HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1997 - 12/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING December 11, 1997 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present. Jeffery Kelley, Chairman Pamela Smith, Secretary Jeff McGregor Susan Bartlemay Mark Pacheco Paul Penny Commission Members Absent: Ross Obermeyer, Vice -Chairman City Staff Present: Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner George Conner, Director of Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Sally Leepeq Administrative Assistant WORKSHOP MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commission members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jeffery Kelley, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Mr. Petty discussed the new procedure requested by the City Council whereby staff is now making full recommendations to the Commission, which will be forwarded to the City Council They will be for approval, denial, or modification. He reviewed the process that staff follows in meeting with developers and studying the proposals. The proposals are reviewed with regard to compatibility of use, Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, traffic impact, etc. He requested that the Commission look closely at the staff recommendations. Developers sometimes have a tendency to request a higher density than they really need because they feel the Commission will take some away from them. This procedure will force staff to make a recommendation of denial. He emphasized the importance of the City sending forward a message that developers do not need to request more in order to allow for a reduction by the Commission and/or Council. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 2 Commission Member McGregor referenced a previously approved plat for the Williams Old Bethany Addition and discussed issues relating to dedication of the flood plain property to the south. He had a concern regarding the lack of platting the flood plain. Mr. Bill Petty indicated this was correct in that a flood plain study will need to be completed for the entire creek. He stated that the entire flood plain will be dedicated with future development. Mr. Diamond referenced the current study of the Rowlett Creek corridor CONSENT AGENDA AND REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS Commission Member Bartlemay questioned Item IX, request by Blackmon, to clarify that the zoning to the west is in the City of Plano. She questioned staff as to what would be considered good buffers between commercial and single family? Ms. Marcie Diamond indicated that office is sometimes used as a buffer. Commission Member Smith requested an explanation of the items that were provided this evening. Ms. Diamond explained as follows: Consent Agenda Item C. An amended final plat was provided eliminated the asterisks that appeared on several lots, Twin Creeks RIB is shown as adjacent property and the recording information has been included, the sanitary sewer easement note has been moved for clarity Item XI: Kroger East plat, access to Lot 3 has been provided. A tree survey has been signed by a Landscape Architect PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION �.; DECEMBER 11, 1997 ` REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 Chairman Kelley indicated that Item VIII, for the Allen Business Centre, is being requested to be withdrawn. Consent Agenda (Agenda Item III) Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows, and indicated that staff has requested that Item A be removed: "Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of November 13, 1997, Regular Meeting. B. Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Lennar Homes of Texas, Inc. for Morningside Addition Phase 2, being 3.857 acres out of the Peter Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 324, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Main Street and west of Malone Road. C Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Twin Creeks Partners, L.P., for Twin Creeks Phase HIC, being 44.814 acres out of the James Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704 in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Alma Drive. D. Final Plat - Consider final plat approval for Weber .@ Company for Allen Central Retail Addition, being 11.066 acres out of the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543 and the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive and east of Watters Road. E. Final Plat - Approval final plat approval for Custer/Hedgcoxe L L C for Custer Hill Estates Phase C, being 32.5739 acres out of the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Hedgcoxe Road and west of Custer Road" MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Bartlemay and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Board voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Items A through E from the Consent Agenda. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 4 Public Hearing Allen Heiahts Shopping Center (Agenda Item V) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows - 'Public Hearing - Consider recommendation to remove Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant/Private Club at 1201 E Main Street, Suite 200, in the Allen Heights Shopping Center Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest comer of Main Street and Allen Heights Drive." Mr. Petty presented the request to the Commission. He provided the history of this Specific Use Permit (SUP) The restaurant that requested this SUP has never located in this shopping center, and staff is recommending that the permit be removed in order to restore the standard shopping center uses to the property. Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend removal of the Specific Use Permit for Restaurant/Private Club at 1201 E. Main, Suite 200, in the Allen Heights Shopping Center and restore the standard Shopping Center uses to the property. Public Hearing Cottonwood Creek Shopping Center (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider recommendation to remove Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant/Private Club at 107B N. Greenville Avenue, in the Cottonwood Creek Shopping Center Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located at the northwest corner of Main Street and S.H. 5 (Greenville Avenue)." Mr. Petty indicated that this SUP was granted to Pizza Shack in 1987 This business has been gone from this location for a number of years, and the request is intended to return standard shopping center uses to the Property. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Bartlemay and a second by Commission Member Penny, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend removal of the Specific Use Permit for Restaurant/Private Club at 107B N. Greenville in the Cottonwood Creek Shopping Center, and restore the standard Shopping Center uses to the property. C PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 5 Public Hearing Allen Central Ltd. (Agenda Item VIII Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider request by Allen Central Ltd. to reduce the front building line on a portion of Tract 6 from 100 feet to 50 feet on 2 73 acres of land located in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract 708, Collin County, Texas, and being the southern portion of Lot 1, Block A of Allen Central, a replat of and addition to Central McDermott Place as recorded in Number 95-00118283 of Collin County Plat Records; further described as being located west of Central Expressway South, and north of Allen Central Drive." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. This tract is adjacent to the TU Electric Substation. The required 100 -foot front yard setback will make it difficult to develop this property The development to the north (McDonalds) has a 46' setback, and the Chevron Station has a 35 -foot setback from U S. 75. Staff recommends approval of the request Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. Mr. Dave Denison, Allen Central Joint Venture, 8100 Lomo Alto, Dallas, Texas, reviewed the concept plan for this planned development. He noted that additional acreage has been sold to TU Electric for expansion of the substation. They are planning for a hotel and restaurant on the site. With no one further wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Commission Member Pacheco indicated that he did not have a major concern regarding the request; however, he felt we should be careful in cases where an owner needs changes because of the fact that they sold adjacent property and reduced the size of their property Commission Member McGregor questioned the setback on the property on the south Ms Diamond indicated that this planned development has a 100 -foot setback all along P.D. 55. He indicated he had a concern regarding the smaller setback along U.S. 75. Ms Diamond indicated that standard Light Commercial or Shopping Center districts allow a 25 -foot setback. This 100 -foot setback was offered at the time of planned development zoning The Light Industrial property on the east side of U.S. 75 has a 100 -foot setback. Commission Member Smith expressed concern regarding a 50 -foot setback and felt this would be too close to the service road. She indicated that she felt it was important to maintain the standards for the U.S. 75 corridor She was opposed to changing the standards in this planned development Chairman Kelley questioned the minimum landscape setback requirement in this planned development, and Ms. Diamond indicated the planned development requires a 25 -foot landscape easement. Chairman Kelley noted that with parking and the landscape easement, the building would be required to be placed further back He was most concerned about the landscape buffer requirement. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 6 Mr. Dave Denison reviewed drainage problems on the property and noted that without this change in building line, the southern portion of the tract will not be buildable. They would not have sold this property if it were not to a public utility. It was noted that the concept plan does show the 25 -foot landscape easement Chairman Kelley indicated that he felt it would be better to change the building line to allow development than to leave it undevelopable, with view from U.S. 75 of the substation Commission Member Smith indicated that the request appears to be for the entire length of the property, rather than just the southern portion. Chairman Kelley questioned whether it would be appropriate to ask to see the proposed site plan, and staff advised that there would be no requirement to follow a proposed concept plan, and therefore, it would not necessarily be helpful. Mr. Petty indicated that another avenue of recourse the proponent had was to the Board of Adjustment who have authority to grant variances to building lines on unique, undevelopable property He stated that staff feels this request is not unreasonable, and staff has recommended approval. Mr. Denison stated that the width of the property, 50 feet north of the southern property line, is 178 feet, and with the 100 -foot setback, this leaves 78 feet for development. Ms. Diamond indicated that there is no rear setback line. Commission Member Penny indicated that he felt the request is intended to make the property usable, and developable, and would allow for a buffer between the TU Electric substation and U.S. 75. MOTIONA motion was made by Commission Member McGregor and seconded by Commission Member Smith to deny the request to reduce the building line. The Commission 2 FOR and 4 OPPOSED, and the motion did not carry Commission Members Kelley, Bartlemay, Pacheco, and Penny voted against the motion. MOTION: A motion was made by Commission Member Bartlemay and seconded by Commission Member Pacheco to approve the request to reduce the building line. The Commission 4 FOR and 2 OPPOSED, and the motion carried. Commission Members McGregor and Smith voted against the motion. MAJORITY FINDINGS. 1. The request would make the land more developable. 2. Setback would be consistent with the McDonalds and Chevron existing setbacks 3. TU Electric expansion has been accommodated and it hinders the development of this property MINORITY FINDINGS. L Precedent for altering from setback standards along U.S. 75 is undesirable. 2 Maintaining uniform setback standards along U.S. 75 corridor is desirable. 3. Long-established varying setbacks should not mandate future development standards. 4. Property should develop with use that allows for accommodating existing setback standards. 5. Proximity to Millennium West should mandate maintaining setback standards along service road. 6. Request provides no benefit to the Cit}' 7 Request is based on convenience to the proponent. 8. Inconsistent with setbacks on recent development on either side of Central Expressway. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 7 Public Hearing Littleton Rosewood (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider request by Littleton Rosewood, Inc to amend Planned Development No. 3 by reducing the rear budding line on Lots G, H, and I, from 50 feet to 25 feet, and further restrict these tracts to not allow truck loading docks along the rear of the lot, being 5.043 acres in Lots G, H, and I, of the Allen Business Centre Addition; further described as being located on Prestige Circle west of S.H. 5 " Chairman Kelley read into the record a letter from Mr. Lee Spencer requesting that this item be withdrawn from the agenda. MOTION. Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Penny, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to accept the proponent's request to withdraw the request. Public Hearing Warren R. and Georgia Blackmon (Agenda Item DO Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing - Consider request by Warren R. and Georgia Blackmon to place permanent zoning of Multi -family 18 (MF -18), Residential -7 (R-7), Residential -4 (R-4), and Community Facilities (CF) on 61 437 acres of land out of the Jesse H. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of Custer Road between McDermott Drive and S.H. 121." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission She reviewed the site location and discussed the eminent construction of Custer Road. She reviewed the process of review between the developer and the City staff. The original request included 300 multi -family units and a density of 4.1 on the single family tract. The city has a need for three water storage tanks on this property, which is being accommodated by the Community Facilities zoning Ms Diamond provided a revised zoning exhibit delivered by the proponent this evening. It reflects a slight change in acreage, but no change in units. She discussed the analysis staff has provided regarding Neighborhood District No. 6. If granted, the request would have a negligible impact on the density in this district. Ms Diamond stated that N.D. 6 allows for 360 multi -family units Retail is planned for the comer of Custer and McDermott, and this would normally be the appropriate location for the multi -family, however, the proponent is requesting 250 units to provide for a quality multi -family development adjacent to the water storage tanks. The proponent has requested a cap on the single family of 130 units, which will yield an average lot size of 9,000 square feet. This will encourage a mixture of housing units and lot sizes. Staff recommends approval of the request subject to setting a minimum average of 9,000 square foot lots. Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. Mr. Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering, reviewed the history of the developer, Peter Shaddock. He stated that they reviewed the Comprehensive Plan requirements and noted that the City had a need for water storage PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 8 facilities on this property There is a potential for three of these facilities, 40 feet in height. After much study, they are requesting a 3.4 density with a mixed use of lot sizes, a minimum of 7500 sq. ft. up to 12 or 13,000 sq. ft. He noted that prospective multi -family users have indicated that 250 units is the minimum required to provide for a quality development. The request includes provision for the CP tract and dedication of the flood plain. Mr. Steve Shafranek, 1006 Westwood Ct., spoke in opposition to the multi -family portion of the development. He stated that he feels that the expected multi -family development in the city is excessive. He is concerned about the long -teen impact of apartments on the city He is also concerned about concentrations of apartment development. He was concerned about the 500+ units recently zoned to the north. He is opposed to the concentration of the multi -family in this particular area. He encouraged medium density residential in this area. Commission Member Smith questioned what Mr. Shafranek considered to be medium density, and he referred to the definition in the Comprehensive Plan. With no else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Commission Member Smith reviewed the Comprehensive Plan proposals for multi -family and noted that the City will be over the appropriate number. She felt positive about the single family. She was in agreement with Shefranek who spoke during the public haring. She noted that she was in agreement with the 500+ units zoned to the north because of the fact that the property was landlocked by the creek. She noted that multi- family will be requested at the corner of McDermott and Custer to buffer the commercial. Mr. Atkins stated that the development of the multi -family is being requested because of the water storage facilities that are required adjacent to this tract. Commission Member Smith reviewed other areas where water storage facilities and towers are located; i.e., Custer Hill and Bethany Creek. Commission Member Penny stated that a medium density product would be preferable, however, he feels the multi -family is an appropriate buffer between the water facilities and the low density residential. Commission Member McGregor expressed concern regarding the multi -family and noted the need for it at McDermott and Custer. This request represents 70% of the multi -family allocation in this neighborhood district. He questioned the allocation of medium density in this district. Mr. Atkins discussed his reasons for not including medium density and emphasized that the multi -family would make this property marketable. Mr. Peter Shaddock, 17330 Preston Park Blvd., Ste 360, LB 240, Plano, TX 75093, stated that there is no market for medium density townhomes and duplexes. He stated that multi -family is the correct type of development adjacent to water storage facilities. Although the public hearing was closed, the Chairman allowed Mr Kevin Kerr, Ashland Ct., Allen, to speak before the Commission. Mr. Kerr was opposed to the request. He stated that it is not important whether the property can develop today, but what will happen after 20 or 30 years. He asked that the Commission stay with the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 9 Commission Member Pacheco questioned Mr. George Conner regarding the location of the water facilities. Mr. Conner indicated that this is the appropriate location for these facilities. Commission Member Pacheco expressed concern about clustering of multi -family zoning with regard to the 500+ units to the north, and the large development in Plano to the west. There are 360 units planned for this district, and the requested 250 leaves only 110 units, which will not allow for a quality development. However, the required CF uses makes a need for a buffer. He would prefer to see townhome or garden homes. Commission Member Bartlemay expressed concern about the remaining 110 units allowed in this district She noted that the citizens of Allen have expressed concern about the number of multi -family units in Allen. Chairman Kelley stated that he concurs with the 250 unit request, to allow for a quality development. He noted that the Comprehensive Plan on Table 18, indicated a high compatibility of multi -family to low density residential. He suggested that if this is approved, possibly the 110 units remaining should be eliminated. Commission Member Smith requested input from staff regarding the multi -family study recently completed by City staff. Mr. Petty agreed that there should not be a heavy concentration of multi -family in any area. He stated that staff reviewed the Comprehensive Plan tables He noted that the City has imposed a drastic use on this property The Comprehensive Plan shows 3.3 to 3.4 residential density in this area. He stated that a buffer is needed in this area that is compatible with single-family He feels the multi -family is an appropriate buffer. The only other location in this district that would be recognized as appropriate for multi- family is the northeast comer of Custer and McDermott. Since the water facility uses have been imposed on this property, and considering the Comprehensive Plan, staff indicated support for up to 200 units. This proposal is not in opposition to the Comprehensive Plan. Multi -family units are allowed in this district. Staff further indicated that the multi -family is an appropriate use to buffer the development, and they would support the 250 if the Commission desires to recommend that number. Commission Member Bartlemay indicated that the multi -family is allowed in this district, it is a good buffer for the water facilities, and she would hope that the remaining 110 units would be eliminated or restricted to no more than 110. She would encourage staff to review future cases in this district in view of the concerns expressed tonight Mr. Petty stated that the City is not presently over -zoned for multi -family; however, if the units allowed in the Plan are continued to be allotted, the City will be over -zoned in the future. He discussed the current work underway to update the Plan In summary, the Commission Members expressed the following opinions: Commission Member Bartlemay - in support of the request. Commission Member Pacheco - concerned with proximity to other multi -family Commission Member McGregor - units should be reduced to 200, which would concur with staff recommendation. Commission Member Penny - in support of the request. Commission Member Smith - opposed to the request Chairman Kelley - in support of the request. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 10 MOTION: A motion was made by Commission Member Penny and seconded by Commission Member Bartlemay, to recommend approval of the request subject to the average lot size being set at a minimum 9,000 on the R-5 portion. The Commission voted 3 FOR and 3 OPPOSED, with Commissioners Smith, McGregor, and Pacheco voting against the motion MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 2 OPPOSED to table the zoning request by Warren R. and Georgia Blackmon to the January 8, 1998, regular meeting, with Commissioners Kelley and Bartlemay voting against. Replat Twin Creeks IIIA (Agenda Item X) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat - Consider replat approval for Twin Creeks Partners, L.P for Lot 9, Block L, being part of Twin Creeks Phase IIIA, 0.234 acres out of the James Parsons Survey, Abstract No 704 in the City of Allen, Collin Countv, Texas; further described as being west of Alma Drive and north of Granger Drive " Ms. Diamond presented the replat to the Commission. It represents the replatting of a single lot for reconfiguration of the adjacent alley to conform to the development to the north. Commission Member Pacheco questioned the 15 -foot utility easement shown on the original plat. Ms. Diamond indicated that a water line originally planned for this area has been moved to Alma Drive This easement is being removed from this lot as part of this replat. It will remain on the adjacent lot, but lies within the required side yard building line. Mr. Brad Meyer, Carter & Burgess, indicated that the developer could abandon this easement on the adjacent lot if it ever became an issue. It will not be needed for this development. MOTION. Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Twin Creeks IIIA, Lot 9, Block L. I PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 11 Final Plat Kroger East Addition (Agenda Item XD Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final (combination) plat approval for T&M Allen Development on Lots 1- 3, Block I, Kroger East Addition, being 13.346 acres out of the John Snider Survey, Abstract No .848, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southeast corner of Bethany Drive and Allen Heights Drive." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission The comer of the property is not being platted at this time. Zoning allowed only for a sign in this area, at the comer of Allen Heights and Bethany Drive. The developer has offered to work with the Parks Department to develop the flood plain and park area to the east. Mr. Mike Clark, W inkleman Associates, was available for comments. Commission Member Smith questioned why the flood plain is not being platted at this time. Ms. Diamond stated that this will be platted in a later phase, along with the sign property at the comer. The full flood plain study is not completed at this time. The flood plain will be dedicated prior to any sign being permitted at the comer. Commission Member Smith noted that the flood plain should be platted concomitant with the development. She questioned Mr. Clark as to why they are not dedicating the flood plain at this time. He noted that speed in development was an issue. The flood plain line will need to be studied and would make this property a 4 -lot ' plat which would require a preliminary prior to final plat. He noted that there is no flood plain contained within the property being platted. Their intent is to dedicate the flood plain later Commission Member Smith requested that staff provide information regarding any change in rules regarding dedication of the flood plain. Mr. Conner indicated that the main issue is that construction is desired as soon as possible. One option was to dedicate the flood plain as delineated in the zoning. The proponent believes that the flood plain is actually much smaller. The proponent is requesting this plat in order to begin construction, with a future plat containing the remainder of the property and the flood plain Mr. Clark added that the comer area (sign area) is a different zoning from the shopping center. Any change will require a new zoning request. They need the sign that is permitted by zoning, and this will require the property to be platted. Mr Conner agreed that normally the flood plain study would be complete prior to a request for plat; however, he noted that the outcome will be the same. Mr. Clark stated that the study at this time indicates that the water is contained within the channel. This must be proven through the study Commission Member Smith requested that a workshop be scheduled to discuss this issue of platting of flood plain property Mr. Conner stated that the flood plain is required to be platted with the property adjacent to it. Commission Member Smith stated that she was opposed to deviating from the required process regarding flood plain. She requested that if there is a deviation from normal procedure, something in writing should be included in the Commission packet detailing this. Ms. Diamond indicated that the plat meets the requirements of the ordinance as it states "the flood plain should be dedicated." Chairman Kelley noted that the flood plain is not within the area being platted. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 12 Commission Member Pacheco indicated that he felt the intent with this combination plat is not to keep from platting the flood plain, but rather to expedite development through the use of a combination plat. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Bartlemay and a second by Commission Member Penny, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Final Plat for Kroger East Addition. Final Plat Glendover Park Recreational Center (Agenda Item XII) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final Plat - Consider final (combination) plat approval for D. R Horton - Texas Ltd. for Glendover Park Recreational Center, being 1.056 acres out of the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No. 812, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest comer of Glendover Drive and Landsford Drive in the Glendover Addition." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. She noted that the Council recently approved the request in this development to change the front building line from 25 feet to 20 feet. Access is provided to the recreation center. Staff recommends approval. Commission Member McGregor questioned parking to be provided. Mr. Steve Topletz, D. R. Horton, Inc., indicated that five spaces are provide on site Parking will be available on the street also. MOTION Upon a motion by Commission Member Bartlemay and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Final Plat for Glendover Park Recreational Center. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 13 Preliminary Plat Malone Heights (Agenda Item XIIII Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Preliminary Plat - Consider preliminary plat approval for Stacy Road Joint Venture for Malone Heights, being 57.6035 acres out of the J. J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being south of Stacy Road and east of Malone Road." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The minimum lot size required is 9,000 sq. ft. Open space has been located to the south in order to minimize tree removal. Preliminary engineering has been approved. Mr. Robert Porter, Tomlin Properties, indicated that Goodman Drive is included in the plat. Commission Member McGregor questioned whether Goodman Drive should be a 60 -foot collector street. Mr. Porter indicated that the traffic study indicated that it was not necessary He noted that the approaches to Malone are 60 foot. Mr. George Conner stated that the zoning indicated that Goodman would remain as it is, but the developer would improve it. Commission Member Pacheco suggested that wider right-of-way and pavement on Goodman might be necessary adjacent to the shopping center. Mr. Porter indicated this would be possible. Mr. Conner suggested they should dedicate only their side, 5 feet of additional right-of-way; however, 60 feet of pavement can be constructed, from Stacy Road to Torrey Pine. Mr. Porter noted that the open space will include a sidewalk (hike and bike trail). The trees will remain and the area will include a drainage easement. MOTION. Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the preliminary plat for Malone Heights Addition with the additional 5 feet of right-of-way along the west side of Goodman Drive from Stacy Road to Torrey Pine, and construction in that area of 60 feet. OTHER BUSINESS Commission Member Bartlemay discussed the ordering of the agendas and requested staff to review the possibility of allowing items to be ordered earlier when they are expected to take less time. The consensus of the Commission was to attempt to move the easier, and quicker, items to the beginning. Ms. Diamond presented training opportunities to the Commission Members She reviewed the tentative agenda, which will include the tabled item (Blackmon property). Nothing further has been submitted at this time. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 14 ADJOURN. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member Bartlemay, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the December 11, 1997, meeting at 11 15 p.m These minutes approved this day of , 1998. Je�ey, Orraimnan Pamela Smith, Secretary I 11 December 16, 1997 Lemtar Homes of Texas 12720 Hillcrest Road, #402 Dallas, TX 75230 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. After review of your submittal of the final plat for "Morningside Addition, Phase Y' to the City of Allen, it has been determined that you owe $1,820 in park dedication fees at the time of final platting. This calculation is based on Ordinance #11024-92 (enclosed), which allows the number of lots (14) to be multiplied by $130 to determine the fees to be paid. Please make the check payable to the City of Allen, attention Parks and Recreation Department. Funds must be paid prior to filing of the Final Plat. Please call if we may be of any assistance regarding this matter. Sincerely, Don Horton, CLP Director of Parks and Recreation enc Ordinance 1102-4-92 cc: Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. 5225 Village Creek Drive, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75093 Mr Bill Petty Community Development Department