HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 09/25 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
September 25, 1997
Commission Members Present
Jeffery Kelley, Chairman
Ross Obermeyer, Vice -Chairman
Pamela Smith, Secretary
Jeff McGregor
Mark Pacheco
Susan Bartlemay (arrived 9:20 p in )
Paul Penny
Commission Members Absent
City Staff Present:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Bill Petty, Director Community Development
Pam Conway, Secretary
George Conner, Director of Public Works
With a quorum of the Commission members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7 30 p.m. by Chairman Jeffery Kelley, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library,
Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Consent Agenda (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows:
"Consent Agenda
A. Approve Minutes of September 11, 1997, Regular Meeting.
Final Plat - Consider a Final Plat of Morningside Addition, Phase I, for Cin Apartments,
Ltd., being 34.32 acres out of the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324 City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest corner of Malone
Road and F.M. 2170.
Replat - Consider a replat for the Toney -McDermott Addition for J David Toney, D.D.S.,
Inc., being 0.406 acres of land in the Old Donation Addition located in the William Perrin
Survey, Abstract 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located at the southeast corner of McDermott Drive and Ash.
Chairman Kelley requested that Item II.B be removed from the Consent Agenda
MOTION: Upon a motion by Chairman Kelley and a second by Commission Member Smith, the
Board voted to 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve items H. A and C of the Consent
Consent Agenda Item B.
Morningside Addition, Phase I
Ms. Marcie Diamond advised that the Final Plat is in accordance with the approved Preliminary Plat and
the engineering has been approved. Chairman Jeffery Kelley expressed concern he has received from
some residents regarding school children and the safety of the proposed streets. Ms. Diamond stated that
the streets and access to the school were recommendations from the school disrict The streets were
designed to direct the traffic away from the school with safety in mind Commission Member Pamela
Smith proposed alternatives for the street, and perhaps a paved walkway
Mr. Bill Petty discussed the zoning history of this case. He restated that the School District's criteria
was to not locate a school on any major street. Convenience of traffic Bow is not the intention, the streets
were designed to prevent high levels of traffic around the school. From a traffic standpoint, this was the
best traffic flow situation that could be designed for this subdivision Negotiations were never considered
for a walkway between houses. Mr Petty reminded the Commission that we have an approved
Preliminary Plat
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission
Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request
by Morningside Addition Phase 1, as presented.
Public Hearing
Helistop for EDS LAgeoda Item III)
Record will show Commission Member Mark Pacheco submitted a conflict of interest form and removed
himself from the room at this time.
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request from Kreg-SW, L.P., Owner, to rezone from Light
Industrial (L -I) to Light Industrial (L -II with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Helistop with
Site Plan approval. The property is described as being 13.649 acres (mown as Enterprises No
2 Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: further described as being located at 105
West Bethany Drive."
Ms. Diamond reviewed the definition of Helistop and advised that a Helistop was planned by EDS from
the project inception. She distributed a letter from EDS addressing the concerns raised by Mr Marc
Meyers, Meyers & Crow
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Eric Langford, 8411 Preston Rd #700, Dallas, Tx 75225 representing EDS presented an exhibit of the
site and discussed the importance of this helistop to EDS He also reiterated that this was part of the
earliest plans for EDS He encouraged the Commission to approve this helistop. He advised them of the
life saved when Careflight used this helistop earlier this month
Marc Meyers, Meyers & Crow, 3601 Cresent, Dallas, TX 75205, representing the office building west of
the proposed Helistop. Mr Meyers presented a site plan showing the location of his project in relation to
the Helistop. He discussed concerns about traffic slowing, causing safety hazards during take -off and
landing of the aircraft He also mentioned the inconvenience to employees when the aircraft causes
flying debris, which could chip car paint. He also expressed concern about their being no
landscaping/screening or signs around the Helistop. He wondered why this particular site was chosen,
and if a roof site was considered. He feels that a roof site would be more secure Mr. Meyers stated that
he would like to address these issues before they become a problem. Requested perhaps a 30 day delav
for approval, to allow for all his questions/concerns to be answered.
Mike Perkins, 140 Buckingham, Allen, TX 75002 stated he was not for or against, just wanted to ask a
question He wonders why EDS needs a Helistop, and is that something that is in the best interest of the
City of Allen.
With no one further wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public
Commission Member McGregor questioned how many flights per day would be generated Mr Langford
responded 6 or 7 flights per month, and only during business hours He questioned the safety of an open
slab Mr. Jim Consenbach, 5400 Legacy Drive, Plano, a EDS representative responded that yes, there is
security Personnel on the ground cleans up the grass prior to landings, removes any debris, and is
always present during use. Dust may be stirred up some until the construction in the area is complete,
after that he expects no problem. Commission Member Obermeyer questioned if it was FAA regulated
Mr Consenbach responded that they do not regulate, only provide guidelines. Mr. Consenbach
reiterated that flying debris is really not an issue for employees of EDS, or any other neighbor. He stated
that the drop off/pick up time takes approximately 5 minutes. The aircraft is never left running or
Mr. Consenbach stated that the roof was considered. The roof is not structurally sound and is not as safe
If you have problems on a roof site, there is really no where to go, and as a pilot, he does not prefer it.
He also advised that, in regard to possible electronic interference, none is expected.
Mr. Consenbach also mentioned that in regard to traffic safety and on -lookers, there is really no way to
prevent that. He feels that over time, people will become accustomed to the helicopters and will not be
an issue. He also addressed the issue of a sign by stating that they can erect a sign to the City's
Commission asked Mr. Marc Meyers if his concerns had been addressed Mr. Meyers responded that
some of his concerns are now eliminated. He stated he would like a sign and monitoring of this over a
period of time He again reminded commission that there would be some traffic risks. He asked that the
helicopters not fly over the Meyers & Crow building site. Mr. Consenbach agreed, and stated that would
be no problem, he was happy to work with all of EDS' neighbors however they could. Mr. Consenback
reminded Mr Meyers and the Commission that the City of Allen has issued EDS a Temporary Use
Permit (TUP) and this Helistop has actually been in use since June 6, 1997, and to date, no traffic
problems have been noted.
Mr. Perkins doesn't believe this Helistop will benefit the City of Allen in any way Still concerned about
safety He suggested that if approved, the City should review it again in a year. Flight patterns are also a
concern. Ms. Diamond reminded the Commission that this ism allowed use We can issue terms and
conditions only Mr Petty suggested that we are unqualified to suggest any flight paths and we should
leave that up to the FAA.
Mr. George Conner, Director of Public Works, was directed to look into some options for a sign to
possibly alert traffic.
MOTION* Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member
Obermeyer the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Helistop for EDS
with the following conditions:
I Work with staff on signage options to alert traffic
2. Begin approved flight path over roadways, not over construction/building sites.
I. Use is allowed in this district.
2. Proponent satisfied the concerns of the neighboring business.
3. Safety concerns were addressed
4. Personnel from EDS explained their position adequately
5. Flights are not excessive; this is a "stop" not a "port."
6. Concerns regarding electronic interference were addressed
7 The use of this Helistop is limited to daylight hours
Public Hearing
Greenwood Valle v (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request from Hossain Makvandi, Owner, for Greenwood Valley
Addition, to approve a site plan for a service station with a convenience store. The property is
described as being 1.033 acres of land out of the Greenwood Valley Installment NI Addition, Block
A, to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southwest
corner of Main Street and Allen Heights Drive "
Ms Diamond stated that the property already has an SUP for Gas Sales and they are now to consider site
plan approval. She also stated that the proponent requested to have this item tabled for 30 days, to the
October 23, 1997 meeting to allow for revisions to their site plan.
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member
Smith the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to Table the request for Greenwood
Valley until the October 23, 1997 meeting
Public Hearing
Buckingham Business Park (Agenda Item V)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a request from Paul Mann, owner, for Buckingham Business Park, to re-
zone from Agriculture -Open Space (A -O) and place permanent zoning of Planned Development
Garden Office (PD -GO) The property is described as being 5 309 acres of land situated in the Henry
Weisel Survey, Abstract No 1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, also described as Tract I of
Buckingham Polo Club Estates, an unrecorded subdivision in Collin County, Texas; further described
as being located at the southeast corner of S H. 5 and Buckingham Lane "
Ms. Diamond discussed Planned Development (PD) zoning and the proponents reasons for requesting it.
They plan to follow the Garden Office (GO) regulations except for front yard, and they are requesting only
a 50 foot front parcel set back (vs 100' required in (GO) and allow parking within this 50') This district
allows for three (3) story buildings, but the proponent has agreed to limit the offices to a two (2) story
height. A deceleration lane was recommended on S.H.5 by our Traffic Consultant. The Comprehensive
Plan suggests that Residential and Garden -Office (GO) are very compatible.
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing
Harold Goodman, 1330 Rocky Creek, Allen, TX 75002, representing the owner He stated that this
zoning is designed to permit offices that are not dependent on retail trade. He presented exhibits of
proposed designs of offices. They are striving for a residential look and low impact on the area. Mr
Goodman also stated that he considers this to be a buffer from S H.5 for the residential area.
Mr. Bill Dyer, 7608 Cartivalley Drive, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Dyer states that he owns Dyer Estates. He
presented a small exhibit of his property in proximity to the proposed zoning area, to the Commission
Members for review He states he is against the zoning change He feels it will destroy the area and cause
traffic. He doesn't feel offices belong here.
Mr. Doug Jewel, 25 Crocker Cr., Allen, TX 75002. Mr Jewel stated that he owns lot #23. Mr. Jewel
expressed his opposition to this request. He believes that the property value will be lowered. He is also
concerned about entrances and exits to the proposed offices from S.H.5 and Buckingham Lane. He is
concerned about traffic safety
Mr. Mike Perkins, 140 Buckingham, Allen, TX 75002. Mr Perkins expressed his opposition to this
request. He is also concerned about traffic safety and doesn't believe that Buckingham could handle any
additional traffic. Against the frontage being the requested 50 feet. Stated that it would be too close to
S H. 5. He also expressed concern about property values.
Ms Susan Ritter, 130 Buckingham, Allen, TX 75002. Ms. Ritter also spoke against the request. It was
her understanding that this was to remain residential. She stated that Buckingham is a cul-de-sac She
believes it will cause excessive traffic.
Mr. Neal Mackey, 135 Buckingham, Allen, TX 75002. Mr. Mackey spoke against the request. He has
concerns about the type of business that will locate to this area if the zoning is approved. He has great
concern about the traffic and entrance and exit on Buckingham He expects lots of traffic and is concerned
about the safety of children. He also believes the property values would be hurt.
Mr. Larry Francisco, 26 Cedar Bend Circle, Lucas, TX. Mr Francisco spoke in favor of the request. He
stated that Allen has no office space. Be would be interested in locating his business here He fears he
may lose his current office space to the widening of S.H 5. He also feels the offices can be constructed to
he compatible with the residential
Mr. Dan Healer, 803 Youpon Dr., Allen, TX 75002. Mr. Healer spoke in favor of the request. He has
been unsuccessful in locating suitable office space for his wife's small Telecommunication business. He
feels this would be a needed addition to the City of Allen
Ms. Jessica Perkins, 140 Buckingham, Allen, TX 75002. Ms. Perkins spoke in opposition to the request.
Her desire is for this land to remain residential.
Mr Jeff Pool, 111 East Estell, Lucas, TX 75002. Mr. Pool spoke in favor of the request He feels that
office space is needed in Allen. He is a home builder and suggested Interior Decorators would be
interested in locating in this area.
Susan Ridder spoke again asking the Commission to consider if this is the appropriate place for office space
in Allen.
With no one else wishing to speak FOR or AGAINST the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public
Mr Conner indicated that no medians have been designed on S H 5 as yet. He suggested that one would
probably be located at Buckingham Lane. Mr. Petty stated that the S.H.5 expansion extends only to
Exchange Ms Diamond reminded the Commission that the uses allow in Garden Office (GO) are very
limited. Medical Clinics, Churchs, Professional Offices, etc., (no retail) She also stated that this district
would be a low trip generator in regard to traffic. The proponent will be required to construct half of
Buckingham Lane. The proponent has offered that second story windows would not face residential. Mr.
Pacheco questioned Landscape setbacks, parking, and wondered about the number of employees in these
offices. The proponent was not sure about the number of employees. Commission Member Smith was
also concerned about the parking and setback.
Mr. Goodman stated his intention in requesting the 50' setback was to move the office away from the
residential. He can be Flexible regarding the setback and turn lanes.
The Commission continued to express concerns regarding setbacks, and the condition of Buckingham Lane.
Mr. Conner reiterated that if you develop adjacent to a substandard road, you have to construct your half
of the road.
Commission Member McGregor added that he thought parking shouldn't be an issue He likes the office as
a buffer from the future thoroughfare.
Commission Member Bartlemay wants 100 foot setback on S.H.5. She feels the Garden Office (GO) will
make a good buffer also. She would like a better idea of what would locate there
Chairman Kelley and Commission Member Smith agree that the concern is the road. Its the only access
these residents have to their homes. Chairman Kelley believes the property in question would be a good
place for residential, as opposed to Garden Office (GO). Ms Diamond explained that the traffic study
indicated a LOS of "A" for this intersection which is superior to a LOS of "C which is the City-wide
Mr Dyer was allowed to address the Commission. He believes this was never intended to be commercial.
He discussed the cul-de-sac He feels improvement of half of the roadway (Buckingham) would be
unimpressive He would like us to have more information.
Mr. Jewel asked about the Public Hearing Notices He feels that some of the property owners are recent
owners and may not have been notified. He wants that property to be residential. Ms Diamond responded
that all property owners within 200 feet were notified by mail 10 days in advance of the scheduled Public
MOTION. Commission Member Smith moved to deny the request - Motion Fails due to lack of
Ms. Diamond reminded the Commission that traffic is not a concern according to a planning standpoint.
Mr. Conner shared some history regarding Buckingham Lane.
Commission Member Obermeyer suggested the item be tabled to allow more time to consider this request.
MOTION Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member
Penny, the Commission voted five (5) FOR and two (2) OPPOSED, with Commission
Member Smith and McGregor opposed, to Table the zoning request for Buckingham
Business Park until the October 9, 1997 meeting.
Ms. Diamond reviewed the tentative agenda for October 9, 1997 and indicated she would be out of town
and would not be at that meeting.
SEPTEMBER 25. 1997
MOTION Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the September
25, 1997, meeting at 10:23 p.m.
These minutes approved this 1�j ay of �� � , 1997
Jeff Kel ey, hatrman
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Pamela Smith, Secretary