HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 06/26 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
June 26, 1997
Commission Members Present:
Jeffery Kelley, Vice -Chairman
Susan Bartlemay (arrived 7:32 p.m.)
Pamela Smith
Ross Obermeyer, Secretary
Jeff McGregor
Bruce Heller (left (8:48 p.m.)
Mark Pacheco
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order at 7:30 p.m by Chairman Kelley at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic
Plaza, Allen, Texas.
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 2
Consent Agenda (Agenda Item ll)
Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows:
Consent Agenda
A. Approve Minutes of June 12, 1997
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner McGregor,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
Tabled Item
Texas Land & Building (Agenda Item 11I)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request by the Texas Land and Building Company for Gulf Coast
Package, Ltd., to rezone 180.661 acres of land located in the Shadrick Jackson Survey,
Abstract No. 489 and the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, from Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) to Flood Plain -Planned Development with
Single-family Residential, Multi -family Residential, Corridor Commercial, Shopping Center,
and Community Facilities uses."
MOTION Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Heller,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Agenda Item III from the
Ms. Marcie Diamond reviewed the changes to the request as submitted. The use and area regulations
have been submitted with Exhibit A-3, Land Use Plan. She noted the following items:
1. Density of residential in Tracts Vc and VI indicate an average of 3 7, which is a reduction in
units from 386 to 265.
2. The park tract has been increased from 6.3 to 9 4 acres.
3. Tract V (Corridor Commercial) is now reduced to 12.7 acres.
4. Tracts III and IV indicate the allowance of a Restaurant/Private Club by Specific Use Permit
(Local Retail)
5. The landscape buffer in the multi -family tract is shown as 20' rather than the 10' required by the
Zoning Ordinance
6. Tract VI is shown with a density of 3.7 units per acre with no fewer than 20% of the lots being
9,000 s.f.
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 3
The Commission discussed the issue of allowing Restaurant/Private Clubs in the Local Retail tract and
reviewed the Commission's direction to change the tract from Shopping Center to Local Retail in order
to eliminate some of the other uses that would have been allowed in Shopping Center. They further
reviewed the direction they had given to the proponent to increase the park area.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner McGregor,
the Commission voted 5 FOR and 2 OPPOSED, with Commissioners Smith and
Obermeyer opposed, to recommend approval of the request as submitted.
I The proposal, although not completely in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan north of
Ridgeview, attempts to comply The residential request is a reasonable compromise for the
infrastructure that the proponent will incur
2. Corridor Commercial in this area would have been a greater depth over what is typical to the
3. The density appears to be consistent with recent staff findings (3.7 units per acre).
4. The topography of the land is compatible with this type of development.
5. The multi -family tract serves as a buffer between Custer and the development to the east of
Rowlett Creek.
6 The proposal provides the opening of Ridgeview for future development.
7 Mr. Bobby Curtis, AISD, had previously indicated that the multi -family and single family
proposed would not adversely affect the school district.
1. Non-compliance with existing Land Use Plan.
2. Comprehensive Plan recommends S H 121 corridor for higher intensity and employment center
type uses (p 3 4 #5)
3. Comprehensive Plan identifies Ridgeview as buffer between S.H. 121 corridor to north and
residential to south P. 3.4 #5).
4. Only 20 residential units allocated for this neighborhood district in Comprehensive Plan (p. 3.14
Table 19)
5. Proposal constitutes excessive density.
26, 1997 PAGE 4
Corridor commercial compatibility with residential identified as very low to Comprehensive
Plan (p. 3.10 Table 18)
Potential future neighborhood conflict due to proximity of Corridor Commercial to residential.
Proposed neighborhood park in non-compliance with Comprehensive Plan recommendations due
to following:
a. location is not central to entire neighborhood.
b. Location adjacent to major thoroughfare
C. Location adjacent to commercial area (p.6.10)
Rowlett Road alignment in non-compliance with transportation engineer's recommendation due
to following
a. uses less existing right-of-way
b. poorer access to adjacent properties
C. less direct traffic routing
Nominal consideration to regional impact; i.e., current staff efforts with adjoining cities to
preserve this corridor for future development of S H 121.
Adverse economic impact on City and school district due to following:
a neither SF nor MF pays for itself with city or school revenues
b. commercial uses provide greatest revenue per dollar of services
c industrial uses generate surplus with school district because they do not generate services
(Comp. Plan p. 2.15 and 2.18 Table 15)
Unfounded benefit to City
Does not satisfy a public need.
Identified by staff as inconsistent with existing zoning patterns.
Unsubstantiated in conceivable or hypothesized factual basis for altering existing land use plan
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 5
Public Hearing
Mr. Quik of Texas (Agenda Item IVl
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows
"Public Hearing - Consider a request by Mr. Quik of Texas, Inc. for a Specific Use Permit for
Gasoline Sales on the front portion of the property, being Lot 2 of Mr. Quik #2 Addition to the
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of S.H. 5 between
Hightrail Drive and Ridgemont Drive. The property is currently zoned Planned Development -
Shopping Center No. 4 "
Ms Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The request is for a Specific Use Permit for
gasoline sales on property that has been vacant for over 10 years. The property will be required to be
brought up to current City codes Ms Diamond discussed the existing and future circulation patterns.
This includes future joint access between this property owner and the owners to the south and north when
S.H. 5 redevelops. Staff and the property owner to the north requests that the Commission include an
amendment to the site plan notation that "the centerline of the drive will be on the common property line
between Dr. Wilson's property and the Mr. Quik property
Commissioner Heller questioned the parking being provided and indicated that the required distance
from the pump island to the nearby parking spaces appears to be insufficient.
Mr. Joe King, 500 West Main, Allen, Texas, addressed this issue and indicated that the pump islands can
be moved to accommodate proper maneuvering space.
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Mr. Don Snyder, 1018 Hawthorne, spoke against the request. He expressed problems with foot traffic
through his property and vandalism on his property when this business was open previously He stated
there is no buffer zone between his property and this property
Ms. Gloria Hazelton, Realtor for this transaction, spoke in favor of the request. She stated that the vacant
property has been a magnet for vandalism and other non-productive activity She indicated that this
would eliminate an existing nuisance The request represents only the front portion of a one -acre lot.
The gasoline sales will be adjacent to S.H. 5. She advised that the gasoline tanks have been approved for
use. She feels the request is compatible with the historical use of the property
With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelly closed the public
The Commission discussed the condition of the gasoline tanks and the possible relocation of the pump
island. Staff was requested to verify that a tanker truck can access the property at this time, and again
when the drives are reconfigured with the development of S.H. 5.
�', Ms. Hazelton indicated that the TNRCC is requiring pressure testing and specific conditions on the
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 6
approval of the tanks, and that the environmental tests have been completed and approved. The
Commission further expressed concern regarding the existing tanks. They were advised that the Fire
Marshal has had no negative comments regarding the site plan. Ms. Hazelton indicated that the tanks
will go through a cathodic process which is a condition of the TNRCC.
The Commission discussed Mr. Snyder's concerns with regard to vandalism and the need for buffering
Mr. Conner discussed the possibilities of fencing behind the property across the drainage easement.
Ms. Hazelton indicated that the shopping center zoning has made the marketing of this property difficult
because the lots are so deep.
The Commission discussed the requirement for screening commercial property from residential. Ms.
Diamond indicated that if the use were adjacent to the single family an 8 -foot screening wall would be
required. Commissioners indicated that the property line of this property is adjacent to the single family
property in that it is platted as a single lot. The Commission discussed the possibility of requiring a
screening wall at the rear of the budding The Zoning Ordinance indicates that the screening wall shall
be placed at the rear property line. Commissioner Heller suggested that staff work with the proponent,
and the homeowner who spoke at the public hearing, to provide a screening wall that would satisfy the
situation. Ms. Hazelton discussed the problems associated with screening along a drainage easement
Ms Diamond indicated that the request had been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC),
however, the site plan will be further reviewed for compliance by the Plan Review Division at the time of
budding permit
The Commission discussed future access to the rear of the property, and Ms. Hazelton indicated that
there is a 30 -foot area available on the south for future access to the rear of the property
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor and a second by Commissioner Obermeyer,
the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for Specific Use
Permit with site plan approval with the following conditions: 1) the centerline of the
south drive cut will be located on the mutual property line a minimum 15 foot width on
each property; 2) when curb cuts are reconstructed with S H. 5 widening, the landscape
area is to be continued; 3) proponent will work with staff and staff will review tanker
truck locations and maneuverability; 4) All TNRCC requirements will be complied
with; 5) the proponent and staff will work with adjacent homeowners to provide proper
screening requirements.
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 7
Preliminary Plat
Enterprises Addition Block 1, Lot ID -1 & ID -2 (Agenda Item V)
Commissioner Mark Pacheco had filed a conflict of interest statement on Agenda Items V and VI and
removed himself from the bench at this time
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Preliminary Plat - Consider Preliminary Plat approval for Intecom, Inc. for Block 1, Lot 1D-
1 and Lot 1D-2 Enterprises Addition No. 2, being 16.254 acres of land out of the Rufus Sewell Survey,
Abstract No. 875, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: further described as being located east of
Enterprise Dr and north of Ridgemont Dr."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This is a 16± acre tract located between
Enterprise and the Southern Pacific Railroad. The preliminary plat represents two lots in Block D
Commissioner McGregor discussed the tree survey and noted that many of the trees shown will be
removed for construction of the pavement areas. Ms. Diamond indicated that they will be replaced in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Commissioner McGregor discussed the drainage easement and Mr Conner indicated that a retention
pond will be located on this property
Mr Allen Greer, Freese & Nichols, addressed the drainage issues and Ms Diamond provided a signed
i copy of a letter from Lyrick Corporation expressing agreement with the drainage issues.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Heller and a second by Commissioner Bartlemay, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat for
Enterprises Addition #2 Block 1, Lot 113-1 and 1D-2.
Final Plat
Enterprises Addition Block 1, Lot 1D-1
(Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Final Plat - Consider Final Plat approval for Intecom, Inc. for Block I, Lot 1D-1 Enterprises
Addition No 2, being 10.571 acres of land out of the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of Enterprise Dr
and north of Ridgemont Dr."
Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This final plat is in conformance with the
previously approved preliminary plat. Off-site drainage issues have been addressed. Mr Dave Noble,
Trammell -Crow, indicated that this proposal represents the final plat for a two-story office budding
Mr. Robert McFarland, Trammell -Crow, indicated that they have met with Lyrick regarding the
drainage issues and the letter from Lyrick is in response to these issues.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Bartlemay and a second by Commissioner Heller, the
Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for final plat for
Enterprises Addition #2, Block 1, Lot ID -1.
JUNE 26, 1997 PAGE 8
Tattoo Studio
New and Unlisted Use (Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"New and Unlisted Use - Consider New and Unlisted Use for Tattoo Studio."
Ms. Diamond presented the issue to the Commission. Staff is recommending a resolution be forwarded
to the City Council indicating that a Tattoo Studio is a new and unlisted use, and allowing it by Specific
Use Permit in General Business Districts and as defined in Planned Developments. The Commission
discussed the distance measurements noted in the proposed resolution, and concluded that the distance
should be noted as 1,000 feet from all specified uses rather than 300 feet from specific uses.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Pacheco,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to forward the proposed Resolution to
City Council with a change to Section 2 to read "1,000 feet for all listed uses "
Staff Direction Regarding Amendments to Zoning Ordmance (Agenda Item VIII)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Provide staff direction regarding possible amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
No. 1425-5-96 and direct staff to set public hearing date."
Ms. Diamond discussed specific concerns regarding temporary sales of seasonal products She provided
a staff proposal of possible amended language to the Temporary Use Permit section of the Zoning
Ordinance regarding seasonal products. In the proposal, temporary sales of seasonal products would be
permitted only by the merchant holding the Certificate of Occupancy on the property. Charitable,
religious, and service organizations are not regulated. Discussion was held that possibly restrictions
should be pm in place that allow certain types of sales. Possible increase in the fee would be appropriate,
with a higher fee for renewals. There was discussion of a possible unfair advantage to established
businesses. Further discussion was held regarding the need to add mobile services, such as MRI
screening trailers, and adding a length of time requirement for that use
Ms. Diamond reviewed two additional proposals, one being the removal of the text in the Purpose
paragraph of the District sections which indicates that a certain density should be achieved in this
district, and the other is to eliminate the requirement for public schools to request a SUP
Commissioner Pacheco indicated that he did not agree that schools are not required to acquire zoning and
requested this be researched further.
Staff was requested to place this item on the next agenda for further discussion.
JUNE 26, 1997
Ms Diamond indicated that the Council has indicated that they will be reconsidering the
Custer/Hedgcoxe 25 -acre zoning request, and will be returning it to the Commission for reconsideration.
The Commission requested that they be provided with copies of the previous Commission minutes and
the City Council minutes, including their findings.
Ms Diamond reviewed the upcoming agenda.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commissioner Obermeyer and a second by Commissioner Pacheco,
the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the June 26, 1997, meeting at
10:000 P.M.
These minutes approved this /Q C4 day of , 1997
Jeffry W, Vice -Chairman Ross meyer, Secretary