HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 06/12 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
June 12, 1997
Commission Members Present,
Jeffery Kelley. Vice -Chairman
Susan Bartlemas
Pamela Smith
Roan Obermeyer, Secretary
Jeff McGregor
Bruce Heller
Mark Pacheco
Commission Members Absent
LCtv Staff Present
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
Dan Tracv, Civil Engineer
With a quorum of the CommlSslonera present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Kelley at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic
Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Chairman Kelley introduced and welcomed Mark Pacheco to the Commission.
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 2
Consent Agenda (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda Into the record as follows
Consent Agenda
A Approve Minutes of May 22, 1997
Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for City of Allen for Dedication plat of
Custer Road right-of-way, being 0 0691 acres of land south of McDermott Drive,
further described as being located adjacent to the City of Allen water tower site in the
Custer Hill Addition.
Replat - Consider Replat approval for Allen Economic Development Corporation for
13 123 acres being Lot IR, Block 3 of Millennium Business Park; further described as
being located at the southeast comer of Century Parkway and the future extension of
Butler Drive
MOTION* Upon a motion by Commissioner Smith and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the
C ontmission toted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
Density Report (Agenda Item 111)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows.
"Discussion of Deusrty Report by Staff"
Mr Petty indicated that the report provided to the Commissioners in their packet includes information
regarding development of the City as It exists today compared to the proposed tables in the
Comprehensive Plan Existing density city-wide is 3.5 net of Flood plain. This report was previously
provided to the City Council, and further discussed with the Development Standing Committee at their
meeting on June I oth It was the consensus of the Development Standing Committee that density figures
should be viewed from the standpoint of net acres (developable land). They indicated that they would
dISCUSS Nvrth the full Council the possibility of a joint workshop with the Commission to review this
Mr. Petty reviewed the information provided in this report regarding house sizes in comparison to those
proposed in the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr Petty indicated that staff Is reviewing the information received from the 1997 Comprehensive Plan
Survey Of the 1611 surveys mailed, 662 (41%) were returned He added that the Commission will be
asked to make recommendations for the update of the Comprehensive Plan and will be using this data to
make those recommendations He discussed the fact that the Comprehensive Plan is intended to be used
as a guide, with zoning applied in general conformance to the Plan.
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 3
Mr Petty indicated that staff will be bringing forward a recommendation to review the Temporary Use
Permit section of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to the possibility of limiting the size, restricting the
uses, and addressing the time limits Mr Pettv indicated that he will be discussing this issue with the
Cit\ Council and possibly requesting a moratorium be placed on the issuance of any further temporary
use permits until this concern is addressed.
Public Hearing
Twin Creeks 5A (Agenda Item IV
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows.
"Public Hearing - Consider a request for a replat of Lots 31, 32, and 33, Block D. Twin
Creeks 5A Addition, being 1 519 acres out of the David M. Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914, in the
City of Allen, Collin County. Texas, further described as being located at the southwest corner of Glen
Rose Ct and Twin Creeks Dr "
Ms. Marcie Diamond presented the request to the Commission. It represents a replat of three lots for
the purpose of reflecting the centerline of the creek between the properties. The creek bisects two lots
at this time
CChairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Mr. Mike Robertson, Carter & Burgess, indicated that the intent of the replat is to incorporate equal
property to the creek on each lot, and establish proper rear yards.
With no one further wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the
public hearing.
Commissioner McGregor discussed the layout of the plan
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Twin Creeks
5A. Lots 31 32, and 33, Block D
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
C E Stewart (Agenda Item VI
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr C. E. Stewart to change the zoning from
Agriculture -Open Space IA -O) to Shopping Center (SC) on 13.696 acres of land situated in the
Michael See Survey, Abstract No 543, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described
as being located south of McDermott Drive and west of Watters Road."
Ms Diamond presented the request to the Commission It includes 13.69 acres of land located at the
corner of McDermott Drive and Watters Road The property is currently zoned Agriculture -Open
Space (A -O) and the request is for Shopping Center (SC) zoning The Comprehensive Plan indicates
that this area should be developed as commercial. A traffic study was prepared and reviewed by the
City'+ traffic consultant All recommendations of the review have been agreed to and will be
accomplished through the platting stages, which will include deceleration lanes for the entrance drive
and southbound Watters from McDermott She added that 6 'h acres of retail are available in this
neighborhood district, however, the surrounding land uses indicate that this property is appropriate for
commercial development
Mr C E. Stewart, 17290 Preston Road, Suite 210A, Dallas, TX, reviewed the proposal He stated
�^ that the property was annexed in 1996 as assigned Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) zoning at that time.
i He indicated drat the Comprehensive Plan in 1977 indicated this property was appropriate for
commercial use and has remained on each update as commercial. He indicated that he will be
dedicating 1.358 acres along Watters Road for right-of-way at the time of platting. The property will
net 12.338 acres after the right-of-way dedication. Mr Stewart reviewed the surrounding zoning,
which is shopping center, corridor commercial, office, and commercial.
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Ms Diamond iequested Ms Sally Leeper to read into the record a letter from Mr Philip Wiggins,
Stratford Company, in support of the request This letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public
Commissioner Bartlemay questioned staff as to whether a city-wide report on commercial acres existing
compared to the Comprehensive Plan was available and Ms Diamond advised that it was not
Commissioner Bartlemav indicated that he felt this property was appropriate for commercial use, even
though it exceeds the limits established in the Comprehensive Plan for this neighborhood district.
Commissioners discussed the possibility of assigning a portion of the property Office zoning and Ms.
Diamond indicated that office uses are permitted in Shopping Center. Discussion was further held
regarding the traffic study and the use of A.M. peak hours. Danny Cummings, Cummings & Pewitt,
indicated that the study had indicated that the A.M. peak hour trips would be higher at this location
than the P M. peak hour trips
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 5
Commissioner Pacheco discussed the need for right-of-way on McDermott, and questioned whether a
median break is planned for this property Ms Diamond indicated that one will be provided toward
the western end of the property
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for Shopping
Center for Mr C E. Stewart.
I The request generally conforms to the Comprehensive Plan.
2 The request is compatible with adjacent uses
3 The request conforms with traffic study recommendations.
Final Plat
Glendover Park Phase I (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda nem into the record as follows
"Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for Glendover Park Phase I for D R. Horton -
Texas Ltd , being 30.175 acres out of the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No 812, City of
Allen, Collin County Texas; further described as being located north of Exchange Parkway
and west of Alma Drive "
Ms Diamond presented the final plat to the Commission She indicated that this plat would have been
on the Consent Agenda except staff is requesting that the Commission direct staff to hold a
Development Permit until the facilities agreement is consummated, the engineering for the off-site
improvements is completed, and the right-of-way is dedicated for the off-site roads, Alma and
The Commission discussed the problems associated with approving a plat under these conditions. Mr.
Gordon Jones, Horton Homes, explained that the facilities agreement has been approved by Mr. Bill
Pens, and Mr George Conner and is in the process of being finalized. The right-of-way for Alma
Drive and Exchange Parkwav will be dedicated Mr Dan Tracy indicated that the Engineering
Department is in agreement with this process. Commissioners Obermeyer, Heller, and Smith indicated
that then would agree to approval of the plat however, they indicated that this is not an appropriate
method to approve plats
Commissioner Pacheco questioned whether these off-site improvements were going to provide the
necessary public access to the property and Mr Jones indicated that they will.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartemay and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Final Plat for Glendover
Park Phase I
1 A des, elopment permit should not be issued until the facilities agreement is consummated,
engineering n completed for the off-site improvements, and the off-site rights-of-way
2 The Commissioners requested that they not be put in this position in the future
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 6
Preliminary Plat
Custer/MLDermou Addition (Agenda Item VIII
Chairman Kelley read the agenda nem into the record as follows.
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval for Lots 1 through 8, Block A, of the
Custer/McDermott Addition, for Custer/McDermott L.P and Albertson, being 17 457 acres
out of the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
further described as being located at the southeast corner of Custer Road and McDermott
Drive "
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The plat reflects eight lots on 17 457 acres to
accommodate an Alhertsons Shopping Center with associated retail uses She indicated that staff
recommends any motion to approve should include a statement that the final plat be presented with all
eight lots at one nine.
Mr Mike Clark. Wmkleman Associates, discussed the request. He indicated that road plans have been
coordinated with the Cines of Allen and Plano for Custer Road and McDermott He added that they
will agree to final plat the entire property at one time.
Commissioner McGregor questioned the plans for screening between the commercial and residential
property Mr Clark indicated that they will be providing screening as required by the Zoning
Commissioner Bartlemay reviewed the tree survey and questioned whether any of the trees shown will
be maintained on the property Mr Clark indicated the most of the trees are unprotected and will not
be saved because of the topography of the site.
Ms. Diamond indicated that the appropriate right-of-way is being dedicated for Custer Road, and that
median breaks on Custer are coordinated with the City of Plano.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 7 FOR and O OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary
Plat for Custer/McDermott Addition
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 7
Prelimmary Plat
Allen/Celina Phases 11. Ltd (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval for Allen/Celina Phase 11. Ltd for
8 747 acres being Lot 1, Block 1, Allen Office Center Addition, situated in the William Perrin
Survey, Abstract No 708, and Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, further described as being located at the southeast corner of U S 75 and
Bethany Drive "
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. A final plat will be presented to the
Commission in the near future. The traffic consultant has reviewed this plat and recommendations are
being accomplished. Additional right-of-way on Bethany and the frontage road of U.S. 75 is being
provided to allow for deceleration lanes
Mr Dave Littleton, Half Associates, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Heller discussed
easements. fire lanes, and drive lanes Mr Littleton indicated that the final plat may be modified to
represent the alternate fire lanes shown on the preliminary plat There are no drives to the frontage
road. The Fire Marshal has approved the fire lane turn-arounds.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat for Allen
Office Center
Tabled Item
Texas Land & Buddmg (Agenda Item IX)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request by the Texas Land and Budding Company for Gulf Coast
Package, Ltd., to rezone 180.661 acres of land located in the Shadrick Jackson Survey,
Abstract No 489 and the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No 347, City of Allen, Collin
County. Texas, from Agriculture-Open Space (A-O) to Flood Plain-Planned Development with
Single -family Residential, Multi-family Residential, Corridor Commercial, Shopping Center,
and Communnv Facilities uses "
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the
Commission Noted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item IN from the table
Ms Diamond reviewed the changes to the request as submitted this week Two alternates have been
submitted. Alternate A-3 includes the realignment of Rowlett Road to the south, midway across the
Property connecting to Ridgev ew, with Corridor Commercial on both sides, and the remaining tract for
single farad, flus reduces the single family units by approximately 100 Alternate A-4 proposes a
realignment of RidgeNiew to the existing alignment of Rowlett This proposal increases the multi-family
by 240 units, and increases the single fanuly by 47 units.
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 8
Ms. Diamond indicated that staff was concerned with any possible realignment of Ridgeview because of
the need to maintain full access to maintain the NTMWD line and because of the connection to
Ridgeview in the City of Plano She indicated that the request is not in conformance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Heller discussed plan A-4 and the distance from Rowlett (new Ridgeview) from S.H. 121.
He was advised that it is approximately 850 feet, which would allow for a median cut.
Mr. Curtis Y Ming, Peckam-Young, Inc. discussed the request with the Commission. He indicated that he
feels plan A-3 is the best plan (Ridgeview in its existing location with a reduction of single family to the
north). He stated that they continue to feel that the Rowlett Creek corridor should be available to
residential development He discussed plan A-4, which reflects a realignment of Ridgeview, and
indicated that access to the existing NTMWD easement will be provided. He stated that they have
discussed plans for Ridgeview in the City of Plano. It is planned to extend to Coit and turn north to
intersect and end at S.H 121 This plan would save the cost of a bridge over the creek, and indicated that
because of this savings, they would agree to construct at their expense the City's portion of Ridgeview at
the new location. This plan increases the size of the park to accommodate the increased single family
Commissioner Smith indicated that she was not in favor of realignment of Ridgeview Drive.
i Commissioner Hartlemay questioned the location shown for Rowlett Road and expressed concern that it
is not shown to connect to the east She discussed the amount of savings the plan affords the developer.
Commissioner McGregor indicated that he was not in favor of the proposal to alignment Ridgeview and
increasing the multi -family He is more comfortable with Plan A-3, which reduces the single family
north of Ridgeview. He agreed that the park is appropriate next to the residential. He is supportive of
Plan A-3.
Commissioner Heller indicated his support for Plan A-3 and general support for Plan A-4
Commissioner Smith requested staff to review the Comprehensive Plan intentions for this area and the
plans for the S H. 121 corridor Ms. Diamond indicated that this property is included in the Special
District along S.H 121, which is planned for Corridor Commercial uses She discussed the fact that staff
has been working with adjoining cities in an effort to preserve this corridor for the future development of
S.H. 121. She further reviewed the letter received from the Mixon property owners during the public
hearing requesting that Rowlett Road remain in place along their boundary
Commissioner Smith reviewed the traffic consultant's comments regarding the need to leave Rowlett
Road in in location.
Commissioncr Pacheco questioned whether the proponent had a specific plan they are requesting
approval foi and Mr Young indicated they would be comfortable with either plan He expressed a
concern with Plan A-3 whereb} the park is surrounded mostly by Corridor Commercial He indicated he
would be in favor of the nmlt -fam ly and recognized that the creek was appropriate adjacent to the
JUNE 12, 1997 PAGE 9
emgle fanuh
Mr Young indicated the park is at this location in order to maintain the existing ponds and the trees.
Chairman Kelley indicated that he feels that Plan A-3 is an improvement to the request, however, he
feels it is adt erre to the Coinprehensive Plan m that it em inates much of the Corridor Commercial. He
indicated that the entire area being Corridor Commercial may be excessive, and he would be in favor of
Plan A-3 He expressed some concern regarding buffering the residential from the Corridor Commercial.
With regard to Plan A-4, he agreed with the suggestion of fewer bridge crossings.
Commissioner Bartlemay discussed the proposed residential density Tracts 5C and 6 are shown to be 4
units per a,re She questioned whether the proponent would be willing to reduce that overall density to
3 5 or 3.7 units per acre Mr Young indicated that Tracts 5C and 6 average density could be lowered to
3 7 units per net acre.
Commissioner Heller questioned the possibility of expanding the park to allow additional acreage around
the pond Mr. Young indicated that this could be possible. Commissioner Heller indicated that this
would increase the park and the Corridor Commercial, and reduce the residential.
Commissioner Obermeyer indicated that he continues to be opposed to the single family north of
Ridgeview He indicated the pond area could be used as a business park rather than a City park.
El Commissioner Smith questioned whether any development standards were proposed and Ms. Diamond
indicated that there were none with the current submission at this time. The original development
standards onuld need to be modified She discussed the 90 -day requirement for forwarding a decision to
the Council
The Commissioners made the following closing comments:
Commissioner Pacheco feels that additional revisions should be made to the proposal.
Commissioner Smnh: indicated she was opposed to the request.
Commissioner Heller indicated the Comprehensive Plan is a guide only, and is in support of Plan A-3.
Commissioner ( )bermever indicated he had no additional comments
Commissioner McGregor: indicated he would support Plan A-3
Commissioner Bartlemay indicated she would support Plan A-3 with the provision that the residential
densrtv be shown as 3.7 net.
Commissioner McGregor: had no additional comments.
JUNE 12, 1997
Mr. Young expressed a desire to receive specific direction from the Commission so that they could
proceed with coin pletion of the development standards. Chairman Kelley indicated he feels a majority of
the Commission would be in favor of Plan A-3, with some reconfiguration of the part. Mr. Young
indicated he understands that the density should be reduced to 3 7 and the area and use regulations
remain as previously submitted with the changes to the tract descriptions
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and I OPPOSED, with Commissioner Smith opposed, to table
the request to the June 26, 1997, meeting.
Ms. Diamond reviewed the comments made earlier by Mr. Petty regarding the need to review the
temporary use permit section of the Zoning Ordinance. She further advised that staff will be bringing
forward a i cquest for new and unlisted use of tattoo studio She reviewed the tentative agenda.
MOTION. Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the June 12. 1997, meeting at
10.15 p.m.
These nunutes approved this a� qday of , 1997
JefferyRe eN. Vice -Chairman
Ross Obermeyer, Secretary
SIN Lomo Alto
S.im 205
TdO:( (214) 6W3663 ]5225
E Wli(21g696.3625
F-. (211)6960015
June 4, 1997
The Planning and Zoning Commission
The City of Allen
One Butler Circle
Allen, Texas 75013
Dear Commissioners:
This letter is to inform you that the Allen -Central Partnership is amenable to the shopping
center zoning C. E. Stewart is requesting for his property located at the southwest comer of future
Watters Road and McDermott Road in Allen, Texas. I am the President of the company that is the
General Partner of Allen -Central, Ltd., which is the owner of property both south and east of Mr.
Stewart's property.
If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to call.
Phi lip -F. �Wiggins
" m ,m „ M m . .x I—, wrR , ,e.o ,.d .m.w , r111 m., o.wm It ..—