HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1998 - 03/16 - CalledCITY COUNCIL ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CALLED MEETING March 16, 1998 ATTENDANCE: City Council Members Present Mayor Steve Terrell Mayor Pro Tem David Kerr Lonnie Thomas Melissa Owen Ken Fulk Dave Powyszynski Commission Members Present: Jeffery Kelley, Chairman Ross Obermeyer, Vice -Chairman Jeff McGregor Pamela Smith, Secretary Mark Pacheco Paul Penny Council Candidates Present: Fritz Dietrich Susan Bartlemay Council Member Absent Doug Gallagher City Staff Present: Jon McCarty, City Manager Michael Stanger, Asst. City Manager Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant Pam Conway, Department Secretary George Conner, Director of Public Works Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Consultants Present: Barbra Leftwich. Traffic Consultant CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: `.f With a quorum of the Council present, the Allen City Council was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Kerr at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Chaimian Jeff Kelley, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 2 Staff Presentations - Introduction Mr. Jon McCarty, City Manager, introduced the new Public Information Officer, Katherine Poteet, to the Council and Commission. Mr. McCarty introduced the project for discussion, the update of the 1992 Comprehensive Plan. This Plan provides guidelines for growth and development within the City. Staff has prepared the draft to be considered at this meeting. He noted that some of the attendees at this meeting have a previous commitment for later in the evening; therefore, he proposed that staff presentations be completed prior to the question/answer and discussion session. Regarding the public hearing process, staff is suggesting that ajoint Council/Commission public hearing be held. If multiple hearings are required, staff suggests that they be joint in order that all members have the opportunity to hear consistent information from the citizens. Staff Presentations - Land Use Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, indicated that he would be providing new information regarding the thoroughfare plan at this meeting. This is the first time the update has been completed entirely in-house. He previewed the proposed cover and the dedication page. He introduced the proposed Land Use Plan which includes: i_ 1. Changes to Park Plan. 2. Land uses at the northwest comer of Stacy/S.H. 5. 3. P D. 54 changes. 4. High density residential (HDR) at Bethany/Watters, which has been reserved for elderly housing within P.D. 55. 5. The office tract in P.D. 55 is currently zoned for ajoint use of office/multi-family. 6. Allen High School and Allen Station Park. 7 S.D. 3 at the southeast corner of Stacy/S.H. 5. Mr. Petty stated that the Thoroughfare Plan includes a secondary thoroughfare plan (residential collector streets). This is new for the Plan. Mr. Petty reviewed the rationale for changes that have been proposed within each neighborhood district. This rationale is attached hereto and made a part hereof. At this time Mr. Petty reviewed the attached "Comparison Sheet' showing: 1. Total developed land in acres by land use category 2. Total land zoned but not developed in acres by land use category. 3. Neighborhood District totals per the 1992 Plan. 4. Neighborhood District totals per the 1998 Proposed Plan. 5. Differences in acres between the 1992 and 1998 Plans. 6. A comparison of units and population. Mr. Petty reviewed the proposed land use allocation Table 3.1b and summary of units, population, and employment, Table 3.c. He noted that Table 3.b.1 replaces Table 19 of the 1985 Plan, and Table 3.c 1 replaces Table 20 of the 1985 Plan. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 3 He reviewed the charts labeled "Differences from 1992 Plan and 1998 Recommendations," which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. He reviewed the Community Facilities plates showing the location of all city facilities, schools, and fire stations. Staff Presentations - Park Plan Mr. Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation, reviewed an overview of the Parks Division. This proposal includes bringing the parks policy in line with the National Parks and Recreation Association. Further consideration needs to be given to the proposed park (golf course) currently shown west of U.S 75 and north of Chase Oaks. He noted that Texas Parks and Wildlife will probably require additional public input in order for this Parks Plan to be approved by them. Mr. Horton made the following recommendations for implementation. I. Review of the Park Dedication Ordinance. 2. Update Land Acquisition Policy 3. Place more emphasis on greenbelt park system (review flood plain ordinance). 4. Involve citizens. S. Provide optimum level of maintenance. 6. Develop partnerships. 7 Develop strong youth programs. Mr. Horton referred to page 6.26, which includes the implementation process for the Parks Plan. He reviewed tables 61, 6.1., and 6.m. Staff Presentations - Transportation Mr. Petty introduced the Tranplan Model and Barbra Leftwich, Traffic Consultant. The Thoroughfare Plan includes a secondary thoroughfare plan, as well as a Central Business District (CBD) circulation plan. He reviewed the realignments being proposed for F M 2551, Allen Heights, and Malone. Mr. Petty noted that this realignment adversely affects the Angel property more than other properties within this realignment boundary. He therefore proposed that the City participate in the construction costs of that portion of the roadway within the Angel property. The Council and Commission members had no objection to this proposal. Ms. Leftwich reviewed the Tranplan model developed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (COG) in 1985 This model has been revised based on 1990 demographics. She reviewed a revised table 4 b, attached hereto and made a part hereof. She also reviewed the CBD circulation plan. A CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 4 Open Discussion Councilmember Powyszynski questioned whether the proposed realignment of F.M. 2551 is included in the County's thoroughfare plan. Staff advised that the County generally accepts the City's alignments and revises their plan accordingly. Mr. Petty indicated that F.M. 2551 needs to connect south of Exchange; however, it will also need to intersect north of the school property Pin Oak and Live Oak will most likely be the area where it will intersect. Councilmember Powyszynski questioned whether the bicycle plan would be incorporated into this Plan and was advised that, if adopted, it would be included in the Comprehensive Plan by amendment. Commission Chairman Kelley questioned the proposed reduction in sizes of roadways. Ms. Leftwich stated that this can be attributed to a reduction in the proposed population envisioned in 1985 compared to today's projections by not only Allen, but also McKinney and other surrounding cities. Councilmember Thomas questioned the circulation within the area east of Custer and north of McDermott. It appears there will be a great deal of traffic in this area and no secondary thoroughfares are proposed. Ms. Marcie Diamond noted that even though a collector is proposed west of the golf course, the golf course divides this area and makes it extremely difficult to provide an east/west secondary thoroughfare. Mr. George Conner noted that the Twin Creeks property owners have advised that they are having discussions regarding this same issue and he will he working with them to attempt to alleviate this problem. Councilmember Thomas questioned Mr. Horton regarding maintaining the integrity of the Rowlett Creek corridor and Mr. Horton reviewed the development plan for the golf course. He indicated that there is a plan for that corridor. Councilmember Thomas noted that the Land Use Plan shows Corridor Commercial zoning at the city limits west of U.S. 75, and staff advised that this is a graphics drawing error, and where it is flood plain, it will be shown as such. Mr. Horton addressed issues relating to bike paths and added that these will be more specific within the Bicycle Plan to be considered by the Council. Mr. Fritz Dietrich, Council Candidate, questioned the fact that the parks shown in Neighborhood District 15 appear to be very close to each other. Mr. Horton noted that the neighborhood park is shown with a Y: mile radius for users. Councilmember Falk questioned the text regarding the linear greenbelt and the use of equestrian trails. Commission Member Smith discussed the existing plan for hike and bike trails, and discussed the linear greenbelt study. She noted that the proposed text indicates "desirable flood plain" and questioned whether these areas have been defined. Mr. Horton noted that there are approximately 1,000 acres of flood plain to be dedicated, 700 acres will be usable for recreation facilities. Mr Dietrich questioned District 7/8, and the 127 acres of PSP that have been added. It was indicated that this was parks, flood plain, and a future school site. Councilmember Thomas questioned the HDR as shown on the land Use Plan He noted the large CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 5 concentration of HDR along Watters Creek within P.D. 54. Commission Chairman Kelley questioned the term "appropriate location for HDR." Mr Petty reviewed the term "appropriate location for HDR" and noted that it meant HDR should be used as a buffer between retail and medium density; that not more than 350 units should be located within a single complex, and no more than two complexes should be located within a single neighborhood district Councilmember Thomas noted that he would like to re -look at the existing HDR zoning, and Mr. Petty stated that the Council could choose to re -look at this zoning; however, it would be considered downzoning. Commission Chairman Kelley stated he would be concerned about downzomng property Mayor Pro Tem Kerr stated that the P.D. 54 multi -family (HDR) zoning was approved by a past Council and Commission. He further noted that it would be possible for HDR to be allowed at 4 intersecting corners of adjacent neighborhood districts. He suggested a specific distance be set between complexes. This proposal was discussed and the consensus was reached to not place a specific distance requirement within the Plan; however, a policy statement could be included. The proposed percent of HDR units to LDA units was discussed. Councilmember Fulk noted that some neighborhood districts allow HDR and the specific location is not shown on the Land Use Plan. Mr. Petty noted that these locations would be addressed through proper planning at the time of zoning. Councilmember Fulk suggested that Neighborhood Districts 6 and 9 should show the HDR surrounding the commercial comer at Custer and McDermott. The Council and Commission further discussed mudi-family needs of the City. Ms. Diamond reviewed the fact that the Council recently adopted an amendment to the Property Maintenance Ordinance which requires multi -family developments to be maintained. Ms. Susan Bartlemay, Council Candidate, suggested that the Plan needs to have very low density residential (VLDR) and garden office (GO) shown on the Land Use Map. Ms. Diamond noted that GO is allowed in all nonresidential districts, and VLDR is allowed in any residential district. Councilmember Falk questioned the reason the Land Use Chapter fiscal impact analysis is not included in the Plan as it has been in the past. Mr. Petty discussed the fact that the land use categories used by the city and those used by the Central Appraisal District are different, and the fact that the information is not up to date, made it impossible to provide a clear picture. It is anticipated that the study being completed by the AEDC will provide this information. There was discussion of the study being conducted by the Allen Economic Development Corporation in relation to the long-term impact of these proposed changes to the land uses. Mr. Petty noted that the increases in the public, semi-public (PSP) are comprised mostly of the Twin Creeks golf course, Allen Station Park, and the Allen High School property Councilmember Fulk questioned the recommendations of Texas Parks and Wildlife; however Mr. Horton was not available at this time. 14 Councilmember Owen stated she would attempt to clarify some of the parks questions at their Services Standing Committee meeting which will be held on March 17th, 1998 CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION c MARCH 16, 1995 PAGE 6 Councilmember Fulk noted that the Parks Chapter included a implementation section and he suggested that this might be appropriate in other sections as well. Ms. Diamond noted that Chapter 13 includes implementation guidelines for the entire document, and more specific implementation actions may need to be included. Councilmember Powyszynski questioned the process for reviewing the remainder the chapters of the Plan. Mr. Petty noted that the Council and Commission had been requested to prepare their questions regarding other sections and provide them to staff. If a majority had the same concern, the change would be made. Other suggestions would be reviewed for consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Kerr requested that single family density be reviewed. The definition of VLDR, LDR, and MDR was determined at a previous workshop, and Mr. Petty indicated that these definitions have been included in the proposed document. Mayor Pro Tem Kerr further noted that a task force had been set to review these issues, and he requested a report form that task force. Mr. Petty indicated that this information would be provided. The following issues that were detailed throughout this meeting and recorded by Ms. Diamond, are as follows. L Alignment of F.M. 2551 relative to existing streets. ■A EXACT ALIGNMENT TO BE DETERMINED AT TIME OF PLATTING. THIS IS PROPOSED TO INTERSECT AT SECOND STREET SOUTH OF EXCHANGE. CITY SHOULD CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN PAVING COSTS ACROSS THE 200 -ACRE ANGEL PROPERTY 2. N.D. 6 circulation. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF HAS MET WITH TWIN CREEKS AND ATTEMPTS WILL BE MADE TO INCORPORATE ADDITIONAL COLLECTOR CIRCULATION THROUGH TWIN CREEKS. 3. Golf course recommendation in N.D. 27 GOLF COURSE RECOMMENDED FOR N D. 27 TO BE REMOVED FROM LAND USE PLAN, BUT INCLUDED IN ROWLETT CREEK STUDY FOR DETERMINATION AS TO APPROPRIATE LOCATION. 4. Corridor Commercial indication on Land Use Map west of U.S. 75 at southern border ADDRESSED (LAND USE MAP REVISED TO SHOW FP IN APPROPRIATE AREA) 5. Bike plan for Rowlett Creek and entire city. ISSUE RESOLVED IN MEETING, NO LONGER A QUESTION. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1995 PAGE 7 6. Parks within Neighborhood District 15. ISSUE RESOLVED IN MEETING, NO LONGER A QUESTION. 7 Equestrian trails, where? TEXT RELATED TO EQUESTRIAN TRAILS IS BEING REMOVED FROM THE PLAN. S. Is linear greenbelt study incorporated into Park Plan? INCORPORATED WITHIN THE PARK PLAN. ISSUE RESOLVED, NO LONGER A QUESTION 9. Define "desirable flood plain." DEFINITION OF DESIRABLE FLOOD PLAIN TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PARK PLAN. 10. Concentration of HDR along Watters Creek. LAND USE MAP WILL BE CORRECTED TO SHOW SCHOOL SITE AND PARK SITE BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT OF HDR AS PSP 11. Separation of HDR districts. POLICY STATEMENT WILL BE ADDED TO TEXT ENCOURAGING MAXIMUM SEPARATION. 12. Show HDR on land use map in N.D. 6 and N.D. 9. MAP HAS BEEN REVISED TO INDICATE THESE USES. 13. Total HDR units; is this number correct? TEXT WILL BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE RATIONALE FOR SPECIFIC HDR PERCENT PROPOSED IN PLAN. 14. More specific location criteria needed for HDR. TEXT WILL BE ADDED TO PLAN TO SPECIFY LOCATION CRITERIA FOR HDR. 15. Accountability of impact of rezoning on neighborhood districts and city-wide basis. E t STAFF WILL CONTINUE TO UPDATE COMMISSION AND COUNCIL DURING EACH ZONING CASE AS TO IMPACT OF THAT CASE ON A NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT AND ON A CITY-WIDE BASIS. RATIONALE FOR CHANGES IN NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICTS NUMBERS ND RATIONALE All To determine densities in the individual Neighborhood Districts (ND), the actual densities were calculated for existing subdivisions and the densities established through zoning, although not yet developed. Then, the densities in Table 19 and 20 of the 1992 Comprehensive Plan was applied to the remaining undeveloped and unzoned acreage. This determined the average density for the entire ND. This methodology resulted in minor changes to the density proposed in comparison to the 1992 Comprehensive Plan densities. Page 1 03/17/98 All All MDR acreage has been calculated at 6.4 dwelling units per acre. Previously, different densities were used within the various ND's. 1-5 ND I through 5 are indicated to be Special District I on the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan, which is intended to support an "employment centeP' of high to medium mixed uses including office, commercial and industrial, to take advantage of the freeway exposure and accessibility of S.H. 121. The text in 1992 indicated that HDR could be used as an auxiliary use in the SD -1 Districts. In the 1998 Update, that text has been removed. Given the development patterns which occurred along U.S. 75, it was �r determined that a significant number of acres which were devoted to "pure" office should be redistributed between all of the allowed employment center uses, including light industrial, commercial, and office. There have been very few requests for "pure" office buildings in the past, and most of the office requests have been in association with light manufacturing. Since office is an allowed use in the commercial and industrial districts, the proposed redistribution will not affect the ability to develop office uses, but rather enhance the intended "employment center" nature of Special District 1. 1 128 units of MDR were previously designated, however, these 128 MDR units were revised to reflect the HDR established by zoning. City Council approved HDR due to its compatibility with the high and medium density uses planned for the SDI corridor. 2 SD I is intended to be mixed use, and therefore, the acreage was redistributed to provide for a balance of uses. Industrial was increased by 45 acres, and office was reduced by 45. This will allow for a greater flexibility in development options. 3 Similar to ND 2 above, SDI is intended to be mixed use, and therefore, 64 acres of office were redistributed to commercial and industrial, again allowing for a greater development flexibility. 4 Again, similar to the above, 60 acres of office were redistributed to commercial (2/3) and industrial (1/3). 5 In this SD -I Area, 26 acres of office were redistributed to industrial. Page 1 03/17/98 6 Due to Twin Creeks Golf course, and the need to acquire 2 additional schools and I additional park site, the LDR acreage was reduced by 157 acres PSP was increased by 57 acres. 7-8 These two districts were combined to reflect new alignment of Alma Drive and deletion of Bethany Drive, north of McDermott Drive, These road configurations creates new geographic boundaries. Additionally, this facilitated the inclusion of the entire P.D. 53 (Glendover) area within a single neighborhood district. Established zoning patterns in PD 53 and PD 54 indicated that there were no remaining acres to support HDR development. Therefore, the HDR acres were reduced by 27, and MDR was reduced to reflect the remaining residential acreage. PSP acres were significantly increased from 15 to 126 acres to reflect a community parks and the greenbelt areas in this neighborhood district. 9 Existing PD 54 zoning reflected an increase in LI uses of 140.3 acres and an increase in commercial by 9 acres. Therefore, the other land use categories within this ND were adjusted accordingly as follows: LDR reduced by 91 acres, MDR reduced by 3 acres, and HDR by 20 acres. Specifically, there are a total of 20 acres zoned for HDR in Twin Creeks, at a density of 24 dwelling units per acre, for a total of 480 dwelling units. If the HDR units permitted in this neighborhood district develop in accordance with the City's overall policy of 18 units per acre, the maximum units would be reduced by approximately 25% to 360 dwelling units. The PSP was retained to accommodate the w need for a middle school and an elementary school and future park land. ®j 10 Most of this district is currently zoned, therefore these proposed revisions reflected existing zoning as follows: a reduction of 30 acres of HDR, an increase in commercial of 43 acres, a reduction of office by 25 acres, and an increase of industrial by 85. The total acreage in this Neighborhood District was increased by 73 acres to reflect more accurate acreage in the N.D. I 1 As with other areas of the city where a significant amount of land was planned for industrial, it was determined to be appropriate to allow for greater development flexibility and transfer 129 acres to commercial. This neighborhood district was also reduced by 73 acres to reflect the acreage as indicated on the current tax plats. 12 Given the criteria for retail comer locations, it was noted that no appropriate retail sites were available. Therefore, it was deemed appropriate to change the previously allocated 41 acres of commercial to 40 acres office and I 1 acres of MDR. The HDR was reduced from 72 acres to 40 acres to allow for a maximum of two multifamily developments to this neighborhood district, versus the four that would have been permitted under the previous plan. The HDR and the MDR are appropriate because of their proximity to the high intense corridor of SDI to the north and CC and industrial to the east 13 Existing LDR, MDR and HDR zoning reflects established patterns in PD 58, which is designated SD -3 on the Land Use map. This reduced industrial allocation to the Tables from 398 to 236. Commercial acres were increased slightly to reflect established zoning in PD 58. Page 2 03/18/98 14 Primary zoning patterns have been established in this ND This established zoning reflects a reduction of MDR by 19 and HDR by 16. Increased commercial (2) and office (5) and PSP (8) to reflect established land use. The size of the ND decreased by 20 acres because of more accurate legal descriptions and survey information provided during zoning and platting. An elementary school and a neighborhood park are indicated in this district; however, only the park site was reserved through zoning. It should be noted that the area was located in the McKinney ISD when the zoning was completed in 1986. After changes in school boundaries, we were advised in 1994 by the Allen ISD of the need for an additional elementary school. Therefore, AISD will need to negotiate this site at the time of platting. 15 This area was originally planned for estate development, with a 2.2 density assigned. However, the established zoning in this ND ranges in density from 3.6 to 3.8 (3.8 in Dabney -Bowen, and 3.6 in Malone Heights). An increase in the residential density in this ND should be considered. The revisions reflected existing MDR zoning and 2 acres of office (PD25); eliminated remaining 12 acres of office by adding to LDR. LDR was reduced by 10 acres and PSP increased by 45 acres to allow for a future 10 acre neighborhood park and a 75 acre community park. 16 Reduced commercial by 23 acres and office by 108 acres, increased industrial by 180 acres to reflect the zoning established in PD 54. Eliminated 158 acres of MDR as residential is fully zoned in this ND. Increased LDR by 70 acres and HDR by 27 to �� reflect existing zoning. The current zoning (PD 54- Tracts 19-24) would permit 1,819 units, if developed at the maximum permitted in the Planned Development, assuming that the park department and A.LS.D. do not pursue the option to acquire properties which are currently zoned for either MF or these public uses. If the school site and park sites are acquired, and the remaining HDR zoned land is developed at 18 dwelling units per acre then a maximum number of units allowed would be 1,123 which is a reduction of 696 units. 17 Reduced commercial and office (70 acres and 47 acres respectively) and increased the industrial to reflect existing zoning in P.D. 54; reduced PSP by I acre to reflect actual dedicated land for the water tower. 18 This ND is entirely zoned and mostly developed, therefore only minor adjustments were required. Two (2) acres of office was transferred to commercial and PSP was reduced, but sufficient PSP acreage was retained to account for the remainder of Mustang Branch which has not yet been dedicated. 19 There was no appropriate locations for office or additional HDR in this ND. Therefore, 16 acres of Office was eliminated; the LDR was increased to compensate for the reduction in Office. HDR reflects existing zoning, and the remaining 17 acres were deleted. Increased PSP by 20 acres to reflect actual development. 20 All appropriate commercial locations are zoned; consequently, commercial acres that were previously allocated to commercial were eliminated. The remaining residential land was assigned a density factor of 3.2 per the 1992 tables which will result in a density of 4 1 at build -out considering the zoning established along Custer Road Additionally, one HDR acre was eliminated Page 3 03/17/98 21-22 Combined ND 21 and ND 22 to allow Watters Cmssmg to be in a single ND, and ND 21 was mostly Watters Crossing 3. Remaining HDR was eliminated per amended P.D. 26 zoning by 14 acres. Office was reduced by 31 acres and Commercial was increased by 16 acres per amended P.D. 55 zoning cases. This analysis assumes that Tract I of PD 55 will develop as Office, but it must be noted that multifamily is also a permitted use in this tract. 23 This ND was increased by 20 acres to reflect actual delineation established by surveys during zoning and platting of P.D. 55 and P.D. S. 24 ND completely zoned; acreage adjusted to reflect known development; residential density not determined because acreage of the older subdivisions are not available. 25 This ND is virtually all zoned, therefore the following revisions reflected existing zoning and development patterns; Increased LDR acres by 57, reduced MDR acres by 29, and HDR acres by 9, reduced commercial by 41 acres; and increased PSP by 23 acres. 26 Reduced HDR by 13 acres because as all of the land is zoned and there was not an appropriate location for 13 acres of HDR. 27 Existing land use plan not altered by development and/or zoning. No changes made. 28 Existing land use plan not altered by development and/or zoning. No changes made. 29 Reduced HDR by 41 acres and Commercial by 34 acres; increased LDR by 75 acres. This ND has fully established zoning and development patterns through PD's 13, 22, and 50. 30 PSP was increased by 45 acres to show actual flood plain delineation and park site, and allow 38 acres for an additional neighborhood park and a middle school. Commercial was increased by 3 acres to reflect existing zoning and allow for an additional 10 acres on F.M. 2551 at Bethany or at Chaparral. HDR was reduced by 13 acres and decreased LDR by 35 acres. No appropriate land available for HDR. 31 This entire ND has been zoned. The major land use changes include the new high school site and Allen Station Park. Therefore, the PSP was increased by 259 acres to indicate AHS and ASP; and accordingly reduced LDR by 234 acres, MDR acres by 41, and HDR acres by 31. Increased commercial acres by 26 and office acres by 21. Page 4 03/18/98 a o W w m w0 o n N awnNn a� � N N E co///�� 0 U OhOw= lye U° W ¢t7NN N o W e a^ w Q' e m OOH ^ m �COLU ¢ 20W��� Nww o a m wN nwm h e w it 2 O , WowN Q o o V 0Nm R' W � K M ^ M o w � nn Imp y O ■ 0 I I I L COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TABLE 4.b THOROUGHFARE PLAN Proposed Cross Sections at LOS C Capacity Facility City of Allen LOS C Proposed Cross-section Capacity Ridgeview Drive 3,100 WD Stacy Road 3,100 M613 Ehage Parkway (Watters Road to 4,400 WD U.S. 75 Exchange Parkway (S.H. 121 to 3,800 P6DA Watters Road) Exchange Parkway (U.S. 75 to F.M. 3,100 M6 2551 Exchange Parkway (F.M. 2551 to 750 - C2U C.L.L.) n. Allen Drive 1,700 , 'tM4U ,.. Main Street - U.S. 75 to F.M. 2551 31100 sr^ M6D McDermott Drive from U.S. 75 to Alma 4,400 "`4;;: aP8D Drive 004, McDermott Drive from Alm ?Custee; 3,1000; M6D 5 a• Bethany Drive: 'Y M6D u Chaparral Road- to' &en 3,100 M6D Heights) .i Chaparral Road n He to FM 1,700 M413 2551) F.M. 2551 IV, 7100 M6D Malone Road 750 C2U Allen Heights Drive (Stacy to 2 100 M4D Exchange) Allen Heights Drive (Exchange to FM 2,100 M4D 2170) Allen Heights Drive (FM 2170 to 3,100 M6D Bethany) Jupiter Road 1,500 C4U S.H 5 (Greenville Ave.) 3,100 M6D 47 03/17/98 1998 I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1998 48 03/1]/98 1 CITY COUNCILIPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 16, 1998 PAGE 8 16. Increase in PSP ISSUE RESOLVED IN MEETING, NO LONGER A QUESTION. 17 Fiscal impact of change in land use. CRITERIA FOR ANNUAL UPDATE WILL BE STABLISHED AS PART OF AEDC STUDY 18 Density of single family - definition, analyze, net/gross (ad hoc committee). CURRENT LANGUAGE IN PLAN CONSISTENT WITH ACTIONS OF AD HOC COMMITTEE. COPIES OF MINUTES FORWARDED TO PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. Changes based on discussions at this meeting will be incorporated into the Plan. Mayor Terrell requested that comments be provided to staff from the Council and the Commission by Monday, March 23, 1998, and that these comments be provided to all Council and Commission members. There was discussion as to the desire to have a joint public hearing or to hold separate public hearings The consensus of both bodies was to hold separate public hearings. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Councilmember Owen and a second by Councilmember Powyszynski, the Council voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn to March 16, 1998, meeting, at 8:30 p.m. MOTION. Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the March 16, 1998, meeting at 8:30 p.m. These minutes approved this 2nd day /yo_fApril, 1998, by the City Council. Stephen Terrell, Mayor 9dy Mo son, CMC, City Secretary These minutes approved this 26th day of March, 1998, by the Planning & Zoning Commission Jeff Kelley, hairman Pamela Smith, Secretary