HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1998 - 10/08 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1998 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: Ross Oberneyer, Vice -Chairman Pamela Smith, Secretary Mark Pacheco Jeff McGregor Kevin M. Kerr (arrived 7:02 p.m.) Commission Members Absent Jeffrey Kelley, Chairman Steven Haynes City Staff Present: Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner George Conner, Director of Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Pam Conway, Secretary Michael Stanger, Acting City Manager (arrived 9:45 p.m.) WORKSHOP MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Acting Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. The Commission Members discussed how to handle the election of officers if more than one nomination was made for a certain office — it was decided that a written vote would be taken if multiple nominations were received. Ms. Diamond stated that Ms. Smyth would be available during the regular meeting for questions on the Home Occupation Ordinance, tabled item. Commission Member Ker questioned what information the City Council had requested regarding the Home Occupation Ordinance, Acting Chairman Obermeyer stated that the Commission should give City Council a recommendation. Commission Members McGregor and Pacheco agreed. Ms. Diamond directed the Commission Members attention to the Millennium Business Park replat exhibit She discussed an existing, unrecorded access drive directly to the south of this property. She stated that staff is concerned that separation of this existing driveway and the proposed driveway within this replat is substandard, whereas, the driveways should be separated a minimum of 150 feet, and if built as proposed, there would be approximately 60 feet of separation. An agreement, per separate letter, was offered by the proponent that the second I L PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 OCTOBER 8, 1998 driveway be closed once adequate fire lanes are in place. Mr. Conner stated that A.E.D.C. allowed the southern driveway to be built. The Fire Marshall has requested it to remain for a time because, at this time, the only access is off of Bethany, and if Bethany is blocked, this driveway could be used as a fire access. Ms. Diamond then distributed additional information regarding the Campbell III property which illustrated the relationship of this case to Twin Creeks and the other Campbell properties recently zoned. REGULAR MEETING Consent Agenda Agenda Item II Acting Chairman Obenneyer read the consent agenda into the record as follows. "Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of September 24, 1998, Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda. Election of Officers Agenda Item III Chairman - Commission Member Smith nominated Obenneyer for the office of Chairman. With no other nominations, Ross Obermeyer was elected Chairman by acclamation. Vice -Chairman — Commission Member Smith nominated Jeff McGregor for the office of Vice Chairman. With no other nominations, Jeff McGregor was elected Vice -Chairman by acclamation. Secretary — Commission Member McGregor nominated Pamela Smith for the office of Secretary. With no other nominations, Pamela Smith was re -appointed secretary by acclamation TABLEDITEM Home Occupation Ordinance Agenda Item IVItem IV Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Tabled Item —Section 3.10 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance which regulates Home Occupations " Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Item IV from the table. Ms. Diamond stated that Code Enforcement Officer Audrey Smyth, since the last meeting, has completed further study She had a summary of the complaints most often received, which was included in the Commission Member's packets. Chairman Obenneyer stated that the Commission would like to be able to make a recommendation at the conclusion of this discussion to forward to City Council. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Commission Member Smith stated that she has a definite opinion. She referred to condition #4 in the current Home Occupation Ordinance which states, "No activity that regularly attracts customers to the residence. " Commission Member Smith proposed that an exception could be added on activities related to instruction, and regarding sales orders made at a party or on phone, may be filled on the premises. She isn't in favor of creating a list of allowed businesses. She supports the basic wording of the Plano Home Occupation Ordinance. However, she is not ready to allow an employee for a home business. Commission Member Smith stated that Mary Kay/Avon/Tupperware, etc. is obviously not like a retail store in a home. Commission Member Kerr questioned Code Enforcement Officer Smyth if she accepted anonymous complaints. Ms. Smyth stated she does accept anonymous complaints. Commission Member Kerr does not see this as a privacy issue (his comment directed to comments expressed at a previous meeting) Commission Member Kerr wants to protect the neighborhoods. He doesn't favor expanding the ordinance. Commission Member McGregor was also not in favor of the additional employee. He agreed with Commission Member Smith regarding adding the Mary Kay/Avon/Tupperware as being acceptable; however, he is concerned about the phone orders/pick up. Enforcement would be nearly impossible. He agreed that the honest people will conform. He had reservations about developing the wording necessary to allow for proper enforcement. Commission Member Pacheco referred to Mr. Sander's letter which was sent to all of the Commission Members. He stated that he agreed with Mr. Sander's letter. He doesn't want to relax the ordinance. He has a problem with people picking up orders at a home. It could certainly be a continuous stream of cars to pick up orders sold. He could not support any relaxing of the ordinance as it is now. Commission Member Kerr wondered if the ordinance could be worded in such a way that orders could not be picked up, but had to be delivered. Commission Member Smith stated that she has a Mary Kay lady and her choice is to pick up her Mary Kay product at her representative's house. Commission Member Smith also stated that she has never seen an inventory, she only looks at a catalog. Commission Member Smith asked Ms. Smyth if she had asked Plano if there had ever been any problems with Mary Kay (or the like). Ms. Smyth stated that she had not asked that question. Chairman Obermeyer stated that it was clear in Ms. Smyth's report that only Plano allows I employee out of all the cities she surveyed. Commission Member Smith stated that this type of business goes on all the time without any complaints. Commission Member Pacheco noted that they can continue to operate their Mary Kay/Avon business as long as no traffic is brought into the neighborhoods. Ms. Smyth stated that she has never received a complaint regarding Mary Kay or Avon Ms. Diamond commented that at this time Ms. Smyth has a tool, which is the ordinance, to back her if there are any complaints. If we remove or relax that ordinance and complaints are received regarding constant traffic etc., Ms. Smyth would have no enforcement tool. Commission Member Smith mentioned again that maybe people could register the home business with the City She also noted that Ms. Smyth's report shows that the complaints are generally received on the grossly obvious home business (car repair, etc.) Chairman Obermeyer's concern is not being able to enforce the ordinance PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Commission Member Kerr questioned if we ever want any sales activity at the home. He wondered why do we even have the words regularly or periodically in the ordinance. Commission Member McGregor answered that it is free enterprise. Commission Member Smith noted that Avon/Tupperware, etc is not like coming to the home and shopping (like in a retail store) Commission Member Pacheco continued to desire the ordinance remain unchanged. Chairman Obermeyer agreed with Commission Member Pacheco. He wanted no changes, except possibly remove regularly or periodically from the current wording of the ordinance. He stated that residential zoning should remain residential zoning. Commission Member Smith recognized that there are homes used for business, and she stated that the main objective is for the home to remain, from all outside appearance, only a home, not a business. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 3 FOR and 2 OPPOSED to not alter the Home Occupation Ordinance. Commission Member Smith and McGregor opposed. Maiority findings 1. Don't want to make enforcement more difficult than it is already. 2. The Ordinance is in conformance with surrounding Cities. 3. Any changes/relaxing of the Ordinance could encourage more activity, and possibly be more apparent that the home is more than just a dwelling unit. 4. Wants to protect residential zoning, 5. Business that require pick-ups at a residence should be located in a commercial area Minority findines 1. Sales resulting from phone or sales party is acceptable, would prefer to allow Mary Kay, Avon types to operate and be within the law 2. Not concerned with the traffic generated 3. Further regulations could be added to control traffic, if enforcement were to become a problem (i.e. register business with City). 4. We already allow 6 students for instructional activities, also home daycares; both create a considerable amount of traffic. Enterprises Addition No. 2 - Rental Agenda Item V Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Replat — Consider a replat for Enterprises Addition No. 2, Lot I D-2, Block 1, being a replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Enterprises Addition No. 2 situated in the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, located in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located at the northeast corner of U.S. 75 and Ridgemont" PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Commission Member Pacheco submitted an affidavit stating that he would be abstaining from this item, and left the room Ms. Diamond presented the item. She stated that Enterprises Addition No. 2, Lot 1, Block l is being re - platted to allow for additional fire lane easements. Public Works has approved the engineering and staff recommends approval. Jeff Whitten, 2026 Zeller, Plano, Texas, was present to represent the applicant. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the replat for Enterprises Addition No. 2, Lot 1D-2, Block 1. Commission Member Pacheco abstained. REPLAT Millennium Business Park Lot 2, Blk. 1 Agenda Item VI Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows "Replat— Consider a replat for Millennium Business Park Lot 2, Block 1, being 10.003 acres out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located southwest of Millennium Drive and Century Parkway " Ms. Diamond presented the item. She stated that there is an existing unrecorded driveway on the Bethany Tech Center property The driveway is not in conformance with City of Allen standards. Therefore, we are in receipt of a letter from the proponent that would allow for the eventual closing of the driveway This document will be filed with the plat, and addresses the circulation issues and the driveway closure. Chairman Obermeyer stated that it, in essence, will be attached to the plat, yet Bled separately Davis Glass, Prentice Properties, 3860 West Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas stated this plat is for the Micro Graphics Corporate Headquarters He stated that at the Fire Marshall's request, they will leave the driveway open until the agreed upon time of January 1, 2000. If at that time the development does not occur, they understand that they will be required to provide additional firelane access to Bethany Tech Center, and close the driveway. Commission Member Pacheco stated that his concern is that he's not sure the letter is getting where we need to go He suggested a barrier be installed that the Fire Department could get through but would be closed to normal traffic. Mr. Glass stated he would have no problem with that. Mr. Glass's only concern is to be able to install the driveway where he wants it, and be in conformance with the City's ordinance. Mr Conner stated we should not install a chaintbarrier until a proper time has been determined. Commission Member Kerr questioned when the loop road would be built. Mr. Glass stated that it may not be built in the first phase, it may be the second phase. (° Mr. Glass stated his preference is the second access from U.S. 75 and then close the driveway, as Lstated in the letter. A A PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Chairman Obenneyer's concern was when could the driveway be built. Mr. Glass stated his intent is to make sure access is provided. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member McGregor the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the mplat for Millennium Business Park Lot 2, Block 1. PUBLIC HEARING Bill Campbell III Agenda Item VII Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Public Hearing— Conduct a public hearing for Bill Campbell III, being 123.0091 ± acres of land situated in the Henry Brandenburg Survey, Abstract No 110, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of the proposed Ridgeview Drive and Stacy Road." Ms. Diamond presented the case. She discussed the surrounding zoning patters. She stated that a Traffic Analysis had been prepared Prior to the development of any portion of the land, at least two access roads must be in place, per the memo from Mr. Conner. If the properties are developed in accordance with the zoning district established, then the overall density could be expected at 3.6 dwelling units per acre. Staff recommends revising this request into a Planned Development District to allow for the provision of a variety of lot sizes, taking into consideration the zoning and development patterns established adjacent to this tract. Frank Murphy, Wynn Jackson, 600 North Pearl, Suite 660, Dallas, Texas, stated that he is working with Mr. Campbell. He is excited to be working in Allen and his desire is for this to be a quality development He stated that Helen -Eve Liebman will be making a presentation and is available for questions. Helen -Eve Liebman, Dowdy Anderson, 5225 Village Creek Drive, Suite 200, Plano, Texas, discussed the surrounding zoning and distributed an additional exhibit of surrounding zoning and density to the Commission Members. She stated that there has been discussion between Don Horton, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the developer for a Community Park to be located on the northwest of this property, and that Mr Horton has agreed that's where he'd like the park land to be. Ms. Liebman read from Twin Creeks Planned Development district regarding the potential for medium density development densities, and maximum number of units adjacent to this tract. She stated that Ms. Diamond had included that information in the Commissioner's packets. She recognized that small lot sizes were not desired by the Commission, and so they have requested R5 district zoning. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing Chairman Obermeyer announced that no speaker cards were available this evening, and asked any comments made to be brief PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Robert Ray, 6622 Orchid Lane, Dallas questioned if the Community Park and Open Space is a continuous park. Ms Diamond stated yes, that is the plan. Ms. Diamond also stated that it is an area for a park. Mr. Ray stated he is here on the behalf on another property owner (to the north) and they do not wish to donate land for park use Ms. Diamond stated that no request for park donations is being requested or considered tonight. With no one else wishing to speak, Chairman Obermeyer closed the public hearing Ms. Diamond explained the Kitty Hawk Estates addition. She stated that the homes are on at least an acre. Commission Member Smith inquired what the developed density is, the density recommended per the Comprehensive Plan (the Plan), versus that which is proposed. Ms. Diamond stated nothing in this neighborhood district has been built, and 3 6 is the average zoned density and the Plan calls for 3.4 dwelling units per acre Commission Member Oberrneyer asked if there was any consideration given to bringing this in as a Planned Development District, instead of straight zoning Ms. Liebman stated they did not want to be required to be "double dipped' with required open space and park land. She stated that Open Space requirements are too much for this tract to handle. A private amenity center is not considered to meet the parks requirements, if it is private. A Planned Development would require additional acreage to be dedicated. Chairman Obermeyer stated that he couldn't support straight zoning for R5. He referred to the Kitty Hawk addition. He wants a Planned Development. Commission Member Smith stated she is interested in seeing a mix of lot sizes. She tends to agree with Chairman Obermeyer. She would like larger lots next to Kitty Hawk. She felt that would be in conformance with the Plan. She continued by stating we are already over the average in that Neighborhood District. She requested larger lot sizes. Ms. Liebman presented an exhibit explaining Kitty Hawk Estates and stated they are built the way they are due to height limits set by the FAA, because they are built on the runway That is also the reason Kitty Hawk has much larger lots. Chairman Obermeyer stated that the City of Allen annexed Kitty Hawk and we owe them consideration. Commission Member Kerr wondered if the City could waive some of that park dedication if brought in as a Planned Development. Ms. Diamond stated that they will not be required to dedicate park land, and fees would be due at the time of platting. Commission Member Kerr was concerned with the straight R5, which he noted, is the bottom of the recommended density range in the Plan. He stated he would rather see more in the middle of the range if it is going to be straight zoning. Chairman Obermeyer stated he believes that they have two options: table the item and work with staff Cto revise the proposal, or to consider zoning it at a lower density PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 OCTOBER 8, 1998 Ms. Diamond stated that open space tends to be required and sometimes enhanced when working within a Planned Development. Legally, you could recommend to city council that open space be waived, however, this is not recommended. Commission Member McGregor stated that is direct contradiction to the Zoning Ordinance. He also desires lower density. He questioned Ms. Diamond about the amenity center She stated that private open space counts as a density calculation. Commission Member McGregor agreed that it is not unreasonable to request mixed lot sizes, which the straight zoning would not provide. He does not want to relax the ordinance in regard to open space/park land requirements. Commission Member Pacheco could also not support straight R5 zoning. Because of Kitty Hawk, some consideration must be given to transition of lot sizes. He wants to ensure sufficient wording to specify where the larger lots would be located. Commission Member McGregor stated also that no double loaded streets should be located along parks. The proponent, Mr. Murphy, stated that open space and park requirements are a concern. The goal is a mid range product, and stated they are not against a Planned Development. Commission Member Smith commented on the value of homes and that they could build that value of home on a larger lot also. She also discussed the build out population Chairman Obermeyer again stated to the proponents that the Commission does not support the request as submitted. Mr. Murphy discussed the people who would be interested in the homes they want to build. He indicated that it would be a village concept. Ms. Diamond stated that the Plan indicates this is a low density area. Commission Member Smith stated that the lot sizes need to start at 7500 sq. ft and go upwards. Commission Member McGregor noted that single loaded streets next to a park is a must. Mr. Murphy requests that the Planning & Zoning Commission table their request. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith, and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED, to Table Item VII, for Campbell IH property. PUBLIC HEARING Papvus Corporation Agenda Item Vlll Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: Public Hearing — Conduct a public hearing for Papyus Corporation, being 10.892± acres of land situated in Tracts I & 11 of Abstract No. 491, McBain Jameson Survey, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located northeast of S.H 5 and Chaparral Road. Ms. Diamond presented the zoning case and discussed the surrounding zoning, and stated that the Comprehensive Plan shows this location for Multi-family/or high density development. The proponent is requesting to establish MF -18 zoning on 10.892 acres of land currently zoned AO. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Under he MF -18 regulations, 196 dwelling units could be constructed on this site. A traffic study has been prepared and concluded that S.H.S can accommodate the traffic that will be generated by this request, and the two access points onto this highway will be sufficient to serve the 196 dwelling units proposed The proponents have offered to construct a deceleration lane to serve the main driveway into their site. Staff recommends approval. Mike Williams, 2303 Forest Grove Estates Rd., Allen, represented Mr. Mixon, owner of the property Mr. Williams feels it is good zoning and agrees with Ms. Diamond's statements Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing Don Smith, 21 Crockett Court, Allen, asked what is planned to be built here. He doesn't understand the exhibit He presented pictures for the Commission Member's to review. He discussed the trees in the pictures and how they give value to his home, and shade (his concern is trees). He also asked how close this development would be to his home. Chairman Obermeyer asked Mr. Smith to clarify his concern. Mr. Smith stated he thought there would be a buffer between his home and this property. Mr. Smith continued to be concerned about the trees. Chairman Obenneyer informed Mr. Smith that this is zoning, and that trees are discussed at the time of platting. Commission Member Kerr showed Mr. Smith the zoning exhibit and asked him to point out his street. Commission Member Kerr showed Mr. Smith the Comprehensive Plan and stated that high density was planned for this area, regardless of what someone may have told him when he bought his home. Ms. Diamond stated that an 8' screening wall is required to be constructed and the buildings are required to have a 25' setback from this property line. Parking is allowed in that area. She stated that they would not build in his backyard. There are separation requirements. Ms. Diamond also stated that the City of Allen has a Tree Ordinance, and tree rows are preserved Marcie Cluckey, 1600 Collin Drive, Allen, questioned the set backs and who is responsible for the lighting. Chairman Obermeyer stated that the property owner is responsible for the lighting and we have a lighting ordinance and there are requirements. Candie Mann, 15 Crocker Court, Allen, concern is they are surrounded by multifamily. She asked for explanation of a neighborhood district. Marcie explained what a neighborhood district is. Commission Member Smith stated that the land use plan (from the Comprehensive Plan) allows for high density residential in this location. She asked Ms. Diamond if there is a cap on the number of units. Ms. Diamond stated that the total number of units they are requesting is less than what the Plan requires. Elizabeth Cline, 23 Crocker Court, Allen, stated that trees are also her concern. Also the number of apartments in her area. She stated that there are too many apartments for this area. Traffic is already bad. She also was told that this property was zoned same as hers (medium density). She questioned when the Comprehensive Plan was developed. Chairman Obermeyer closed the Public Hearing. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE 10 �i Ms. Diamond stated that the Comprehensive Plan allows for 31 acres for Multi -family development. Twenty acres are currently developed. Per our table, 1 l acres are available for Multi -Family development. She also stated that we are in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Member Pacheco stated that the 2 complexes per district was just added in the recent revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan wasn't changed regarding this high-density area Ms. Diamond continued to explain the neighborhood district and allowable units per the Plan. Commission Member Smith stated that the surrounding zoning patterns are well established and development of this property, even at medium density is unlikely High density seems quite appropriate here. She also questioned if developing this as a Planned Development was ever considered. What about open space? Ms. Diamond stated that park fees would have to be paid on a per unit basis. She also stated that she is unsure of what benefit a Planned Development District would be for this property. Commission Member Smith has architectural standard concerns that could be addressed in a Planned Development. She wondered if they were building a pool, and stated that if there is an open space requirement, a pool might meet that requirement. She'd like to question the proponent in regard to this. Chairman Oberneyer stated that given the size of this property, it wouldn't be that beneficial to develop as a P.D. Joseph Agumadu, 7635 Tangle Crest Dr, Dallas, stated that they are planning a pool. Open space will be provided with the pool and green space. He stated that the architects are not here, and they would have had the drawings. Ms. Diamond stated that the open space requirement would be 2.6 acres if it were developed as a P.D Mr. Agumadu stated that at least 2.8 acres of open space (including pool) will be developed Commission Member Smith indicated that the value is enhanced when there is green area and open space. Mr. Agumadu stated that this plan is for it not to be dense. Mr. Williams stated that they do have some drawings if the Commission is interested Chairman Oberneyer stated this is zoning, and the Commission Member's could not hold them to anything here except zoning. Commission Member Smith would prefer a P.D Commission Member Kerr doesn't feel compelled to follow the Comprehensive Plan. He does understand the high number of apartments in this area. His concern is, what then to do with this property It is set aside for high density or commercial. It would not work as a housing development. Not in favor of apartments but what else could be done here. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 PAGE Il Commission Member McGregor stated that it is the best use of the property He understands Commission Member Smith's desire for a P.D., for more controls. He continued to explain that it allows more flexibility to address concerns for residents that are already living in the surrounding area. Commission Member Pacheco questioned Mr. Conner about the S.H.5 construction. Mr Conner stated that a November letting is scheduled, with a January start date and in 2 years it will be completed. Commission Member Pacheco understands the adjacent property owners concerns, however this property owner is desiring to develop as the Comprehensive Plan allows. Commission Member Pacheco feels this is the appropriate use for this property He does feel we would be imposing upon the proponent by requesting a P.D. He'd be willing to consider a P.D., but would not object to this plan as submitted. Commission Member Smith stated that she does not want to impose on the proponent. She would want what the proponent would agree to. Larry Cervenke, 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, stated that on this size of property he doesn't see a P.D. as necessary. It would just he additional time required for this case to be reworked and resubmitted. Commission Member Smith liked the idea of a P.D. because she'd like the open space requirement. Chairman Obermeyer asked the proponent if they would consider a P.D. for committing open space. Ms. Diamond stated that is has to be a P.D. for us to require the open space. There is no additional site plan approval process. This could be approved tonight as a P.D. The deceleration lane and 2.6 acres open space could be required. Commission Member McGregor asked for the heights of the buildings, and the proponent stated two stories. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 1 OPPOSED, with Commission Member Kerr opposing, to approve the zoning request for Multi - Family, 18 units an acre as a Planned Development District, requiring the following: 1. The open space to be per the P.D. requirements 2. All development will adhere to the City of Allen Multi -Family development standards 3. The height limit on units adjacent to existing homes will be two stories, the remainder will be in accordance with MF -18 standards. 4. The deceleration lane will be constructed on S.H. 5 Findings: Ma ori I In compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Compatible with existing land use patterns. 3. Open spacelheight requirements desirable (in Planned Development forth) PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1998 4 Traffic concerns addressed. 5. Total number of units in the district are in conformance with Comprehensive Plan. Minna I. Already 2 apartment units constructed should look at other sources. 2. Comprehensive Plan is only a guide. 3. Apartments have a long term negative impact to City of Allen. 4. Tax dollars could be obtained by other means. 5. The City of Plano also has planned apartments in this area, and that should be considered. 6 We should look at other uses rather than apartments Other Business: PAGE 12 Agenda Item IX Ms. Diamond noted that a meeting of the sub -committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Telecommunications board needs to be arranged within the next week or two. At that meeting the draft ordinance will be discussed as well as receive input from several of the wireless providers. Commission Member McGregor stated that he would assist in arranging the meeting. Ms. Diamond also discussed that at the last Mayor's meeting updating the Zoning Ordinance was discussed. A letter received by Peter Smith, Consulting City Attorney, concerning some issues with the existing ordinance, prompted this update. Staff also has identified some areas that need to be reviewed. An ad-hoc committee comprised of two members of the City Council and Planning Commission was suggested to review proposed revisions. Her understanding is that at the next City Council meeting, two City Council members will be appointed to the ad-hoc committee. Chairman Obermeyer would like the Commission to think about that and contact Ms. Diamond to volunteer to be on the ad hoc committee. Commission Member McGregor– issue of the final plat with an attachment (Millennium Business Park.) He questioned how binding is that attachment. Commission Member Kerr stated that the plat is approved and right now the letter could not be recorded. However, it is like any other easement, they have entered into a contract with the City Commission Member Kerr was convinced because the proponent said he wanted to do it right now. Commission Member Kerr stated that we need that letter ready for filing at the county before we file the plat. He felt this is an agreement made with the City that is enforceable. Ms. Diamond reviewed the council decisions at the last meeting concerning zoning cases. She also noted the items on the next agenda. Adioum. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the October 8, 1998 meeting at 10:45 p.m. The m es a fts_,;;,,�dayof 199$ —� i bertneyer, an piinnela Smith, Se retary