HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2021 - 08/23 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
AUGUST 23,2021
Parks and Recreation Board
Geoben Johnson III, Chair
John Holley,Vice-Chair
Luke Hollingsworth
Victoria States
Terrance Thomas
Ed Bryan
LaReeda Rentie
Karen Simpson
City Staff:
Kate Meacham, Director, Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow,Assistant Director,Parks and Recreation
Brad Boroughs, Golf Superindendent,The Courses at Watters Creek
Travis Cunniff,Recreation Services Manager, Parks and Recreation
Jeff Holt, Golf Services Manager,The Courses at Watters Creek
Bryan Kelley, Center Supervisor,Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium
Matt McComb,Park Planning,Development&Forestry Manager, Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation
Tori Thibodeaux,Volunteer and Training Coordinator,Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Johnson called the
meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. on Monday, August 23, 2021 in the Pavilion at The Courses
at Watters Creek, 7201 Chase Oaks Blvd, Plano,Texas.
1) Approve Minutes of the June 14,2021 Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Holley and a second by Member
Hollingsworth, the Parks and Recreation Board voted four(4) for and none
(0) opposed to approve the minutes from the June 14, 2021 Regular
Meeting as presented. The motion carried.
2) Appoint Senior Advisory Committee Member
Travis Cunniff gave background on the Senior Advisory Committee including the
responsibilities and the typical appointment cycle of Committee Members. Due to the
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
August 23,2021
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resignation of Committee Member Connie Holiday, there is a need to appoint a
replacement member to fulfill her term. Staff brought forward the recommendation of
Mary Ann Cooper, and Chair Johnson appointed her to fill out the remaining term of
Connie Holiday.
3) Introduce Staff
Travis Cunniff introduced Bryan Kelley, the new Center Supervisor at Don
Rodenbaugh Natatorium.
4) Update on Erosion Repairs and Tour
Footage taken by ACTV of the erosion repairs at The Courses at Watters Creek was
shared with the Board and then Jeff Holt, Golf Services Manager, and Brad Boroughs,
Golf Superindendent, lead the group on a course tour of the repairs.
5) Update on July Marketing Campaign
Travis Cunniff updated the Board on the July Marketing Campaign including pop up
events, member retention events, the use of the GooseChase mobile engagement
platform, and participation.
6) Update on Parks and Recreation Volunteer Program
Tori Thibodeaux reviewed with the Board the benefits of using volunteers, the new
volunteer website, the online application process and the new hour tracking system.
7) Update on Current and Future Projects
a. Dog Park
Matt McComb updated the Board the benefits of a dog park,the timeline of the
project thus far, comparisons to other dog parks in the surrounding region and
potential location options within the City.
b. Molsen Farm Master Plan and Trail Head
Matt McComb shared the concept plan for the playground improvements and
updated the Board on the next steps for the project.
c. McDermott Trail Head
Staff noted the project is well underway and shared images of the progress and
gave updates on the status of the different segments.
8) Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Next meeting Monday, October 11, 2021
9) Adjourn
Motion: Upon a motion by Member Rentie and a second by Member Hollingsworth,
the Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to
adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m. The motion carried.
Parks and Rtcreation Board Minutes
August 23,2921
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These minutes approved on the 11th day of October, 2021.
Chair Secretary