HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1998 - 11/12 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
NOVEMBER 12, 1998
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeffrey Obermeyer
Pamela Smith, Secretary (arrived 7:36 p m.)
Mark Pacheco
Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman
Scott Neice
Commission Members Absent:
Kevin M. Kerr
City Staff Present:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Pam Conway, Secretary
With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order at 7:08 p.m., by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen
Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Chairman Obermeyer welcomed new Commission Member Scott Neice
Ms. Marcie Diamond discussed the Bridgewater Crossing Final Plat. Some lots are platted within
the NTMWD easement. She distributed a draft letter to all Commissioners regarding the
NTM WD easement restrictions for Block. G, lot 6 and Block. F, lots 9 — 15.
Chairman Obermeyer stated he would like to remove this item from the consent agenda.
Twin Creeks 5B — Commission Member Pacheco questioned a cul-de-sac. He was unsure about
the street name. The representative for Twin Creeks, Carter & Burgess, stated it would be
addressed on Pampa. Commission Member Pacheco also stated that the flood plain easement
needs to be noted on the plat.
Braum's will be removed from the consent agenda; it is a Combination Plat.
Chairman Obermeyer indicated an error on page 10 in the minutes from October 2P Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting. Ms. Conway stated it would be corrected.
j Ms. Diamond distributed information to the Commission regarding the Chelsea item Also
(w,Ji distributed were replacement pages for staff recommendations, which are attached. Changes are
indicated with a double underline.
NOVEMBER 12,1998
Bridgewater Crossin¢ Agenda Item H -B
"Consider a request for Bridgewater Crossing, being 61 602 acres of land situated in
the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, and the Shadrick Jackson Survey,
Abstract No 489, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located generally cast of Custer Road, and South of S.H. 121."
Mr.John Papagolos, the representative for Bridgewater Crossing, discussed the easement.
Chairman Obermeyer questioned why the open space lot, (lot 16) which the easement affects
more than any other, is not included in the letter. Mr. Papagolos stated that lot 16 would be
added to the letter. He also stated that lot 16 may be a residential lot instead of open space,
they have not decided. Ms. Diamond stated that staff was under the impression that lot 16
would be open space.
Commission Member McGregor stated he has no problem removing the notation that lot 16
be open space, to allow it to be a buildable lot, if indeed they could build on it at all. He
stated the configuration of the lot seems to have changed since preliminary plat. Mr.
Papagolos confirmed that it had Mr. Conner then indicated some of the changes were due to
the definition of the flood plain area.
Commission Member McGregor indicated that he'd like to see more of the overall picture,
1 regarding the park sites. Ms. Diamond stated that Don Horton does review these plats, and to
the north there is a pond that was discussed at an earlier meeting. This pond is located in
commercial caning. Commission Member McGregor stated that this is the only piece of
residential coming in, in this area, and maybe we need to see if we need a park site here.
Ms. Diamond indicated that there are several other potential park sites in this area, and it is
her understanding that the Parks and Recreation Department have recently hired a landscape
architect to review potential park sites to this area.
Commission Member Smith stated that she is to favor of the HOA lot being a regular lot or
HOA, leave the proponent some flexibility
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the plat for Bridgewater Crossing with the
removal of the open space notation on Block F, Lot 16, and the NTMWD
letter will be Bled at the county prior to this plat being filed at the
The Motion carried.
NOVEMBER 12, 1998
Remlat— Bray Central One Lots 5R, 6R, 7R, 8R Agenda Item IV
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a Replat for Bray Central One Addition, Lots, 5R, 6R, 7R and 8R, Block
D, being 16.15 acres of land situated in the W M. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708,
Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, and the A.B. Perrin Survey, Abstract
No. 713, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located
northwest of U.S. 75 and McDermott Drive."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the commission. She stated that this is the K-mart/Hobby Lobby
addition. She stated that the impetus for this replat is to increase the size of Lot 8 to facilitate the
construction of a service station. It is being increased by approximately a tenth of an acre. A fire
lane and mutual access easement has been added on Lot 8R, and a portion of 7R. A mutual access
easement has been delineated on most of Lot 7R, and a portion of Lot 6R. These improvements will
promote traffic mobility Also, the deceleration lane on Lot 6R, as approved at the previous replat as
a street easement, has been extended to the east of the lot to enhance this intersection improvement.
Daniel Fuller, Cencor Realty, Dallas, TX, represented the ownership, and stated that he was available
if the Commission had any questions.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the replat, the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the replat as submitted.
The Motion carried.
Chelsea GCA Realty, Inc. Agenda Item V
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request by Chelsea GCA Realty, Inc., for David Petefish and Virginia
Lea to place zoning of Planned Development -Corridor Commercial (PD -CC) on 75 ±
acres of land, currently zoned Agriculture -Open space (AO) situated in the J. Dixon
Survey, Abstract No. 276, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as
being located at the northwest corner of U.S. 75 and Stacy Road."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that this property is being developed
as a premium outlet mall. The total square footage of development planned for this site is
approximately 681,000, verses the 600,000 stated in the memo. A Corridor Commercial district
requires a 100 ft. setback along all thoroughfares with rights-of-way greater than 100 feet. The
proponent is asking for a reduction in setback to 50 ft. along Stacy Rd. and C.R. 196. A 25 foot
landscape buffer is provided along U.S. 75 and I I ft. along Stacy and a 10 foot buffer along C.R. 196.
The Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Plan indicates this property to be Corridor Commercial,
and the proposed mall is in accordance with that plan. On the east side of the property is the Town of
Fairview, and it is also planned for commercial uses. Staffs recommendation includes minor
NOVEMBER 12, 1998
The use, bio safety level 2 was discussed. After Ms. Diamond read the definition from the Zoning
Ordinance of this use, this use was also deleted.
Ms. Diamond discussed the phasing/ traffic improvement conditions in the use and area regulations.
Commission Member Kelley stated that engineering should monitor this. Ms. Diamond stated that
these conditions would not delay building permits. The certificate of occupancy of the buildings will
be tied to these improvements.
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer for the City of Allen, stated that Stacy Rd. between U.S. 75 and C.R. 196
would ultimately he a 6lane, divided thoroughfare. The traffic study recommended that the signal be
installed at Stacy and U.S. 75 in the I° phase of development. This signal would actually benefit the
mall. He continued to discuss the traffic and phasing of roadway improvements. Most of the
improvements will be in the first phase.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he recognized a lot of work has gone into the development
of the numbers presented. He would like the wording to specify that any time a driveway is added on
C.R. 196, this road needs to be improved from Stacy to that point. Mr. Denison stated that was
George Conner stated that on the City Council agenda is a request that the City hire the same
engineering firm as Chelsea (Winkelman) to put in Stacy Road all the way to S.H.121. Two lanes, if
not all 6, will be completed by the time the mall is opened.
Mr. Pete Smith, City Consulting Attorney, stated that the entire infrastructure package is in
negotiation with the City, Economic Development Corporation and Chelsea.
Ms. Diamond suggested that a condition could be added to the use and area regulations that all
buildings exceeding 15,000 square feet, be set back a minimum of 100 feet. This would be applicable
along Stacy Road and C.R. 196.
Commission Member McGregor asked about the air conditioning units and requested they be
screened from view. The proponents stated they do not have a problem adding that criteria Mr.
Stein wants some flexibility due to the terrain.
Commission Member McGregor also mentioned the trash containers, and Ms. Diamond stated that we
do have screening requirements regarding that issue.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve as submitted and revised, including the staff
recommendation to revise the Use and Area regulations as follows:
The permitted use list being revised
1. Concrete or Asphalt Batch Plant— being limited to a
temporary use only.
2. Exterminator — delete
3. Real Estate Sales Office — remove "temporary" designation
4. Truck Sales and Repair (new) - delete
NOVEMBER 12,1998
6. Establishment of roads to serve the development were addressed.
7 Road improvement desirable to City
Power Lift Foundation Repair, Inc. Agenda Item VI
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for Power Lift Foundation Repair, Inc. by Bill McCowan to place zoning
of Local Retail (LR) on .964 t acres of land, currently zoned Agriculture -Open Space (AO),
situated in the Lewis Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 978, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located at 805 North Greenville Ave."
Ms.Diamond presented the item to the commission. Given the configuration and size of the subject
property, even in conjunction with the tracts to the north and south, viable redevelopment options are
limited. Therefore, retail, office and service uses would be most appropriate at this intersection of
two major thoroughfares. The requested Local Retail zoning would support these types of uses.
By establishing retail zoning on this tract, it allows for the front of the property to be brought up to
city codes to be used as an office. The rear of the property will retain its non -conforming status. Staff
recommends approval.
Bill McCowan, 110 Affirmed Lane, Fairview, TX, stated that with the development of Allen, he
would like to move his business to the Allen area. He wants to bring the current property up to a
commercial status. As Allen grows, his property as residential has no value.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that this would be an improvement over what is existing.
Commission Member Pacheco questioned the local retail zoning and the building setback
requirement. Are they conforming, or is this still non -conforming? Ms. Diamond stated that Mr.
McCowan has a legally platted lot, and the setback of 25 ft. would be required under the LR zoning.
Mr. McCowan stated the house is set back more than 25 ft. Ms. Diamond added that Mr McCowan
has been notified that all building codes must be met.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted.
The Motion carried.
1. Surrounding properties are zoned or developed retail.
2. It is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Will be required to bring front of building up to code.
NOVEMBER 12,1998
Ms. Diamond reviewed the City Council's action at their November 5, 1998 meeting.
She also reviewed the upcoming Planning & Zoning agenda.
Mr. Conner stated S.H. 5 bids were opened today Site Concrete was the low bidder. He stated that
he has real concerns due to the way that Site Concrete handles safety issues, i.e., barricades, traffic,
etc. They may be able to start the job in January 1999
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Neice and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to Adjourn the November 12, 1998 meeting at 10:02
The Motion carried.
These minutes approved this day of ()eCem bele. 1998.
oss Obermeyer, Chairman Pamela SmiC, Se etaary�-�