HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1998 - 06/25 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
June 25, 1998
Commission Members Present
Jeffery Kelley, Chairman
Ross Obermeyer, Vice -Chairman
Pamela Smith, Secretary
Mark Pacheco
Jeff McGregor
Commission Members Absent:
Steven Haynes
Citv Staff Present
Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
Sally Leeper, Program Coordinator
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation
With a quorum of the Commission members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7'00 p.m. by Chairman Jeff Kelley, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public
Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Mr. Bill Petty reviewed the process to be followed for the public hearing of the Comprehensive Plan.
This document has been revised per comments expressed by the staff, Planning & Zoning Commission,
and City Council. Individual comments should be considered by the entire Commission prior to
forwarding a recommendation to the Council. A list of any amendments recommended will be provided
to the Council. He noted that the 1997 survey, with responses, is included in the document for
The Commission discussed the minutes of June 11, page 6, regarding the motion for Custer Hill Estates
Phase C final plat. It was noted that the vote should have been noted as 7 FOR and 0 OPPOSED The
change was made.
JUNE 25, 1998 PAGE 2
Commission Member McGregor questioned the easement requirements for the floodplain within the
Twin Mills final plat. Mr Dan Tracy stated that the required easement encompasses a provision for the
City to enter the property from the animal shelter property. This easement was submitted to the City by
separate instrument, and is in the process of being filed.
Commission Member Smith expressed concerns regarding the Comprehensive Plan—the name of the
Heritage Guild is mistakenly printed as Historical Guild; tables 3.b and 3.b.1, as well as 3.c and 3.c.1
have been placed side-by-side in the printed document; page 5.13, goal 3.022, she suggested adding text
11 .from the more intense uses."
Chairman Kelley expressed concerns regarding the need to provide for the expansion of the hi -tech
corridor of U.S. 75 into Allen and the need to plan for these uses He questioned the remaining
Commissioners whether there would be an interest in showing additional Corridor Commercial/Office
south of Bethany The consensus of the Commission was that the Land Use Plan was appropriate as
Chairman Kelley expressed concern about the reduction in high density residential (HDR) which is not
consistent with the survey results. The survey indicated 61.8% of the citizens preferred to keep the same
or more HDR.
C Commission Member Pacheco indicated that the allowable acres for office has been reduced; and felt it
was due to actual development on the ground. It was further noted that this reduction was a result of
shifting the office uses to commercial and industrial, which allow for office development.
Consent Aeenda (Agenda Item 111)
Chairman Kelley read the consent agenda into the record as follows.
"Consent Agenda
A. Approve Minutes of June It, 1998, Regular Meeting.
B. Final Plat– Consider Final Plat for David Bishop and Clarence Carter of Twin
Mills Addition, being 12.558 acres out of the George W Ford Survey, Abstract No.
328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of
Heritage Parkway between Park Place and Bethany Drive.
C. Final Plat – Consider Final Plat for Beazer Homes Texas, LT of Bethany Ridge III,
Phase B, being 17.1224 acres located in the John Snider Survey, Abstract No. 848,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of
Bethany Drive between Allen Heights and Malone.
D. Replat – Consider Replat of a Part of Lot 2, Eagle Plaza Shopping Center, being
2.026 acres located in the David Weisel Survey, Abstract No 977, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; further described as being located on Jupiter Road south of
Main Street.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission
Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve all items
from the consent agenda, noting that the change to the June IL 1998, minutes discussed
JUNE 25, 1995 PAGE 3
in the workshop was made.
Tabled Item
Wood Addition (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Replat— Consider replat of Wood Addition for Dr. Jeffrey Wood and Linda 1. Parker,
M.D., being 1 085 acres of land situated in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, being a
resurvey of Wood Addition, further described as being located west of Allen Drive and north
of Coats Drive."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member
Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Item III from the table.
Ms Diamond presented the plat to the Commission. She stated that previously noted issues have been
corrected. Staff recommends approval.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member
Obermeyer, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for the
EWood Addition.
Tabled Item
Bill Campbell, Jr. (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Tabled Item - Consider a request by Bill Campbell, Jr, to place permanent zoning of Residential -5
and Corridor Commercial on 323.23± acres located in Abstract No. 705, Abstract No. 110, and
Abstract No. 879, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located generally
between Alma Drive and Watters Road along the future extension of Ridgeview, Drive."
Ms. Diamond advised that the proponent had submitted proposed planned development conditions, which
address community facility issues, and are under review by staff and proponent. This item remained on the
JUNE 25, 1998 PAGE 4
Public Hearing
1998 Update to the Comprehensive Plan (Agenda Item IVl
Chairman Kelley read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Hold public hearing and forward recommendation to City Council for 1998 Update to the
Comprehensive Plan."
Mr. Petty reviewed the background of the development of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan and the 1992
update to that plan. He reviewed the process followed for the 1998 update under consideration at this
time. The first Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1978.
Ms. Diamond discussed the process of updating the 1998 Plan. She stated that a citizen survey indicated
an increase in education, an increase in median income, an increase of population from 21,000 to 37,000,
a need for additional parks and open space, and the fact that the citizens indicated satisfaction with
existing land use considerations.
Ms. Diamond discussed the neighborhood districts and the fact that each district was analyzed as to
established zoning patterns and the appropriate use for the remaining land. Neighborhood District 13 has
changed because of Allen Station Park and the High School complex. Neighborhood District 6 now
includes a golf course. The 1992 Plan includes many acres allocated for office only: this has been
reviewed and reallocated to industrial, commercial, and office. Office is still permitted in each of those
categories, but flexibility is provided.
Ms. Diamond noted that the developed residential densities were found to be very close to the 1992 Plan.
The multi -family (HDR) has been reduced from the 1992 Plan. The 1992 Plan included 11,000 units,
and this has been reduced to 8,000 units. This was the result of the process of reviewing development in
each neighborhood district and appropriate land use for the remaining area. She noted that 83% of all the
HDR allocations are already committed through land use or zoning.
Ms. Diamond reviewed the Community Facilities plate and the School District plate.
Mr. Don Horton reviewed the Parks and Open Space portion of the Plan He stated that residents were
surveyed in 1994 and again in 1997 In 1997 there was more interest in passive park uses. Input from
user groups was considered, as well m the AISD plan, and staff input. He reviewed the existing parks,
the service areas of the neighborhood parks, and the proposed parks and open space plan.
Ms. Barbra Leftwich, Traffic Consultant, reviewed the Transportation and Thoroughfare Plan. She
discussed the Tranplan model. She discussed the realignment of F.M. 2551 and Allen Heights, Alma,
and Bethany. She reviewed the secondary thoroughfares.
Ms. Diamond reviewed the Central Business District (CBD) plan. The area contains 277 acres of land.
■r The indication is that further study needs to be completed for land uses within this area.
4 Mr. Petty concluded this portion of the presentation. After adoption of this Plan, the City will be moving
forward with the Capital Improvement Plan for 1999-2004.
EJUNE 25, 1998 PAGE 5
Chairman Kelley opened the public hearing.
Melanie Jones, 1323 Rocky Creek Lane, Allen, questioned the indication of HDR on the land use map at
the southwest comer of Allen Heights and Exchange. It was determined that this was an error and should
be shown as commercial. She noted that the extension of Allen Heights appears to travel through the
middle of property that is under single ownership. She questioned whether this owner is aware of this
Ms. Diamond responded that this alignment Is a guideline only, and not location specific. The
intent is to serve all the properties without undue burden on any particular owner.
Amy Sherman, 103 W Belmont, Allen, questioned the intent of commercial development in the CBD.
She referred to the description of the CBD in the Executive Summary, and questioned whether there was
a process for preserving the historic homes in this area. She also discussed the need to connect old Main
to U.S. 75.
Ms. Diamond stated that the city has indicated that this area should be commercial and
nonresidential. She discussed the thoroughfare needs of the area. Mr Petty discussed the
history of the construction of McDermott Drive, with 2 lanes being diverted to Main Street, and
back to McDermott on the eastern edge of the CBD. It was noted that a study is underway by
Economic Development to consider the viability of the downtown area. Mr. Petty reviewed the
status of the residential structures in the CBD and the fact that the Plan intends that the area be
redeveloped. However, existing residential uses are grandfathered. He also reviewed the portion
of the Zoning Ordinance which allows for preservation of historic structures in the CBD.
Ms. Sherman questioned Mr. Don Horton regarding any possible use of the railroad property for a linear
park system if it is abandoned by the railroad.
Mr. Horton stated that this would be a possibility, and staff is considering this, as well as other
options such as Dart transportation, etc.
Mr. Kevin Kerr, 1013 Ashland Court, Allen, complimented staff on the Plan and stated he appreciated
the opportunity for citizen input. He questioned the purpose of the Plan, and discussed the fact that the
Commission has debated for hours a possible change in land use when presented by developers. He
discussed the fact that the Plan is noted to be a flexible document, and questioned the actual meaning of
this. He encouraged the Commissioners to stick with the Plan as adopted.
Mr Ed Topfer, 307 Keith, had questions regarding the Parks portion of the Plan. He noted the cost of
passive parks is shown to be 1/loth of that for active parks, even though the 1997 survey supported
passive parks.
Mr. Horton stated that it is much less expensive to build passive parks. Trail systems are built by
developers, and picnic areas are much less expensive than sports facilities.
Mr. Topfer suggested the addition of a statement regarding better implementation of the floodplain
ordinance and tree ordinance and enforcement, as well as the greenbelt system. He cited two
examples—the greenbelt system through Twin Creeks where the hike and bike trail has a problem where
it is too close to the golfers; and the undeveloped parkland across from Bethany Lakes Park.
JUNE 25, 1998 PAGE 6
Ms. Diamond informed Mr Topfer that the park referred to is being developed by the adjacent
developer, and should be completed within the next 6 to 12 months.
Mr. Steve Shafranek, 1006 Westwood Court, Allen, complimented staff on the Plan. He compared the
1992 Plan to the 1998 Plan. He noted that residential acreage has been reduced, PSP has been increased.
He discussed the percentages of LDR, VLDR, and HDR within the tables. He questioned the status of
the fiscal impact study and noted that it is very important.
Ms. Diamond stated that the fiscal impact study is being completed by Economic Development
and is in preliminary review at this time. The preliminary results indicate that it appears the land
use plan is appropriate, with possible minor changes.
Mr. Shafranek indicated that he hopes that the increase in PSP, although good for the city, does not result
in higher density factors through the remainder of the city in order to offset the tax base. Regarding
commercial development, he understands what we have at this time is high quality, but has a concern
about allowing tilt wall construction and warehouse/distribution facilities. Regarding HDR, he is in
favor of limiting the HDR and placing geographic restrictions and 18 units per acre on this type of
development. He prefers to eliminate some of the HDR concentration that exists at this time, especially
with respect to the Twin Creeks area. Mr. Shafranek discussed the correlation between HDR and the
crime rate and TAAS scores As to the citizen survey, he stated he appreciates the efforts of the city to
obtain citizen feedback. However, it appeared to be the identical survey as was provided for the 1992
Plan. He feels there were some questions that the citizens did not understand
Mr. Marvin Shelley, owner of the property west of F.M. 2551 and north of Chaparral, discussed his
family's history in the City of Allen, and his desire to develop his property. He discussed the burden
placed on the development of his property due to the requirements to construct Chaparral, Malone, and
F M. 2551. He questioned the need for Chaparral to be a 4 -lane divided thoroughfare and requested the
City's financial assistance in the construction of that roadway.
Ms. Barbra Leftwich, Traffic Consultant, responded, and stated that there is an agreement that no
major thoroughfares or collectors should be constructed along school sites. She stated that F.M.
2551 could possibly need to be 8 lanes in the future. Mr Petty indicated the need to support the
Transportation Model. Ms Leftwich discussed the fact that Chaparral is not designed for local
traffic, but rather for regional mobility
With no one else wishing to speak before this public hearing, Chairman Kelley closed the public
Ms. Diamond reviewed the changes in the Plan regarding PSP and Office. She stated a majority of the
office re -allocation occurred along S H 121 and in Neighborhood District 16, which reflected existing
zoning established in Twin Creeks. The 1997 survey was refined from the 1992 survey, but did include
some of the same questions for consistency, and was reviewed by the University of North Texas for
clarity. She noted that 18 units per acre for HDR has been incorporated in the Plan as a goal.
Implementation of the Plan will be through the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance,
Commission Member Pacheco discussed the need for the fiscal impact study Ms. Diamond stated that
the final analysis is expected within the next several months. Regarding the CBD, Commission Member
Pacheco questioned whether there is any immediate plans for this study, and was advised that a portion
JUNE 25. 1998
Ms. Diamond reviewed the upcoming agenda. She advised the Commission that Paul Penny has resigned his
position on the Commission.
Chairman Kelley and Commission Member McGregor stated they would be out of town for the next meeting.
Chairman Kelley requested that Don Horton attend the meeting when the Bethany Park Place plat is
MOTION: Upon a motion by Commission Member Obermeyer and a second by Commission
Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the June
25, 1998, meeting at 10:00 p.m.
These minutes approved this 9th day of July 1998.
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