HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1999 - 04/08 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
APRIL 8, 1999
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman
Kevin Kerr
Scott Neice (left at 931 p.m )
Mark Pacheco
Pamela Smith
Commission Members Absent:
Jeffrey Kelley
City Staff Present:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Pam Conway, Secretary
George Conner, Director Public Works
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
- Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
Tim Deader, Parks & Recreation
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With a quorum of the Commission Member's present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order at 7 13 p.m , by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen
Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Commission Member Smith noted a correction to the minutes on page 8.
Ms. Diamond stated that on Agenda Item 1, the Public Hearing for the Angel Property, the
applicant has agreed that if there is significant opposition, to table the request to work out the
concerns. The proponent also has a presentation prepared to present tonight.
Ms Diamond stated that on Item V, Arbor Lakes, she inadvertently omitted the current land use
plan for the Reid Family property Ms Diamond distributed that land use plan to the
Commission Members.
Mr. Jason Marshall noted to the Commission that what is under consideration for revision tonight
regarding Arbor Lakes, is the tree line.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that on Item VI, Villas at Custer Hill , his concern is the front entry
on east side of street only
APRIL 8, 1999
was moved, some trees could be saved. She requested to be informed as any other decisions are made
on this issue
Randy Russell, 1544 Home Park, indicated that is for some items, the park and maybe the proposed
road will slow traffic on Malone. However, the density is too great. He proposed that R5 and R4 be
substituted for the density proposed.
Richard Haggerty, 1544 Hickory Trail, stated his concern is the size of the homes. They are too
small. Also he is concerned about the park He is not opposed to a park, however, parking off of
Malone is not good and is opposed to the lights for the proposed ball fields.
Jeffrey Wong, 2302 East Exchange Parkway, stated that there are 3 or 4 drainage pipes going across
his property Erosion and drainage is a real problem. He would appreciate either the City or the
developer doing something to correct this issue.
Ned Abbott, 233 Rock Ridge Road, stated that he lives east of the proposed development. He
suggested that this might not be a great place for a park between two high speed roads, given that
children will be present. He stated that larger lot size, the parking problem on the west, and the
lighting issues need to be addressed.
Roy Henke, 641 Meadow Lane, stated that he agrees that drainage is an issue. He wants the berm on
the property line (northeast) to be preserved. He agrees that the lot sizes should be larger (eastern
border) this would help maintain his property values
Esteban Rocha, 227 Rock Ridge Circle, stated that some of the trees along the southeast side of the
property are very large. He wants them to remain. Also drainage is a big problem.
Jesse Hensorlmg, 15 Highland Ct., stated that his concern is the fact that the master plan
(Comprehensive Plan) does say R3 or R4.
Sue Hoffman, 1390 Rock Ridge Road, stated that what is being proposed is well thought-out and
everyone is trying real hard to make it better. She stated that she is not immediately impacted.
However, she already has drainage problems, and indicated that the creek goes along the front of her
property She has two young children and stated if the City of Allen needs more park land, the City
of Lucas might be agreeable to exchange some land for the fees currently charged to residence of
Lucas to participate in the ASA and Park programs.
Shirley Webster, 221 Rock Ridge Road, she is not in favor of the proposed road at all. She stated that
it is right in her back yard. She stated that she would plead with the Commission to leave the trees
The drainage is a real problem, and she is opposed to the ballpark, noise and lights. She stated that
she was very upset.
David C. Bursom, 600 Meadow Lane, stated that his major concern is the drainage. The drainage
from what is a field now really causes a problem. He stated that he didn't know anything about the
road which is being proposed until now.
Angelica Rocha, 227 Rock Ridge, indicated that she is opposed to cutting off the tree line and
building the road
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
APRIL 8, 1999
Mr. Haynes reviewed the issues: drainage, fencing along he east of the property, parking along
Malone. He stated that a wrought iron fence would be used along the east of the property He stated
that by law he cannot add to the drainage. (increase the problem). A detention area is proposed for
the property. This may even alleviate some of the drainage problem that currently exists.
Regarding the tree line, Mr. Haynes stated that he understands that the northeast corner is not a tree
line, but a berm. Some issues have not been addressed He reiterated that the park concept plan is his
plan, not the City's. It is only a concept plan. He wants to create the best subdivision he can create
The homes will be approximately $250,000, which is very consistent with the area
Mr. Haynes stated that a masonry wall will be installed, with a landscape buffer and sidewalks all
along FM 2551. He indicated that is a tremendous expense. He wants to blend into the
neighborhood. He stated that he is doing more to enhance the area than what currently exists
Commission Member McGregor stated that the tree line and the road alignment are the same issue.
He would like Mr. Conner to address that issue.
Mr. Conner stated that there is a 50 -foot easement along the east boundary of the property In that
easement there is a 60 -foot sanitary sewer. There will be another 60 foot or larger sanitary sewer
placed into that easement sometime in the future. No date has been set. A road cannot be built over
that easement. Therefore the trees will be saved.
Commission Member McGregor stated that density is another issue that needs to be resolved
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he would like to hear from Mr. Tim Dentler, Parks &
Recreation, about the park issues.
Mr. Dentler stated that per the Comprehensive Plan, a park is planned for this section of the City
After looking at the property, the Parks Department felt that this would be an appropriate location.
Commission Member Pacheco asked Mr Conner to explain the future connection at "Mount Allen"
Mr. Conner stated that in the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) money has been identified for the
expansion of Exchange. Whether all can be accomplished with that money remains to be seen. Mr
Conner also noted that the details have not been addressed. He stated that Exchange is proposed to be
6 lanes to Malone and 4 lanes east of Malone. He indicated that the expansion probably wouldn't
occur until government assists in the financing of it
Commission Member Neice noted that he was on the CIP Sub Committee for Parks. He questioned if
this was the location of the Park that was discussed in the CIP meetings. Mr. Dentler stated that yes,
this was the location and is the number one priority
Commission Member Kerr thanked all who came to speak tonight. He clarified that zoning only
identifies appropriate uses for property He stated that density is always a battle He stated that it
should be held to what the Comprehensive Plan suggests
Commission Member Smith questioned Mr. Conner about the proposed road being mos ed over 50
feet. Mr Conner stated yes, it probably will be moved over 50 feet.
Mr. Dentler stated that the park negotiations are not contingent upon this single-family development.
APRIL 8, 1999
Commission Member Smith suggested another configuration. She also stated that she will consider
ILthe Summerfield property to the north and the rural development to the east as buffers. She would
favor something compatible to Summerfield. She stated that we can control lot size. Commission
Member Smith stated that she realizes the development burdens, but she can't support the density or
lot sizes proposed. Commission Member Smith stated R4 and R5 would be more in line and
agreeable to her.
Ms. Diamond stated that the list of issues is well defined. She stated that Parks has received good
input for development tonight. She also stated that R4 and R5 is 3 units per acre. Staff would be
appreciate the opportunity to work with the developer to reduce the density Most of the open space
would be on the eastern most edge.
Commission Member McGregor stated that at 3.4 units per acre which is the Comprehensive Plan's
recommendation, it is only 27 unit less than what he is asking for currently.
Mr. Haynes stated he would be agreeable to working with staff on the density issues.
Commission Member McGregor stated he would prefer to see R4 and R5, most certainly on the east.
Commission Member Pacheco is concerned with the overall density rather than the lot size
Commission Member Smith stated that the minimum lot size should be raised to 6,500 square foot
Mr. Haynes stated that he would have to do some land planning. He wants it to be a workable and
l viable plan He stated that he will have a hard time doing much R4 He stated that he is willing to
work on a compromise. He indicated that 3.4 density will be planned for this property He thinks
that a combination of three different lot sizes would be used.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that he wants this to be a good plan for the City and economical for the
Motion: Commission Member Smith moved to Table the request.
Motion: Commission Member Smith withdrew her motion.
Chairman Obermeyer Reopened the Public Hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kerr and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR
and 0 OPPOSED to table the Public Hearing until May 13, 1999
and that the item be continued at that time. The Motion
Commission Member Neice left at this time (9:31 p.m.).
APRIL 8, 1999
Arbor Lakes Agenda Item V
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for to amend Planned Development No 70 (Arbor Lakes), to attach a
revised concept plan and to allow for a variance to Section 3.05.7.G(7) of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance, being 46 373 ±acres of land located in the D.B. Hearne Survey, Abstract
No. 427, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located at the
southwest corner of Bethany Drive and F.M. 2551 "
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission using a Power Point presentation. She showed
the existing zoning patterns and the surrounding developments. She stated that the request is to
amend Tract 2 of Planned Development No 70. She presented a summary of the development
regulations and the addition of one to allow for the clearing the existing tree line for a collector street
along the south property line of Tract 2. All healthy trees that are removed will be replaced per
caliper inch, within Tract 2 of this P.D.
The staff recommendation is to approve the requested amendment to Tract 2 of this P D. The
attachment of a revised concept plan is also recommended because it is in accordance with the written
P.D. conditions which are attached to the ordinance.
Ron Haynes, 17817 Davenport, Dallas, stated that the issue tonight is a variance to the zoning to
remove trees at the very southeast section of the property Every tree there is Hackberry and all
would be replaced caliper per caliper with healthy trees. Mr. Haynes stated that an arborist will
determine which trees are healthy that will be removed and replaced.
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he can support this.
Commission Member McGregor stated that he supports this request Commission Member herr
stated that he also could support this request
Commission Member Smith asked Mr. Marshall about the statement in the Development Standards
referring to a concept plan being adhered to. She stated that the concept plan is different than the one
that was submitted with the original zoning.
Ms. Diamond stated that it reflects the Planning Commission actions. Mr. Marshall explained that a
concept plan generally conforms. A plat is more binding Any site plan referenced and attached
becomes binding.
Ms Diamond stated that Mr. Haynes presented the preliminary plat to the City Council that is
reflected in the Concept Plan being presented this evening.
Mr. Marshall stated that if a Preliminary Plat was approved, then the Commission believed that it was
in general conformance.
Commission Member Smith wondered why we were changing this.
APRIL 8,1999
Ms. Diamond noted that if there were not a tree row issue, this would not even be before the
Commission tonight. This is more a clean-up issue
Commission Member Smith stated that she would not support this request.
Commission Member Kerr stated that this was being presented to the Commission as only a language
change for a tree row, and now he hears that more changes are being made that he didn't know about
He thinks we need to formally state that we are replacing these things. However, Commission
Member Kerr stated that he supports the plan
Ms. Diamond noted that the request (attaching the revised concept plan) was specified in the
information presented to the Commission.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco the Commission voted 4 FOR and 1
OPPOSED to approve the request with the change to the
Development Standards #1(shown in italics), and adding #12, as
#1 — The development of the property shall be in accordance with the
concept plan (dated March 25, 1999) attached to and made a part of
this ordinance.
012 — Allow for the clearing of the existing treeline in the center of
the extension of the 60 -foot wide collector along the south property
line of Tract 2. This condition provides a variance to Section
3.05.743 (7) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. All healthy
trees, as determined by an arborist that are removed will be
replaced, per caliper inch, within Tract 2 of this P.D.
Commission Member Smith Opposed. The Motion Carried.
I Alignment with the collector is desirable with the overall neighborhood.
2. Replacement of unhealthy trees with healthy trees.
3. Remainder of amendments were clerical in nature.
Minority findines
I No need to change Development Standards and Concept Plan if Preliminary Plat is in
conformance with zoning.
2 Concern over changing wording after Preliminary Plat approval.
3. Concern that Preliminary Plat was not in conformance with the Development Standards and
Concept Plan.
APRIL 8, 1999
Villas at Custer Hills Agenda Item VI
Chairman Obenneyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for zoning from an A -O District to a Planned Development District for
Single Family Uses, for Villas at Custer Hills, bemg15.06 ± acres of land located in the John
Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, in the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further
described as being located north of Hedgcoxe Road and east of Nottingham Place."
Ms Diamond presented the item using a Power Point presentation. Existing zoning patterns and
surrounding zoning patterns were shown Also shown were existing developments. A concept
plan was presented and discussed. Ms. Diamond stated that the property is currently
undeveloped, however, it is being used for outside storage of used vehicles and various vehicle
parts, including tires, etc. She stated that Villa Custom Homes, the prospective purchaser of the
propertv, is requesting a Planned Development District for single family homes.
Ms Diamond stated that there would not be alleys adjacent to the proposed hike and bike trail,
which will have a meandering sidewalk along the eastern edge of this development. The fencing
will be limited to decorative metal fencing. The open space will provide for a pedestrian linkage
to the proposed Neighborhood Park to Neighborhood District 20, and a buffer between this use
and the residential proposed to the east
Staff is recommending approval of this request based on:
1 Provides for the removal of an undesirable use.
2 Provides for a transition between the smaller lots in Custer Hills Estates and the undeveloped
land to the east.
3 Provides for a pedestrian link from this neighborhood to the future park to the north.
4 Provides for street connections from existing to proposed neighborhoods.
Richard Vlad, 5825 Yeary, Plano, stated that lie is getting rid of thejunk yard and buffering his
property from the adjacent property with front entry homes and wrought iron fencing.
Warren Packer, 5825 Yeary, Plano, stated that he would be happy to meet with Ms. McDermott
to address any concerns she may have about his development.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
Ms. Eugene McDermott, , 4701 Drexel, Dallas, stated that she has lived in Allen for 45 vears
She stated that this plan is very crowded and open space is too little in this land She made a plea
to the Commission to consider these issues and she would welcome a meeting with Mr Packer
and Mr Vlad to discuss these issues.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commission Member Kerr stated that while it is crowded, it is a very unusually shaped piece of
property He questioned the trails.
Ms. Diamond stated that this is a very small tract of land. Providing for a hike and bike trail with
■�$ a wrought iron fence leaves it very open and provides a link from one neighborhood to another.
APRIL 8, 1999
Commission Member Kerr wondered what this is linking to?
Ms Diamond stated that it is linking to a Neighborhood Park, which is planned for this area
This will be maintained by a Home Owners Association
Commission Member Kerr stated that he is not in favor of front entry garages in a long strip
Commission Member Smith stated that the open space requirement is being met, due to the fact
that the land is small. She explained the density of the surrounding property to Ms. McDermott.
Commission Member Smith stated that she generally doesn't favor the front entry homes,
however, she doesn't see how an alley could be added here.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that the trail is of more value than a small spot of openspace
Commission Member Pacheco stated that in the Development Standards the wording may, be
backwards regarding the east and west boundary's. Ms Diamond stated that it was an error and
would be corrected.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he has a real problem zoning in little strips like this. It
is not good planning. He realizes it is a tough piece of property; however, he cannot support this
Commission Member McGregor asked about the boundary to the west. It was noted that the lots
on the west will be rear entry and they will be using the alley from the adjacent subdivision.
Mr. Packer stated that they are willing to adjust that rearjogging trail. He could widen it by
another 9 or 10 feet.
Commission Member McGregor stated that he has a problem with the density also. He would
like to see the Comprehensive Plan density adhered to. He stated that he is not a fan of front
entry homes He would rather see a swing entry This development would be more desirable
than what the property is currently used for (junk yard).
Chairman Obermeyer stated that he agrees with Commission Member McGregor and he stated
that the lots are very narrow and is not really what is desirable long term.
Mr. Packer stated that they are not the "big guys", they are small custom builders. He stated that
they are land locked on all three sides. There is no way in or out of it, and no way to market it.
He stated that they would limit the front entry Maybe 20 percent would be front entry and they
will do some swing entry. This development will eliminate 50 percent of the junk yard.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that maybe the developers need more time to work on this plan.
Mr. Packer stated that they are unable to change the plan. If front entry is an issue he has no
problem changing that He is also willing to increase the trail buffer by 8 or 9 feet (to 29 feet)
and reduce the depth of the lots.
Commission Member Smith stated that she heard 10 feet. Chairman Obermeyer stated that he
would rather have bigger lots.
APRIL 8, 1999
The cul-de-sac was questioned, if it was large enough for a fire truck Ms. Diamond noted that
the Fire Department has approved the temporary turnaround.
Commission Member Smith stated that she could support this request. Commission Member
Kerr agreed
Ms McDermott stated that this is one of the poorest plans she has ever seen She would rather
have fewer people She wants the lake on her property to be carefully planned. She would rather
have the junk yard than this development. She loves the land and wants to protect the land.
Commission Member McGregor stated that 50/50 on swing and front entry homes is desirable.
He doesn't want to make the lots smaller. He prefers to stay with the same lot size
Commission Member Pacheco stated that maybe just put a limit on the front entry Say a
maximum number of front entry, rather than a percent
Commission Member Smith stated that this property is land locked and cannot be larger lots. It
could possibly be land locked for a very long time and the Comprehensive Plan allows dense lots
here. She stated that these are good size lots considering the surrounding development. She is
comfortable with the 6,500 square foot lots.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by
Commission Member Kerr the Commission voted 4 FOR and 1
OPPOSED to approve as submitted except restrict the front entry
garages to along the eastern side, and to a maximum of 11 lots. The
western side will be rear entry. Also, correct the eastern/ western
words on La and 1.b of the Development Regulations (clerical
error). Commission Member Pacheco was opposed. The motion
Findings (Majority)
I Generally in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan in terms of density.
2. A good density transition.
3. Landscape buffer through the trail on the eastern boundary is desirable.
4. Lot sizes are compatible with surrounding zoning patterns.
5. Improvement over what is there now
Findings (Minority)
1. Exceeds density recommended in Comprehensive Plan.
2. Narrow trail is undesirable
3. Piecemeal planning
4. Continues the over -development already started with Custer Hill
5 Undeveloped property to the east still offers an opportunity for better development of this
6 Stated opposition by that property owner.
APRIL 8, 1999
Preliminary Plat
Maple Trail Addinon Agenda Item VII
Chairman Obertneyer read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Maple Trail Addition, being 15.276 ± acres of
land located in the Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; further described as being located west of S.H. 5 and south of Rivercrest Blvd:"
Commission Member Pacheco abstained from this item and removed himself from the room at
this time
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the proponent plans to
develop 228 units at a density of 14.9 units per acre She stated that there are numerous trees on
this property and that a 7.5 foot tree preservation easement is noted along the north and south
property lines
Ms. Diamond also noted that median access on S.H. 5 will be provided at the southeast portion of
the property The Cottonwood Creek Apartments will also be served by the same median
Ms. Diamond stated that Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation, has requested that funds
be escrowed by the property owner for a trail on the west side of the creek prior to the filing of
the final plat.
Ms. Diamond stated that City staff recommends that the Commission approve this preliminary
plat with the stipulation that the funds for the hike and bike trail to be constructed on the west
side of the creek be escrowed prior to the filing of the final plat.
Jeff Whitten, Pacheco Koch, Dallas, stated that they are putting in a natural line channel. No
concrete pipe, it is an earthen channel The trees will be preserved.
Commission Member Smith stated that the earthen channel line would cause a loss of trees Mr
Whitten agreed. Mr. Whitten also stated that there is already an established creek. The creek is
not defined and doesn't drain properly
Commission Member Kerr stated that it's a good use of the creek, and is less dense than is
Commission Member McGregor questioned the maintenance for the greenbelt. Mr. Dentler
stated that Public Works Department typically maintains that type of area.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that it is a good plan.
Commission Member Smith questioned if the existing driveway to Cottonwood Creek
Apartments would remain. Mr Conner stated that this is a State road and if they want to keep it
they can or not.
Mr Dender stated that at this time they prefer the escrow of funds (rather than building the hike
and bike trail at this time). Ms. Diamond stated that it would be resolved at the final plat, which
is imminent.
APRIL 8, 1999
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member McGregor the Commission voted 4 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request with the stipulation that the
proponent has agreed to build a trail or escrow funds by the time of
final platting. Motion Carried.
Commission Member Pacheco returned and rejoined the Commission at this time.
Preliminary Plat
The Parks at Waterford. Ph. I Agenda Item VIII
Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows
"Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for The Parks at Waterford, Phase I, located in the
Henry Brandenburg Survey, Abstract No. 110, and the H. Seabom and RT Clements
Surveys, Abstract No. 879, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located at southwest of the proposed Stacy Road and Ridgeview Drive."
Ms Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that this subdivision contains
155 single-family lots and four lots for common area (open space) on 61 acres. There will be an
amenity center (1.31 acres) will be located on the corner of Parkwood and Parkway Drive.
This subdivision is a density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre, which is below the maximum density
of 3.5 that is allowed by zoning. Ms Diamond further stated that the collector street that was
delineated on the 1998 Comprehensive Plan has been realigned in a more north/south direction
for the following reasons ( I ) it enhances the access to the future school south of this subdivision,
(2) the current alignment would bisect the Community Park, (3) it provides immediate access to
Ridgeview, and (4) it shifts more financial responsibility for road construction to the land owner
Ms. Diamond stated that City staff is concerned about the impact of the road on the trees
(Parkway Drive). Therefore, it is recommended that prior to the submission of the first phase of
the final plat, staff approval for the alignment be obtained.
Mr. Jeff Linder, Dowdey Anderson, Plano, stated that they are coming in far below density
allowed. Open space is about 9'/: acres above what is required Ms. Diamond questioned if this
open space included the landscape edge, and noted that that area would not qualify as open space.
Frank Murphy, Wynn Jackson, stated that each phase will contain neighborhood parks. The
amenity center is a buffer between phase one and two. They needed the flexibility of density. He
is requesting that in future phases of this development he would like the Commission to consider
that they have exceeded the requirements in this phase.
Chairman Oberrneyer stated that it will be considered but the Commission cannot guarantee to go
with an aggregate regarding the openspace. We cannot commit to waiving or reducing the
openspace for other phases.
In response to staffs concern over the preservation of trees adjacent to the collector street, Mr
Murphy stated that the goal is to provide for pavement so that the canopy of the tress will hang
�^ over the streets.
■lig Mr Dentler stated that they would allow the final engineering to dictate.
APRIL 8, 1999
Mr Murphy stated that they would refer to a professional arborist.
Commission Member Pacheco questioned Mr. Conner about traffic movement on Estes Park.
Mr. Conner stated they have not looked at that and they will determine that at final plat.
Commission Member Pacheco stated an item to be resolved is the southern portion of Parkway
Drive on the western side. Mr. Murphy stated that they own the property to the west and are
currently in the process of deeding it to the City of Allen, who would dedicate the ROW for
Parkway Drive.
Commission Member McGregor questioned the lots abutting Kitty Hawk. It was noted that the
lots are requested are larger adjacent to Kitty Hawk.
Commission Member Kerr questioned the openspace located at the entryway of Parkland which
is off of Stacv Road.
Commission Member Smith stated that she would prefer to see the collector street (Parklane) go
through. She stated that this is the one entrance off of Stacy Road, and feels that they would
really draw traffic from Stacy, and would prefer to see it carry on through
Mr. Conner stated that there is no additional capacity on a 60 foot street versus a 50 foot street,
the additional pavment provides for on -street parking
Commission Member Smith stated that this is not a collector street it is a collector treatment Mr
Conner agreed. He stated that there is really no formula.
Mr. Murphy suggested taking the collector street to the second cross street. Commission Member
Smith stated she would be agreeable to that suggestion
Commission Member Kerr stated that the collector is an engineering question. He stated that the
60 foot is an extra convenience, however if Mr. Conner is comfortable with it than he would
agree also.
Commission Member Pacheco stated he could be in agreement with this compromise to extend
the collector to the second cross street. Commission Member McGregor also stated that he would
support the collector continuing on to Parkwood Ct
Commission Member Pacheco stated that all the streets should say "street" or "court" or "drive"
by final plat.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by
Commission Member Kerr the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request for a preliminary plat with the
stipulations that (1) the alignment for Parkway Drive shall be
approved by City staff prior to submission of the first phase of the
final plat. The alignment will minimize tree loss and enhance tree
preservation, and (2) tree canopy dimensions will augment tree
survey information. Also, Parklane will retain collector width to
Parkwood. Motion carried.
APRIL 8, 1999
Other Business Agenda Item IX.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED
to Adjourn the April 8, 1999 meeting at 12:06 a.m.
These minutes approved thisov 'J? day of '4 t7/Z[ C 1999
oss Obermeyer, Chairman Pamela Smith, Secretary