 and the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, from Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) to Flood Plain -Planned Development with
Single-family Residential, Multi -family Residential, Corridor Commercial, Shopping Center,
and Community Facilities uses."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item VII from the table.
Ms. Diamond reviewed the specific changes that have been made to the request since the last meeting.
Tracts III and IV were Shopping Center and are now Local Retail with specific uses identified. No
miniwarehouses are being requested; however, restaurants with drive-in and drive-through are being
requested by right and private club by SUP are included. The extension of Rowlett Road, a 50 -foot
landscape, or a combination of one to the other is noted. The density in Tract V is reduced to 4 units
per acre. This exceed the Comprehensive Plan by the total of Tract V and 23 units in Tract Vi.
Mr. Curtis Young indicated that they were hesitant to eliminate the Shopping Center in Tracts III and
IV, however, were agreeable to the Local Retail with the additional restaurant uses. Commissioner
Smith expressed concern regarding the elimination of the Corridor Commercial from the
Comprehensive Plan, and the burden being placed on the Allen Independent School District. She
discussed the long-range planning needs of the City She indicated she is opposed to elimination of the
Corridor Commercial north of Ridgeview
Commissioner Heller indicated that the minutes of the last meeting had indicated that the AISD was not
concerned with the impact of this proposed development on the schools He has a concern regarding
the need for Corridor Commercial to front S H. 121 or U.S. 75. He feels the Comprehensive Plan is a
guide only, and the Commercial land is not necessary so far south of S.H. 121. He discussed the fact
that so much development has occurred to the north in McKinney, and skipped over Allen. He noted
that the topography north of Ridgeview is not appropriate for warehouse use. He suggested that
possibly office would not be the highest and best use. He is not extremely concerned about Tract V
being residential. The park is appropriate. The proponent would be required to construct two lanes on
each side of Ridgeview He feels the construction of the infrastructure would be an asset to the City
Commissioner Obermeyer indicated that he agrees somewhat with Commissioner Heller; however,
does not feel positive about residential north of Ridgeview The multi -family is appropriate. He does
not feel that the AISD really desires a school on this property; but would accept it. He is not agreeable
to residential on Tract V north of Ridgeview
Chairman Kelley agreed with Commissioners Smith and Obermeyer. He was in agreement with the
proposal except Tract V He noted recent direction given by the City Council.
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 8
Commissioner Bartlemay indicated that she felt the City would not benefit sufficiently from the
remainder of the development to allow the residential on Tract V She stated that the Commercial on
the McKinney side of S.H. 121 is deeper than on the Allen side. She stated she would be opposed to
the request on Tract V
Chairman Kelley indicated that he feels that Tract V would be appropriate for the residential as
proposed because of the topography of the land. He noted the amenities to be offered to the
community would be positive, as well as the infrastructure being provided to the City He discussed
the proposed Rowlett Road, Alternate No. 2, as proposed by the traffic consultant, and suggested that
this alignment would allow for a compromise with Commercial in the northeast corner of Tract V The
park would be a great benefit to the residential development.
The Commission discussed the possible need for construction of Ridgeview Drive in order to additional
development to occur to the east. The in burden of residential vs. Commercial was discussed.
Commissioner Heller questioned the anticipated value of the homes that would be constructed on Tract
V, and the proponent indicated this was not determined at this time; however, anticipated it would
probably be in a range of $120,000 to $175,000. Commissioner Bartlemay indicated that if the
Commercial is replaced by residential in Tract V, then ultimately the Commercial acreage will need to
be replaced somewhere else in the City She could agree to some amount of residential in Tract V, but
not the entire tract. She added that the multi -family is shown as more dense that desired. She noted
that Rowlett Road needs to be located on the north boundary line of the property
The proponent indicated that they are agreeable to locating Rowlett Road on the north boundary line or
wherever the traffic consultant dictates after the appropriate studies are completed.
Mr. Young discussed the fact that Corridor Commercial zoning does not dictate that the development
will occur. Market conditions must be right for the development. He discussed the fact that the
Comprehensive Plan should be used as a guide only He discussed the fact that they do not own the
property along S.H. 121, and therefore cannot spread the development costs. Rowlett Creek goes
through their property, eliminating their possible exposure to Custer Road. He does not feel that a
street is the appropriate buffer between the commercial and residential uses. He prefers to use the
park, lake, and landscape buffer as proposed. He added that the topography is not appropriate for
commercial development. Mr. Young indicated that Tract VI alone would not support construction of
Ridgeview Drive. He discussed the cost of the bridge crossing Rowlett Creek.
Commissioner Heller reviewed Plat 3 of the Comprehensive Plan. It shows commercial at the
interchanges only, and this area is indicated as Special District 1. The description of Special District I
was reviewed.
The Commission further discussed the need for commercial property, and the status of the Millennium
Business Park.
Commissioner Bartlemay further indicated she was amenable to a compromise on Tract V
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 9
Commissioner Smith questioned staff regarding the stature of our neighboring cities regarding the
development of the S.H. 121 corridor. Ms. Diamond noted that their commercial depth is more
shallow to some areas than our neighboring cities. She stated that a 1200 -foot depth is being
considered as the appropriate depth for this corridor.
Commissioner Heller further discussed the topography of the land and that it would not be appropriate
for commercial development. The Millennium Business Park has been sold at low market value with
tax abatements given. He is concerned that the City will end up with a low grade of commercial
development along this corridor
Commissioner Obermeyer questioned whether the opponent was willing to compromise on Tract V and
Mr. Young indicated he did not feel there was a rational plan to change the proposal He requested
that the proposal be tabled to allow further study
Commissioner Heller suggested that the proponent be given specific direction from each of the
Commissioners regarding Tract V They responded as follows:
Commissioner Bartlemay, she would accept some residential on Tract V if lower density was granted
in the multi -family, additional commercial should be included on Tract V
Commissioner McGregor: opposed to total residential in Tract V Would prefer to see approximately
half as commercial. He suggested using the lake on the residential property and divide the tract.
Chairman Obermeyec Tract V should be commercial. It could be smaller if Rtdgeview could be
moved to the north.
Commissioner Heller: Tract V as shown with residential is OK
Commissioner Smith: referred to Table 15 in the Comprehensive Plan and discussed the comparison of
revenues and operating costs. She is opposed to residential in Tract V
Chairman Kelley, He feels that Tract V would be appropriate for residential development. He felt a
compromise would be considered by the Commission.
Mr. Young suggested that they would be willing to work on a compromise and requested the proposal
be tabled.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner
McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item VII.
APRIL 24, 1997 PAGE 10
Ms. Diamond reviewed the tentative agenda. Mr. Conner discussed road construction issues
Commissioner Heller indicated that he is constructing a home outside the City, and his workload has
been extremely heavy recently Therefore, he has requested that the Council consider his replacement.
Commissioner Obermeyer suggested that the Chairman discuss this with the Council.
Commissioner Heller suggested planning a reception for Ken Fulk as he has been appointed to the City
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Heller,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the April 24, 1997, meeting
at 10:15 p.m.
These minutes approved this R day of , 1997
�Jefey lhai
.� Ros bermeyer, Secretary