HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1999 - 06/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NNE 24, 1999 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present: Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman Jeffrey Kelley Kevin Kerr Pamela Smith Mark Pacheco Kevin Kerr Commission Members Absent Scott Neice City Staff Present Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner Pam Conway, Secretary George Conner, Director Public Works Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commission Member's present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7.10 p.m., by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas t.It. .Ih Ms. Diamond updated the Planning and Zoning Commission on recent City Council Actions including: the approval of the Angel Tract; Villas at Custer Hills being tabled until July I" meeting; Zoning Ordinance revisions, the SUPS for Cleaning Plant/Laundry (The Heights of Bethany) and the Attic Self -Storage are scheduled for July 1. Commission Member McGregor noted a correction on page 3 of the minutes. Item C on the Agenda, Parkside No. 4, Ph. A, will be removed from the Consent Agenda for a clarification regarding setbacks. 11 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commission Member's present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:34 p.m., by Chairman Obermeyeq at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Consent Aeenda Agenda Item 11 A. Approve Minutes of lune 10, 1999 B. Final Plat— Consider a request for a Final Plat for Alliance Office Center, Lots 1-8, Block A, containing 5.0214 t acres of land situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, located at the southeast corner of S H.5 and Buckingham Road. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Item C from the Consent agenda, and approve Items A and B, with the corrections to be made to the minutes as noted in the Workshop. The Motion Carried. Consent Agenda Item C Parkside No. 4, Ph. A Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Consider a request for a Final Plat for Parkside No. 4, Phase A, containing 23.631 ± acres of land situated in the Simon Bums Survey, Abstract No. 92, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest comer of Bethany Drive and Malone Road." Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the property provides for R-6 and R-5 zoning. This parcel is zoned R-6 which allows and contains 86 lots, and this constitutes a density of 3.6 dwelling units per acre. The Director of Public Works, George Conner, has approved the engineering for this property, and staff has recommended approval as submitted. Mr. Tony Krauska, Kurtz/Bedford, 4222 Rosehill Road, Dallas, stated that he would answer any questions. Commission Member Pacheco stated that there are no side yard setbacks on this plat along Bethany Drive, but they are shown on the preliminary plat. Mr. Kraus stated that wasjust an oversight and the setbacks will be added. Commission Member Pacheco questioned Mr. Conner if we have all the ROW needed for Bethany. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE Mr. Conner stated that we actually have more ROW than we need; however, that is not a problem. He stated that this is put together exactly how the Subdivision Ordinance indicates. The landowner has dedicated the land to the City for the ROW Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the plat for Parkside No. 4, Phase A, noting that the proponent agreed to add the side yard setbacks along Bethany Drive before the plat is filed at the county. The Motion Carried PRELIMINARY PLAT Round Rock Agenda Item III Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Round Rock addition, containing 43 721 ± acres of land situated in the William Snider Survey, Abstract No. 821, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located west of F.M. 2551 between F.M. 2170 and Bethany Road." Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the property is zoned R-2 and R- 4 (18,000 square foot lots and 9,000 square foot lots). Ms. Diamond stated that a Tree Survey has been provided in the Commissioner's packet. She noted that there is a 7.5 foot tree easement along the southern perimeter and a portion of the southwestern perimeter. There are 128 lots in the subdivision. Engineering has been approved and staff recommends approval. Mr. Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering, stated he would answer any questions the Commission may have. Commission Member Kerr questioned the cul-de-sac on Giddings Ct. He questioned if it was acceptable per Fire Code. Ms. Diamond stated that they are providing for a street easement by a separate instrument. Mr. Corwin stated that the owner to the north is in agreement with that easement. Commission Member McGregor stated that he wasn't aware this abutted another subdivision. Commission Member Pacheco stated that at the end of the three (3) cul-de-sacs there are some easements, and questioned what would be in them. Mr. Corwin stated it would be water drainage Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat for Round Rock. Motion Carried. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE 4 PUBLIC HEARING Chaparral Crossing Apartments Agenda Item IV Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Consider a request for a Planned Development District for Multi -Family uses on property currently zoned Agriculture/Openspace (AO). The property is 22.262 ± acres of land situated in the McBain Jameson Survey, Abstract No 491, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located on S H. 5 north of Chaparral Road." Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that Green and Associates is requesting a Planned Development District for Multifamily uses on 22.06 acres of land. The proposed development will have a density of 16 dwelling units per acre, for a total of 352 units. The project is proposed to be all three story with 102 of the 880 parking spaces in garages. Ms. Diamond stated that the Concept Plan indicates approximately six acres of open space, in five separate areas. She also noted that the applicant had invited the residents of Collin Square to a presentation and question and answer session on Tuesday, lune 22nd to receive their input. Ms. Diamond noted that per the Comprehensive Plan there are a total of 267 medium and high density dwelling units remaining in this neighborhood district. Staff is recommending approval of this request subject to: the density being reduced to the 267 units as provided in the Comprehensive Plan; the maximum height of the building being limited to two stories, within 150 feet of the residential district; maximum number of units per building be limited to 16, to be more in scale with the residential development to the east; and the open space be redesigned into larger, more useable openspace. Jerry Green, 501 CR 157, McKinney, TX (Proponent), presented the plan to the Commission. He noted some of the amenities, including gates, etc. He stated that he has met with many of the neighbors to the east and also the businesses. Mr. Green stated that from the business perspective, they had almost 100 % support. He stated that a good percent of the residential neighbors came to the meeting. He stated that the neighbors have a solid grasp for what he is proposing. He believes that the residents prefer the plan that he is submitting. The biggest issue is the fence and the tree line on the east side of the site. The residents want privacy and to preserve the trees. Mr. Green stated that he would like to design the fence with their issues in mind. If the neighbors are interested, he would be willing to give 10 feet of his property to the neighbors, which would give the trees to them and enlarge their yards by double, in some cases. Dennis Axburg, AWA Architects, 2518 Belmead Drive, Carrollton, stated that they have tried to be as sensitive as possible to the neighbors. He stated this development would actually give them a better security system. They were also concerned about car headlights. Also, the trees need to be protected. He stated that they have the opportunity to give the residents more yard and they would also have controlling ownership of the trees, and the fence would be on the apartment side. Chairman Obermeyer asked if that 10 feet would be deeded over to the neighbors? Mr. Axberg stated yes, they could deed that to each owner. There are legal issues to be resolved, but that is an option. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24,1999 PAGES Mr. Mike Snarly, AWA Architects, 4724 Yorkshire Trail, Plano, stated that they are changing the topography of the land to drop the buildings nearly 8 feet so that viewing the apartments from the resident's back yards would be the appearance of a two story building (rather than three). He stated that is the concept. Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing. Don Smith, 21 Crockett Ct. stated that this looks like a nice plan. He does have a problem with the tree line. He does not like the location of the fence and the tree line. He is concerned about the headlight glare. He presented a survey of his house. He wants to keep his backyard intact. He wants a brick fence. Bruce Wade, 7 Brewster Ct stated that if they dedicated the 10', they have addressed his concerns regarding the trees. He stated that he is in favor of the request now. He questioned if the land that is at the comer of Chaparral and S.H. 5 is still in Plano city limits. Ms. Diamond stated that the land located south of this property is currently in Plano, and it is currently being considered with a boundary agreement. It would come into the City of Allen as Agriculture Openspace, Chairman Obenneyer asked Mr. Wade his opinion of brick fence instead of wood. Mr. Wade stated that he would like to see a brick fence, but it is not a major issue with him. Brent Yowell, 27 Brewster CL, stated that he is a licensed appraiser. He stated that this would reduce the property value of the residential. He stated that on the tax roll it is noted as commercial property He can see directly into where this is being built, although he does not live directly adjacent to the proposed development. Mr. Yowell stated that the traffic is also a concern. Another concern is the affect of having apartments next to a wine and beer store. What kind of action would this create? Another concern is that there would not be a sufficient buffer. The trees have substantial gaps between them. Also, he doesn't feel this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Open storage is another concern (boats, etc). Privacy is also a concem. Mr. Yowell stated that from the 2 or 3 stories high apartments up on the balcony they could look down into their back yards. He also questioned the height of the fence. He also agrees that wood would deteriorate and would prefer brick. He wants to see the kind of development that the neighbors could be comfortable with. Commission Member Smith asked Mr. Yowell what would he like to see here? Mr. Yowell stated similar to this plan but he noted that a 3rd story is a real problem. Robert Humflet, 1214 Collin Dr., stated that his property abuts up to the fence line. He likes the idea of deeding over the 10 feet including the tree line. That takes care of some of his issues. Security is a concern with him. He stated that with all the trees, brick fence would simply not work. He stated that at the meeting with the residents they discussed the types of fence. He wants to be sure the fence is kept; however, he prefers the "gift" of the trees. He suggested some of the carports have a back to them, as a buffer for sound, etc. He does not like apartments situated only 25' from his property, even if they are one- story. He does like the dropped elevation and the set back of 85 feet. He is uncomfortable and wants assurances in writing. He wants to know what the final results are. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE David Deyo, 1208 Collin Dr., stated that at first he was opposed, but now he is leaning toward being in favor after hearing the proponents comments. Douglas Juul, 25 Crockett Ct., stated that he is not opposed. He is concerned about the fence. He wants something other than wood, something more permanent. Elizabeth Cline, 23 Crockett Court, stated that her fence abuts against this property. Her concern is the tree line and height. She stated that 85 feet tapering down is a better plan. She stated that she is also concerned about traffic. She feels this will make traffic a lot more hazardous. She is concerned about additional apartments in this neighborhood district. She did state that this plan is somewhat better with the 85 feet and the step down elevation, she does understand that something has to go there. She'd like it to be developed as a park. Chairman Obermeyer read a letter from Bill Davidson, Davidson Car Care who is in favor of the apartments. Jeffrey Holl, 12 Brewster Ct., stated that the trees fall in his property line. He is opposed to the 3 story. The impact of his living environment will be compromised. He is concerned with lights and car alarms at night as his bedrooms are at the back of his house, which abuts this property He does not want a wood fence. Eugene Meyers, 1201 Collin Dr., stated his concern is also the type of fencing being planned. One reason is for noise and one for durability. He commended the architects for listening to the neighbors and coming up with an alternate plan. With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commission Member Pacheco stated that it seems the proponent has met several of the concerns. Mr. Green responded to the concerns of the speakers. He stated that the fence was talked about at length at the meeting Tuesday night. He noted the cost of the fence. It would be three to four hundred thousand dollars for a brick fence. He suggested maybe a combination of wood and brick. Mr. Saarty stated that there are now some new products on the market that would give a permanent and solid fence and accomplish what the residents want Mr. Green stated that they are working on this issue very hard. Commission Member Pacheco stated that the only recurring concern was the fencing. He stated he would like to hear from Mr. George Conner about the traffic concerns. Commission Member Kelley stated that he hears that the residents are much in favor of the land with the trees being dedicated to them. Mr. Green stated that he understands that that would add more property value. Mr. Conner stated that the current status is that they are in the process of connecting to a six -lane asphalt. A traffic signal will be installed at Jupiter and Chaparral within the next few months They are working with Plano for the SH5 and Chaparral intersection. There will be an inter -local agreement and it is being studied PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE { Mr. Conner stated that Chaparral may be extended further east. The engineering is being studied at 1 the present time. Chaparral will not be a six -lane divided street until Plano commits to build their portion, which is currently parkland in Plano. Mr. Peter Tian addressed the concern regarding SH5 and Chaparral He stated that is in the City of Plano and TxDOT's control. Mr. Conner stated that the staff is working with City of Plano that would define whose responsibility which roads are. Commission Member McGregor suggested that if there is a density issue he'd like to address that before we further discuss fence issues. Mr. Green stated that he is presenting a quality/class "A" development. He stated that there is no logic for reducing the density He stated that costs go up every year, and it is hard to make these apartments work. He stated that you don't want second class apartments or retail. Mr. Green stated that they have to do something that works financially. It will not work for the reduced amount of units. It is still 16 units per acre. Commission Member McGregor stated that he is basing this on the Comprehensive Plan. It does have a basis. He stands by the logic of the Comprehensive Plan. He wants to be able to keep tabs on the number of units in this neighborhood district. Floyd Dusler, Green & Associates, made some comments about the Comprehensive Plan and percent of neighborhood district. Ms. Diamond stated that the Comprehensive Plan states that the total number of units remaining is 267 (Medium and High Density). Mr. Green stated that the last thing you want is medium density units. He is following as close as they can. He stated that they chose to stay at 352, and that would work well. Commission Member Kelley stated that he tends to agree with the proponent that we want a class A complex. He would be supportive of reducing the 3 story units; however, with the topography alterations and the deeding of the property to the east, that is a reasonable compromise. He stated that this is a plan he can support. Commission Member Kerr stated that he is not comfortable with the density Commission Member Smith questioned the 10 feet deeding to the residents. Would this cause the density to go up? She asked Mr. Green if would he be willing to drop any units if they kept the 10 feet? Mr. Green stated no, they simply cannot. Maybe they could drop a building? He's not sure. Commission Member Smith questioned Jason Marshall, of the City Attorney's Office about the deeding of the 10 feet. Mr. Marshall stated that it would benefit both the apartments and the residents. They do have the ability to do that It would have to be replatted at some point in time. Some discussion continued regarding the deeding of the 10 feet of property. Commission Member Kerr agreed that it would have to be platted. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE Mr. Marshall stated that he agrees with Commission Member McGregor that if the density is an issue, the other points/concerns are mute. Commission Member Smith continued and stated that she is comfortable with Mr. Green reducing a building and reducing units She again questioned Mr. Green about the type of fence material that would be used. Commission Member Kelley stated that a masonry fence to close to the trees could kill the trees. He also stated that density seems to be the main issue here. Commission Member Smith stated she would rather see the density reduced than the dedication of the 10 feet. She stated that in the Comprehensive Plan this has been identified as appropriate for multi -family, based on the surrounding areas. She stated that the proponent has met the set back recommendation. She stated that she lives in an apartment complex, in the back section and it is very quiet and there is no trash and no boats. The management maintains it very well, so those issues do not concern her. Chairman Obertneyer questioned eliminating a story on the eastern units. What would that do for the density? Mr. Saarty gave another scenario for eliminating the third story units on the ends of the building to reduce the density and the mass of the building Chairman Obermeyer stated that maybe this should be tabled for further review. Commission Member Pacheco stated that he is very concerned about the density on this complex. He wants the best multifamily complex that can be achieved. He is willing to give up his concerns regarding the density to insure a quality development. He would much rather have a class "A" complex and higher density Commission Member Kelley questioned the boundaries of this neighborhood district. Ms. Diamond described the boundaries. Commission Member Kelley stated that sometimes we get hung up on density issues when there are other factors to consider, regardless of what the Comprehensive Plan recommends, based on individual situations. Why does density rule? Chairman Obermeyer asked the proponent if they could come back with another workable suggestion? Mr. Saarty stated that they could redesign the architecture of the buildings for more of a softer look. The fence was again discussed. Mr Saarty stated that they would keep the concerns of the residents in mind when designing the fence. (Save the trees, solid and durable). Mr. Saarty stated that all three sides of the property would he fenced. He stated that all along the property will have a berm and be nicely landscaped. Chairman Obertneyer stated that he believes we need the proponents to come back with a plan showing the revisions we are requesting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24,1999 PAGE Ms. Diamond stated that the applicant needs to revise the site plan and the development regulations and resubmit for review. The applicant stated that he is agreeable. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 1 OPPOSED to Table the item. Commission Member McGregor was Opposed. The Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARING Wal-Mart Agenda Item V Chairman Oberneyer read the agenda item into the record as follows: "Consider a request to amend Tract 1 of Planned Development No.54, for Corridor Commercial uses. The property is 31.249 f acres of land located in the L.K. Peguses Survey, Abstract No. 702, and the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas; being further described as located at the northwest comer of Exchange Parkway and U S. 75 " Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that PD 54 was established in 1992 and various amendments have recently been approved. She further noted that in 1997 an amendment to Tract 2 of this PD was approved to allow for the construction of Presbyterian Hospital, just to the south of the current request area. Ms. Diamond stated that Dal Briar Corporation is requesting amendments to allow for construction of a Wal-Mart Super Center with ancillary uses. Ms. Diamond stated that the development regulations regarding setbacks, architectural design elements, screening, landscaping, exterior lighting, etc., have been brought forward from the existing PD 54 Ordinance. She described the exterior of the building and noted those materials similar in appearance to the Presbyterian Hospital (such as brick), to the south of this tract, would be more compatible with the surrounding developments. Ms. Diamond stated that conditions relative to various street improvements have been specified to these Development Regulations, including various rights-of-way to be dedicated for US 75, Exchange Parkway and deceleration lanes to facilitate traffic movements. The western access point to this tract will be via a mutual access easement with the property to the west. This driveway has been located to line up with the driveway serving the hospital to the south. Prior to the certificate of occupancy for this Wal-Mart Super Center, the owner shall fund and install a left turn lane and a signal light at this driveway on Exchange Parkway The relocation of Curtis Road is also addressed in the Development Regulations. Staff is recommending that the elevations be revised to indicate that the exterior of the building be brick, with other masonry materials such as concrete and stucco being limited to architectural accent only Tom Galbreath, Dunaway & Assoc., 1501 Merrimac Circle, Suite 100, Ft. Worth, stated that there is a small stream on the property and is considered by the government to be protected waters. That means ,i that they are required to maintain the stream in a natural type environment. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1999 PAGE 10 Mr. Galbreath also addressed the architecture. He stated that hejust recently became aware of staff's recommendation for a brick exterior. He would like to come back with some additional options. He stated that brick would emphasize the size of the building instead of scale it down. He explained a Super Center versus the regular version of Wal-Mart. He stated that there would be 60,000 square feet of grocery added for a Super Center. Mr. Galbreath stated that Wal-Mart has compactors and no dumpsters. He stated that generally they are exceeding all the landscaping requirements. He does not want it mandated that it be all brick. He stated that there mother creative things they can do He recognizes that it needs to be more than just the regular look of Wal-Mart in this location. He stated that they have dedicated 41 feet, and that the additional dedication is for right tum lane. He requested flexibility on the setback for lot 4 from 100 ft. to 50 ft. because of all the requirements the City has made from them regarding tum lanes, and ROW dedication. Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Charles Neice, representing Twin Creeks Managing Company, stated that they £eel the Super Center would be a positive for their property He stated that they are comfortable with what is being presented. Commission Member Smith addressed the 50 -ft. setback versus a 100 -ft. setback on Lot 4. Mr. Conner clarified that the additional 11 feet the City is requiring is only from the southern driveway to Exchange Parkway Mr. Galbreath stated that he was unaware of that. Commission Member Smith questioned what is planned to the north of this property. Ms. Diamond stated that it is agriculture at this time; however the Comprehensive Plan shows this as Corridor Commercial uses. Commission Member Smith stated that she does not support the reduced setback. Mr. Galbreath stated that because of the additional ROW he has given up half a million dollars. He was hoping that would help in getting a reduced setback. Commission Member Kerr questioned what type of business could go on those lots. Mr. Galbreath stated business such as a service station, retail, and specialty restaurants. Commission Member Kerr stated that to soften the architecture would give some depth to the budding. He's not so concerned about the brick/stucco issues. He also stated that as soon as we reduce the setbacks, everyone would want it; however, he appreciates all that they are giving up. Commission Member Kelley wondered about the parking lot and about trees and islands. Ms. Diamond stated that the ordinance is not specifically written requiring the islands and trees; however, the trees should be dispersed throughout the parking lot area. Mr Galbreath stated that he could come up with some islands in the center of the parking lot. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 24,1999 PAGE 11 Chairman Oberneyer stated that it seems it would be an added safety feature to add the trees, it would possibly slow the traffic. Commission Member Kelley stated that he likes the softer look of the architecture; however, he would be reluctant to impose any conditions to the zoning. Commission Member McGregor stated that he is in favor of the deceleration lane. He questioned the location of the lane. Peter Tian explained the opening and the distance. Commission Member McGregor stated that he also likes the softer version. His biggest concern was traffic and that is now resolved. Mr. Conner reviewed the TxDOT study being conducted in McKinney at this time. He stated that he has requested that they also look at Allen. Commission Member Pacheco asked Mr. Galbreath if he is sure he is satisfying the requirements for the stream. Mr. Galbreath stated that he is sure. Mr. Conner described the road abandonment that would take place when development occurs. Twin Creeks and Wynn Jackson will put an all weather surface on Curtis Lane. Commission Member Pacheco asked which way the building on lot 4 would face? Mr. Galbreath referred Commission Member Pacheco to his hand out and stated that it would face the freeway Commission Member Pacheco stated that he is not concerned about the architecture He does like the softer version. Chairman questioned if any other locations were considered for Wal-Mart. Mr. Galbreath stated that this is the only place. Chairman Obermeyer stated that he likes the softer version and wants it to look less like a Wal-Mart than the normal versions. He stated that the softer version is the very least he would accept. Commission Member Kelley noted that he has found in the ordinance about the requirement of the trees in the parking lot. Mr. Galbreath stated that he would incorporate that requirement. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approved the request as submitted with the stipulation that the building would be a softer look (alternative elevation presented) and that the parking lot would be broken with trees, and that the deceleration lane will require an additional 11 feet of right-of-way only from the southern driveway of U.S. 75 to the intersection of Exchange Parkway. The Motion Carried. Findings 1. Appropriate land use. 2. Willing to modify building ft;ade. 3. Concerns addressed. 4. Additional ROW obtained. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION NNE 24, 1999 PAGE 12 Other Business Agenda Item VI. None. Adioum. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the June 24, 1999 meeting at 11:10 p.m. TYPE MOTION HERE: �9 Th sen 6'u �d t 'g 73 � day of G ' � _ ss0 n airman Pamela Smith;So ary I I