HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1998 - 06/11 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 11, 1998 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: Jeffery Kelley, Chairman Ross Obermeyer, Vice -Chairman (am. 7:20 p.m ) Pamela Smith, Secretary (am 7 15 p.m.) Mark Pacheco Paul Penny (left 8' 15 p.m.) Jeff McGregor Steven Haynes Commission Members Absent: None City Staff Present: rr Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Sally Leeper, Program Coordinator Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation WORKSHOP MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM, With a quorum of the Commission members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Jeff Kelley, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. The Commission discussed the minutes of May 28, page 6, regarding the motion for Second Century Investments. Commission Member McGregor indicated that he had meant to include the letter in the wording regarding the change to Development Standard V-2. It was agreed that the minutes would be removed from the consent agenda to further clarify this motion Regarding the replat for the Wood Addition, Ms. Marcie Diamond indicated that the proponent has requested that this item be tabled. The proponent has indicated they would waive the 30 -day approval requirement. Commission Member Pacheco indicated he would be abstaining from Items IV, V, and VI. Ms. Diamond noted that the Southwest Legal Foundation class is scheduled for June 25th Commission Member Haynes indicated he would not be able to attend, and Ms. Diamond invited any other PLANNING 8r ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 2 commissioners to attend in his place. Commission Member Haynes indicated he would be out of town for the June 25th meeting. Chairman Kelley and Commission Member McGregor stated they will be out the first meeting in July Ms. Diamond indicated that the1998 draft of the Comprehensive Plan was provided to the Council and the Commissioners today It has been provided to the Library Redlined versions are available at Community Development. A copy of the press release was provided. The public hearing is scheduled for June 25, 1998. No other public hearings will be scheduled for that meeting. REGULAR MEETING Consent Agenda (Agenda Item 111) Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows. "Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of May 28, 1998, Regular Meeting B. Replat — Consider replat of Wood Addition for Dr. Jeffrey Wood and Linda 1. Parker, M D , being 1.085 acres of land situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, being a resurvey of Wood Addition; further described as being located west of Allen Drive and north of Coats Drive. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove items A and B from the consent agenda. Minutes Mav 28.1998 (Agenda Item 11-A) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows "Approve Minutes of May 28, 1998, Regular Meeting." The Commission discussed a revision to the Motion for the request by Second Century Investments. The consensus was that it should read as follows: "Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Haynes, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 1 OPPOSED, with Commission Member Smith opposed, to approve the request subject to changing the wording of Development Standard V-2 to state "in the event that no building permit has been issued on the entire property within one year, or a satisfactory letter of intent submitted for construction of Tract 1 for hotel use, then the property will be developed under the Light Industrial -Conditional District regulations." MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 3 of May 28, 1998, as revised. Replat Wood Addition (Agenda Item II -B) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat — Consider replat of Wood Addition for Dr. Jeffrey Wood and Linda I. Parker, M.D., being 1.085 acres of land situated in the City of Allen, Collin County. Texas, being a resurvey of Wood Addition; further described as being located west of Allen Drive and north of Coats Drive." Ms. Diamond indicated that the proponent has requested that this item be tabled MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to table Agenda Item II -B. Tabled Item Bill Campbell. Jr. (Agenda Item III) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item - Consider a request by Bill Campbell, Jr to place permanent zoning of Residential -5 and Corridor Commercial on 323.23± acres located in Abstract No. 705, Abstract No. 1 10, and Abstract No. 879, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located generally between Alma Drive and Watters Road along the future extension of Ridgeview Drive." Ms. Diamond advised that the proponent had submitted proposed planned development conditions, which address community facility issues, and are under review by staff. This item remained on the table. ■ PLANNING 8, ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 4 Replat Enterprises #2. Block 1-C (Agenda Item IV) Commission Member Pacheco indicated he would be abstaining from Items IV, V, and VI, and left the room at this time. Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat - Consider replat of Enterprises #2, Block 1-C for 1996 Dallas/Fort Worth Real Estate Investments #1, Limited Partnership, being 13.894 acres of land out of Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located south of Bethany Drive between Enterprise and the Southern Pacific Railroad." Ms. Diamond presented the replat to the Commission. The request is for the purpose of changing the configuration of some utility easements, and is administrative in nature. Staff recommends approval as submitted. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Obermeyer, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Enterprises #2, Block 1-C. Replat Enterprises #2. Block 1-D-1 (Agenda Item V) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat — Consider replat of Enterprises 42, Block 1-D-1 for 1021 Central Expressway South, Ltd., being 10.571 acres out of the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of Bethany Drive between Enterprise and the Southern Pacific Railroad" Ms. Diamond presented the replat to the Commission. The purpose of this replat is to allow a mutual access easement to the south along the eastern boundary line. This will increase the circulation on this property. Staff recommends approval. MOTION Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Penny, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Enterprises #2, Block I -D -I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 5 Final Plat Suncreek Methodist Church (Agenda Item VI) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Final plat—Consider final plat of Lot 1, Block A, Suncreek Methodist Church, for the Board of Extension of the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, being 4.466 acres located in the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No 554, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of McDermott Drive and west of Suncreek Drive." Ms. Diamond presented this plat to the Commission. It contains 4.46 acres south of McDermott Drive. There is an existing residential structure on the property, currently being utilized for church offices. Staff recommends approval of the plat, subject to the filing of a mutual access easement that has been submitted under separate easement that will allow access to Suncreek Drive. The Engineering Department has reviewed this separate instrument for the access easement and is in agreement The Fire Marshal has also approved the document. Commission Member Smith questioned the facilities agreement information provided in the staff memo. Ms. Diamond indicated that this was for informational purposes only, and not a consideration of the plat. This will be resolved prior to the filing of the plat at the County Commission Member McGregor questioned whether the tree survey had been certified by an arborist or landscape architect, as required, and Ms. Diamond indicated that it had MOTION. Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Suncreek Methodist Church. Public Hearing-Replat Custer Hills Phase C (Agenda Item VII) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing — Consider a request to replat Custer Hills Phase C for Custer/Hedgcoxe L L.C., being 32.5739 acres of land out of the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located north of Hedgcoxe Road and east of Custer Road." Ms. Diamond presented the replat to the Commission. It represents a reconfiguration of 14 lots for the purpose of adjusting lot lines for additional utility easements that had been required. All lots continue to meet the requirements of zoning. Staff recommends approval. Mr David Tipton was available for questions. rl Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Commission Member McGregor noted that the density is not affected by the proposed changes. Commission Member Obermeyer questioned what necessitated this change, and Ms. Diamond indicated PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 6 that the utility easements were defined later in the process, which necessitated the need for the replat. Mr. Tipton stated that these are utility easements for sewer lines. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the final plat for Custer Hills Estates Phase C. Public Hearing-Replat Park Place Townhomes (Agenda Item VIII) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing — Consider a request to replat Park Place Townhomes for Park Place Green, Ltd, being 7.59 acres of land out of the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of Jupiter Road and north of Park Place Drive." Ms. Diamond presented the replat to the Commission. This replat had been discussed with the Commission at a previous meeting. The design has been improved to meet today's requirements, there is a reduction in the number of nonconforming lots and a reduction in lots from 64 to 60. It allows two entrances to the major street. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Commission Member Smith indicated that she felt this was an appropriate replat and represented a positive change on the property. Commission Member Obermeyer expressed appreciation to the proponent for their work on this property Commission Member Pacheco indicated this was a significant improvement over the previous plat. He questioned Block E, Lots 1 and 7, where the building line does not follow the curve of the street. Mr. Bruce Grantham, GBW Engineers, Garland, indicated this would be modified. The radius would be curved to be consistent with the others. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat of Park Place Townhomes. I 0 I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 7 Public Hearing Specific Use Permit — Mr. Quik (Agenda Item IX) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing— Consider a request by Ronald and Carolyn Hollein to remove the existing Specific Use Permit for gasoline sales and re-establish the Shopping Center District regulations on property located at Block 1, Lot 2, Mr. Quik Addition, an Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at 705 E. Main Street, Allen, Texas. This property is zoned Planned Development -Shopping Center No. 5 (PD -SC NO. 5)" Ms. Diamond explained that this request represents the removal of the Specific Use Permit for gasoline sales. The gas pumps have been removed, and the owner wishes to sell the property for retail uses. The Zoning Ordinance requires that Specific Use Permits be removed through the public hearing process. Staff recommends approval of the request. Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of removing the Specific Use Permit on the Mr. Quik Addition on Main Street, Public Hearing Harley-Davidson (Agenda Item X) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing — Consider a request by Harley Davidson of Dallas, Inc. to place a Specific Use Permit for a Motorcycle Sales and Repair facility on a 2.6534 -acre tract of land situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, and being part of Lot 1, Block A of Allen Central, an Addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located west of U.S 75 and north of proposed Allen Central Drive." Ms. Diamond presented the request to the Commission. The proponent is requesting a Specific Use Permit and site plan approval for a motorcycle sales and service facility. This property is located on a portion of Tract 6 of Planned Development No. 55. This use is allowed within that tract by Specific Use Permit. The recently approved front yard setback on this property is being satisfied. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the site plan and has requested that the fire lane be constructed with the first phase of development. Mr Tom Sutton, Harley-Davidson of Dallas, 333 Clay Street, Houston, Texas, was available for questions. Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. Mr. David Pitstick, Director of Economic Development, spoke in favor of this request. This represent's Allen first dealership. The building appears to be very positive and will serve as a screen for the TU PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 8 Electric Substation. He feels it is a good economic development project Ms Sue Boyett, 513 Riverside, indicated that she had a bad experience in Austin recently with motorcycle noise and beer cans at a hotel environment. Mr. Steve Shafranek, 1006 Westwood Court, expressed concern regarding noise. He referred to the Specific Use Permit granted to EDS for a helistop, and the need to consider noise issues. With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Mr. Sutton stated that Harley-Davidson market is the middle to upper -middle-class white-collar working people. He discussed the demographics of his clientele. He stated that while there may be some riders that are not responsible, that is the case in all areas of society The dealership will have normal business hours. The freeway is a noisy area of town; all repairs will be done inside the facility. He added that this will be an attractive facility with landscaping as required by the Zoning Ordinance. He discussed the fact that the Harley-Davidson dealers have supported many charity events. The motorcycles cost between $10,000 and $20,000, and all vehicles will meet the sound requirements of the State. Chairman Kelley indicated that this facility is different in nature from a hotel environment. Mr. Sutton indicated that they are requesting to display cycles on the front porch during the day. Ms. Diamond indicated that it would be appropriate that any motion for approval include the consideration of outdoor display Mr. Sutton stated that the porch area would accommodate 6 to 8 cycles. These would be placed inside each night. He further stated that they have been requested to revise the parking along the north to increase the turning radius, which will also increase the number of spaces. The Commission discussed the fact that outdoor display should be limited to the canopy of the porch area Commission Member Haynes questioned the perimeter treatment and Mr. Sutton stated it would be landscaped. The dumpster will be screened. Ms. Diamond indicated that the northwest corner will be revised prior to the City Council public hearing to allow additional maneuvering space at the northwest comer. Ms. Sue Boyett suggested that the Commissioners visit the Addison Harley-Davidson store. She also expressed concern regarding test driving through the Watters Crossing development. Commission Member Pacheco indicated that he was familiar with the Harley-Davidson dealership in Dallas and it was never a problem. Commission Member Smith indicated that this planned development allows this use, and the consideration tonight is whether to place any terms and conditions on the property MOTION Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for Specific Use Permit with site plan approval for motorcycle sales and service, with the stipulation that the Bre lane providing two connections to U.S. 75 be completed in the first phase of construction, and to limit outdoor display of motorcycles to the area under the porch canopy, during business hours only. rr PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 9 FINDINGS. 1. The use is appropriate in this area. 2. The Fire Marshal's concerns were addressed. 3. Necessary parking is being provided 4. Outdoor display concerns were addressed. 5. Noise issues were reasonably addressed. 6. All maintenance of the cycles will be indoors. 7 Director of Economic Development spoke in favor of the request. Public Hearing Montgomery Farm (Agenda Item XI) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows "Public Hearing — Consider a request by Dahlstrom/McDonald representing the Montgomery Farm Co., Ltd., to place permanent zoning of 218.2 acres of Floodplain -Residential -4 (R-4), 69.6 acres of Residential -5 (R-5), 23.7 acres of Townhouse (TH), 27.7 acres of Floodplain -Office (0), and 42.3 acres of Floodplain -Corridor Commercial (CC), being 381.5+ acres of land located in the T G Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, D. H. Nix Survey, Abstract No. 688, Michael See Survey, and Abstract No. 543, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located west of U.S 75, south of Watters Crossing, north of Rowlett Creek" Ms Diamond requested that this case be considered along with the next agenda item, since the two items are closely related. The consensus of the Commission was to accommodate this request. Public Hearing Montgomery Family Trust (Agenda Item XII) Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows "Public Hearing— Consider a request by Richard Ferrara Architects, Inc. representing the Montgomery Family Trust to place permanent zoning of Residential -6 (R-6) and 31.3 acres and Floodplain -Office (FP -0) on 83.3 acres of land, being 119.98 acres of land situated in the T G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract 500, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located west of U.S. 75 and north of Rowlett Creek." Ms Diamond indicated that the two cases include over 500 acres of land. There are four residential tracts (R-4 R-5 and R-6, and TH). The request includes 116 gross acres of office (85 net of Floodplain). There are 42 acres of Corridor Commercial along U.S 75. The 1985 Comprehensive Plan, and all updates, indicates this area to be neighborhood residential west of the creek, with Corridor Commercial east of the creek. The office requested could yield 1.4 million square -feet of office or retail. The Corridor Commercial appears to be appropriate in its location east of the creek. The Comprehensive Plan indicates 3.5 units per acre south of Bethany The request exceeds this density except for the R-4 tract. The Comprehensive Plan indicates a school site within the Trust property, and PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION LJUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 10 the applicants are in negotiation with the Allen Independent School District to purchase this site within the R-6 tract. Staff recommends approval of the request north of Bethany and the R-4 tract south of Bethany Staff recommends denial of the TH tract. The Comprehensive Plan provides for 32 acres of medium density; however, it is not site specific. Staff recommends that if higher density is allowed in this area, it should be internal to the property, not adjacent to the existing residential. Staff recommends denial of the Office zoning. Staff supports the Corridor Commercial district east of the creek. The overall density of all the residential units, net of the floodplain, would be 969 units. The Comprehensive Plan allows this total number of units; however, on a higher number of acres. Acreage was calculated net of floodplain because it is assumed that the floodplain will be dedicated to the City at the time of platting. Ms. Amy Monier, 6625 Ridgeview Circle, Dallas, stated that this land has been in her family over 50 years. She discussed the desire to preserve the creeks. A portion of the family land was deeded to the Connemara Conservancy. She feels the requested zoning takes into consideration the open space needs of the area. Bill Dahlstrom, 8333 Douglas, Dallas, stated that this request represents a tremendous opportunity for the City of Allen. He feels it is consistent with the commercial corridor existing today He discussed the need for connections to the greenbelt, open space, and Connemara. He discussed the requirements for setbacks from major roadways. Mr. Dahlstrom noted that there is a 230 -foot separation across Bethany. He stated that the City's ordinances indicate that major arterials should serve as the borders of neighborhoods. He reviewed portions of the Comprehensive Plan. He stated he recognized that the uses proposed may be somewhat different from the Comprehensive Plan; however, it calls for specific implementation policies to be addressed. He reviewed the fact that the Plan is intended to be a flexible guide. He stated that the request includes environmental sensitive office space. Mr. Dahlstrom stated that the Plan indicates that a variety of residential uses should be encouraged. He feels the location of the townhouse district is appropriate according to the Plan. He further discussed the ridge line that traverses the property north to south. He suggested that the dividing line between the commercial and residential properties should be the ridge rather than the creek. He also discussed noise levels from U.S. 75 and indicated that they dissipate considerably at the ridge line Mr. Dahlstrom provided a contour relief exhibit of the proposal at a 1.5 scale Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing. Mr Will Richardson, 512 Riverside Ct., expressed concerns. He stated we do not need to emulate Richardson or Plano This request is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan or the spirit of the Plan. He feels it represents a disregard of the existing development. The majority of the homes bounding this property are a minimum of 2600 sq. f.t, whereby the proposal represents a minimum house size of 1500 sq. ft. He feels the proposal represents excess density (1/3 more than the Plan calls for). He is not in favor of the proposal with the R-5, Townhouse, and excessive commercial development west of Cthe creek. Mr. Steve Shefranek, 1006 Westwood Ct., indicated that the proponent did meet with the Watters it Crossing residents to discuss these plans. He discussed the need to follow the Comprehensive Plan and does not feel the proposal is compatible to the adjacent land uses. He expressed appreciation to Ms. Diamond for her preparation and review of this proposal He reviewed the recommendation from Mr. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 11 George Conner regarding the traffic study, and noted that the proposal shows 28,000 trips per day, whereas the Plan indicated a maximum of 20,000 vehicle trips per day He expressed concern regarding the increased traffic and the R-5 proposal with a minimum of 1500 sq. ft. homes. He suggested larger homes adjacent to Watters Crossing. He proposed a transition toward Bethany He noted that approximately 40% of the multi -family units planned for Allen are zoned in this area of the City. They do not need the additional density represented by the townhomes. He suggested the townhomes be moved to the interior of the tract; possibly along the ridgeline. He requested that the Corridor Commercial District should be very specific as to the uses allowed. He requested consideration be given to the traffic issues on Bethany Mr. Stan Swanson, 711 Bel Air, was opposed to the office proposal to the south. He spoke against the townhomes and office proposal. Ms. Pamela Kerns, 1235 Irvine, agreed with Mr. Shefranek and Mr. Richardson's comments regarding the R-5 zoning. She was concerned about the tree line north of Bethany She requested that this existing tree line remain in place. Mr. Gary Morgan, 1203 Cordova, was in favor of denial of the request. The integrity of the Watters Crossing development should be considered. He expressed concern regarding density He stated we should not deviate from the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jeff Plymale, 1204 Bel Air, expressed concern regarding traffic, impact to the school district, and the transient nature of greater densities. Regarding the natural ridge, he indicated that a portion of Watters Crossing is on that ridge. Consideration should be given to the buffer zone that the floodplain creates between the Corridor Commercial and the residential. With the proposal there would be residential directly across the street from office. Mr. Randy Boyes, 1003 Westwood Ct., discussed multi -family issues and the retail and commercial development in this area. He noted that there was a great deal of land available for commercial north of McDermott. He objected to the presentation of the contour scale being 1:5, and felt it misrepresented the actual contour of the property Mr. Gordon Caleb, 1001 Ashland Ct, supported the previous comments by Mr. Richardson, Shefranek, and Boyes. He feels the contour scale at 5:1 was a misrepresentation. It should have been 1.1 He discussed earlier comments regarding sound decibels. He advised that the decibel readings at his home are much less than reported by the proponent. He indicated he is opposed to the request. Mr. Mark Adams, 1012 Alameda Ct., stated he lives on the ridge in question He stated that the intention of the flexibility of the Comprehensive Plan is to allow the emerging identity of the community, and not for the proposed new development. Ms. Sue Boyett, 513 Riverside, agreed with the previous speakers regarding the need to preserve the tree line. She discussed the fact that many of those trees are Hackberry (not protected by the ordinance) She was opposed to 1500 sq. ft. homes behind her. Mr. Joe Ragusa, 501 Newberry, was opposed to the office development and was concerned about maintenance of them PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 12 Mr. Ivan Richmond, 1007 Ashland Ct., expressed concern about the removal of the trees for the construction of Bethany He discussed the elevation of Bethany, and the fact that the cars can see into the back yards on his street. He requested that consideration be given to requiring any office that is allowed to be low enough that they cannot see into his back yard. Mr. Joe Walker, 1219 Irvine expressed concerns regarding traffic along the commercial corridor, any removal of the treeline at the northern portion of the R-5, drainage area along the northern R-5 area, and homes to be built adjacent to the southern boundary of Watters Crossing being smaller than the Watters Crossing development. Mr. Shefranek further indicated that he had been asked to speak for Mr. Kevin Kerr. With no one else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Kelley closed the public hearing. Ms. Amy Monier, proponent, responded to comments made by the audience. She discussed the tree lines and drainage issues referred to. She noted that these issues would be considered at the time of platting. She stated that their intent is to mirror the Watters Crossing development. She offered to tour the property with anyone interested. She further noted that children would not be crossing Bethany for school, since there will be a school on this property Mr. Bill Dahlstrom indicated that they did not intend to suggest that Allen should be just like Richardson and Plano; but they feel this property is very unique They want to connect to Connemara and use the features that it provides. He indicated that traffic will be an issue regardless of what is built in this area. Staffs reports state that with the improvement proposed, the thoroughfare system can handle the traffic. They are not proposing apartments; rather a townhouse development. He noted that the R-5 is the same zoning classification as Watters Crossing, and they intend to protect the trees, creeks, and linkages to Connemara. Commission Member Smith questioned whether the R-5 would in fact be consistent with the Watters Crossing development. She noted that Watters Crossing is a planned development, which afforded the opportunity to place restrictions on the development. He again noted that the R-5 would be compatible to Watters Crossing. Commission Member Obermeyer questioned whether the proponent supports staff's recommendations; Mr. Dahlstrom stated they supprot staffs recommendation for the R-5 tract. Commission Member Smith indicated that she felt the established homeowners in Allen are what make Allen a desirable place to live. She prefers to see single family west of the creek. She expressed concern regarding the need for integrity of the existing development. Regarding the townhouse tract, she feels it should be located internal to the development. The R-5 should be more compatible to the densities developed in Watters Crossing, with a gradual increase to the south She requested input from the Parks Director as to whether he desires this type of greenbelt for office use rather than for single family Mr. Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation, indicated that park resources should be provided for both the citizens that live here and work here. There could be some advantages to the share parking of the office development for the floodplain area. He further requested that the zoning exhibit show the general area to be considered for the park. PLANNING &, ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 13 Commission Member Smith noted that this proposal would be 206 units over the Comprehensive Plan in the single family area. She questioned what type of zoning would be compatible to the density in the Plan. Ms. Diamond indicated that the R-4 would result in an average of 3.2 units per acre. Commission Member Obermeyer stated he does not support anything other than single family west of the creek. He does not feel the ridge is a valid issue He has a problem with the straight R-5 zoning, stating it would not be compatible to the existing land uses. Commission Member McGregor expressed appreciation to staff for the complete review He noted that the environmentally friendly atmosphere desired can be true for single family. He discussed the use of single loaded streets adjacent to greenbelts. He is in favor of single loaded streets along the greenbelt. He added that the market will drive the R-5 development to larger homes. He feels the creek is an acceptable dividing line between single family and commercial. He is not in favor of the R-5 because it is not consistent with surrounding patterns. He would be in favor of R-4 on the entire tract. He further questioned whether the greenbelt adjacent to the Williams Home Place tract will be dedicated to the City when the adjacent area is developed. Ms. Monier stated that it would be dedicated to the City Ms. Monier suggested that the shared parking in the office area would allow people from the east side to access the amenities on the west side. Commission Member Pacheco stated that he agrees with staff's recommendation in general. He stated the Comprehensive Plan is clear as to the intention. It is flexible, but the intent is clear that this should be a residential area with the creek being the buffer. He stated the overhead power line is not conducive to residential development, however, and added he would consider the southernmost office tract because of that power line and its proximity to U.S 75, Commission Member Haynes stated that he agreed that the office proposal is not appropriate. He feels the area should be developed as residential. Chairman Kelley stated he was in favor of providing the quality office space in Allen. The shared parking for the park sites would be appropriate. He felt that the office development would be good economic development. He indicated he was in favor of at least some office in this area. Commission Member Obermeyer indicated that the Commission does not have an opportunity to be more creative in this proposal Commission Member Smith stated she does not support the townhouse or office. She does support Tract 5 (Corridor Commercial), and noted that Tract l should be R-4 Regarding Tracts 3 and 4, she would support low density residential as in Tract 2 and in Watters Crossing. Chairman Kelley questioned whether the proponent would desire this request to be tabled. Mr. Dahlstrom requested a decision be made, and the item not be tabled. Ms. Diamond indicated that the Commission could approve, deny or modify the request. No stipulations could be made because this is straight zoning. Commission Member Pacheco suggested that recommending approval or denial on each tract would not be appropriate. He feels the vote should be on the proposal as presented. Commission Member Haynes agreed that any vote should be on the entire package. i.' PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ■[fW JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 14 MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Haynes, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 2 OPPOSED, with Commission Members Kelley and Obermeyer opposed, to deny the request for the Montgomery Farm Co., Agenda Item XI. MAJORITY FINDINGS. 1. The proposal is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Office use on Tract 4 is deemed undesirable; low density residential would be desirable. 3. Townhome on Tract 3 is undesirable; low density residential would be desirable. 4 Tract 1, 3, 4 would be more desirable with R-4 zoning to be compatible with Watters Crossing and Tract 2. 5. Strong citizen opposition was expressed. MINORITY FINDINGS. 1. It would have been preferable to have the items tabled for further study. 2. Some parts of the request were supported, such as the R-4 and Corridor Commercial. 3. Comprehensive Plan is only a guideline and not zoning. MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 2 OPPOSED, with Commission Member Kelley and Obermeyer opposed, to deny the request for the Montgomery Family Trust, Agenda Item XII. MAJORITY FINDINGS. 1. The proposal is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Strong citizen opposition was expressed. 3. Tract 2, Office, is undesirable; single family or townhouse would be desirable on this tract. 4. Tract I should be R-4. 5. Tract 3, considering the utility lines, some office or townhome could be appropriate, but not all. MINORITY FINDINGS. I. The Commission should have given consideration to the high quality office product to support the tax base PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 PAGE 15 Ms. Diamond advised that the next agenda would consist mainly of the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. ADJOURN: MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the lune 11, 1998, meeting at 10:45 p.m. These minutes approved this 25th day of June 1998. Jeff a ey, Chairman Pamela Smith, Secretary